>$0.02 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$0.04 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$0.08 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$0.16 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$0.32 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$0.64 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$1.28 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$2.56 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$5.12 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$10.24 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$20.48 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$40.96 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$81.92 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$163.84 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$327.68 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$655.36 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$1310.72 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$2611.44 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$5242.88 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$10485.76 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$20971.52 Bitcoins a bubble! We are about to be here.
>$41943.04 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$83886.08 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$1627772.16 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$335544.32 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$671088.64 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$1342177.28 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$2684354.56 Bitcoins a bubble!
>$5368709.12 Bitcoins a bubble! Ding ding ding i am fucking rich!
Bitcoins a bubble!
Other urls found in this thread:
those digits!
Because everything has a price, and everything has a top, son.
Do you think Bitcoin is the same now as it was in 2013 when it was traded solely by basement dwelling virgins? Everyone and their mother is putting their money in bitcoin now.
This will not correct.
This is pandoras box.
Sorry you missed out.
Not sorry your poor.
I took my profits and got out of this shit Wednesday and I have NO regrets.
Blood is coming.
>tfw made 20x this year, cashed out principal and then a lot more
i hope basic becky and goatee todd will see similar performance :-)
What happens when it takes a nosedive and you can't sell it off? Do you worry about the lack of safety regarding bitcoin? I don't know enough about it, didn't some exchanges basically freeze trading once?
>Everyone and their mother is losing their money in bitcoin now.
You cannot apply old paradigms to predict bitcoins price.
nice belief bro but my greed has some limits, good luck with your bags
Doesn't apply with currencies because of the network effect. People will literally start to see bitcoin as money.
>I-It's not gonna correct
>j-just ignore those other corrections
Not gonna watch the video but, not trying to disprove anything just asking what would happen, and if these exchanges can still get away with shady shit? I don't have a deep knowledge of bitcoin or blockchain tech
not if they leave the basement and actually have to do business in real world currencies that are actually usable
Thats not a bitcoin chart faggot
Yes it is.
Because not enough people have adopted it yet and scaling solutions are still being worked on. But feel free to be a laggard and hop on AFTER it's all worked out at 1 mil per coin.
Posting again
ok i'll do it after, good idea.
We in early majority
glad to have snuck in to early adoption last summer
You can when the only underlying reason for the price (greed and speculation) is very much "old paradigm."
lol. Is that why the FEW companies that accept Bitcoins are getting fewer each and every day? Even if people wanted to use it, they rather hoard it in hopes it will gain more "value."
>1mil per coin
lmao, perfect kek
Bitcoin debit visa cards are a thing you fucking moron. Accepted everywhere.
The internet was slow, shitty, and had low capacity when it first came out, but it was upgraded over time as more people joined the network. You invest in something for it's potential, not for it's current state.
>The internet was slow, shitty, and had low capacity when it first came out, but it was upgraded over time as more people joined the network. You invest in something for it's potential, not for it's current state.
The internet is a medium, Bitcoin is a currency...a currency that sucks at it's one and only job.
You dont even know what the fuck it is.
Stupid ignorant nigger.
It's pretty similar. The internet in its purest form is just a decentralized network of nodes. The tech used to be shitty so shit was slow. It had to centralize (somewhat) in order for the infrastructure to improve and become fast, much like BTC is doing with LN. This enables you to do most regular stuff quickly, but still have the ability to go "off" the centralized portion in case of crisis or personal need. This is Satoshi's vision.
an outdated protocol that doesn't scale touted as a "store of wealth" by people who have lost every other leg they once stood on
>"this time is different".
Fucking retards, when will they learn...
The thing I've learned about crypto is that it's impossible to predict and no one knows what the fuck they're talking about.
You're right, nothing has ever been different since the beginning of time. When we invented agriculture, life was exactly the same before and after.
I am the Satoshi,
Only when the price is rice, will Bitcone go to 50k then 220k within 2 months of price is rice achievement
you have been waned
Beyond saving. You'll just have to learn the hard way
What? I just agreed with you. Nothing ever changes ever in human history.
>limited assets
there's your problem. by the time bitcoin is limited even from a penny level investment everyone on this board is already in the high 6 figures at least.
Oh sorry, it's a "store of value!"
>oh noes, my store of value is worth half as much now!
>oh noes, I can't cash out my store of value because all of the exchanges magically went into "maintenance mode"
Give me a break.
Crypto is easy to predict once you realize that nearly everyone in it is either greedy, deluded or both. The worst offenders will always be left holding the bags. I know when to call it quits. That's how I've made money in this.
