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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Damn, it's quiet tonight.
What do you do during lulls in the action?
Stir trouble.
Chill out with companions, build shit, study and train, fight in the Arena for fun, and of course, actually make the Warehouse look like a home.
This one look good?
Retypeing this is a bitch!
Left my name on it but it looks good to me otherwise.
>Sting is ruled to have a chance of being stopped by supernatural stuff, so...yeah
Which is why I added the AK.
>AK which bounces off solid objects.
Which is why I included Sting.
>Ra Tilt, that's a good start.
>Ragna Blade, getting there.
>Talisman Longinus, yeah can't hurt I suppose.
Needs more Voodoo?
>Abyss of Magic, your only real chance.
>He CAN dodge.
Longinus tracks his location and Sting allows it to move in all dimensions so it should hit eventually.
>bend space out of the way to avoid being hit by the thing.
Sting, actually will get past this as it does dimensional shit actually.
>The problem with fighting high level reality warpers is they have a lot more options than parry and take hits.
Dear lord it's like fighting another Jumper!
You see this is why I've never touched the Renegade Supplement.
I found my old Kill Anything Combo will this work on the Spectre?
Talimancer (Overlord [LN/M/A]) stores spells in physical objects + The Abyss of Magic (Overlord [LN/M/A]) makes any spell able to grow beyond its limits via time & effort + Sting (Worm) bypasses the physical defenses, up to and including dimensional quackery + Magic Must Defeat Magic (Jackie Chan) makes it bypass any non-magical powers these things are using + Warring Warlock cancels/errodes their magical defenses + Avada Kadavra (Harry Potter) has no known magical defense + If It Bleeds... (80's Movie) would create an attack that kills perma-dead + Conjoined Conjures (Cardcaptor Sakura) to make the magic play nice + Safety First (Cardcaptor Sakura) so that if it ever was used against me/Reflected/etc it wouldn't work full stop
Assuming this layout (Which I currently can't do) will Comic Spectre feel the Sufficiently Enchanted Lance of Longinus?
Jump # 52 Crypt of the Necrodancer (this was inevitable)
Background: Bard (100)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
*Phat Beats (free)
*Coral Keytar (200, Discount)
*Extra Training (100)
*Extra Gold (100)
*Soundtrack (50)
*Glass Armor (50)
*Extra Heart Container (100)
*Cadence (100)
*Dorian (200)
I am an Epic level bard and have the level 100 version of bard from overlord so there was no way this place was going to be difficult for me… none. Nope, not at all… I most assuredly did not get wrecked time and time again because of overconfidence and pride.
I did not then then require Cadence’s help breaking her dad out of the Necrodancer’s control. Then require both of their help to bring down the Necrodancer himself.
I merely stayed a few months because I liked the music that’s all… damn traps. Anyways I beat the tomb eventually freed the captives and asserted my musical dominance over the Necrodancer. He got served… eventually, the smug bastard.
I don’t know if I am supposed to be able to take Allies as companions but I Sort of let them be. Dorian said he had stuff to do and though I warned him about using the loot, he was determined. I wished them both well and let them be.
Promise to post more builds, and then completely fail at it.
Howdy Ravenloft-user! You know anything about Comic Spectre?
Cause I'm currently seeing if one of the Drawbacks in the DC Mystic is even possible in a fighting sort of way. Assuming Comic Spectre, Will all this work on him?
The Lance of Longinus has Abyss of Magic (Overlord LN/A) Ra Tilt and Ragna Blade (Slayers) an Avada Kadavra (Harry Potter) is the Talisman for those spells.
You could add balefire (Wheel of Time), it unmakes the targets existence. There's also a perk in Drakengard that makes your attacks be unable to be healed by unnatural means. There's also a perk in Sailor Moon that allows you to to once per day guarantee that an attack will hit.
Question about the Arena, we pick and choose what kind of match/fight it is, right? Because I just thought of having a wrestling match with one of the NGE Angels, and I want to make it actually happen.
Supplements like arena are for casuals and powerwankers. If you want a fight that badly go do it yourself.
Honestly I'd be surprised if all that even mildly inconvenienced him.
