Based Greymane "My Lord!" edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
Based Greymane "My Lord!" edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Genn was so based in that cinematic
>dat raw emotion when he's trying to pull Varian up
Great VA, is he new?
They probably told the VA to get the stick out of his arse. The standard VA when you click on him is too damn flat.
They understandably put a lot of effort in the cinematic, considering it's meant to be the one wooing players into buying Legion.
>tfw no redemption ever
instead we get edgelord illydan
>Not "AWOOO!" edition.
I still think that silent howl they have him do at the end of the cinematic is really, really dumb. Because he's in human form when he does it.
I want to steal his coat.
link to cinematic?
He's saying NO user. But I do agree it was quite cheesy.
So when will the dragons get off their collective asses and do something about the Leejun? Is Wrathion gonna slink back on screen so he can molest Anduin some more?
If they did redeem him, it would mean that Blizzard needs to write a good story, and that a happy thing would happen in WoW, especially for Jaina. And we can't have that now can we?
You know, it's kinda funny Wrathion isn't involved in Legion(at least yet) when he was all about muh preparation for teh leejun in MoP.
theyre all weak and shit now or some bullshit.
Ysera gets corrupted (Old God tentacle porn when?)
But its bullshit that the average dragons and drakes aren't battling alongside us
He was set to appear in Highmountain posing as one of the Tauren NPCs for most of the zone. Then he got removed because "it didn't fit the lore." So expect Black Prince 2.0, I guess. Or maybe he'll show up to hit on Anduin, who knows.
>Then he got removed because "it didn't fit the lore."
So he got cut because Blizz ran out of time/money again
Even worse, it was because they felt that by not explaining who he was/why he was posing as a Tauren the whole time, Wrathion didn't fit in. It was their fault, since the Tauren literally turns into Wrathion, then he disappears, with no explanation.
I feel like that's so typical Wrathion it almost doesn't need explanation, as long as there is follow up elsewhere. Just dragon things.
Right, but there's no follow up, since it happened at the end of the zone's questline. Maybe it would have been followed up later, but I doubt it. Though actually, it would be pretty based if Wrathion was following your character around like the G-Man.
>Why is the Hero just... sitting there? They're alternating between dancing and sitting down for an hour...
You can see his lips move, and they don't look like he's saying 'no' to me.
>(Old God tentacle porn when?)
I'm willing to bet it already exists. No, I am not going to go look for it.
Maybe he'll jump into a fight in one of the raids, actually try to DO something for once instead of fucking shit up. He'd probably get his ass smacked down in a second and then we'd have to save him.
That whole 'either the Alliance and Horde will unite to fight off the Iron Horde or the Iron Horde will curbstomp all of Azeroth and stand unified against the Legion' plan sure worked out WONDERFULLY, didn't it? What with the Iron Horde falling apart in a hurry and RED vs BLU flaring up even more.
Do not sexualize the alpha wuffer.
Redemption isn't for everyone. I for one am glad that Arthas got put down before they had any chance to make another well-intentioned villain out of him.
>Needing redemption
Does he need redemption? Sure his ending was shit, but the solution isn't to make him a good guy all of a sudden. Otherwise what the fuck was the point of his whole storyline? Illidan, no matter what you might think of him, definitely needed something instead of "lol now I'm insane, come farm me for drops". Arthas at least made some amount of sense.
Where the fuck did I imply anything of the sort?
"AWOOO!" is a common sound clip male worgen use, so I was making a joke about it. It's especially prevalent in the Alliance version of Shadowfang Keep (Cata revision.) The NPCs can't go a minute without doing it.
>Not knowing who Awoooo is
I read that as 'body bad pauldrons' and chuckled. I should really sleep.
how animu
Considering /d/ is a click away, I'm guessing a porn artist.
The only Ysera pic i found would need to have more coverage than a heavy ecchi animu airing at any time other than midnight
>Azeroth is a titan.
>Huh. Neat.
