The TRUE king

The TRUE king
>Actually anonymous
>Actually behaves as a digital cash

Why aren't you accumulating during this dip?

Other urls found in this thread:

not buying your pnd scamcoin

Why the fuck is it not bouncing back, reeeeeeee, do something, every alt is bouncing but you are sitting in the water

>not buying your pnd scamcoin
t. pant on head retard

come down you fuck

it's close to a 1 month low vs BTC, really not a bad time

as the world keeps turning..
my monero slowly mines.

fox news was talking about bitcoins tonight..
we're all gonna make it.

>The TRUE king
Is it accepted by most DNM sellers?

Im kind of new to crypto. Can you hide your trade gains from the tax man by siphoning funds through Monero? Do people do this?

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea?
party next door?
punk nigga deceased?

balls deep in this coin should be $400+ before next week

I think i found the one person who hates monero

So where did you get the Monero from user?

I haven't needed to yet, I suppose you could though, but check this out.

Monero is awesome

Reduced transaction costs coming soon as well

next year is like eternity in crypto

Something to look forward to then. As if Kovri and hardware wallet support weren't enough

>Buy ETH on coinbase
>Send to exchange and trade for Monero
>Take Monero off exchange
>Send Monero to another exchange and trade indefinitely
>If audited, IRS sees Eth was purchased and sent to exchange and traded for monero
>They can't track the money trail after Monero leaves the first exchange.
>Tell them you lost the Monero wallet
>Don't owe any taxes

Is this how the scenario would play out?

Pic related is you if you don't own monero

Bitcoin is king!
Monero will be god

I'm no tax-expert, but from what I understand, you only have to pay taxes if you cash out, crypto-to-crypto trades are not taxed. But yeah, once it's in moneroland, you're essentially free to roam.

i was actually larping, im all in monero

I was actually playing along, thanks for the larp faggot

get a room you two

It's a great piece of tech but like most of crypto way overvalued. 4 billion dollars marketcap? based on what fundamentals?

Paypal currently process 5 million transactions per day moving 300 billion dollars per day. Monero or any crypto are nowhere near that level.

Also Monero is not scalable, if it ever gets big it will run into the same blockers as Bitcoin .

No, it's not even accepted on Dream Market (current no.1 market). They only accept Bitcoin.

A friend told me.

it's not untraceable retard

I have put all my Bitcoin into Monero before I go to sleep in case of a crash the last few days.

Next year is in 3 weeks dipshit

I understand that in the US, crypto to crypto transactions are supposed to be taxed based on their respective dollar values at the time of transaction. And from what I've heard, the IRS really doesnt enforce it right now because crypto is new and weird.

But they recently forced Coinbase to hand over records of thousands of users, so soon they will probably be cracking down on a lot of undeclared gains.

>Why aren't you accumulating during this dip?
i have been. you know nothing about me.

what dip?

A price is paid for that security:
Monero has less hash efficiency than bitcoin. If it ever gets the same transaction volume that bitcoin has, its fees will be higher than bitcoin fees.

you forget
>report "lost monero" as capital losses

Monero is Poloniex coin. This is unlimited coin without any income. only speculation.
Invest only in time-tested coins with a good income like Diamond (DMD)

Based on the fact that usd decreases in value anywhere between 1-20% year in year thanks to inflation and the fed. You're comparing a fiat currency that decreases in value to a piece of the future of humanity that doesn't inflate.

Think back a few hundred years at all the people saying "why would I ever need a $100 bill, what would ever be worth buying that I need to have the cash on me for" - little did they know the speed that the dollar would become worthless at. Nowadays "yo those fresh creps are $650 lil man"

>If I used single-output bulletproofs, the transaction reduces in size to only around 2.5 kB! This is, approximately, an 80% reduction in transaction size, which then translates to an 80% reduction in fees as well.

were gonna make it

Pajeets out




Zen cash has superior anonymity tech, team, community, and secure nodes paying dividends. It's market cap is 58x smaller the potential upside is huge. Its a no brainier.

Monero has first mover advantage and is actually accepted in DNMs.

why not both?

i'm really interested in zencash, but apprehensive about gains in 2018. i expect a similar situation with bitcoin. it doesn't matter if it sucks, what matters is public consciousness. that being said, i own only zencash, no monero, because i buy projects that i'm genuinely interested in. hoping more dark markets start accepting zencash, that would help.

what do you think about zencash's scalability as a payment system? monero doesn't seem to be scaling well.

>monero doesn't seem to be scaling well.
The article explaining it is about to scale five times faster was already posted twice in this thread.

>scale five times
Horribly phrased. I meant that transactions are going to be one fifth of the block size and five times faster.

already did

I want to buy in but idk what a good entry point is

I live in brazil, how can I buy this without having to buy bitcoin? Bitcoin is too fucking expensive here. I need some place that accepts credit cards.



Now is a good time, it's a consistent performer
You can mine it on minergate, this is a referral link,
Or, do your best to get bitcoin, send it to an exchange (I like poloniex), and buy some there, best of luck huebro

I forgot to mention, go to, download the wallet, you can mine directly from your wallet as well.

Do you guys even research? Miner's Gate is right there on the "scmas to avoid" page

Can you report a lost wallet as a capital loss? I didn't know being a dumb ass was tax deductible.


It's worked out for me over the past year and was a good way to get right into mining without much effort, but yes, there are better ways.

yeah but there are Monero only markets opening, like Libertas.

Go to r/darknetmarkets and you'll see there's a big pent up demand to use Monero.

These people care about opsec.

You could wait until it's actually accepted on top markets, but it'll be higher when that happens.

all in

Why is binance withdraw still disabled for monero?
These fucks going to steal my monero?
They are aren't they?
MY monero??

I think they're updating per the new wallet update. Just taking their sweet as time

it literally says wallet maintenance, and monero has a new wallet update out at the same time. can you chill out you stupid fudding piece of shit?

on MY biz???

I love Monero in theory. Not ready to moon, but I dropped a few satoshis on it out of solidarity. It is the only major crypto that fucking matters and if BTC ever dies out it would be Monero that takes over... even though theoretically there are more popular and "better" cryptos, XMR is right in the middle of the Venn Diagram.

Calm the fuck down!

Got my desktops and laptops mining xmr right now.
Getting about 4$ a day that I turn all into btc when it is a good time to buy it.

Made 4000$ since jully

Gonna be rich soon for doing nothing.


Because regardless of everyone saying it's easy gains, it's high risk.

If there's a problem with it's privacy it's fucking dead.