....Maybe something like Q This, and just shutting off the (insane) reality warping?
if you're going with the old "whack him till he's dead" approach, Anathema can't hurt just on general principles.
Soul Fire + all the soul boosts is also probably not a bad idea.
Can't. I've got keikaku involving the actual Angels, specifically involving using various perks to make them sympathetic to mankind, then having both them and the pilots crush SEELE, finally finishing with them creating a golden age with both races cooperating in order to create a brighter future and possibly protect against future invasions by the other Seeds of Life. So I can't fight the real ones. But I still want to fight them. Hence the Arena.
A long time ago KOTOR ruled Q This doesn't work on gods, and I don't think he defined "god" very clearly. But considering the Specter is many orders of magnitude more powerful than most DC gods in terms of raw power...yeah.
Is there an It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia jump?
Hanging out with the gang would be a grueling challenge.
There's a Sitcom jump.
But no specific Always Sunny jump.
I doubt a generic sitcom could simulate the levels of both asshole and stupidity I was looking for, but thanks.
I am not that well versed in DC but the best answer I can give you is it depends. Does he have gods backing? That combo seems like it might work but if he is at full power I am not sure it's enough.
If he is crazy and has gone rogue then maybe. He is still like a high tier cosmic entity. You are going to need high tier anti-reality warping perks and likely going to have to find a way to get the drop on him. This is one of those fights you really need to cheat to win if it's possible at all.
You can go to the Always Sunny setting in the Sitcom jump.
It's a generic catch-all for all sitcoms that don't have jumps.
Hell, you can even move between sitcoms if you want during the jump, if Always Sunny gets to be to much for you.
Chill out with your friends at Friends for the weekend.
Go drinking with the guys in Cheers.
Do whatever.
I'm pretty sure the arena has a purchase availible that lets you change what kind of fight it is. Other than that abusing doormaker and equivalents for multiple bites at the apple is your next best bet.
That works, thanks user.
Sit down and smoke my blend of Old Toby and melange, I call it Spiceleaf, and ponder life.
"Shepard, why do Asari get tattoo eyebrows? I mean we are the only race to have hair or eyebrows, right? Is it because they want to relate more to humans or is it just a fashion statement?"
"I don't know user, ask...are you smoking in your helmet?"
"...I should go."
According to the jump, he's more powerful than he was in "Day of Vengeance", where he destroyed Nabu, and the Presence isn't going to intercede.
For Deus Ex Human Revolution, does "Give Me Deus Ex" give you the upgraded storage space as well?
Oh thank you, I'll update my Kill Anything Combo.
Talimancer (Overlord [LN/M/A]) stores spells in physical objects + The Abyss of Magic (Overlord [LN/M/A]) makes any spell able to grow beyond its limits via time & effort + Sting (Worm) bypasses the physical defenses, up to and including dimensional quackery + Balefire (Wheel of Time) to unmake the target's existence + Magic Must Defeat Magic (Jackie Chan) makes it bypass any non-magical powers these things are using + Warring Warlock cancels/erodes their magical defenses + Avada Kadavra (Harry Potter) has no known magical defense + If It Bleeds... (80's Movie) would create an attack that kills perma-dead + Conjoined Conjures (Cardcaptor Sakura) to make the magic play nice + Safety First (Cardcaptor Sakura) so that if it ever was used against me/Reflected/etc it wouldn't work full stop
The Sufficiently Enchanted Lance of Longinus (Talisman of Triplicate Maximized Magic Ra Tilt, Ragna Blade, & Avada Kadavera which have all been pushed further by the Abyss of Magic) is now going to be a pet project of mine.
>One day after you arrive, the Spectre will have been corrupted by Callypso, causing him to begin a campaign to destroy all magic, magic users, and magical beings in the universe and every adjacent dimension, believing them to be the root of all evil.
> ...the Presence seems to be preoccupied.
I don't know if the Presence is helping or not, the narritive is kinda confusing on that point, but it doesn't look like the Presence is helping actively.
I laughed.
Yeah there's that, but he doesn't seem to have the Presence's active support either.
I would assume so since increased carrying capacity is a purchasable arm upgrade in DX:HR.
