Goddamit how many fucking generals does Veeky Forums need? It seems like half the page is dedicated to them

Goddamit how many fucking generals does Veeky Forums need? It seems like half the page is dedicated to them

You want a serious answer, or to incite anger?

I'm going to answer for the former.

Generals are a result of board growth. As a board gains a larger userbase, it becomes more difficult for an individual on that board to absorb all of the content, and the more common content begins to edge out everything else.

When a community is small - like Veeky Forums's humble origins as Warhammer Wednesdays on /b/ - you get natural pruning of topics nobody gives a fuck about, and everyone can consume the zeitgeist. Everyone knows all the current memetic stuff because it's just a few threads. Once everything gets bigger, though, you can't reasonably keep up with all of it, and people do not like that, so they narrow their focus and make a smaller community they *can* keep track of.

As a result of these things, what are effectively sub-boards form wherein the community is still identifiable, and such that something relatively specific is able to have a thread to cover it, and something so broad it'd be way too fast and disparate like "MtG" or "40k" can be split into easily identified chunks. That way, you don't have people bitching that "Every MTG thread is just the modern players bitching out custom card makers, and custom card makers bitching out modern players".

tl;dr board get big, topics are broad, generals are the organic result of board-users wanting to talk about their thing without all those other assholes ruining it.

That's better than 2 or 3 games taking up 80% of the space with each having it's own bundle of threads. There's more room for more topics and less threat of smaller games getting shunted out by D&D and Warhammer.

Strikes me as a good compromise, personally.

Also, the faster a board moves, the faster your smaller stuff gets pushed off the FP and eventually pruned.

Generals mean you can, say, bitch about your awful LGS culture to an audience and get responses, where if you posted "I have a shit LGS and want to bitch about that" as a thread, you'd probably just get no responses and feel shit.

Generals were a response to every game having ten threads. It's either this or everyone makes a new thread for every game they want to talk about, ignoring the ten that are up which would have worked just as well.

The real cancer are quest threads, which are still here despite having their own dedicated board.

>The real cancer are quest threads
>Quests at most have about five at a time
>not the generals
>Generals have tens of them at a time

Generals don't have their own board, quests do.

>Oh no people are making generals for Veeky Forums related content, this is ruining the board
>As opposed to literal crossboarders shitting up our board despite having their own, who are only allowed to continue to do so because they have a questfag mod

I love the irony that because of the board's formation all the original setting/most Veeky Forums-like quests left and now you guys are stuck with shitloads of /a/ fanfic quests.

The ones you hated the most stuck around. Shit's hilarious.

Pfft. Veeky Forums has never liked good OC quests. It's always been shitass anime wank around here.

>browsing Veeky Forums by pages
bitch have you not heard of the catalog? I haven't looked at pages in literally years.

Also after a quick look at /qst/ it looks shit too. Good to see you all still suck at originality and writing.

Prev. Thread: So, Veeky Forums, what's got your dander up today?


You Know the difference between /qst/ and Veeky Forums on tg shit quests tend to die off in one thread, while decent ones can last hundreds, Qst moves too slow, and is or at least was full of B tier Meme spewing faggotrons,

I knew the second I saw this thread there would be bitches in here complaining about quests in Veeky Forums. You autistic retards never disappoint.

>I knew the second I saw this thread about complaining about things on Veeky Forums that one of the most commonly complained about things would turn up

And there came the salty reply. Still as predictable as always.

Typed the questfag, reaching between his nearby anime figurines and considerable girth for another helping of Cheetoes from a bag propped up against the base of his computer desk. "That'll show him," he thought, smugly secure in his intellectual superiority, as his bloodshot eyes glanced to one of his other Veeky Forums tabs. Dog Days quest has a new reply! It must be the author! "Mmmm, I wonder what my waifu is up to in today's update?" the questfag quietly muttered to himself, his breath starting to labor as his heartrate rose, his stubby genitals acquiring chub status as he thought of what naughty shenanigans he would vote for on the thread today.

Curses! Another reply in the Veeky Forums complaints thread! "Those stinking antiquestfags never know when to quit," the questfag chortled, the fat on his body rippling against the chair beneath him like a tidalwave battering the shore. It seems yet more of his wit was needed for this thread. His fair Madeleine would have to wait...

>I knew people don't like the most cancerous thing on the board

That must have been about as difficult as my deducing that you're a faggot

IE not at all


>the most cancerous thing on the board
I wasn't aware we were talking about "stat me" and Elf threads here. :^)

>Writer's block defeated by exercise

Fffffuuuucck. I hate exercising.