What system would you use to run a Deus Ex-style game?

What system would you use to run a Deus Ex-style game?

Shadowrun maybe?

Cyberpunk 2020 with the Deus Ex world.

Song of Ice and Fire Role Playing Game.

i had this conversation with my buddy on whether or not WoD would been a good system for a game accurate deus ex game on account of how similar deus ex is to VtmB

but we eventually just decided that it was alot easier to just use cyberpunk or shadowrun & scrap the fantasy elements

There's gonna be a Cyberpunk version of Blades in the Dark, I guess I'll use that.

I wouldn't. Given that Cyberpunk is utter cancer I don't think it really matters what system you use. I don't really see the point in these retarded "genres" people keep coming up with, they aren't genres, they are just settnigs that you tack "punk" onto the end of to make them sound legitimate.

FATE is the fucking worst for this, they expect every campaign you run to be set in 1940s China with fantasy and elements of post-Modernism in an alternate history where China took over half of Europe and there are nazi zombies or some shit. Probably they expect you to do that because FATE is a fucking garbage system and coming up with batshit settings is the only way to make it interesting.

TLDR Cyberpunk is complete ass-wank garbage. I would be amazed if anyone in this thread could name a single reason why cyberpunk is a good genre.

You and your buddy are both wrong, World of Darkness isn't even a good system for World of Darkness. Hell the base game doesn't even work, you literally cannot play it effectively without the splatbooks. You also have to deal with gunfights where you have a 90% chance of hitting but only a 10% chance of killing in one shot, because real-world gunfights are where you slowly whittle down your opponent by shooting them over and over, sure. Also accuracy is near 100% between skilled gunfighters, sure. Even d20 Modern wasn't this retarded when it came to guns.


Really? I'll have to see about picking that up.

GURPS a shit. A SHIT.



You are aware that cyberpunk is the original -punk fiction and actually dealt with the relevant themes like fighting government and big business right? Neuromancer is the quintessential piece of cyberpunk fiction and dealt heavily with those themes.

Everything else is derivative garbage but if you think cyberpunk is in the same shitty league as steam punk or dieselpunk you're hugely mistaken.

Also here's your (you)

As described in the BitD Kickstarter campaign.

>UNLOCKED! ($80,000) Null Vector: Four artificial intelligences secretly rule the world. You and your crew of cyber-augmented outcasts are some of the only people who know the truth. Will you oppose the invisible masters? Will you join one of the AIs, to bring its vision for humanity to life? What will you do to change the world? Null Vector is a complete reskin of the game for cyberpunk thriller action in the vein of Ghost in the Shell.

Same, but I use GURPS for everything. GURPS does work pretty well for cyberpunk.

All Outta Bubblegum.

My copy of the new Deus Ex artbook is shipping today, can't wait, shit looks stacked!

Im sure someone could make interesting steam-punk stories, focusing on decreasing demand for labour as machines take over, greedy industrialists, and colonialism, if most of the people interested in it weren't totally enamoured with the Victorian upper class.

Then again I'm not so sure how relevant those themes are in a post-industrial society.

>You are aware that cyberpunk is the original -punk fiction and actually dealt with the relevant themes like fighting government and big business right?

The original cyberpunk story was about high school punks defying their parents. Nobody was fighting da gummint or da corprayshuns in it.

>Neuromancer is the quintessential piece of cyberpunk fiction and dealt heavily with those themes.

No, it didn't. It's a criminal heist story. It's not fighting government because there aren't any, and it's not fighting big business, it's a heist against a private aristocratic family.

As you said the key problem is that everyone writes or plays as aristocracy, or at least wealthy inventors.

The themes involved with role-playing as a member of the working class aren't as relevant now as the threat of mega corporations as cronyism naturally but as long as one were to look at those themes in their historical context I'm sure it would work.

Not that guy, just got something to point out.

Like all 'punk' genres cyberpunk doesn't always involve fighting the corps/government, despite the name. Neuromancer may not have involved themes of rebellion, but it still created cyberpunk because, at it's core, cyberpunk is about a dark future, with a sort of neon-noir aesthetic, where technology not only fails to solve our problems but also makes them worse and dehumanises us. What made Neuromancer so great was that it handled that sort of thing in the background, so it wasn't nearly as preachy as later cyberpunk works.

The whole idea of fighting the corps came later, although Neuromancer heavily inspired it.

Okay, one cyberpunk story - the first one, even - doesn't really fit the definition of the genre. So what's your point?

Somehow I feel this would be improvement versus present day Prague. One advantage of more cops to check you is that you don't spend so much time in a queue.

>Has never read Philip K. Dick or William Gibson
Stop it, you're hurting yourself.

Cyberpunk is neither about whatever you're shitting about, nor about fighting government or big business, you double-morons.

It's about the victims of the new, period.
That's why it isn't tied to its aesthetics.

There's a few cyberpunk games out there: Cyberpunk 2020, Shadowrun (with no magic, of course), Eclipse Phase, and a bunch of obscure ones.

However, if your group is willing to use GURPS, GURPS Cyberpunk allows you to make a lot of tweaks, so you could make hacking or cybernetic augmentations work more like Deus Ex. You could also use GURPS Cabal for conspiracies, but your choice.

A lot of other generic systems can be used for cyberpunk, but GURPS is the only one that goes into any detail. If you don't want to use GURPS, I'd recommend Cyberpunk 2020 or Shadowrun. Eclipse Phase carries too much baggage with it.

Of course, if you can handle the complexity of Shadowrun, you can probably handle GURPS. Magicless Shadowrun would probably have all kinds of problems and considering how unnecessarily complicated it is, I'd recommend that you use GURPS if you can, homebrewed Cyberpunk 2020 if you can't.

tl;dr: GURPS if you can handle it, Cyberpunk 2020 if you can't.

This right here, basically. I will quibble and point out that Philip K. Dick didn't write cyberpunk per se, but a lot of his themes were incorporated into the early works of the genre, making him a huge influence. But apart from that, this is completely true.

Cyberpunk is simply "high-tech low-life". It's not an aesthetic (as steampunk certainly only seems to be), it's not us against them, it's the good old life is shit plus anticipation of the Late Cold War.

If Neuromancer does not fit your definition of cyberpunk then your definition is wrong.

Cyberpunk is the only xpunk genre that actually has anything to do with the struggle of the working poor and those on the fringe of society m8

I love how you think Steampunk isn't the fucking origin of your autistic self-indulgent communist "themes" when steampunk is based on the industrial revolution the origin of the Marxist autism that your "punk" genres support.

Kill yourself.

Cyberpunk is a type of setting. There ALSO exists a genre of cpunk literature around that type of setting.

Cyberpunk is ALSO not about new versus the old. It can be. But it's possible to imagine stories in a cpunk setting that do not involve this theme.

Jesus, your bait is weak.



Interface Zero (Savage Worlds)

Crop out the Dr. Moreau dudes and you've got all kinds of options: Even using Human 2.0 as basic Nano-Auged humans.

Interface Zero

Savage Worlds using the Science Fiction Companion.

Holy shit, someone has dragged VirtualOptim's fetid corpse back onto the street.

wtf? microtransactoins? tell me you can get praxis regularly too?

You can. The pc version barely works though, I'll just pick it up on sale in a couple of years.

Game works great for me but then I run Radeon not Nvidia. Most of the problems I've heard of are Nvidia side

I'm using a 290x and it just did not want to run, fastest I've ever refunded anything.

I've got the new 480 RX that's probably why I've had zero issues.