Shit Just got REAL!
SBI Group Backs Bitcoin Cash to be “Used Globally For Daily Payments”
Japan’s financial giant, with a global market cap of almost half a trillion, has strongly come out in support of Bitcoin Cash
Shit Just got REAL!
SBI Group Backs Bitcoin Cash to be “Used Globally For Daily Payments”
Japan’s financial giant, with a global market cap of almost half a trillion, has strongly come out in support of Bitcoin Cash
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An actual illustration of Bcash would be a huge tank with 50ml of water pooled in the bottom.
lol i love bch totally but this is such a shill post.
wording, the slick custom picture, the bullshit point.
lrn2post. we wont win by paying total chumps to shill.
Surprised it took so long for this to show up on Veeky Forums. Sounds pretty big to me.
You guys never quit do you?
not interested until there is a explanation on how they manage to overcome scaling on-chain bottleneck.
Awesome, fake Satoshi scammed another poor unsuspecting company into his fake Bitcoin. This is how he ends up in prison getting ass raped and then shivd' by Yakuza.
here you go you dumb fuck
but normies are buying cripple coin
its already priced in. no one cares.
Big if true
who doesn't love reoccurring patterns
Might as well post a double whammy
New ViaBTC Exchange to Use Bitcoin Cash as Base Trading Pair
This is the Satoshi
I am very proud of the accomplishments achieved by blockchain technology and the level of commitment fuck your mother if you want fuck that all the supports have shown over the decade but this must end, pull the plug now, all of you are only buying because you hope to exchange it for more fiat, you do not obey the vision I have set forth, subhumans.
>Believe me goy, we can stay decentralized while making the blocks 1gb
I hope you personally get lynched in real life.
BTC in a week will go up another 20% difficulty... Think the mempool is bad now? If your BTC isn't in an exchange, it might be wise to get it there in case you decide you want to try to sell... Lest it be stuck forever.
1gb is not that large
>If your BTC isn't in an exchange, it might be wise to get it there
only a fucking moron could say that. if you don't have BTC in your wallet, you have a worthless number in some database.
jihan will mine 4 new blocks with his ASICBOOST server farm before anyone else even fucking downloads the 1GB block
>150gb/day easily
>Not that large
Shit dude just stop posting.
yeah but if you have 7billion people running 2 transactions a day, it'll have to get to 24gb blocks. and who is going to be able to validate their own transactions with blocks that large as one of the questioners in the video asks.
Those lines have absolutely no sense, but I'm quite sure it's going to a stable $2500-3000, especially when will be added on Coinbase and will be considered "normies friendly".
Businesses. The average person can use an SPV wallet.
but doesn't that centralize the problem?
Clearly no one gives a shit about decentralization because LN centralizes things even more.
I have confidence that there will be enough INDEPENDENT businesses and persons that store the whole blockchain. And by moores law it will be possible for a normal person to download and store the whole blockchain in say 30 years.
For fucks sake people its not a damn shill post if its based on something true you morons.
and how much in bandwidth do we need to run a node with 24gb blocks?
The greatest minds we have will be working on it and I'm sure all questions will be answered in due time
because only a wannabe daytrader virgin would shill fakebitcoin
BTC has the greatest minds, they have been working on it, solved it and that's why it went to the moon
BCH has a troop of Pajeets, they rape white women instead of working on it, never will solve it, that's why the shitcoin went to the shitter
>solved it by turning it into a bank
>it still doesn't even work
ANyone with half a fucking brain understands that segwit and Lightning network are newer concepts than raising the block size.
BCH is objectively closer to being the original bitcoin because it is not completely changing and centralizing the fucking coin to make it "safe" for normies.
why continue the eternal bashing, if core had been busier working on bitcoins problems instead of spending all the time trolling on social media they wouldn't be in this predicament
>centralizing the fucking coin
Right, because 32MB 2 minute blocks will make it grow 10 TB per year untill only Jihan has the complete history in his datacenter that sprawls the entire Inner Mongolia. Mission accomplished, BCH is now PayPal.
>segwit and Lightning network are newer concepts
newer concepts that a fuckin monkey copy pasting somebody elses code will never understand
Man I remember when these shillposts had an effect on me as a nocoiner/lowcoiner
Glad I can see through the jew behind the curtain
If you call bch centralized, then you're calling btc centralized too. They share the same set of miners
Because an American company that sees the potential for lots of profit won't be willing to throw down 100 million on a giant server farm in some shitty town where they get a good deal on electricity right?
If the block size raises with this thing called Moore's law There is NO FUCKING PROBLEM.
Forcing all transactions through lightning network hubs to centralize the coin, make it possible to track dox people and allowing for blacklists is way more dangerous than raising the fucking block size.
if you can't join the future then stay in the past
>Treating a currency like the next version of an intel processor rather than what it is: a fucking unit of value
Hard fork is the last solution, every other avenue must be pursued first
>per user in another thread
>and how much in bandwidth do we need to run a node with 24gb blocks?
I'm not a technical expert but 8MB should be enough for the next few years.
Vitalik on the r/bitcoin censorship of Bitcoin Cash.
8MB blocks
Motherfucker a hard fork already happened. Do you expect time magic now to refute my argument?
By the time 1gb is needed, it'll be chump change.
Moore's law.
No it didn't
On top of that since when have we begun to assume technology doesnt increase every damn year? Why all of a sudden are people acting like a bunch of console peasants who never seen a CPU get faster or a hard drive get bigger for 10 years at a time.
The block size is how the damn coin was designed. That is why it was in the codebase from the damn start. It was always base functionality of the coin.
What do you think Bitcoin Cash is right now? My imagination?
An attempted hard fork which is really just a meme spawn BTC loyalists avoided
you're free to keep repeating that ad infinitum
>half an hour video providing evidence for the feasibility of 1gb blocks today with a scientific level of rigour
>antisemitic adhominen
you decide
Dumbass That meme is faster and cheaper and the original coins design. Point blank.
Lighting network is privacy centralized nightmare with black lists and doxing that never existed as a concept when bitcoin was originally designed.
Those are all facts.
>keep "improving" the coin design every time you feel like it ad infinitum
my point exactly, undermines the trust in the coin
which is why core members are resistant to the idea right now, it isn't a product
People don't seem to realize that blocks are only as big as the number of Transactions held in them. If 32mb blocks were live today, hardly any blocks would actually be that size.
The Truth About The Bitcoin Lightning Network
Why the fuck are people still shilling this shitcoin? LN is around the corner and is going to flatten BCH and a whole load of other alts for good.
At least with BTC you'll then have the CHOICE of transacting on or off chain. With cash you're stuck with centralised big blocks whatever you do.
>not using log scale