Yeah I read that. Honestly I think the best ability to stop him is something that purifies the corruption. Attacking him seems much harder than attacking what's making him slaughter everything. I almost want to suggest save the world from Undertale but your going to need something a bit more powerful and faster honestly.
>he doesn't seem to have the Presence's active support
True. I think it might be pay to have some anti precog powers in there. No sense giving him a chance to prep.
>I don't know if the Presence is helping or not, the narritive is kinda confusing on that point, but it doesn't look like the Presence is helping actively
I think it implies he has gone rogue but the Presence is just letting things sort themselves out. The Presence isn't helping anyone.
I thought so. Thanks.
Is destroying/purifying the root of all evil easier than killing the spectre? Maybe it's more efficient to just convince the Spectre that you've done so. What's his track record like for being duped?
What are some fairly safe jumps with charisma perks? I want to get that boosted as soon as I can.
Cuddle with my companions.
Berate my Undead for scaring the orphans.
Berate the Skull Heart for being a dick.
Berate the Cleric for trying to Turn Undead on me that one time.
Berate the orphans for drinking from my wine-flooded floor. That amount of alcohol shouldn't be accessed by underage ninjas, it's for immortal liches.
Berate people for having to be berated so often.
Also, you could add some of these perks to help you with your combo:
>Overlord Necromancer + Level 100 + Skeleton Race: Gives you access to the Eclipse class, that has a skill that allows you to 'The Goal of All Life is Death', that allows you to use insta-death spells on things that cannot die or are immune to it (it can be used to kill undead, the ground and even air). Has a large cooldown, you might want to get the Magic Charger to remove the cooldown.
>Anathema (SMITE) to erode defenses + Blessing of Stravhs (The Banner Saga) to be able to kill immortals might also come handy.
>Importing your Longinus as a Juju in Sbrub might come handy. If you can get Crowbar's crowbar to fuse with it, it will be even more useful.
>Alternatively, you might just stack anti-supernatural perks and turn him into a mortal just by being there: Q This (Star Trek TNG) + Agitation Field (SCP) + Jam (RWBY) + Moloch's Razor (Girl Genius).
Also, I hope you have some really powerful resistances, various kinds of immortality and anti-reality warping/erasing perks stacked on if you want to even be able to stand a chance.
Sugar Bowl if you don't mind being adorable.
>Don't mind
>Implying being adorable is a downside
In all seriousness though, thanks user. That'll be a good start for my charisma perk collection. TIME FOR BEFRIENDING!
What is your favorite fantasy monster?
Magical Purification Blast (Generic Magical Girl)?
I have a seperate set-up for my defenses but one of the things that my Stand does is make it so tha Precog dosen't work on me by makeing the futures the Precog shows a Paradox as I don't follow that worldline. Also I wear the Ring of Elru (Overlord) which no-sells some stuff like that along with keeping my mind my own.
>Momonga Build.
In Overlord I'm an Angel Level 100 Magic User. I don't know what that gets me but I can't do that, sadly.
>Anathema (SMITE) + Blessing of Stravhs (The Banner Saga).
I'll keep an eye out for them.
>Importing your Longinus as a Juju in Sbrub might come handy.
I don't really understand the setting, not familiar with it. Could I use the Alchemy machine in the items section to do that without having to worry with stealing the Crowbar.
>Q This (Star Trek TNG) + Agitation Field (SCP) + Jam (RWBY) + Moloch's Razor (Girl Genius).
Will that shut down my stuff?
Western Dragons, bar none. Pic Related is my form when I'm a Entelexeia (Tales of Vesperia).
Dragons, specifically western dragons. Dragons are bloody awesome. They're huge, they breathe fire, they fly through the sky like they own it, and at the end of the day they pull a Scrooge McDuck and swim in their ocean of gold, jewels, and other treasures.
>In Overlord I'm an Angel Level 100 Magic User. I don't know what that gets me but I can't do that, sadly.
Some neat healing/resurrection stuff.
>I don't really understand the setting, not familiar with it. Could I use the Alchemy machine in the items section to do that without having to worry with stealing the Crowbar.
The only way to get the crowbar using the Jump without going to Homestuck (End Scenario) is getting the Felt and having Crowbar lending it to you.
