Eagle Ordinary - Just Like In the Holo-Vids

Would you reward players for quick-thinking like this, or would you have them make a Characteristic Test first to see if it worked?

Ofcourse, for me it's about role-playing. I hate when someone treats RPGs as a board games in which you only roll dices to determine everything, it sucks out all fun.

Of course you reward him. Give him Fate Point and let him use it right now to suceed or fail and keep it for later use.

>5th panel
>They look like themselves, save for the commissar having ripped, exposed arms.

>6th panel
>The chainsword and the sword suddenly became double sided, the highborn has a mustache and flowing locks, the commissar doesn't have a chestplate or a shirt and a noticeable bulge in his pants.

I'd still make him roll, but I'd add a few extra points to the result without telling him. Pass or fail, I'd mention his performance/purple prose when narrating the NPC's reaction, or give it a verbal nod in their response.

Definitely make him roll, but the player also gets a fate point regardless.

Pass, and the Lord Commissar congratulates him on his decisive action under stress, and commends his decision of better safe than sorry when faced with Xenotech or possible corruption. He perfectly fulfilled his role and it is regretful there wasn't someone there to add nuance.

Fail, and he gets dressed down for being merely acceptable when sometimes the Emperor will demand that a man be MORE than his rank and use his brain to think instead of merely reacting.

Regardless, in for a penny in for a pound and he's now responsible for either making sure it doesn't go screwy, or helping fix his fuckup.

And the reason I shared, is to show WHY I do these rolls, because you have two very different tones set that snowball to make a unique campaign while still having some cohesion.

Of course still make them roll, but bonus XP for RP.

I generally don't refresh Fate Points.

Oh, that actually is a good idea. I ran into this exact situation when I was DM-ing for the first time and I could only think to give the guy 100XP.

I'll reward quick thinking if it's good but sometimes people just blurt out anything because they don't want to roll.

Then what? Do you just give them a penalty for wanting to roleplay it instead of rollplay, or do you still make them roll anyway?

Well done, you spotted the visual metaphor for his embellishment of the story.

You did spot it, right?

No, because the shit that happens in Eagle Ordinary is anti-40k tumblr shit that, while entertaining, doesn't actually belong.

It's a big galaxy, dude.

In the setting of goofy hooligan fungi fighting brightly colored space lizards, hair metal elves who orgied dark god into reality and anime protag blueberries you call something anti-40k?

I'd do both.

Also that comic is pretty fun, thank you for sharing it.

tumblr 40k is best 40k

Well not best, but it's a damn sight better than the dross Veeky Forums produces.

> than the dross Veeky Forums produces

...are you trolling or just retarded?

I didn't notice that bulge without you


he can't

>I didn't notice that bulge without you
Veeky Forums: we not only can spot a pants bulge, but often identify the original source.