Why aren't you playing Age of Sigmar?
The General's Handbook fixed EVERYTHING
Why aren't you playing Age of Sigmar?
The General's Handbook fixed EVERYTHING
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>The General's Handbook fixed EVERYTHING
No it didn't. At best it stopped the bleeding.
It needs a couple more years of real model releases, convention and tournament organizers modifying and cleaning its rules system, and fanbase/community development nation wide before its anywhere close to being fully "fixed".
All the Handbook did was make the game actually be a "real game" for the majority of the wargames audience that buys GW.
can a unit of weak archers engaged in the front with bloodthrister shoot a lone mage that is 12 of them as they dont care about BT at all ?
I don't thik that archers would survive even half turn before beign obliterated by the bloodthirster.
fuck this bait meme thread
Correction 9th age fixed everything.
Sorry, but I prefer original content
Because it's still a shit game with shit lore and ugly models.
Also, the community is cancerous as fuck. I'm glad the game exists as a containment zone for you guys. Never have I seen such a concentration of people who will literally jeer at and insult people for playing something other than their game.
>Also, the community is cancerous as fuck. I'm glad the game exists as a containment zone for you guys. Never have I seen such a concentration of people who will literally jeer at and insult people for playing something other than their game.
the aos community is the exact opposite of this
It brought back decent fluff and made the bad new models good? Impressive.
you have never been to /aosg/ have you?
I've been visiting aosg for months and it has never been anything but civil and inviting. It is by far the best general on Veeky Forums
Wait, are you the guy that goes there just to "kick your piss in" and got laughed out of the thread?
im actually looking forward to playing it with the new points. it looks like a really laid back game i can play with my buddies over a few beers when we don't feel like playing a game of 9th age/ warmachine / malifaux
It's actually essence of this.
Does it fix the atrocious lore?
>warmachine / malifaux
>implying average AoS game shorter than average malifaux/warmahordes
>Why aren't you playing Age of Sigmar?
Did Veeky Forums find it's own Todd?
>It is by far the best general on Veeky Forums
It's not.
AoS players are absolutely venomous.
They take every opportunity to shill their shit game, and if you tell them you're fine with what you play, they either nag you for ages, sneer and jibe at you passive-aggressively for the rest of ever, or actually start an argument right there.
They very clearly look down on people playing other games, for no reason that I can discern. You cannot comprehend how happy I am that the game appears to have been a sponge for all the shittiest people in the hobby, so they can be shit together, away from me.
>it has never been anything but civil and inviting.
Is there some bizzaro world AoS general i don't know about? i like AOS but the general is so cancerous, even talking about the game is taken as shitposting.
100% This, and it's fucking lame as once again, i actually enjoy the game but Veeky Forums's community is garbage
>Veeky Forums's community is garbage
Not just an AoS problem.
>thinking i care about the time a game takes compared to the ease of playing the game
sometimes you just wana roll dice, senpai
And that's why Yahtzee was invented.
>to the ease of playing the game
Seriously? Now even Malifaux so hard4Warhammer players?
Also, X-wing.
The main reason I don't play it is because I like the Brets, and I find AoS's lore vague and confusing.
I could've lived with the meh rules if I found the universe interesting, but instead it feels like a vague attempt at an epic myth battle for the end of the world, completing the Ragnarok ripoff with eight realms. The names are weird, what little was brought from WFB feels out of place, and it just doesn't have the history behind it WFB does.
Every thread, no matter how weird, thinks they're good and self contained, since they're surrounded by kindred spirits.
will it fix my marriage?
all these people mad they cant have fun playing with toy soldiers with the same game system other people are having fun with :^)
Yeah, I know, AoS players sure like to rage and spit venom about how other people are playing different games.
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
Yep, that's Veeky Forums alright.
So AoS is the new Warmachine? Good to know.
>Every thread, no matter how weird, thinks they're good and self contained, since they're surrounded by kindred spirits
See: /wbg/
Does every game still end up with all the miniatures in one big heap in the middle?
I've heard AoS is just a big brawl
>Why aren't you playing Age of Sigmar?
I'am. Stop bullying me senpai.
