was assblaster lying to us? w-will there be no price singularity?
Was assblaster lying to us? w-will there be no price singularity?
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What does that even mean?
assblaster == sergery == satoshi
Yeah would like to hear from him again. Was probably just a great larper, trying to make a few linkies wait till after the holidays to kill themselves
>Link singularity
>The absolute moment linkies watch their coin go to absolute zero
>The absolute moment sergey's heart combusts while high of his 50th bigmac
did you honestly fall for that LARP?
try not to kill yourself when LINK goes to 10 cents
>Name is AssBlaster
>Says his firm bought 100 million Links off whales without anyone noticing
Sounds legit, user!
Oh look who's here. The spineless traitor
I've given it some thought and reached the conclusion that it isn't entirely implausible that I might be a bit homosexual.
How else can I describe my desire to have Satsuki push me down on all fours and jam the heel of her shoe in my arse hole repeatedly until the blood is positively flowing from my raptured anus.
I'm a Lieutenant Colonel LINK-marine btw.
Did you get back in with your profits? You were a good guy, hope you got in with gains, if you got back in.
Ass blasters was complete larper.
"That's my company!"
"Oh wait, no it's not"
"Oh wait, there's two of them. I'm in the, eh, which one did you contact? The american one? Oh good yeah cos I'm in the UK one"
Dude is so full of shit. Just goes to show if you make walls of text, have decent grammar and appeal to the bag holders then retards will jump straight on your dick
In the thread about that bullshit medium article he started larping about his firm working with signal capital (the real estate firm), when it became clear that the signal capital talked about in the medium article didn't even fucking exist, he quickly changed his tune. All over the place and shit...
He first came to Veeky Forums at three separate dates as well. For the amount of larp he did I think he should've put more work into making it plausible.
Why is everyone doubting him all of a sudden. He never said it was gonna moon in 2017. Stfu
Wait was that whole Medium article a hoax?
Thanks, user. I made money on other coins and got back on the post-2800 pullback. I'll hold until the announcement later this month. If it's a nothingburger like the one in October, the dump is going to be insane.
Feels bad man. I'ven't got the mind or nerves for intellegent trading. My brainlet-ism will see me bagholding into the abyss. At least I won't miss an unexpected moon (as if).
I'm bored and I wanna fud cos its fun.
I own 70K LINK.
Yeah my man. The only thing that could be linked to that certain signal capital existing was a linkedn profile that was locked and had no information
I'm still 80% sure a lot is happening behind closed doors and Link will have its moment. The question is when!
Sheit. So was it made as shill or elaborate fud?
That was clearly written by a Link bagholder. Might be AssBlaster, might be someone else.
Me and you both know it's nothing. Rory mentioned a casual line, and it got blown out of proportion.
That being said, I'lll keep some in LINK. You can make crazy gains with LINK when the volume is decent ~ 350btc+. Normally cant even sell half my stack without losing 5%.
Best of luck.
Holy shit the whole
>Reviewed by Rory
becomes hilarious with this insight
What kind of financial investment firm begins a business analysis with 'Thanks to Rory for reading and reviewing this article'?
I'm such a fucking brainlet for not seeing
deluded linkies take note.
serious financial firms wouldn't mention rory by name.
stop being emotional and recognize the fact you're being played.
LINK is going to cause so many suicides
I'm inclined to think it wasn't Assblaster but rather someone who went along with his larp and decided to pretend to be that company.
He would have at least been consistent if it had.
I'm fairly certain the news is just Sergey saying everything is going great and they are in the process of hiring people and things are ahead of schedule with no definitive information.
Whats sad about the article is if it removed all the larp bullshit and price target things it would have been a great primer on the whole ecosystem.
lmao stop buying high and selling low
you shoulda jumped back into link when u had the chance
I'm looking forward to the possible bloodshed. Veeky Forums would bleed so bad
That's the funniest aspect of the whole charade: The article's actually good.
You okay, buddy?
Honestly Im just holding like 400 with a moon mission or bust outlook. it's like a higher success rate slot machine pull.
Look at the Satoshi value retard
You can't buy/sell link with usd
you did sell low though didn't you mr. weak hands
and i cant pay my bills with bitcoin braonlet.
google biz assblaster and find out ;)
for every good coin there is a staggering amount of FUDing on it, people really take it to lengths to FUD so hard they create entire personas
>this thread
>fake tripfags
nice try pajeets but im not selling
Link the article?
in a way i'll feel bad about the loss of life
but at the same time i'll definitely smile and feel pure joy
It's shilled and fudded relentlessly. At this point I'm sure it's the same person or group doing both.
For what reason I cannot comprehend.
Such is our times
Yes, he was a larper but I believe in what he said about Link and that he believes it too.
He was very informed and enthusiastic about the project and was having a bit of a "power trip" from all the "omgz, based assblaster!!!" he was getting
Just my 2 cents
P&D incoming in the next few days.
