i thrive off of it
Please post LINK fud in here
Other urls found in this thread:
link? more like dink.
I only have 3000 link :(
I have 10k link and still feel like a link midget.
t. boomer
70k and feel like i'll never make it
That's like what, two thousand dollars? Well you should feel like a midget. Now return your mom's credit card
I have 5.9k LINKs and a 5.5inch cock
Hi Rory
No, you just want someone to talk about your shittoken. Because nobody does outside of Veeky Forums and a shitty reddit sub.
fuck you nigger, i've been minumum wage slaving dumping money into LINK and BTC the best I can. I'm doing the best within my shitty means.
Not trying to FUD maliciously but isn't the concept that banks will create their own blockchain rather than pay to use Link's neet-run decentralised oracles a legitimate FUD? Isn't this roughly what Corda will do?
wishful linking
Corda dosent use blockchain and is centralized
average housing situation of link investors
current state
fucking kek
What a great quality meme 10/10
live shot from sibos
The only FUD meme I've made. I need to start making more they're fucking hilarious and kind of fun to make.
>No product
>No team
>No communication
>Smells like another Confido
Sergey took your money and now he's gone. Deal with it.
chainlink? more like chainstink poo poo pee pee hehe
link is such a shitcoin like seriously
step it up, senpai
sergs back 2 the roots
it's not a meme if no one's perpetuating it you retard
also it's shit, kys
You want some real fud? Check out monax. They did PoC with SWIFT, mentioned in all the fucking slides and conferences and shit. They were in the brink of getting in there. Just like link right now. Stars aligned. See where they are right now? Fucking flushed down. So that's with swift. Link is an erc20 token, I hope you realize what's going on with the erc platform, it's jammed because of some fucking kittens (don't even know what the fuck is going on). Then there's Corda solely for financial institutions, funded by banks, made with banks, working product, they got oracles, ISO support and 2.0 network up and running. I'm invested in link but it's a fucking gamble. Be afraid
another one
Are we mooning yet?
>t. so salty he had to come in this thread to say he didn't like the meme
I've seen it reposted since I first started posting it. Get rekt faggot. Let's see your memes buddy :^)
16k link should buy me a nice Asian wifey in 2019. Hodl my niggs.
bring them, user. i need more
>I've seen it reposted since
A failed meme then. You know where the word meme comes from, right?
lmao im fucking dying
Dead cat bounce.
this one's for the oldfags on here, i don't get it. been browsing biz for only 6 months now
and another one. the last one for now
It's a semi private distributed ledger network. Not blockchain you're right about that. And it's not funded for the laughs. Check out monax, the PoC was about bond coupon payments just like link, it's even mentioned in 2016 papers, but swift abandoned the project. Don't be deluded, don't get too comfortable. If it was a sure thing don't you think the insiders wouldn't have got in already. Again, I'm invested heavily, but you gotta realize it's extremely high risk, extremely high reward.
>the last one for now
Awh, and I was about to request the merchant from Resident Evil 4 with Sergeis head selling chainlink in exchange for Big Macs.
LINK doesn't need any fud. Everyone already knows it's shit, even us holders. We're in for the memes and because we enjoy pain.
>t. super salty butthurt nigger who can't make memes
oh i forgot memes are pictures you post once and never gets reposted again
LMAOing at you dude here's another (you) :^) absolutely ebin trolling 8======D
>You want some real fud? Check out monax. They did PoC with SWIFT, mentioned in all the fucking slides and conferences and shit. They were in the brink of getting in there. Just like link right now. Stars aligned. See where they are right now? Fucking flushed down. So that's with swift.
ChainLink will be worth billions even without SWIFT. Everyone fixates on that aspect but we're talking about connecting all blockchains to all legacy systems. SWIFT would be a huge boost but ChainLink isn't dependent on it.
>Link is an erc20 token, I hope you realize what's going on with the erc platform, it's jammed because of some fucking kittens (don't even know what the fuck is going on).
Only payments are occurring through ERC20, and that's not even mandatory. None of the "work" performed by the ChainLink middleware happens on the Ethereum blockchain.
>Then there's Corda solely for financial institutions, funded by banks, made with banks, working product, they got oracles, ISO support and 2.0 network up and running.
Centralised project. Not even in the same ballpark.
>I'm invested in link but it's a fucking gamble. Be afraid
I'm not afraid.
>t. rebbit
nice spacing, now fuck off
Sergey was spotted recently at a Russian bath house talking shit about link after having completely abandoned the project
is this shit really a scam
Haha solid arguments. How do you see the value proposition, do you think it's going to moon with news+speculation or by usage and demand? What kind of a time frame you thinking?