>The General's Handbook fixed EVERYTHING
It fixed alot of things but not all of them.
Still AoS is thriving in my community. We've got at least 5 new players here. Start collecting boxes really helped.
>Blamiing Veeky Forums in everything
I see you Matt.
Because the fluff is shit, and I'm a "Your Dudes" kinda guy.
And all the AoS players where I am seem to be strangely paranoid shills about it "No, no, its actually really good! Please! Believe me! I'm not crazy!"
It's still boring streamlined shit.
And all the new models are fucking horrible. Horrible!
First and foremost, the fluff is absolute shit, lower-than-garbage tier, sub-teenage fancrap.
Had they not scrapped the fluff I might play it.
Secondly, the removal of anything that allows for customization of the units, making them clones, is just sad. As well as the squatting of TK and Brets.
Thirdly, the magic system in 8e was definitely out of hand, but it didn't need to be dumbed down THAT much.
Age of Sigmar is... fine, I guess. I have a few friends who play it and its fun enough when I playing with them.
I think that anyone who wants a truly satisfying game of tactics and strategy need to look elsewhere. That stuff DOES exist in AoS but not nearly enough to justify any serious play.
Age of Sigmar is better for the more hobby oriented people I think, I enjoy building and painting quite a bit so its an ok game that goes with my hobby.
As for the fluff, ya... GW fluff has never been amazing on the whole. The reason I think that old fantasy and 40k are seen in such better light is because they've been going on for so long that they've had time to accumulate decent bits of fluff that's grown over the years. Give AoS 30+ years and I guarantee it'll be just as good as old fantasy.
I doubt it will be as good as old fantasy without a huge overhaul. Fantasy wasn't always great, but it had a solid basis to it. AoS fluff is like a rickety tower built on a fetid swamp. Its fluff is like some sort of prequel fluff to an actual real setting.
>Age of Sigmar is... fine, I guess
>I think that anyone who wants a truly satisfying game of tactics and strategy need to look elsewhere
>again this false dichotomy about "fun straight opposite of gameplay"
>Age of Sigmar is better for the more hobby oriented people
Because hobby oriented people love to buy overpriced bad WoW models?
>Give AoS 30+ years and I guarantee it'll be just as good as old fantasy.
>implying AoS or GW will survive in the next 30 years
Shill, please.
>The General's Handbook fixed EVERYTHING
pic related
It's not like the Old World didn't go through many retcons, big and small. 1e was practically Moorcock, it was nothing like 3e, which in turn was nothing like 6e (my preferred edition), which was sorta like 8e, but with a definite thematic difference.
I don't like AoS, but I can't say that it'll never be good.
I disagree, their IS potential. if they could explain what the 8 realms where, what the people living in each one was like, the cultures and histories etc. it could be a decent backdrop for all the war's that are going on, its not that, but their's no real reason they couldn't do it.
>1e was practically Moorcock,
Not Moorcock, only one Moorcock world and it was the same as 3e world.
>I disagree, their IS potential
Nope, go away shill, genre is full of generic multiverses.
>The General's Handbook fixed hundred dollar boxes with three cavalry models
>The General's Handbook fixed ridiculously overdesigned new sculpts
>The General's Handbook fixed the shitty new lore and the squatting of the Tomb Kings
It really hasn't fixed everything, but I also can't argue that AoS isn't going to stick around a while longer. It's not dying at any rate.
WFB, on the other hand, has more in the way of holdouts than diehard fans.
>It's not dying at any rate.
Say it to FFG.
Does it make armies actually look like armies and make playing as TK or Brets viable compared to the guy who shoves a giant centerpiece kit on to the table? Does it get rid of the ability for bases to overlap, and penalize you for putting your models on taller bases so I can freely model to my hearts content, while rewarding those who model their figures army crawling and with outstretched weapons?
Either way, the balance and core mechanics, as a result of next to no playtesting, are still inferior to other fantasy skirmish games on the market. I will just play Malifaux for now desu. The designers for that game seem to actually know what they are doing.
wow, sure showed me. good job.