At this point I'm pretty sure there are more memes about Sergey than Vitalik and Satoshi combined.
>Just my 2 cents
>2 cents
FUCKIng kek that was such a massive red flag right off the bat
>yfw Barack is the whale that keeps cucking us
I guarantee you 90% of the people spreading fud are link holders just trying to rile people up
I think it's because he's so bloody cute.
AssBlaster was clearly a whale trying to do an elaborate PnD
I've read about whales stories
They give you something so you trust them (he even said "you will trust me the next time"), they accumulate, they give hope and then dump on the followers.
Remember how he said news would be anounced on the 6 and price singularity and all that? He endwd the PnD on the 5 knowing people would wait for the 6 to dump.
See how the volume decreased? See how it went up at the same time he started posting? (more or less)
They throw a bone, make people trust them and then dump.
The faggot made quite some money but in the end we linkies are the ones that will be laughing (also if it wasenr for that pump we might have dropped to 10cents do to the btc bullrun)
Also all those threads asking your range and whatnot? Thats to know how much link there is on this board so he can effectively calculate the pump.
Dont be so gullible, dont trust anons, dont trust trips, only trust your research
True if big.
Well you can trust this trip ;)
(jk dont trust no one)
A discontinuity in the price continuum; unlike anything ever seen in crypto, perhaps not even since man began trading goods millennia ago. At that moment, the price will leap 30x; unleashing a shockwave through the crypto space; making every linkie with at least 10k LINK, instant millionaires.
We're in the dead cat bounce of a PnD as I type this.
Dead cat bounce by BTC
Head and shoulders by Dollar.
~X500 would make 10k linklets millionaires (100$ per LINK)
We might see that in a couple years, if it all goes as we expect
Probably. It also explains the -2000 LINK wallets over the last few days. The P&D group left for another target. The FUD the other week was way to intense to have not been orchestrated.
>The FUD the other week was way to intense to have not been orchestrated.
I have never seen a more obvious PnD.
That actually makes a lot of sense.
No, the disappearing wallets are from Binance consolidating small exchange contract wallets into just 2 wallets with about 80M Links total.
The volume has noticeably dropped off too. Still not selling though. The FUD today has been a sign another grp might be planning to pump and dump it for the 'news' and the SWIFT convention stuff.
We should mame a discord for linkies and next time there"s a pump with no news or some trip appears out of nowhere with news we follow the current and then dump on them heheh
Fair enough, then this FUD is just them setting up another one for the SWIFT stuff. The volume has gone down though. Honestly at this point I cba, I am not selling and keep my LINK in a wallet even though I should be trading the P&Ds I guess but meh.
ha yeah, there is no real way of telling what number they will aim for though (although that is half dependant on how many people they get to fomo) and without being 100% sure it is a P&D ppl will still fomo and freak out not wanting to sell even if we tried to calm it down in a discord group. It is human nature.
I hadn't thought about that, but your theory is frighteningly plausible. Jesus Christ...
Who tf is this assblaster u keep mentioning?
What, just because some retard named Assblasters predictions were fake? No one got in because of him, its a solid project and WILL moon.
A trip talking about "insider info"
I think its hilarious u kids talking about Sergey. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at devcon, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
Ian Balina? Pay your taxes
hahaha omfg. love it! If only 'Clinton' was fatter and was surrounded by big macs.
>hangs out with the hottest dudes
What wallet do you guys use to hold your LINKies?
so much this. Im convinced 90% of the FUD are Linkmarines doing it for the lulz.
I Fud link like a Madman and i have 100k.
Sometimes i post intelligent Fud just to see if its debunked .
Most of the times are just toilet memes.
I cant have enough of those.
Link has the best memes
Thanks mang, cheers
You're talking a lot of shit, but that's ok, the true believers will be made billionaires soon enough.
>Most of the times are just toilet memes.
Ah. I see you are a man of culture as well.
He has Risen
Start a Q&A thread, man. So many Linkies have questions for you!
You're now aware that BTC mooned >100% by dollar value over the course of this chart
God bless you, based blaster of the asses
The faithful know where to find me.
All others are damned.
hello there tripfag
did you FOMO back in yet?
Back pedal harder faggot
Btw I'm not the real AssBlaster, if you had read all his threads you'd know that his trip was cracked, and he's using a new one now.
Holy shit its Assblaster vs Cryptotakeoff. This shit is like top 10 anime fights. Who will get btfo?!?!?!
No fun :(
you faggot
We're all going to make it, user. Couldn't be any other way here on Veeky Forums, the place for friends.
I should have kept it going, but I am a believer in AssBlaster, so I couldn't do that to the cause. Consdier this a public service.
cryptotakeoff keeps losing money with link. so now he just FUDs
Do you really believe the part about buying 100M Links in secret without anyone noticing? Whales talk in the Slack and Telegram channels all the time.
Will the real AssBlaster Please stand up
You are banished from these threads. BANISHED.