Generic medieval fantasy setting

>generic medieval fantasy setting
>there's an EEEVIL kingdom inhabited exclusively by EEEVIL people who spend more time backstabbing each other than doing their jobs
>even the landscape is black and red with spikes
>no, not like Detroit, I've heard that before

The Middle East?


And? What point are you trying to make here?

>not like Detroit
So it's not as bad?



Can be fun to play straight.

>there are gods that are explicitly malevolent in-setting that people worship and align with enough to gain divine power from
>these gods have no positive aspects whatsoever, and the abilities they offer turn their users into shrieking madmen

I know if I was a butthurt psychopathic manchild seeking power to gain petty revenge, I wouldn't turn to an entity even more pathetic than myself to get it. So what's the deal?

Hey, nice to see you, still assblasted by the previous thread ?
He's mad because he cannot comprehend that someone is truely evil, even if the DM says so

New Jersey?

>EEVIL kingdom quickly dies because no one wants to make trade deals with someone guaranteed to be untrustworthy

>the Aztecs were abnormally evil
Remember that time Vlad impaled a few thousand enemy soldiers?

That pic is way too nice and not enough garbage.


Vlad the Impaler was a good man in a bad time, he did nothing wrong.

That actually looks like a really nice place to live. Like, if you could build a 1950's suburb there I would fucking live there.

> Oh, hello user! Listen, I brought back your lawnmower that I borrowed the other day.
> Why thank you neighbor! Say, Me and the Misses are cooking up a barbecue this evening!
> Golly gee, thank sounds fantastic!
> Oh dear, it looks like Little Timmy scrapped his knee on the obsidian monolith of endings...
> Oh no! Listen neighbor, you just stand right there. I'll be back with a band-aid and some home-made lemonade!
> Oh user, what would we do without you?
> Hahahaha

Kill-Waukee ain't that bad, as long as you stay away from burleigh.


Fuckers had it coming

>So what's the deal?

Typically they will offer an easy or at least quick path to power.

Evil is a tangible force that taints the landscape and damages everyone who lives there.
It's like lead poisoning except you don't have to feel bad for the afflicted.

Stop playing D&D, it's real fucking simple, chief.

S-shut up baka desu!

>He's mad because he cannot comprehend that someone is truely evil, even if the DM says so
Actually I'm mad because a society where 100% of the population is actively trying to murder each other every day (EXAMPLE: DROW) could not hold territory in the long term.
At best, such a society would be nomadic raiders living off the resources of others, and even then they would need to agree to work together.
There must be some drow farmers and carpenters and such who do productive things. It can't be all evil all the time, and they can't have literally all work done by slaves, that's unrealistic.

Your anger is reasonable but the answer is simply to stop playing D&D. No other game has alignment or any of the myriad, mindnumbing bullshit that comes with it.

>No other game has alignment
A lot of games have alignment, and the bullshit that comes along with it because they took inspiration from D&D.

To be fair, Drow society literally has a goddess looking out for it. She's the only one holding it together, because their constant backstabbing is funny to her.

>Evil kingdom implodes as it is nothing but a conga line of backstabbing and civil wars for the throne.

>a lot of games
If by that you mean D&D derivatives/clones that are literally based on the D&D ruleset, sure. But I've never encountered a game that wasn't D&D or an obvious spinoff like Pathfinder which used alignment, and I've played pretty much every major game and ocer a dozen smaller ones.