Also, a Juju is an item that exists in all timelines at the same time and cannot be erased forever. It also can not be taken from you unless you're killed or you give it away. The BBEG gained his immortality by being trapped into one (and also doing many other things like fusing with a plot-shield clown and shattering the clock that allowed him to die). This helped him to be summoned (in one way or another) in every possible universe.
>>Q This (Star Trek TNG) + Agitation Field (SCP) + Jam (RWBY) + Moloch's Razor (Girl Genius).
Uh, Agitation Field will corrupt any stuff that isn't actually you, so I would use my inventory to keep them safe.
Also, add some of the conceptual/exotic powers from Touhou and SMT just to rise your chances. Stuff like dissolving health bars, conceptual flames that burn through everything and the such.
>Magical Purification Blast (Generic Magical Girl)?
yep, that would do. I would suggest though boosting it any way possible. Use whatever perks that supercharge magic and get other spell casters and magic items to lend you their strength. This is literally a save or die spell. It either saves the Specter or you are going to die.
What of you used a sword of the cross from Dresden Files, how would that work given what the specter is?
It's a tough call, but I'm going to say Mind Flayers/Illithids.
Wouldn't the drawback of 'Specter wants to kill you' override a perk that makes him your friend?
>Some neat healing/resurrection stuff.
Ah, cool!
>Get the Felt
From the Single Player Game or is there another way? SPG looks like it could end the chain.
>And having Crowbar lending it to you.
Is Crowbar nice or is this another challange?
>Juju explained.
Awesome. The Sting effectively makes it so that a physical object occupies all alternate dimensions and with this they will occupy all possible timelines. Wonder what that does to the Lance's ability to track people.
>Other stuff & good recommendations
I'll look into it.
>Save or (You) Die.
Whelp there's that as a solid Plan A but I'm going to keep double checking my Plan B.
>Sword of the Cross
No idea how the meta-physics of DC will interact with the Sword.
MPB doesn't make your enemy your friend. It merely purges the evil and/or mind control from enemies in one massive burst. It's really fucking draining but thankfully my magic system can make Talismans of the MPB that have been put charged to greater heights through the Abyss of Magic for days.
Hollywood isn't half bad.
The Sitcom jump.
The Sims 3.
Ratchet and Clank has got a good one.
Sherlock has some great one's and I imagine you could easily keep your head down. Biggest issue there is the opportunity cost - there are some pretty brilliant perks you'd have to forgo to stock up on charisma.
Twilight is a candidate (just stay somewhere sunny).
I feel like Inside Out ties in nicely, with some of the Disgust/Sadness perks.
>Wouldn't the drawback of 'Specter wants to kill you' override a perk that makes him your friend?
You are not trying to make him your friend. You are trying to remove the corruption. The reason he is trying to kill you is the corruption. It's attacking the problem from a different angle in hopes that it will be a bit easier.
I don't know but I am guessing because of how powerful he is that while it may do damage to him, it's not going to be nearly enough to even slow him down.
Red Dwarf
>>Red Dwarf
>From the Single Player Game or is there another way? SPG looks like it could end the chain.
According to canon, you need the following to win the SP game:
>Be a Time player, although the drawback nullifies this I think it's useful to mention it, because you're going in a race against time, so manipulating it should be useful no matter what.
>Being capable of doing repetitive and tedious tasks without that slowing yourself.
>Have a lot of will-power, things will get boring/rough. You're going to spend most of the jump alone with the Felt. Well, I guess there is nothing stopping you from jumping out of the session in the first planets where the time countdown is more flexible to get some goodies, but you should be careful about that anyway
>Have a lot of luck. Seriously, Caliborn victory was in a great due thanks to his luck AKA destiny AKA plot. Getting a few freebie planets at the beginning of your session could save your ass when the time countdown starts to get shorter and shorter.
>Have some good team-coordination perks. Coordinating your minions is key to win the game. You don't get to use them on the final boss, but you will need them to conquer the planets. Some of them have really useful abilities.
Also, you're literally murdering your way to the top, so I hope that it is not a problem. The Prospit is gone, so you're mostly killing people from the Derse, whose favorite games include playing cards while cheating so they can start stabbing each other, reading magazines about stabbing and buy new knifes so they can stab better. Not a nice bunch.
