What are the worst ways to name a character?
What are the worst ways to name a character?
Other urls found in this thread:
1) Picking a name is symbolic of the character.
2) Picking a name that translates into something symbolic of the character. (e.g. Bella on a character that's notably beautiful)
I do both.
So do people IRL. Ever wonder why "Smith" became a name?
>1) Picking a name is symbolic of the character.
This is ok if the symbolism is obscure.
What does Lakynn even mean?
Picking a special snowflake with sixteen different names.
>Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
I can't stand names of the Killgore Deathot variety. Or character names that are 100% lifted from some popular medium.
>that pic
Millenials should be gassed
A liberal name.
No, there's too many of them. We wait till we're all dying, then we nuke the planet to kill them off.
>mfw they describe their appearance with "raven-colored hair"
I believe that "raven-black" is actually a color
But I agree with you, these dweebs ain't no superchromats
Hey now, I like giving characters linguisticscally meaningful or mythologically significant names. As long as it's not in-your-face like a catfolk named Gato or an archer named Archer.
Actually, charcoal is a different shade of black compared to those others! Charcoal is more of a light black with a notable grayish sheen to it!
Or carbon black, the blackest of the blacks.
>It's another wizard called Fladnag
Unless they have a model or a picture I always think the characters looks just like the player, which is sometimes amusing.
Also yeah, raven is a cool descriptor for black hair, albiet overused and abused as fuck by those who entirely lack subtlety.
I get how its annoying if its like, Daenarys a million names, but I love the medieval trope of this important guy with 30 surnames. It reminds me of the Tolkien short story where a farmer hunts a dragon with a blunderbuss, and I think the priest he meets has like, 20 surnames. I may be mixing up his short stories, but I remember them being kind of cool.
>mfw I named my Norse dragonslayer "Baldur."
You fucking idiot, the blackest color is the color of fuligin, the material that is blacker than black.
>It's a "every male character is at least 6'2" party
>It's a "he's got 18 Strength, is 6'5 and weighs 150 lbs" character
Does anyone actually do this?
i'm doing it now
fladnag sniggab
And just like that you got kicked out of the group. Go look for new one.
>play male human wizard
>4'11 manlet
>dwarf makes fun of me because he's almost taller than I am
>halfling makes fun of me because he can lift more than I can
>elf makes fun of me because he has a bigger dick than I do
fladnag sniggab doesn't care if he isn't invited
C'mon user, that last one is physically impossible unless you're playing a female character.
Names that are from anime/videogames
Names are deliberately meant to sound like they're from japan, or any culture in which the weeaboo doesn't actually know anything about the culture aside from anime and videogames
Names that are symbolic... in Japanese, or any other culture the weeaboo doesn't actually know anything about.
Depends on the setting for me. If there is a notjapan in the world it's fine. If it's just magic Europe then that's not gonna fly.
Elves have big dicks, why do you think Elven women always go back to them.
Or Human women lust for them?
By lifting the name from your favorite book, game or anime, and using a variation of it for every single character. Lelouch Haddon
Elves have feminine dicks
WAAAGH! It's Gobstomp Nadkikka!
It depends on the setting.
John is fine for an english soldier, not for a Samurai.
Miyamoto is fine for a samurai, not for an english soldier.
I actually love overblown spaniard names. They're so cheesy they can do a 180 and turn cool.
Smash your face on a keyboard
Actually not a bad made-up name though
The worst ones are just smashing two words together. "Darkblade," "Fellsworn," for villains or evil orgs, "Goodmeadow," "Righthand," for paladins or good people in general. THOSE are the worst names.
The blackest black of all is nothing
Or a spoiler tag
>a paladin called Skippy
>a ranger called Broodmoar
>a thief called Innocent
>Taking a known name but spelling it in some exotic fashion
Is this ok?
>a rogue called Gafwen Roamkrul
I'm doing this.
Faux """News""" is never acceptable.
In b4 /pol/.
of course it is
that pic is obviously ridiculous though
The worst way is just naming him after your favorite character from whatever fiction you're into.
It's not always easy to detect because not every character is known to everyone, and some names are simply quite common so in that case you can't tell if they're named after someone specific or not, but even so there are still players who don't get why anyone would have a problem with them naming their character Naruto.
My rogue is named Kircheis and I already regret it. I've found one other person who can pronounce it. I just say Kir now.
>an assassin named Sorry
Eh, it's fun.
>an Alchemist named Oops
Now are we talking forgotten realms elves because those guys are real shorties so they would probably have little Dicks too.
It's not funny. Sure, you might get one chuckle from the most socially insecure person of the group and they'll ask for your real character's name. But, after that you're just an annoying memester trying to shove other annoying jokes into the game.
Sounds like those "neo-african" nigger names.
I hate that shit.
Also, what the fuck is up with naming girls Mackenzie? (Or any derivative thereof, such as mykynzy, Myganzogloth, Makkkkkkkkkkenzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii etc etc etc)
Dick size doesn't always correlate to the size of the creature though.
Gorrillas are bigger than humans, but they have much smaller dicks.
What about Toyota Mitsubishi for a samurai?
Found the no fun allowed guy.
I have a list of Nobel prize winners going back 50 years that I randomly draw from to name NPCs, It works pretty well:
>Tomas Lindahl;
>Paul L. Modrich;
>Aziz Sancar
>Peter A. Diamond;
>Dale T. Mortensen;
>Christopher A. Pissarides
>Mario Capecchi;
>Martin Evans;
>Oliver Smithies
>Jane Addams
>Emily Greene Balch
>Betty Williams
>Mairead Corrigan
>Alva Myrdal
>Menchu Tum
>Jody Williams
>Shirin Ebadi
>Wangari Maathai
>Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
>Leymah Gbowee
what is the correct pronounciation?
