Soooooooooooooooo, is no one gonna talk about the fact pic related is by far profiting the most off of what's happening currently?
The last time the fbi got a hold of their computers they had 40,000 bitcoins. Who tf knows how much they have now.
This could be a whole new level of drug trafficing coming up.
Other urls found in this thread:
you are aware silk road doesnt exist anymore right
tim draper bought them at auction years ago.
Really? I haven't visited that site in years so i wouldn't know. It still raises the question about other drug sites on the deep web though.
i think he's talking about the feds
I was talking about silk road as a specific, but meant the drug trade in general
you know it actually does right. every time they take down the silk road a new one pops up with private invites to a select group of trusted people and they invite others. the only way to get in is a referral system like agora faggot.
The concept of how the silk road actually played out I'm completely against.
An entirely free and unregulated marketplace is a complete nightmare.
I remember a listing for Potassium Cyanide..... all the comments saying they didn't go through with it and choose to live
ya, no. fuck the silk road and ross got his karma
"""My friend""" stopped using the site around the time 2.0 was at its peak. """My friend"""" only used it for cigars and LSD so at least he's not a complete loss.
I remember seeing a lot of really fucked up shit on that site. Its really fucking terrifying how readily available certain poisons are.
Silk Road is dead
Dream market is the only one that still exists I think
I have no doubt that some of the largest BTC holders are criminal enterprises and cartel type entities.
OP are you talking about em camel riding, freedom hating, kiddie porn addicted arabs? Cause in that case, its all iota all the way down
When shit completely hit the fan with AB/those other dark net markets back in July, I went balls deep on XMR around $35.
I thought that whatever future DNM popped up would be donkey-brained to accept BTC instead of XMR. I remember that the reports all said that the authorities were able to collect/trace amount of BTC, LTC, ETH, etc. but couldn't trace the XMR.
Talked to a friend today who uses the DNMs, he said that the current biggest websites only take BTC and not XMR. Wtf. I've made huge gains, but for seemingly the wrong reasons
Its the logo for silk road, it used to be the largest online drug market in the world.
The police have no reason to launch a full investigation and track down someone who bought 50$ worth of crack online. The only people who get traced are the sellers and usually the money you send them goes directly into a laundering account.
wait OP, are you trying to say that some of the biggest current BTC hodlers are drug kingpins that have been reluctant to unload their BTC in order to maintain a low profile? if so, there's probably 100-2500 kids out there under the age of 30 with more than $50M in BTC.
money laundering is tough, i doubt many of these 18-30 year old internet drug dealing millionaires know what to do with their enormous BTC holdings. so they just hodl, and have probably made a metric fuckload this year.
>the only people that actually use bitcoin for it's intended purpose saying "Fuck you Bitcoin"
Not only drug dealers, anyone who offers darknet services basically. That includes hitmen, pedophiles, hackers, etc...
Hitmen, pedophiles and hackers arent even that prevalent on the darknet unless you specifically search for them. On the other hand,some of the largest drug vendors on Alphabay (back when that still existed) and other sites move tens of thousands of dollars worth of product every day.
>maybe if I type like I have multiple personality disorder the feds can't get me! take that guberment!
im jealous as fuck of all the old time sellers like jor, hos and blueviking. if they didnt get busted they are probably living a cozy life
officer: yo who did this shit?
Ganstah: uh it was swim, officer
Other forms include: Someone I Met, My friend, My Friends Friend, etc...
There's even an entire drug education YouTube channel with the username SWIM.
Just stick to watching stranger things and getting high off YouTube cooking tutorials user.
Theyll have to sell soon though or else its back to selling other stuff. WINK WINK
I thought he was talking about jolly green saudis. Fuck i need a break from Veeky Forums.
wowzer realllly no wayyu!! ! you sound like youre in their inner circle and really knowledgeable on the subject! tell me more i always wanted an invite to the heros league of shit tier sellers for plebs theyre so hard to find cause theyre so secretive and private and you have to be really cool to get in the secret onlinw drug club
Are you retarded? Those hero leagues your talking about, are drug manufactures supplying drug distributors they are the top of the pyramid. Hence the reason why its so exclusive. How the fuck do you think your Afghani weed got to Whitesville California.
>what is silk road online pharmacy
woah dudee!!! afgani weeed all the way from afganistannn????! thats nuts bro these guys are the real deal ill tell you that. no gimmicks involvesed in that. truly the besst prices and quality around amirite
This commie hates capitalism! Aw little crybaby going to cry?
Kill yourself hillbilly. All iraq vets are fucking retards.
Awww poor kid has never tried Afghani hash.
Do you remember MAHAKALA? Best acid on DNM's. I remember GamaGoblin, TopGunUk too.
Man you have absolutely no idea what you talk about, yes its high quality because it gets tested, these guys dont fuck around and have good equipment and that only happened because of that market there. People only want to buy from the best and if you deliver good quality you are in a big business. Also people order there with good equipment and valuate it.
Fuck that brings back memories. Back when you didn't have to test every acid strip you buy.
normalfags who smoke weed should be killed
you are all annoying cunts
They are millionaires now. Especially MAHAKALA. He/they fucking deserved it.
yeah i remember them. i miss reading people like astor and the other security gurus posts the most on the forums. if it wasnt for them i probably still be poor and would not have bought bitcoin
He actually made good trustable product. Hes the type of dealer you smoke with then go go-karting
Never have i scene a kid so off the mark. Go back to smoking weed smuggled across the border in a pregnant womans ass.
i can go to the dispensary down the street from my house and buy weed you 3rd world fuck
I can too.... Hence the reason why I stoped using silk road...
Maybe you should ask about different strains and get something that doesn't just involve the word weed and a bright color.
congrats pajeet
>third world fuck
>Doesnt even have NEETbux
>Police is literally 3rd world tier
>Has the most incarcerated people in the world
>Is in war 90% of the time since it became a country a few hundred years ago
You know that you live in a 2nd world country?
Last time I checked i lived in BC but I guess not... You know the province with an entire strain named after it. Go back to smoking you pesticide filled weed Norman.
on an (un)related note, does anyone know where i can buy fake passports? specially either a german or south african passport. Asking for a friend
kek the future of currency
You sound like a sovcit.