I was reading through 1D4chan when I found this.
...So then what was the worst RPG ever conceived?
I was reading through 1D4chan when I found this.
...So then what was the worst RPG ever conceived?
Your homebrew.
Time wizards
Racial Holy War
This one. Racial holy war wasn't even funny, while FATAL is still talked about. Check 1d4chan for it.
>trip fag with shit opinions
wew lad
Time wizards seemed fun. Freeform bullshit sure, but good for a laugh no?
Not even close.
>trip fag
Thanks for playing!
"Veterans of 1d4chan and Veeky Forums in general will notice that when we tend to review and, more commonly, openly make fun of shitty RPGs, we still tend to discuss what positive features they have, if any. For example, Ironclaw may be sort of fail, but it works fine once the furries are removed from the setting. Conversely, you have settings which have few directly appreciable features, but are so eminently mockable that one can't help but get a chuckle out of it. Poison'd and references to Esophagus-fucking may be a great example of this phenomenon, though the ur-example remains FATAL, which for all of its hideously broken design, is a fucking singularity of humor that allows for borderline-infinite mockery. Anal Circumference alone has led to countless lulz on Veeky Forums and beyond.
And then you have Racial Holy War, also known as RaHoWa, which has none of these redeeming features."
He seems to be right though.
Also, calling people shit without actually giving any arguments or reasoning is the kind of shit you should take to /b/.
>"trip fag" instead of tripfag
>Calling a namefag without a tripcode a tripfag
>Hating tripfags on Veeky Forums in general, rather than a case by case basis.
Last gasp of summer, eh?
>Siberian games con
>guys shows up with a huge ass dice tower
>explains he has a game that is special because of the strict dice rolling rules
>the first two pages of his RPG are exclusively about how to roll dice using his object
>he includes rules for what happens when the dice are mis-rolled
>he worked on the project for 14 years and did not look at a single other RPG that entire time so as to not spoil his genius
>the rules keep referencing rules that don't exist, such as an Alchemy ingredient table--unclear if they are from an unpublished future supplement or not
>roleplaying is explicitly described as optional
Oh shit 1d4chan has a section on it. Look for VTNL.
Wait, have you been graced by the presence of the wonderful dice-box man?
>the first two pages of his RPG are exclusively about how to roll dice using his object
Holy fuck, you're not even kidding: it's not 'what happens when you roll the dice', but two pages on how to physically roll the dice...
I actually can't decide. Does this mean that FATAL would be the 3th worst game?
pic related after reading about that shit on 1d4chan
I don't know if I want to live in a reality where there are two RPGs worse than FATAL
Black Tokyo. Look it up. I'll wait.
>The new feats include the ability to control others by fapping into their panties, shitting your pants to gain an armor bonus, devouring unfortunate men with your gaping vagina and turning your penis into a mighty spear.
I'm afraid we've opened pandora's box.
Any/every edition.
Just because a fish will eat it, doesn't mean it's bait.
It could just be shit.
they can shitpost at winter as well, just they won't go insane from lack of work
Black Tokyo is mechanically decent.
>Just because a fish will eat it, doesn't mean it's bait.
Indeed, but if it's a retarded post, grown from overgrown memes in order to gain a response, then it is bait.
The expansion to FATAL.
Yes, it exists.
Yes, it's unspeakably bad. I was warned about it. I read (well, skimmed) FATAL and thought I was prepared for the pure unadulterated shit. I wasn't.
Does... Does it have a name?
Dare you say it out loud?
Either RaHoWa, as mentioned, or TimeCube: The RPG (some hold that TimeCube doesn't count, being completely unplayable. It's also less fun to take the piss out of, because it seems like the genuine result of some kind of mental illness as opposed to just edgelordness taken up to 11.)
I remember that there was this 'RPG' where the GM is forced to railroad every detail of the campaign and the players are rewarded XP for breaking out of the GM's railroad.
Can't remember what the game was called though.
That actually sounds like an idea that could be turned into an interesting game.
I'm trying to read the 1d4chan article, but it seems to lack all and any context.
No thread like this is complete without mentioning Hybrid RPG. Now with -361.4Pi+8i% more lucidity!
Sadly it appears to have fallen off the net by and large.
Don't Look Back- Terror Is Never Far Behind.
On the surface, it's a horror movie game (complete with cliche character classes like nerd and cheerleader). The rules are a mess of absolute values and equations, with absolutely no relation to the genre. Because nothing is scarier than a math textbook.
3rd ! Come on that is not hard.
7th Sea, and it was less "PCs are rewarded for going off rails" and more "GMs are expected to autistically plan for literally everything, no improv allowed," because Wick felt that improv GMing was evil and was only done by lazy GMs, lolrandumb GMs, or GMs playing favorites.
