Do the Jews run crypto?
Redpill me /pol/
Do the Jews run crypto?
Redpill me /pol/
The jews run everything according to /pol
is that X:RA?
no its more like a war between kikes and chinks
we don't take kindly to stinky linky holdin freaks round here
Sorry user, they do. They've already convinced us to accept banks under the guise of "Nodes" where they hold our Bitcoin.
Stop thinking in such stupid racist ways. You'll feel better and realize how ignorant everything you are saying is. There is no secret cabal of Jews out to get you.
Go back to red.dit faggot, don't you know that Veeky Forums has been colonized by /pol/?
Depends on coin. Let me teach you secret tactic to spot the jew
>see who is involved
>is it run by kikes? then it's run by kikes.
Simple heuristic, that's how /pol/ got so wise.
every day the gap between /pol/ and Veeky Forums tightens
i can say for sure whoever runs crypto is even worse then jews or bankers
this thing was supposed to free us from all of that
but instead everyone enjoy pretending he is penny stock gordon gecko
Jews seek to use ethno centrism to control business and banking. So to ignore Jews on Veeky Forums is to ignore the elephant in the room.
Keep being a good goy and pretend like the Jews aren't parasites.
Yes sir
i just stated a fact keep your autism to yourself
>wojack Xavier with pepe hand
I can't see his backwards legs
I would unironically watch a wojak pepe hand arm adaptation of xra
bticoin will never go down against the usd but bitcoin is about to crash very hard against gold
You're too late shlomo the goyim know.
The chinks will end you with buttcoin and omg.
Russians with ethereum.
Your reign of financial slavery is almost ogre.
Go to Israel before we light the ovens again.
Yup they do run it, don't buy any. Your anti-antisemitism is more important than making a shitload of cash.
stfu fag
Good goy, pol is bad and raycis
Fucking retard, read a book thats not sanctioned by the ministry of truth for once.
That is the best Pepe/Wojak meme I have ever done seen. I love XRA
t. low iq link holder
i know about the pills and the reds
i know about the jews and the satoshi
and i have seen some episodes of xra
but i can not for the life of me understand it
please someone pill me and not blue
Looks like your grandma's pussy after I fucked it last night.
>low iq link holder
no need to be redundant
the goyim know motherfucker
what does.
your face?
if it wasn't for pol, biz wouldn't exist
also what does pol have to do with jews running finance?
kys. we're /g/ offspring.
>check OP
>it says "Redpill me /pol/"
nazis can't read I guess
actually some penny stock pumping asshole named wipe is the reason this board was created
now if you want to say bitcoin was first talked about on g then sure.
Agreed. I was just about to comment on how fucking spicy it was. I've never seen it either.