Yuk Fu.
Normally I can't stand this, but if it's sufficiently Spanish (and the player isn't insistent that people use his character's full name ALL THE TIME) then it can be pretty hilarious.
>Also, what the fuck is up with naming girls Mackenzie?
It's a scottish thing that got transmitted to the english after they took over.
Friendly reminder that the penis is designed to match the reproductive habits of the species. Gorilla have tiny penises because they don't need big ones, as any attempt to mate with "your" woman would be met with hostility, assuming they care about being the father at all.
Human penises are large with big heads to literally scoop out rival sperm, as Early man would engage in gangbangs which would leave the woman coated in a dozen men.
So how do Elves like it? That's what determines their penis.
Only if he makes non-stop car related puns.
Yeah, but that's a family name, not a first name.
So if elf women are in fact sluts, elf men probably have big dicks. Interesting to know.
>My guys name is motherfucker LOLOLOLOLOLOL
>I attack the King because he didn't pay enough! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
>I roll to fuck the barmaid LOLOLOLOLOLOL
>I Roll to seduce the dragon! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
As much as I like Exalted, I cannot stand the naming conventions. They all sound like overblown anime attacks or titles some pretentious weaboo would give themselves. "One Million Perfect Petals" is literally an example from the sourcebook.
You'd think your name was an overblown anime title if it was translated too, though.
I guarantee you it's some shit like "Beloved of the Wrath of God" in straight English.
It actually depends on if they participate in orgies or develop adorably monogamous relationships for a couple decades.
For all we know they could have knots or barbs to keep out rivals while their sperm percolates. They might also have large balls or very short refractory periods which allow multiple inseminations per session to ensure maximum chances of conception, which would beget a physical or mental change in the female elf during ovulation.
The male elf might be capable of multiple orgasms.
Worst, not best
Yeah, that's totally the same thing.
You're a complete retard.
John: God is Gracious
Mary: Wished-for Child
William: Resolute Protector
Isabella: Devoted to God
Just examples
There's crazier shit in Asian languages
Elves has huge dicks which is why elven vagina are designed to accomendate the largest of insertions without tearing
Mine is just altered hunt goddess name, nothing TOO overblown
It's also what the first true grognards, chivalric writers, did. Beltenebros and all.
I know the Greeks, and everyobody else, did it before.
What are you, if not a millennial?
But that is a local news affiliate, you mong. When people complain about fox news that are complaining about the Fox News Channel, not the local stations that exist to report school cancellations and show grainy Seinfeld reruns
If it's blacker than black then it's not fucking black, is it?
>Not using Jan, Han or another variation
>Not naming every character a John variant
>my last character's name is just a pun on cataphract
I did have a character before that who I was feeling uninspired for and just tried to think of a bible name, since he was a paladin and a vaguely religious feel seemed fitting. So you had a party full of fantasy names like Ithidel and whatever, and then you had Daniel.
I know a girl named laken. Such a stupid name.
Average elf dick is 4-5 inches. Elf men are shit
Should've gone with something like Samson or Solomon.
19 year old human who wasn't bit by a weresnowflake
Tfw your name translates to "a follower of truth from under the elm"
I think that makes you generation z or whatever.
You clearly were bitten by the weresnowflake, with all your "I'm not like the others, I was born in the wrong generation".
Honestly something about those names are even more boring than Daniel.
Samson = big strong guy, Solomon = wise dude, Daniel = a good slave.
My skinny white nerd friends of course are obsesed with norse culture, as the only one among them with a grade school level of knowledge of a scandinavian language I just name my characters after what they are. My fighter was called "Kvinnan Holmgang" which means The Woman Melee.
Apologies to anyone who realises how much I'm butchering the language and probably the spelling.
>Naming them after yourself in any way.
>Naming them after someone you love/are attracted to
>Trying to give them a poetic name.
>Giving them a name that explicitly represents a character trait (i.e. "Hope", "Faith")
>Giving them a name that doesn't fit the setting (i.e. an Elf called Bill, unless it's a setting where it's not uncommon for Elves to be called Bill)
Typically when I come to naming characters I typically pull up a bunch of random name generators and the like and write down a short list of names I like, which I winnow down to the one I'll use.
For fantasy villains I often use stage names for black metal-musicians.
Abath Doom Occulta, Nuclear Holocausto of Dark Vengeance and so on.
>tfw your name translates to "God"
>Naming them after yourself in any way.
Oh Jesus.
> "Nobody calls Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso a fool!"
>"Nobody has the time!"
nice quads tho
>>Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Spotted the half-elf.
I mean, if a player calls their character Hope because they like the name, sure, no problem there. If they call her Hope because "She's always hopeful, no matter how bleak things get. She's so optimistic like that" then you can go fuck yourself.
And naming them after yourself at all is unforgivable. I had a player who did that. Thankfully she stopped showing up after the second week.
>Randomly generated fantasy names for female adventurer:
Are these ok?
Spout random syllables until you get something you like.
None of them are okay. Do it yourself.
That only works for Goblins.
>tfw your name translates to "successor" or "replacement"
This one is alright.
I don't see why that is necessarily so bad, unless you end up getting replaced instead