Were there any similar rules for players e.g. meta-punishments for being out of character or going against the game's theme? I know 7th Sea was big on cinematic swashbuckling stuff to the point it mechanically reinforced tropes and movie norms. It's no secret Wick dislikes full improv, but forcing the GM to write out everything plot relevant might of been his way of making sure that games stay true to the source material: players don't do stupid shit and GMs have to have a complete story that ticks all the boxes.
I mean, it's still a dumb idea, but it's more reasonable than expecting the GM to plan for literally every contingency up to and including "what if they set this NPC on fire" for every side-NPC.
I know that it wasn't 7th sea.
Ah! Now I remember what it was. It was thinking about "The World of Synnibarr".
It has over 50 characters classes.
Players cannot craft anything that works better then the items in the book because "the people who made it have perfected it over 50,000 years."
It encourages rules lawyering as it rewards players who successfully out lawyer the GM with double XP.
It also does other stuff that makes GM's lives a nightmare.
You can't stay mad at World of Synnibarr. It was everything goofy and silly about the gaming and genre fiction of its time, condensed into a single product and taken 100% seriously. It had more random tables and pointless genre-mashing than Rifts, more classes that you'd never qualify for without cheating than AD&D, and more cringeworthy writing than Deathstalker II. It was practically unplayable, but it was glorious. It was the tabletop RPG based on shit you'd doodle in liner notes as a kid. The "worst RPG ever made" shouldn't make you smile as much as World of Synnibarr does.
wait, so RaHoWa wasn't just banter? I assumed it was made to mock /pol/ or something.
I thought it was hilarious
Black Tokyo's actually not too bad. The rules are straightforward, the mechanics solid. If you're just squeamish about the material, then dare I suggest you stay away from the vast horde of (some quite decently written) actually Japanese ero rpgs?
>It was practically unplayable
No it wasn't. I got way more enjoyment from it than from many supposedly "good" games.
RaHoWa does have one funny quirk to it that is worth mentioning.
The author decided to give all the non-white races stereotype special abilities, but gave whites nothing in return. In the game whites are mechanically inferior to every other race.
Realms of Atlanta deserves an honorable mention. Large chunks of mechanics are missing, the setting is as generic as possible while finding new ways to stuff in stupid ideas, the system combines autistic adherence to realism while failing to make it at all realistic in any way, and the author manages to be incredibly smug throughout the whole thing.
Original thread: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Character creation and example fight: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
RaHoWa predates the board /pol/ by a few years.
Isn't Eoris quite the atrocity? I recall seeing a charsheet for that and it was dots here, dots there, dots everywhere, including emotional stats that also apply to vehicles.
FATAL isn't even really that bad. Moralfags bitch and whine about its muh racism and muh sex but both its racist jokes and sexual content make up less than a single percent of the entire game. The rest is just boring and generic fantasy shit that brings nothing new to the table. FATAL isn't terrible, it isn't shockingly awful, it isn't the worst RPG ever made, it's just the most boring thing in existence.
While Eoris is a postmodernist clusterfuck with weeb art, the vehicle thing is actually a misunderstanding; the PCs are all angels and similar higher beings, and their "vehicles" are all sentient to some extent and have a similar divine spark inside them.
Think less "my motorcycle has FEEEEELINGS" and more "I roll around on a wheel of eyes with twenty-seven names"
"Female" and "hyperbole" go hand-in-hand. This is what my 22 years a slave have taught me.
Slave to what?
It's not that weird.
It's basically hippy Exalted with a d20 dicepool system and an awkward translation.
>FATAL isn't terrible, it isn't shockingly awful
When character creation says to read the whole book to create a character and the book is eight-hundred pages long, you are objectively fucking wrong
What about that really awful cthulutech/d20 Modern homebrew that got storytimed a while back where the author made his self-insert OC god of the multiverse and actively rewrote everything in the universe just to force the PCs to stay on the rails and let his DMPCs take all the glory?
Congratulations on coming out of the closet
>Congratulations on coming out of the closet
I said I had 22 years. I didn't say I ran away.
I'd rather be the nigger in the wood pile than one of them big city coons. Their clothes and manner of speaking are too fancy for me.
While more recent versions resemble a sort of even-more-anally-retentive Rolemaster, the original version I stumbled into while looking for free 'net RPGs back in the late 90s was a crazed clusterfuck of skills with variable learning rates that have to be calculated per-level for every skill, spell lists for Christian clerics, Buddhists, Shintoists etc, and a world-building section which required you to calculate the produced food output of regions in kilojoules per square kilometer.
A morsel of the glory that is QuestFRP, just from the glossary:
>The Learning Rate is a measure of how quickly one can learn a Discipline. It is equal in percentage to the Base Statistics Number rounded to the nearest whole number multiplied by 5.
>For example, if a Character had a 65% Learning Rate in a Discipline, for every 100 base experience points required in the Discipline, 154 (100/.65) experience points would need to be earned.
>There is an experience point conversion table found in the Character development section of the rules.
I've occasionally thought it might make a pretty awesome basis for a vidya, though.
