What's the best class to roll as goblin and why is it sorcerer?
Tell me how you gobbo Veeky Forums
What's the best class to roll as goblin and why is it sorcerer?
Tell me how you gobbo Veeky Forums
>What's the best class to roll as goblin and why is it sorcerer?
No that's probably like the worst class for a goblin given they have a negative 2 to Charisma in Pathfinder(which is where your image is from).
In a PF context, they would make pretty good Urban Barbarians especially with Dervish Dance.
Fuck you, you racist pos
Gunslinger, plus 4 to dex and a feat that lets you use guns one size category bigger than you are so no reduction in damage
Rogues. It's not hard to have a pathfinder goblin with +16 to stealth at level 1.
+4 Racial
+4 Skill
+4 Size
+4 DEX (or +2/3)
This. I played a very irresponsible goblin alchemist who likes to hand out unlabeled potions, and refused to speak common.
Man I like that.
I've had a real craving to play a Goblin character lately for some reason. Gotta love that combination of being unhinged, dangerous and still somewhat innocent.
Definitely saving that one for a rainy day
The best class is Prostitue and I just incase it up
You misspelled Dragonfire Adept.
You can push to 22 dex, +6 (+18 total)
The only good Gob is a dead Gob
How do you like your goblins to look Veeky Forums? I prefer pic related.
They are good in any class in Fantasy Craft, but I like them best as Captain, to play up the teamwork aspects. Then I get Followers and More Followers to have a big pack of goblins to call in for insane flanking.
Pic related is how I goblin. It can be paired with many classes, but capitalist space goblins are the best goblins, even when they're not in space.
>Fantasy Craft
It's Rogue so I can invest skill points in Appraise, Sleight of Hand, Forgery, and some other sweet skills in order to become the Green Jew.
Good luck getting all of them fucko
I love playing against type, I'd play a goblin fighter who focused on reach weapons and tripping/disarming folks to compensate for a lack of brute strength and durability. Then again, full plate protects just as well on the small size....
In a Pathfinder context? Vexing Dodger/Mouser/Feral Gnasher. Climb your enemies and eat them!
this man knows whats up, even "good goblins" will go out of their way to destroy civilization as a whole, hell the closest i've ever seen to a good goblin is that fucktard Squee from MTG and its an extreme irritant on par with jar jar binks.
go fuck yourself and stay go
the only good goblins are the ones you never see
I'll go with
>What's the best class to roll as goblin and why is it sorcerer?
Because wild magic sorcerer is the best class in general.
My party once got caught trespassing in a goblin mine, they had their backs against the wall and all my character could hear was angry goblins. So he started yelling out in abyssal and basically making a big show of it to put fear in the goblins. Some of them started to bow down before him but the others weren't convinced, until one of the party members pretended to be possessed, at which poikt they all fell in line.
Every character I make seems to end up being feared by goblins
Multiclass as everything, so at level one you are 1/11 of every class.
Rolled a goblin bard. In game lore states goblins forget any word they write down.
My goblin wrote a lot of songs.
Can only perform and communicate through beatboxing.