Should I tell you I've used this site since 2008? nah ill just give you another (you). You deserved it!
ultimate troll dude hahaha so epic gonna post on imgur include me in the screencap :))
I know but I alsogot in at an extremely comfy point so I'll start worrying if goes to 7cents ;)
I hear LINK is donating half its ICO money into funding safe passage for refugees into Europe. The other half was for big macs. Sergey may need to start another ICO as he is currently out of big macs. Sad.
what does it do that ARK cant
Personally it's a 5-10 year hold
10 million Linklet here.
Not expecting much from December news. I expect it to go 2-3x as mainnet gets closer. A lot of people have their eye on LINK but have their money in other projects, knowing that not much is expected soon.
After mainnet launch, assuming success, I expect huge industry announcements and a monster moon mission that will snowball over the following year as it becomes more and more clear that ChainLink is the premier decentralised oracle service. 50x by 2020 isn't remotely outrageous but I think it will keep growing after that. What this project does is so fundamental to the crypto and smart contract spaces that it will eventually form a core part of the entire space. Even after its 50x it will still be rising in value.
Got ‘em
LINK(?)-REQ PoC delayed until 1Q18
Agreed. I think 50x and 12 dollars is pretty conservative tho. If I were after that scale I'd be chasing the hype. Crypto bubble will easily grow 50x by 2018 so going with the flavor of the month would get you there in my opinion. I say 500x by 2020
>waiting 2 years for a possible x50
you're a patient man...
$5 by 2020? This will do way better
SHIT GUYS! I found some actual LINK FUD. Obama follows Steve. I just sold my stack. Sorry guys but I am out. This is too much. He only has 357 followers and one of them is Obama ffs. This guy is cancer and LINK is cancer.
You won't make it because you'll sell too early
Nice trips, Rory
so...someone tell me...what the fuck are they doing with those 32 fucking MILLION dollars???
i'm serious here, 32 million dollars, and they got absolutely NOTHING to show for it.
Fucking your mom
chainlink is the future
Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick in the corner with one hand and stonewalling investors in the slack with the other. That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete debacle are riddled with typos. A pile of unread resumes sit on the floor, drenched in Big Mac sauce. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keeps frantically calling Sergey. Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.” Steve’ mom’s basement reeks of the marijuana Steve smokes to cope with the stress. A thick haze from all the smoke lingers. All Steve can see are two faint lights. One is the blue light emitting from his shitty 2010 dell inspiron laptop. Somehow Sergey didn’t think they’d have money in the budget for him to get a new laptop. The other is the glimmer of steel of his colt 45 revolver with his one way ticket out of his hell.
Sweet! Is it real tho? Haha having Obama follow you on Twitter, what a legend. I'm high as fuck btw if you're wondering
lol at the screenshot
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even Decided to Use Even Go Want to Do Look More Like?
wtf that is weird and real. Obama follows 626k people but that's still pretty slim odds.
Hahaha just bought 10k more. Screen cap this. High as fuck did the dev 10k link just because Obama follows Steve the dev. You just gotta be in the right place at the right time. Hard times with mr. Obama. Requesting Obama themed link memes now, please
kek, it's actually true...
Can someone make a meme where Steve Sergey and Obama are reviewing a chainlink shaped bong on youtube
nice just bought 100k
lol. Got to love random shit like that. I wonder which gay club they met each other in?
just BTFD, it's obvs gonna climb from here and then go back down, and then climb again ....
In a gay club with disco lights.
the best i could do rn, unfortunately i don't have the shopping skills of some instacuck whore
Thank you! I love it! Bless you!
Post your eth address
here you go, man - if you want to know how much i'm holding; it's around 38k spread across several wallets
>reviewing a chainlink shaped bong on youtube
pic related, somebody may use it as a resource
Haha, nice one guys.
*guy even ;)
>15 mins ago
Dec-09-2017 01:00:52 AM OUT CryptoKittiesCore
Stop that you addict!
good shit nigger me too, i just demanded a raise monday and got immediately fired feelsbadman
Seriously, you have a cryptokitty problem... Thats a lot of kitties.
Okay linkies now you're all graping at straws.
>Seriously, you have a cryptokitty problem... Thats a lot of kitties.
Well by the looks of it, yeah. kek
I had to cancel quite a few auctions though because I set prices too high - anyways I have bought 4 kitties, bred 2 with one last one "being in the oven" currently and then I'm done with buying and breeding. It was fun at the very least and that's what it is about for me, apart from being profitable in the ideal case, which it had been in the beginning - but now with all the cumulated tx-fees, not anymore, really.
please debunk this FUD. CL-specific discussion on value starts around 12:00 youtube.com
calls out Veeky Forums hard
I am thankful to say I have no idea what you are talking about lol. I am a pokemon go nerd too so I would have probably loved it and got addicted by the sounds of it. Lucky escape me thinks.
STFU man, he is /our/ president now!
I wish I had photoshop...
So when are you guys planning on the P&D and how high are you hoping to go? SWIFT news/conference P&D I assume. The FUD today has been pretty good desu.