That exchange was bafflingly downplayed considering just how big a revelation in-universe that is.
Because it doesn't mean much without context. Also nice quads.
>how big a revelation in-universe that is.
Bigger than the previous big bad being a fetusphile dindu?
those are sexes, user
>Veeky Forums
Nah, mate, nah
this is a great day for warcraft.
>never even had quads in the past 10 years
>suddenly sexts
I don't know how to deal with this.
What are the best VA performances in Wow?
gnome female.
he wants azeroth for his waifu
He wants to put his big flaming demon rod inside a planet baby
Not necessarily. He wants it under his control and serving his purposes, but that doesn't mean the desire is sexual in nature.
It's like a warlord getting his hands on a nuke: That's going to get a pretty strong reaction, but it doesn't mean he's going to start humping the bomb.
That or if she doesn't go "imma gonna nuke the voidlords" just rod her to death like all he's found before
seriously though, fucking paladins with their bullshit "muh respect for the dead hurr durr" just hand him over, you're not even using him
Why don't you claim Sylvanas' body, since she's a banshee that can just find a new one?
In Warcraft, necromancy can fuck with souls as well as bodies, and the two are often intrinsically linked. Ex. All those forsaken that rise out of the crypt, still with their original souls, which are now barred from the afterlife until their hellish undead existence ends.
We'll go back to the grave when Lordaeron is safe from usurpers and traitors.
>Implying we're not on that
We saved Koltiras first.
We'll take her down next.
its koltira
>We'll take her down next.
I guess you're doing SOMETHING right, then.
>implying we won't secure the afterlife
The devil, or whatever the hell is there, will be captured and jailed. Ebon Blade Police Department does not negotiate with demons and monsters.
>Get to afterlife
>No, XxÃrthāsxX, you ARE the demons
>And then the Ebon Blade was zombie.
>the superdevil is coming!
>when he gets here I'll kick his ass too
-Ebon Blade peace officer Deathlord Jay to an apprehended suspect
Honestly, what I got out of the Lich King's ending is that Arthas was glad you managed to kill him. He was pretty much compelled to be what he was by a force he couldn't control. It's like when you get so fucking angry and even though you know you're going full retard, you don't care nor can you bring yourself to stop, you just keep raging and frothing at the mouth.
He needed no redemption, only to be put out of his misery. he was a much of a slave to the Lich King persona as any other Scourge soldier was.
I wish to learn more about the timeline where everyone is a slutty goblin
Green dragons are effectively wiped out at the start of the expansion, Blue dragons ARE there on the Broken Isles helping. Wrathion was in Beta but got replaced at the last minute for some reason so now there are TWO uncorrupted black dragons. I'm sure the Black Prince will be back though, opposing the Legion was his whole thing.
Really it's just Alexstrasza who's being a negligent ass.
So what should I do if i'm a long-time lapsed WoW player who doesn't really like the idea of alternate-timeline Gul'dan hopping over to our reality to usher in the apocalypse because the WoD time-and-reality-fuckery was really oppressively bad?
Whine to Blizzard about this cross-pollination being a really shitty direction to take their story?
Don't play the game. Other than people growing up and getting jobs and families, people not liking where the game is going is the second big reason why players drop their WoW account.
Is that really the only constructive thing we can do so that Blizzard maybe isn't so shitty one day? Not play?
You can hear him if you listen for it he screams NOOOOOOOO
You could try not taking advice from Veeky Forums anons.
Considering how few people actually play wow for the lore? Yes. The Pandaria expansion had some pretty horrific events happen in the background, but it was all pushed aside because MUH PANDAS.
The truth about Wrathions involvement with Garrosh came out so the factions are looking for him to answer for what he did.
What I want to know is: Why did Greymane turn back into a human while on the airship? Isn't he stronger in worgen form? His arms look burlier, at least.
My best guess is that they wanted to try having him show emotion, and couldn't get it to look right with the dog face.