>Is Crowbar nice or is this another challange?
Crowbar is your minion if you take the SP session. The most competent and seems to be the most loyal of the bunch. I don't see why he wouldn't let you have it (although you should provide him with something in return and probably promise to return it).
If you don't go SP, you're not going to get the crowbar because the only ones that have it are LE minions and LE himself, so you're not getting close to them thanks to Jump fiat.
That being said, I don't think that unless you're a really high-end Jumper you're going to get a boss stronger than the one that Caliborn got. He was a God-tier Lord of Time with one of the strongest races that existed in Homestuck multiverse.
Also, you can always add the transdimensional attack from the intact Deadlight reward in Light of Terra. It's just a poor man's sting, but it works better on magical creatures. Use power combinations and you get an strengthen version of your Sting.
Personally I'd assume it acts as normal.
As I understand it, the Sword is backed by the literally omnipotent Creator God of the Dresden Files, so it's not like it's going to lack the power to even out the odds.
And while the Presence and the White God sort of occupy the same space in their respective stories, they're not really the same being - the Spectres connection with the Presence isn't going to change it's relationship witht he White God.
And the Presence is apparently sitting out of this one.
The trick is being actually able to /use/ the sword.
Would Age of Wonder's False balance work for that? (no idea if that's been discussed before).
>Be a Time Player
Planned on being a Page of Time anyways so how's that. Do I need a different choice?
>Being capable of doing repetitive and tedious tasks without that slowing yourself.
Does Boredom Immunity and a hell of a lot of Shadow Clones help?
>Have a lot of will-power, things will get boring/rough. You're going to spend most of the jump alone with the Felt.
I don't think I'll have a problem with that.
>Have a lot of luck. Seriously, Caliborn victory was in a great due thanks to his luck
Victory Dependent on Plot Armor Prana? /Joke
>Have some good team-coordination perks.
I have some, probably need more. Got the coordination perks from Overlord (Videogame) and some others, so I'll just look for more.
>Also, you're literally murdering your way to the top, so I hope that it is not a problem.
It depends on the folk I'm murdering.
>Not a nice bunch.
Not really then. I have Tolerence for Evil so I can look at objectively evil acts and see their benefits and drawbacks.
>Crowbar is your minion.
Oh! That's cool! Once I'm done with the Crowbar then I'll just hand it back. If he proves himself a loyal I'll give him a copy of my own Lance after we're done.
>The most competent and seems to be the most loyal of the bunch.
Looks shifty.
> Age of Wonder's False Balance
Wut, also no that one hasn't been brought up.
Not that I took the Sword, but I would just use the "Use Any Magic Item" trait from Overlord.
The perk says:
>Any broadly defined requirements someone might need to meet in terms of alignment or magical affinity are removed for you. For example .... magical items that can only be used by those who are pure of heart coud be wielded by you even if you were an undead, mass murdering monstrosity
The first thing that popped into my head after reading "Pure of heart sword" was a Sword of the Cross.
I suppose the key thing which could sink this theory is that drawing a distinction between who you are, and what the sword is doing.
Still, it can't hurt.
Um... To be fair any race can somewhat use spirit particles.
I assume it is just the Arrancar having a Quincy Cross and Yhwach doing some of his soul voodoo.
Question about Homestuck. So can Witch of Space just shrink the planets and their inhabitants in next jumps, it could Jade do it only through being fused with Bec?
Fuck you Veeky Forums, there were 3 line breaks to separate the question from bleach stuff
It's so good it's bad sometimes.
>False Balance
So you can lie to the object. Neat. D20 Warlocks can do so as well.
>Planned on being a Page of Time anyways so how's that. Do I need a different choice?
Probably not a good idea to take a class that takes centuries to mature in a scenario where you're constantly racing against the clock.
Exactly. Veeky Forums gets rid of those to prevent abuse. Use something like ~~~ instead.
Ah the whole thing is just a hypothetical. I just wanted to know if I could do it and then it spiraled from there. I'm honestly thinking of just getting the Juju Lance for now. What makes the Crowbar so much better?
I suppose the issue here is, broadly speaking, the same issue I raised here
I should probably recheck the books, but as I understand the Swords...