I don't know shit about the setting, but I'm pretty sure character sheets are 15 pages and require a shit ton of d100 and d1000 tables, so no matter what the hell the book is actually about it's just a bad game
>turning your penis into a mighty spear.
It's a rather useful skill.
The 3th is real.
From the Racial Holy War page on 1d4chan:
> For the combat part; you only have 3 generic weapons: a handgun, assault rifle, and shotgun. From here, you can pretty much see how downhill things go for combat: weapon selection is so god damn basic that there's no fun to be had in variety.
>But all this is nothing compared to the biggest problem of all that pretty much breaks the game in half- weapons themselves have no rules or stats, hell, there's not even a rule that explains how to calculate a player's base accuracy. This makes it essentially unplayable as there is no way to tell whether or not your attacks hit an enemy, because of this you can only assume that your weapons are actually imaginary guns that you attempt to materialize by making gunshot sounds with your mouth and positioning your hands like you're holding a gun, which would explain more how you're unable to hit anything at all.
>Although the mental image of the last hope of the "White Empire" being completely incapable of fighting even the weakest enemies is certainly hilarious, it also makes it abundantly clear that the writers simply didn't care enough to even check if their game was complete before printing it out. One wonders if the authors involved with the creation of this game even played a single RPG before trying to make their own.
So is this even more a failure than VTNL or ?
I love these unusable (you know what I mean) game mechanics. What pushes people to make these ? We may never know
>The expansion to FATAL.
The only things outside of the main book are the
neveria main/official setting book
book about monsters
book about gods
and a setting called talitaria
on this setting talitaria, god discovered it existed and then god bored and split himself into 3, one created time, other created space and other something I forgot. Each one them made a god that created one of the earth races.
3 races ( or world area) battle against each other, one of them is NOTusa to the point of some part of the book telling "in X we trust"
>When character creation says to read the whole book to create a character and the book is eight-hundred pages long, you are objectively fucking wrong
Creating a fatal character is ALMOST LITERALLY like creating a vehicle using gurps vehicles book
If we're talking about what the worst RPG is according to 1d4chan, I'm pretty sure they think it's VTNL.
It specifically mentions VTNL "may be the usurper of FATAL's claim to Worst Fucking Roleplaying Game Ever Made."
C0da makes it kirkbride
The FATAL setting pdf, for those interested.
Careful, user. If you speak it, it can hear you.
I think it's World of Synnibarr.
I don't think even Dwarf Fortress has that.
>FATAL isn't even really that bad.
Would you want to play it?
Except that's still D20 Modern. It's not got its own custom horrible ruleset.
Basically it's an RPG based on the principles of the Time Cube, our 8th-Dimensional plane of existence.
Is that zip of the game still around? I need to read it.
>You know that project everyone on Veeky Forums started once we thought we could "do better than that stupid D&D game"? This is it. Only without the point where we stopped.
I need to see this.
>It was the tabletop RPG based on shit you'd doodle in liner notes as a kid.
Personally, I'd say that falls more to Rifts.
Personally, I find Traveller unreadable.
Virt, you already got banned for this once.
That's golden.
>tfw a racial supremacist implies that their race is the worst
All I have is the Character Profile & GM Bible. I don't know if there's any more.
It's not even nicely laid out, it just looks like the guy wrote it up in Word and hit 'export to PDF'.
I think you're thinking of arenemuN.
I'll see myself out, can someone lock the door behind me?
Why *isn't* there an Invisibles RPG?
Not better.
Has anyone ever tried to actually play Eoris?
What was the name of the rpg based on the books about the homosexual alien invasion? They were super pretty and had magical flower dicks that would either kill you or turn you into one of them if they boned you. They were the protagonists.
Generally, they're trying to make a stat that more closely matches a real-life phenomena of some sort, but miss the fact that it makes the math less pleasant to work with and that it isn't worth the loss of generality. Sort of a reverse-AC if you catch my drift, where AC is standing in for a single, simple easy-to-use number that doesn't really "model" anything in particular but does a fantastic job telling you hard someone is to hit for any reason.
I saw a physical copy of it in a local used book store once, so somebody either tried to and hated it or couldn't figure out how to play it.
It's actually spelled "Wraeththu" and it's not as bad as that blurb makes it sound. It's much, much worse.
And only talking could fix problems.
You want the worst rpg? It's easy,
all we have to do is make it.
I'll start:
Your attributes determine the success rate of various actions. There are three: Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence. Roll a 2d6, subtract highest die from lowest for each, these are your attribute scores.
Reminder that there's a german Wraeththu LARP scene.
OK, I'll bite. Lets make a minimalistic rpg.
To do an action roll 1d20 and add your attribute score, compare with a target number.
So... a gay orgy with a cosplay theme, basically?
Target numbers are: 1-5 (very easy) 5-10 (easy) 10-15 (difficult) 15-20 (very difficult) 20-25 (near impossible)
Each 5 you pass or fail the target number by improves/worsens the situation by one step.