Other urls found in this thread:

the board is set.

>increasing the speed, transparency and the end-to-end tracking of cross-border payments

>end-to-end tracking

>all those pathetic rippletards


Probably has more to do with hyperledger but LINK will directly interface with that so we can still be hopeful

This is just me speculating, Not sure if screen came out nice, but see the boxes in the middle. - observer, tracker directory.

Look awfully like CL cubes.

is there any chance they can choose ripple ?


This is just me speculating, But open the article, and check the GPI Concept. see the boxes in the middle. - observer, tracker directory.

Look awfully like CL cubes.

> feel comfy now


Interesting listening to these jewz


I'm glad i sold my bags are .35

I have a little more then 1k LINK bought between 0.19€ and 0.30€.

Will I make it?

Im part of the Linkmarines since long

Any one have LTC Helix's rank list?

Holy shit! They're finally adopting Ripple!

guys help me to chose a kitchen for my new apartament after link moons today :)

>Swift adopts Ripple =/= tiny sliver of the pie.
Swift adopts Chainlink =/= substantial piece of a much larger pie.

Bottom most middle looks nice.


Are we mooning yet?


Back to 35 cents.


You should hire an interior designer with your link fortune.

hyperledger. not LINK. party cancelled. sorry guys

Made me look

Nothing whatsoever to do with Chainlink.

This is about GPI, and the only crypto associated with GPI is Swift's own Hyperledger Fabric.
And this tweet isn't even about that.

Let me help you out

guess what LINK works with, dingus

i'm ready for the top 5 on CMC


really makes me hmmmm

in case you're sergey.

Swift explicitly said it's not even sure it's going to use Fabric for GPI.
Hyperledger is a very big project, if Swift decided not to use Fabric for their GPI it wouldn't mean anything.

Again, this has pretty much nothing to do with Chainlink.

Pic related (in the red box) is what Swift wants to use Chainlink for. It's almost word for word the description of Chainlink's demo at Sibos.
Pic related was published after Sibos btw.
It means Swift thinks Chainlink is pretty damn important.

Your mother has nothing to do with chainlink