They're not designed for acts of violence. They're meant for acts of [insert worthy cause here].
Them not being capable of doing "evil" is a limitation of the Swords, not the wielder. Being able to use the swords means you're able to use them to do what the swords do - it doesn't fundamentally change what the swords /are/ or the rules they operate under. I think.
So "False Balance" or "Use any Magic item" probably just means you can use the swords as normal. Basically I think my knee jerk reaction was wrong.
>Planned on being a Page of Time anyways so how's that. Do I need a different choice?
I think it should be fine. I don't really know if another class would be really better suited, but Page/Heir seem to be decent options and the ones closer to the Lord. Alternatively, you can use your time in the first planet using clones to conquer it while traveling to alternate universes in search of other classes of your same aspect and absorb them to make a makeshift Lord class.
>Looks shifty.
Not really. The Felt just follow orders. In canon they're resurrected by the guy that murdered them and once they see that his old boss(es) are not around, they become loyal to their new boss with little questioning.
Also, pic related. He is a competent second in command when it comes to deal with the Felt. Even Caliborn who hates pretty much everyone recognizes that.
There was also a perk in Overlord that allowed you to use any magical item lifting any of its conditions as if you were its owner.
I would assume it was a First Guardian power boost, like Bec Noir. That being said, just search for other power boosts to do it.
The crowbar can break Jujus. Well, at least in one timeline. And make any kind of temporal related stuff stop working by hitting it.
It was used to destroy stuff like the Clocks linked to God Tier immortality, although with different results.
It's a really useful tool.
Yeah, but I've got Time, eh?
>I think it should be fine.
Cool, I like the the Page.
>The Felt just follow orders.
Ah, that's understandable then.
>The crowbar can break Jujus. Well, at least in one timeline.
Damn. That's.... just.... wow.
>It's a really useful tool.
No kidding?
...wait. How do you, use clones to do so or travel to alternate universes? Do you mean through out of jump powers? Because if so it feels like the solo game would scale to account for clones
>Do you mean through out of jump powers?
> Because if so it feels like the solo game would scale to account for clones
Do it in the first planet, never do it again.
The session is probably going to force you to go all out in the last planets, so why not use your abilities when you can?
Could I use Eggs to go back in time to have planets that I have yet to conquer just... Be conquered and just awaiting detonation?
And then use Stitch to make it into stable time loop or something?
hey YJ user some questions about The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest
Heroes/Wolverine and the X-Men
1.Are we operating Under the Assumption that Series have the same timeline?
2. I Have Integrated YJ amazo into myself,Are Galactus and his Heralds things I can copy? what about Graviton or the hulk ?
3.how Effective Would a GBE be against the above?
4. I have Nine-Realms Craftsman & Lab Samples:Uru can I make my own Destroyer?
5.is a pile Bunker mode acceptable as a trick weapon for a GBE?
6.if it is the same timeline,should I Make All humans Not in sterile Contain'd environments into Mutants like I did In X-Men cinematic to Make the MRA obsolete ?
7.Are companions Factor'd in with Sentinels Mark-JUMPER,or only you?
8. I noticed that Companions who Go Asgardian
cannot Also get enchanted, any of the Elder elemental Powers or Nine-Realms Craftsman ,Was this intentional? 800-600=200.
9.I have strongest of all from EVO: Search For Eden, Would that now work with Asgardian to make you one of the most powerful Asgardians empowering what you get with mighty?
I realized something.
If Emperor's goal was to guide human evolution into becoming like him... EVO will help
Alright people, I’m going to put on a theory on bleach I would like some actual input in this. I honestly think it might be Kubo enough to work in-universe. And remain out of jump by JC habit of keeping soul bound stuff around.
And yes, I am a HERETIC!11!010!! And should be torched alive by neckbeards and etc etc but I’ll jump this version of the Bleach jump.
So, here’s the thing, I found this couple of theories on how souls of stuff work on Bleach and came up with a way to become transcendent Aizen-Style with less Killy bullshit. Basically, a crapton of power and potential via bleachverse wonky soul mechanics.
Suppose Pic related about Ichigo is a thing.
