Up almost 200% in the last 24 hours. What is causing this?
Why is this mooning so hard?
They released a working product
I will give you a hint.
"WeChat NEM Wallet"
"Catapult 2.0"
200% for a fucking wallet?
almost every coin has a wallet, what so special about it
this market is retarded
>but they have a wallet
and my favourite
>active devs
you faggots really must have low standards if "active" devs is something special, like any brainlet can keep shitposting on chat
Do you even realise what is Wechat?
It's whatsapp of China.
Holy shit the amount of ignorant idiots here.
WeChat is pretty yuge in China. Don't underestimate it. Sad I didn't get in before the announcement news came out.
yea I admit I don't know too much about this shitcoin, I thought it's some japanese ethereum but some people say it's something to do with batteries kek so im not even gonna waste my time researching this autistic project. What intrests me is who's buying that shit, everyone or just chinks/japs?
>huur i was only pretending to be retarded
holy shit you are stupid do some research or stay poor we chat is literally the biggest app in china it does messaging social networks and PAYMENT now that huge user base app has a crypto currency attached to it too
nigga you are straight retarded if youve never heard of wechat
it has nothing to do with crypto, well it does now, but I dont even fucking have facebook and I know what wechat is
honestly you should just kill yourself for not knowing what wechat(tm) is you fucking pathetic moron
Daily reminder that nem is catapult 2.0
> Doesn't know WeChat
wechat is the shitty bloated app all chinese use
i actually know the woman in charge of american marketing for NEM and i still missed this moon mission
I'm not freaking out or anything but I was going to try and sell near the top (around .55 at the time) and take some profits so I sent all my NEM from the Nano Wallet to Bittrex but it never got there... Lo and behold I forgot to put the 'message' and as a result my coins are in a Bittrex holding account. I opened a ticket and gave them a rundown of what happened, I'm not freaking out (yet) but I was wondering if anyone has experience with this and knows how long it will take for them to respond to me/give me my coins back. Thanks in advance.
It's a pump and dump. The volume is the big tell.
>tfw never redeemed my Nem stake
I can't be the only one on Veeky Forums. Holy fuck it hurts.
>I know nothing about markets that don't interest me therefore it is shitty
kek stay poor
Please explain.