What do you mean by that? I honestly know shit about FFG's relationship with AoS.
i wouldn't know there are 0 AoS players in my area , i only know people who buy the models for proxies , i wouldn't mind checking out the rules but i dont want to spend £20 (rulebook and the armybook which is all i need to play) when i cant find anyone else to play with, i would prefer to play the game before shitting on it.
Why give us 8 half-assed worlds when one good one would be better.
Also if you think the current fluff model suggests that they will go into cultures and histories you are delusional.
Good fantasy settings need to have themes thought out to tell the certain kinds of stories you want to tell in those fantasy settings.
Age of Sigmar's theme is "how can we kill our old setting, but keep enough in so people will still buy our old models until we can get the new models out."
Right down to the copyrightable names, AoS fluff is based around making GW money.
It's okay user, I see threads on Veeky Forums dedicated to Warcraft fluff.
Veeky Forums is full of tons of kids like you with awful taste in fantasy. You'll get older one day, expand your horizons, and laugh about these times.
I play Daemons. Rolling 9+ on 2d6 just to deep strike is retarded.
To be fair, there were (and perhaps still are, I haven't checked) Dark Souls lore threads. Mostly people just come here when videogame boards don't care about what they're discussing or aren't fun for discussion.
It's funny how you call him a kid for liking wrong kind of fantasy while in reality all fantasy is for children or idiots
get off your high horse
I claimed that their was potential, whether or not they act on that is yet to be seen, will they? who the fuck knows, all they need is one decent black library author to do so. And yes, I know many people will say its impossible and nothing good will ever come from it, and that may very well be true. But nobody actually knows since, last time I checked, we haven't figured out how to see into the future yet.
When did I say I liked it? All I claimed was potential for something decent. Oh, but I forgot. You've probably never had a conversation with an adult before, so instead of discussion, you would rather fling shit at each other, my bad.
What a faggot you are
>inb4 pretending
[citation needed]
1. Thousands of vets quit playing GW games altogether the day after this massive Fuck You I'm Outta Here from Tom Kirby comes out.
Fix that, GW.
2. Thousands more now support GW's direct competitors in reaction to this turd dropping the way it did.
Fix that, GW.
3. Adding the GHB to the retardedly overpriced "starter bundle" price tag raises the cost of entry for Premium Plastic Fightan Statues(tm) to $200.
Fix that, GW. tl;dr:
>with NEW points values!
Why are people still holding on to this shit? Move on with your lives. WHFB was never good, 9th age hasn't fixed anything, AoS is rubbish. Go play something else.
Veterans, pssh. What are they good for? They don't buy new things, and cling to the old things and remind people that GW is flawed.
I player fantasy 8th and this sounds more than the old fantasy people than the new players.
ITT: A bunch of assmad GW fanboys fall hard for obvious bait and complain that their niche game (which failed) has been supplanted by something with wider market appeal.
Face it, AoS is here to stay, and it's growing at a nice clip. Unlike WHFB, which was an albatross around GW's necks.
I'm glad that AoS came out and made the vast majority of WHFB fanboys weep tears of betrayal and frustration. You guys are what make the hobby so unapproachable. I can only hope GW does something similar with 40k and I can get back to enjoying my stupid game of plastic army dudes without you losers infecting it with your grognard ways.
>Because the fluff is shit, and I'm a "Your Dudes" kinda guy.
AoS is fine for that, I can't promise the community won't put you off. I've seen a kid move his closest model forwards exactly as far as it could move and then use it as the back row then declare and roll for his run and do the same but try and jump his first model an extra inch but on the your dudes thing you're fine.
For what it's worth I abandoned the 40kg when that Tau FAQ came out as the level of spite some Anons had over the tank shock can kill an anchored walker thing was too off putting. Never had that problem with AoS but I haven't been keeping up with it so maybe it's plummeted since than.
We tried the game out using the GHB, exactly as it described it. As a framework with points... or wounds.. or whatever man...
And it worked out great. We kept somewhat in line of points, but more importantly, we actually red the scenario before we did the lists, and made sure we placed our lists flat on the table before deployment and took a good overview. We made sure we both had some basic stuff, some artillery, some cavalry and some heroes in a somewhat fair balance when accounting for the scenario bonuses.