Ok so, build has me taking Quincy, Halfbreed Quincy, and the Quincy Alphabet (Ywach’s diary with all the Quincy secrets behind a cypher-wall-of-different-languages. Which includes the secret of how to give bits of my soul to other people to make them quincy).
And a shinigami perk or two, discounted. Just to be safe I’m half Shinigami (1/2)
Keikaku consists on giving the Diary (copies of course) to Aizen (using a Deal-enforcer perk to ensure no shit happens, safest thing possible as they tend to work by jumpchan fiat and thus are the closest thing to unbreakable).
Thus, having him work on a “secret project” that will smooth out his hokyoku plan by making part of the deal to let him in my own keikaku. (probably gonna have to kill him but meh, pre-hokyoku I could just supercharge antimagic and disappear half his body).
Plan for myself is using my quincy BS powers to absorb a hollow (maybe one designed by Aizen if I can squeeze it into the deal or a Jilian menos grande, as they are the closest thing to blank in nature) and beat him into weapon shape via Shinigami powers. Or just get him to snatch an Asauchi and give me the visored treatment after I get a spirit going.
Anyhow, I would eventually get to be a 3-4 way hybrid (human/quincy+zampakto/hollow+shinigami) with the BS it entails, and he “could” get to be a vizard (hollow+zampakto)via hokyku + human(quincy) when he translates ywach’s diary and I give him a bit of my soul and make him an honorary quincy.
I thought about doing that with Urahara, but I cant really trust hat n’ clogs not to stay away from the timeline or help a random jackass into ludicrous powerlevels, and Aizen has a secret castle in another dimension, which can do away with the Wandersomehting realizing.
I could translate the diary myself, but then I would run the conundrum of not having hollow to absorb, since jump says it can take more than 10 years and don’t have timefuckery enough to do away with it and there’s no way to get hollows afterwards.
Finally, I will probably take the fanfiction drawback-perk to make the thing into a comedy universe, like ImprovAizen, that were Aizen and the Arrancar were mooching of the Seireitei—Uninvited Guests I think, Please Stop Eating The Hell Butterflies or Not quite as planned can be good too…
So, I'm considering arm options... Do people here prefer claws, blade arms, giant crab pincers, or gorilla arms with snakes for fingers?
Or maybe something else?
While the second image was informative, you just fucked up majorly.
You boasted about an exploit based around an SB version of jump that was not uploaded here.
You fucked up
Eggs can only travel back in time one hour. To travel even further back in time you would need Sawbuck. But he could send you either two minutes ago, three days ago or a billion years ago. Not really reliable.
And time loops involving so many events probably are not a thing that you want to do in Paradox Space when your chain depends on you winning the SP game.
There are honestly so many different ones I like, I can put them into categories.
>Good Winged Pal, Best Friend
>Wyverns, gryphons, western dragons, gargoyles, pegasi, hippogryphs
>Would Marry and/or Become One if Asked
>Merfolk, centaurs, sphinxes, gorgons, serpent/lizardfolk
>Okay So If I Had to Be Undead
>Mummies, vampires, draugr, ghosts
And so on.
What about a Phoenix Gate (Gargoyles), creates stable time loops for prep. Would that work?
More stuff that could help you:
>Get Magic Item Creation EX from the Servant Supplement
>Get Magic Item creator from Overlord
>Start Creating A+ Noble Phantasm
>Create Shapeshifting Noble Phantasm
>Use that perk from Aion to fuse all of them into your Juju weapon
You can get a weapon seriously loaded with conceptual stuff with these.
Also, if you import your lance as a Juju AND as a dual weapon in Sburb, you can get a machine gun with the same properties that your Longinus.
Who cares. The jump on the drive is terrible anyways, why would you ever talk about it in regards to actually visiting Bleach?
Upload the new Bleach jump to the drive you wanker
The wording seems pretty restrictive to me
>Phoenix Gate – A medal about the size of a human hand. When the correct incantation is recited aloud, it will form a bubble about 3 yards across and take anyone inside to any point in time and space the incanter wants to go. Can only create stable time loops, and since you arrived in a version of that reality unchanged by your actions, you can't actually change anything from before you arrived.
Might be useful but I don't know how much. Maybe getting information.