Pretty much. GW doesn't give a shit about player opinion when it comes to story, so you can post as much as you want, that won't make the old gods return to being anything but flunkies to a bigger evil, for example.
What else would you do? It's obvious Blizzard didn't listen to any feedback about the last 3 expansions, even when people raged on the forums about certain plot details and retcons. They have so much money and so many people who don't give a shit about the story and will continue to fork out money.
Fuck, I think it's pretty much those people that keep WoW going, the raidwhores and pvp idiots.
>mfw Anduin gives a quest to spank Wrathion.
I never thought I'd live to see this day.
>sceptre of Sargeras
He met the Baby Titan at one point and is now obsessed with her
Obsession does not have to be sexually based, regardless of what the internet might think.
>Anduin is growing into a powerful young paladin that will do anything to save his people
And history repeats itself once again
>All he could think about was her wondrous eye
>corrupted and his
>thinks about her so much, makes an artifact to reflect his vision of her
>she's never far from his thoughts
I dunno, user. It sounds like a classic villain crush. It could EASILY go in that direction. You don't think about a nuke's beautiful eyes, or make artifacts in it's image.
Considering Wrathion is only three years old that could be seen as a fitting punishment.
>Priest powers
Why yes, it's actually a smart choice. It shows he's in a position of weakness, he can only watch as his buddy and lord decides to commit the ultimate sacrifice for the Alliance.
That and Genn cannonically doesn't like turning into a Worgen, he fears it makes him too aggressive and uncontrollable, which we quickly see when Varian has to call him twice while he's mauling that demon on the ground.
>and go stanv in the corner
>you just lost your dessert rights.
>put out of his misery
But user, he's suffering eternal super-torture in mega-hell.
His fathers death tempered him and he realised the importance of martial skills. He is becoming a paladin.
Oh sweet summer child.
>Not priest
I mean, we do see him smashing a demon with a Light hammer, but I really doubt he'll ever be anything else than a priest.
>3 years old
>Already scheming and plotting
Never trust blacks
C'mon anduin.
Don't be a pussy.
I need a kel'thuzad of my own.
Come with uncle bolvar.
Looking pretty paladin there
KT is Bolvars KT
Pic related. I really hope he becomes a paladin, as the whole comic is about him becoming steonger and willing to fight while he changed Varian and made him willing to offer peace.
But I really doubt we'll see it happen.
He does become the high king of the Alliance with Velen as his advisor when he'd old though.
His AU version did more in an expansion than MU Velen did since TBC
I have to wonder who actually wrote that book.
At least he got a clean death
I'd rather he stays a priest. Just a more LASERS priest. You can fight without putting on armor. Especially when you still have bubbles, god damn it...
>All those atrocities committed
>Years pass
>Even more atrocities committed
>Still somehow same Arthas
>Gets a clean death anyway
priests can use maces (particularly one-handed maces like that).
the reason i'm skeptical is because anduin is the representative of the priest class in hearthstone, which makes me doubt they will turn him into a different class.
>anduin is the representative of the priest class in hearthstone
And Rexxar is the fucking hunter. HS ain't canon
But Paladins are the ones that create hammers out of light.
I hope he becomes a paladin too.
I don't care much for nu-lore, but that is one of the few things I care about.
He'd be taking Uthers path to becoming a paladin, priest that becomes a knight, rather than the other way that was the norm after Uther.
Rexxar is a hunter
that sounds about right
He's a beastmaster, he was never a hunter
The obvious answer is that he's a priest with some paladin spells.
Bolvar could Shield Wall (warrior ability) and Lay on Hands (paladin ability) as I recall.
Lore characters don't have to follow the same rules as PCs. It's been that way since vanilla.
Survival is melee now, bro.
Survival. Marsmanship anddd?
Hunter wasn't a thing when he was created.
Hunters=Pets+Ranged Weapon+Melee Weapon
Rexxar had Pets+Melee Weapon.
Then they gave him a bow in hearthstone.
WoWbabby fuck off