Firing from cover in EP

So I'm GMing Eclipse Phase for the first time and I read that firing from cover gives a -10 modifier... Why?

Maybe ask /epg/?

saw your thread on /k/, but i agree with the other guy, ask epg and decide for yourself if their answer is bullshit and if you should just houserule that away.

Because there's stuff in the way and because you're distracted by trying not to get hit/staying crouched down/not exposing yourself.

Since when does stuff get easier by doing them in a more awkward position/with an obstructed view/while being shot at?

TY, I've been trying to find it for the longest time
>Because there's stuff in the way.
Vision doesn't seem to be a problem when all weapons come equip with a smartlink camera that can let you see around corners.

This is a pretty dumb answer. Firing from cover isn't harder than firing while standing in the middle of a field -- in fact, it's probably easier, since you're not getting torn to shreds by enemy fire while you stand out in the open for them.

Firing from cover, not firing through it.

Most people either aren't aware of that rule or purposefully ignore it

Anyway a -10 is practically nothing in a game where it's easy to stack positive modifiers that a skill of 60 is a chance to hit of 90 or better

It is easier, because you can use the cover to help stablize your rifle

Yes. And successfully shooting what you're aiming at is, from prone supported, or even prone unsupported, always easier than firing from a standing or kneeling position.

I'd say the quick, easy answer to OP's question is that it's a game balance thing and there has to be some tradeoff for using cover. You fucking munchkin. ;)

>I'd say the quick, easy answer to OP's question is that it's a game balance thing and there has to be some tradeoff for using cover.

That's retarded. Using cover is common sense, the game balance tradeoff is that you have to be behind a physical object to take advantage of it.

Try firing a rifle while standing straight up, then fire the rifle while resting it on a (figurative or literal) chest-high wall.

See which one is easier.

The error in your logic is clear and simple. Firing from cover is not in fact easier then firing from a static position in a field. Otherwise for training, you would always firing from behind cover. Or if you were target shooting in the olympics, someone would bring portable cover to allow easier shots. Basically, if it was EASIER, they would use it for the most basic of tasks with said activity.

Now that being said, firing from cover is far better then firing from an open position while UNDER FIRE yourself. It promotes a sense of safety that being in the open cannot. It also gives you a better chance to return fire after suffering a volley, or burst of automatic fire. Therefore improving the chances of getting a shot.

These are not the same thing.

You are a moron.

>Otherwise for training, you would always firing from behind cover.
You mean like when you fire, prone, supported by fucking sandbags?

source: went through basic training, fired an M16A4 prone, supported by fucking sandbags

This isn't reddit, fag-fuck.

Everything you said is so fucking stupid I can't tell if you're trolling.

Are you high?

As someone in the military, let me just go ahead and say its 100% easier to fire from being crouched and being able to stabilize the weapon on something than just standing and firing.
The biggest fucking impediment to firing accurately is your helmet and plate carrier.

Real answer:
It's an arbitrary penalty because your dealing with writers who have no idea how firing guns actually works.

Similar to how Piazo made weapon cords a standard action to use because a fat ass in his office chair could do it well with a mouse cord.

I wish I was kidding

*could NOT do it well

I am not familiar with the weapon cord thing, please explain?

Used to be a swift action to grab a dropped weapon with a cord on it, Piazo, having a passion for fucking Martial classes(see non magic classes) made the Decision, in all their wisdom, to change it to a move action(double checked and I made a mistake) because "lmao my non trained ass can't do it with a mouse cord, obviously trained fighters can do it quickly"

No one was happy

Sorry bud. Just trying to help the guy out.

Maybe chill out a bit before posting again.

... 4e would probably just let you spend a minor action to pick up your weapon... And not make disarming a thing (rather you would get hit with a disabling strike, get -2 to all attacks for a turn cycle, because why should the monk and cleric not get fucked by "disarming" attacks, just because they can't drop their implements of war.

Pathfinder is shit, and Piazo are awful writers/developers, breaking news.

Also a member of the military, when crouched you can use your legs to form bone support, which is impossible to do standing, since you can't jam your elbows into your ribs.
Personally I crouch and sit on my back foot, leaning forward, a bit awkward to some but damn it keeps me stable.

I never get why people get up in arms over disarming or called shots being missing from a game. All I've ever seen that shit do is slow down a game with a few extra checks happening, never get used cause the penalties were to high, or constantly get used because the penalties were not high enough and the additional effects were neatly debilitating.

It also leads to the stupidest shit like the dedicated nuts shot guy or professional disarmed being a system sanctified character design through extras buffing up the ability or reducing on it, or standard specialization skills.

Same i can fire from sitting on my foot too, but most people cant. I should also add, the absolute worst fucking thing for aiming is the NVG mount. That shit right there will throw you the fuck off.
Just curious what grip do you use from the crouch? I've been c gripping a lot lately and getting better results.

I use C grip for everything except standing. I've mixed between C and Olympic there, whatever is comfortable in the moment.
Nvg is ez pz with a peq. Just point the dot and fire. Never got the headache people talked about. I was quite comfortable.

Because it's assumed your ducking and firing making the use of cover to not get shot

>Blind fire.
Why couldn't you just state that to get the negative modifier and an extra cover bonus?

I'm honestly surprised i don't see c grip more often, i switched like a year back, and the difference is noticeable, maybe most people don't have the wrist strength/mobilty for it.
Olympic i might have to give a try at.
>tfw in an absolute shit company that doesn't give out peqs and im one of three guys who even has an ACOG.
Life is suffering senpai. Boutta get that interpost transfer for that there a-stan tho because my bde did such shit at NTC they wouldn't let us deploy.

My favorite in that regard is shadowrun that has flechette ammo with more damage and less penetration than regular rounds. How the mighty fall...