The game seems to need that you exploit some time related stuff, giving that all the Felt have time-related abilities and was mean to be played with the Time Aspect in a race against time.
Also, you get Stitch to fix a lot of shit in mid-game, before things start getting really hot. Although I wouldn't trust the entirety of the game on him being able to fix all your fuck ups when dealing with time.
I prefer cyborg hands that turn into whatever I need.
Go for it., what's the worst shit-storm that could happen?
That's the main thing. As Jumpmaker said, Felt can be changed to fit your chosen aspect. The main issue is that the Solo game Caliborn got was made for time player and that is what the drawback offers. Without time aspect you are fucked
Jumpmaker said not to do it yet. It is still unfinished
Firstly something for your time. You've improved my main weapon project, thanks.
Chekhov's Gun
1. Base weapon Gravity Beam Emitter (Blame!)
2. Enchanted (King Arthur) to 'Absorb other items and gain their properties'
3. Absorbed Tracking Gun (Blame!) from 4. Dragon-Forged Weapon (Merlin)
5. Import as Barrel Replica (KNK)
6. Import as Seventh Holy Scripture (KNK)
7. Absorbed my Caster (Outlaw Star)
8. Absorbed the Dark Matter Gun (FFXIV)
9. Import as a Golden Weapon (Magical Girl Noir)
10. Utilized Dreadnought Engineering to upscale it to short rifle status.
11. Sword Plant (King Arthur) short rifle.
12. Using Let's Make It Better (Unholy Heights) to improve the traits.
13. EX Rank Item Construction (Fate/Extra) to make an A-Rank Noble Phantasm. [Be sure to use Monster Hunter part, Orichalcum, Orihalcon, Obdurium, etc.]
14. Fill 'Blank Legend' with Colorful Backgrounds (Drakengard) just because.
15. Absorb A+-Rank Noble Phantasm
16. Absorb Lance of Longinus (NGE)
17. Import as Juju.
18. Import as Dual Weapon.
19. Create a Copy of Crowbar's Crowbar.
20. Absorb Copy-Crowbar.(At last possible second, so as to keep the game from adapting in this scenario)
I have a Gun that Shoots the Past (Enter the Gungeon) if I make a mistake, but I'd rather not lean on it.
>The wording seems pretty restrictive to me
Yeah, it is but Stable Time-loops can do some pretty amazing things when you have the Felt doing the some work. (At least I hope).
I'm all for a actually good bleach jump. Specially if I don't need to bullshit a Segunda Etapa.
Just when I was starting to plan for it too.
Now we just need the Stand Supplement
Sadly, I won't be able to shapeshift them, since they're not mine.
But I guess I'll consider it one vote for 'hands' then?
No, it's already finished. He said so over SB.
Oh boy, here we go again.
He said he's still finalizing it and working on supplement, then he will upload it himself
Exalted :The Dragonblooded question: when Dragon's Cigars says that "the case automatically restores itself" Is it fair to interpret That as also restoring the cigars? Because it is not worded as such but mostly intended that way.
A reminder that he'll upload it to SB's drive. He's said multiple times that if we want it we can have it, but he won't put it here himself unless we ask for it, because he knows people will get salty.
Asura's Wrath. Is the 8 level cap mentioned in Mantra Training simply what you can achieve only through the forms but can be raised by Mantra Reactor and such, or just a hardcap in general?
He said he will upload it on Veeky Forumsms drive, senpai
Didn't think he'd changed his mind on that, given he knew people would be up in arms about it. Did someone actually ask for it?
1. I don't know what you mean by that.
2. Galactus, probably not. Heralds, maybe not. Graviton and Hulk, probably.
3. Effective against all but Galactus for sure.
4. You could make a Destroyer-Lite, but full powered Destroyer like things are locked off until you Spark.
5. Sure.
6. I guess.
7. Only you.
8. Yes.
9. It would put you somewhere between Thor and the Warriors Three in terms of power; it wouldn't make you as powerful as Odin or Thor due to their special nature.
Yes. I did. We are Supposed To wait Till Supplement is Finished
I also am confused by how the Mantra training and the forms work. It says the forms don't stack but then how do you raise the cap with subsequent forms?