How much LINK do you have and what do you plan to buy when it peaks?
>70k link
>cabin and property in montana for ~130k usd
How much LINK do you have and what do you plan to buy when it peaks?
>70k link
>cabin and property in montana for ~130k usd
Enjoy your 10k loss faggot
> 57k
> buy a house in Lake Tahoe
>3 prostitutes and a pepperoni pizza
>I plan on hosting a large node on the CL oracle network and using this to live for the rest of my life. I will never sell my initial holdings, only what I am paid for operating my node.
150k. Probably buy Monero and Blocknet. Real life objects aren't as enjoyable as crypto holdings.
I had comfy thoughts about also doing this but I think we're still FAR away from this scenario becoming a reality.
Plus seeing as there's no minimum LINK required to run a node, anyone could essentially run unlimited amount of nodes and where does that lead us?
It's not like Dash for example where you needed 1000 Dash that's now worth $700k+. Maybe a bit extreme example but you get my point.
lol dream on moonboy.
LINK not necessary. Will be cheaper/easier to just use on an Intel SGX enabled server. No need for decentralized network.
1k link
in 2019 i will retire in a small house and a sportscar.
down payment on a 6 plex, live in one and become a slumlord and then do whatever I want
Over the next two years, where is LINK realistically heading?
Things change. The premise that you don't need Link to run a node bothers me too. If you had to have a mininum 10K Link to run a node I'm sure Link would have exploded by now. And maybe the implementation will require Link.
Though I do see a future where trusted data sources like Bloomberg don't hold any Link in their nodes because they are known trustworthy.
78, prob just a house
Link dosent work like that
People trust nodes with more link becauae if the data is incorrect they get penalized (link is taken away from them)
Who would use a node without link backing it up? It wither means no one is using it or the node operator dosent trust his own data
Also some user tols me the node operatora dont chose the data they broadcast, so im a bit lost. Will have to re-read the whitepaper
Depending on where LINK is in 1-2 years time, I'll likely sell off half and then of that, put half into an S&P index fund and half split between Bitcoin, ETH, and Monero. The other half I'll perhaps stake in a node pool or run my own node if it's easy enough to do so for additional passive income. I'd probably base myself somewhere in SE Asia, either Bangkok or KL, and spend my time playing musical instruments and training martial arts, while doing some traveling every month or two.
Node operators explicitly control the data they broadcast. They are the ones hooking up to APIs and providing the data. It's why tokens were reserved for companies with valuable data. They want them on the network selling their information.
People trust a node more if they have Link sure but that is only if they don't already know who the node belongs to.
Can't wait for Link to go sky high, then I'll get myself a lambo probably
Currently 15k LINK, looking to at least double that stack
so you're only hoping for link to hit $2 huh
Are you gay lmao?
Most anons here larp about their current stack, and many more than that are going to sell off before eoy 2018 ($12/link)
>will be cheaper/easier to use a centralised solution than a decentralised solution.
That's the spirit! That's what this space is all about! The value of centralisation.
you are so fucking stupid. there is no there will never be one that is completely trustless on anything centralized please please please kill yourself.
Pic related see [s]oraclaize[s/]
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