In all truth, I don't see what retards there is out there who couldn't play the game without points at all, and now think its "fixed".
>Age of Sigmar
This is from Alliance 2016. Pure fucking cancer:
>What do you mean by that?
Since FFG stealing from GW casual market all GW games dying.
>I claimed that their was potential
>Face it, AoS is here to stay, and it's growing at a nice clip.
[citation needed]
Fuck this shit, I'm still playing 8th edition fantasy and i love it.
Also pissed that the lizardmen are basically killed off in AoS fluff since I have an army of almost entirely old-school models that I fucking love.
Some people just want a game set in a standard high fantasy sword and sorcery setting (Elves and Dwarves and shit without giant steampunk robots being the focus) simulating large scale battles between two customizable armies. If Malifaux and Warmachine had any of that and your dudes I would switch in a heart beat, but they don't.
Kings of War is pretty fun though. The setting isn't much, but the rules are good and you can use any figures you want.
>something with wider market appeal.
Excuse me, but thought market need simple, not primitive game.
Did it end TLOS?
Then it didn't.
AoS is not fine for that since it killed off My Dudes and replaced their lore with something nauseating.
Then just headcanon that your dudes all fucking died
Or just play 9th Age and be in a non canon alternative dimension
>this autism
>near NaruSaku
pick 2
>claim AoS is fine for your dudes
>get btfo
>w-well you're just autistic
>literally just joined the thread
wew lad, that's some paranoia
>Or just play 9th Age and be in a non canon alternative dimension
That's a funny way of saying 'different game'.
>w-why can't you tell I'm a different person?
>we're a-anonymous?
>that's not like my reddit at all!
>Damn you GW. Damn you for FORCING me to play AoS
Storm of Chaos still exists as a parallel timeline of sorts.
Yeah this is right - if you see how the new Runelore or Battle lore or something lore it basicly rapes AoS so hard - it is simple yet has more in common with wfb then AoS ever will - GW days as GAMING (not miniatures) company are over
What about whfb9e, by armies project?
The 8'th edition was fucking terrible. I stopped playing and buying WHFB because I waited for GW to unfuck their game.
If you like the oldschool models, and lore and simply enjoy the game. Go have yourself a blast man. Because, frankly, thats what this game is all about, having fun with friends and building amazing armies that you can be proud of fielding.
If you however, like many of my friends and people around my community, simply refuses to play AoS for something as childish as "they ruined my game!!!! Ill never try AoS, .NEVER you hear!!!", go kill yourself.
My recommendation, try the game out if you haven't. Use your old minis, its more fun than you would think. At least that was my first experience with it.
GW has experienced no growth since AoS launched. So far it has only had negative effects on their business.
I haven't played it, but I did get some sylvaneth models because I find them absolutely gorgeous.
Picture related.
I also find the Sylvaneth lore pretty neat.
I never had really any interest in Fantasy gameplay wise, and while I did find the setting intriguing, I was not invested in it in any way, so it's death doesn't really bother me.
So far, judging from what we have heard and seen on market value and budget releases.
Then again, we will always have speculators on both sides of the fence, having no real insight on the matter, still wanting to voice their opinion as facts, such as yourself.
Last I heard a guy say that WHFB made less than paints and brushes in the last years, as no one bought shit from it. And that AoS actually sold, not as much as anticipated by GW, but it sold way better than WHFB had in years.
No it's not. The AoS mentality is about as bad as LoL.
Because KoW is better.
stop spreading lies
Even IRL the only AoS player I know is a litteral autist who gets angry when you say you don't want to play his shitty game.
>my anecdotal experience with one person is indicative of the playerbase as a whole
Yeah nah fuck off m8
But there is no other playerbase my dude.
9th is "meh" Almost good, but not quite.
Magic is still way too strong.
Why should spears get armour piercing??
Originally Storm of chaos was the real thing and end of times was the parallel.
>niche game
Moron, WHFB was a top 5 selling game in North America until GW screwed it up.
AoS only exists because GW assumed its fans were mindless drones who would buy any shit they put out. The models are awful and so overpriced they make WHFB look cheap, the fluff is some of the worst I have ever seen.