>unlimited forks
>infinite altcoins
being this autistic
its not our fault that you dont understand how bitcoin works, how the world works, and why it is so successful. if you do some honest research about the things around you, and learn about what actually makes bitcoin so great, you will see why it has intrinsic value.
yes, yes, you will definitely be able to time this bubble, goy.
>when the price is rice
theres your answer
straight from satoshi himself
hey look it's a sane person
it's like the normies don't even realize how much of an absolute killing we've made so far and they think that past performance begets future gainz, and that the gains of the past are less and less likely as the market grows in diversity and size. 95% of the people from early this year don't even browse here anymore because they're too busy snorting blow off hookers in the seychelles with all of your guys' money.
>oh noes, I can't cash out my store of value because all of the exchanges magically went into "maintenance mode"
kek. this might be the worst thing about it all
Anyone have the bitcoins a bubble infographic?
Please, tell us what Bitcoin is so successful at!
Is it being a currency? It's hoarded and so volatile it's not that.
Is it being a store of value? It's so volatile that it can't be trusted to have a similar value by the end of the day.
Going up in value for now isn't success. It's not achieving anything other than catching greedy people.
Don't worry, once you hop in at the laggard stage (1 mil) the volatility will be great diminished. At this stage of the game, you can sit out and watch.
Don't keep BTC on exchange, problem solved.
yes, you're right
its a paradigm shift
an asset that never devalues and keeps growing
>confusing bitcoin, an asset, with blockchain, the technology
smart guy
freeing you from the control of the federal reserve. being an immutable currency with predictable printing resistant to inflation. so far it HAS proven itself a store of value, an amazing one at that.
going up in value is a success. anything that goes up in value in a market with competition either means it is successful among its peers, or in an economic framework in general, or both. seeing as bitcoin has gone up in value, and still does, and is also the leader in market cap among its peers, it is both.
even gold could be devalued massively when we go in to space and mine asteroids. while that seems ridiculous, bitcoin is even immune to that. you also cant give someone in australia gold very easily.
and stocks, lol cmon man. talk about arbitrary? stocks are literally useless for anything BUT trying to make money off of. bitcoin serves a purpose. the degree of that purpose depends on how much of the red pill youre willing to swallow.
Bitcoin wasn't a bubble until it became a shitcoin with no fundamentals. Now it's a bubble, unless it decided to fork into something useful.
>we'll fix it later
It needed solutions like two years ago. Core and the miners won't do shit, some other coin is going to pull in and do what those lazy fucks won't, and Bitcoin will zero out.
>stocks, lol cmon man. talk about arbitrary? stocks are literally useless for anything BUT trying to make money off of. bitcoin serves a purpose
Is this bait?
They're not lazy, they're taking advantage of the fact that they profit off of high transaction fees and can profit immensely from buying up all of the ASICs to keep a stranglehold on hash power. I don't see any economic incentive that could change this. Bitcoin will never go back to what it once was.
I'll tell you the real reason: stability. Stability is a core feature of any unit of value. When someone buys BTC, they don't want to see that they have to jump ship for every meme hard fork that decides to crop up once enough people with busy hands decide it's necessary.
Before a hard fork ever happens, every other soft fork and optimization measure must be taken because stability has to be protected and defended at all costs.
It's basically progressives vs. conservatives, some people want things to change and move way too quickly and may burn things in the process.
Is that what you call do? Just wait and hope one day it'll be something? That's not how things grow. You have to innovate and keep up with the competition. What does Bitcoin have to offer besides all the other shitcoins? Nothing. It's just the first one so that's where the money was pumped into. Oh course, the other shitcoins may have fixed some of Bitcoins's faults, but they all still are too much like Bitcoin. People are in it as some false hope of getting rich, not to use the thing it's designed to do.
So the exchanges can't steal your money, you just can't cash out at all when they go down leaving you still with no money. The exchanges have always been the weakest link in crypto. When your shitcoin goes up in value, do they have the money to cover that increase? No, of course not. And unlike banks, which have other banks covering their asse, there is nothing backing up the exchanges.
I get frikin ads about bitcoin when I read my local countrys newspapers.
Everyone is in it. It will crash next year 100%, total normies who have no idea about tech are entering due to all shilling in media.
>going up in value is a success. anything that goes up in value in a market with competition either means it is successful among its peers, or in an economic framework in general, or both.
Or it's just people being greedy. Beanie Babies 2.0
can someone post the bitcoin bubble meme?
>Central banks think bitcoin is a bubble
>Book stores think Amazon is a bubble
>Monestaries think printing press is a bubble
>Hunter-gatherers think agriculture is a bubble
>Blockbuster thinks Netflix is a bubble
>Horse-and-cart manufacturers think cars are a bubble
>CD stores think Spotify is a bubble
>Post office thinks email is a bubble
Gee I wonder who could be behind this
Do you know how ads work?