Why Orcs changed from industrious evil Dwarf counterparts to stone age savages?
Why Orcs changed from industrious evil Dwarf counterparts to stone age savages?
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Industry is progressive, you wouldn't want to portray communists/slavs as filthy orc subhumans now would you?
One wants to depict them like the most badass human warriors, who tended to be nomadic pastoralists like the Mongols (though this would mean the normal class for orc would be horse-archer and I don't want to even imagine that) who relied on weaker, sedentary peoples to make most of their manufactured goods for them.
Did someone say Mongolian Orcs?
I just realized that the bow in that picture is string in spossibly the worst possible way.
The common man associates brutality with incivility and, in the escalating race that is perfecting concepts for wider appeal, to make orcs look more brutal they were made less industrious and more bestial.
I just noticed that. And she nocked WAY too high. Good art, but the dude has clearly never used a bow.
Because they are.
>LOTR OP pic
>Orcs are both of those archetypes in the setting
Because they didn't copy Tolkiens orcs or didn't read it properly.
I have no idea what they copied, though.
Orc comes from the anglo-saxon word for a creature akin to "demon" or monster, so the term itself has flexibility, that's why different types of orcs exist
To set them apart from simply being evil dwarf counterparts?
Instead they are evil not-vikings counterparts.
not really
they are advanced as fuck,even in movies their forges are fucking huge
Propably warhammer,where orks were basically Hulk
He is actually right. When Orcs are not led by a strong and cunning leader (sounds familiar huh?) they are tribal and primitive.
Please go to read those books again.
The only Industry based Orks show n there were half Orks, half human, and they were dependent on Saruman. Without him, that race just died out.
And there are several settings with tech based Orks or Ork like beings anyway.
>read those books
haha lmao why the fuck would I read those bricks for when movies which are already overly long, drawn out, boring shit that turned Fantasy into garbage exist?
Because you're an illiterate moron who needs all the help he can get with his communication skills. You - you really can't be older than 11 user. Get the fuck back to school.
I may be mistaken and he may just be a crass idiot, but I think you just fed the troll.
So the orcs are basically Germans? When the leader is strong, they drive themselves to destruction through slaughter of the innocents. When the leader is weak, they regress to collective suicide.
/pol/ thinks the antidote to Merkel is another Hitler, when in reality it's a Franco-Polish border along the Elbe.
I know I know - and I apologize to you non-troll anons. When I see stupid, I attack; and I should do better, dammit. You are correct.
Although, given the grammar lack, I'm guessing troll is also OP, so this whole damned thread is bait.
But, to further the thread: has it right. Orcs are heavy industrialist conniving scum in LotR. Orks are hulk-smash! in WoW. There was no change; just differing interpretations of badguy, using Tolkien's creation as a cheap crib to lull in plebs.
Orcs are basically The Other, Them, Those Freaks Over There, Foreigners, Strangers. They are The Enemy. They are Not Us.
Orcs are any society that isn't our own. Orcs represent our worst aspects brought to the fore. Orcs are both how we see others (unfair stereotypical uninformed attitudes) AND the dark side of human nature.
>t. world citizen
Of course orcs are The Other. Just like dwarves, elves, aasimar, halflings and the kawaii catgirls are The Other. The humans are the only Us Guys, perfectly capable of separating Our Friends from Those Fuckers.
Whoops wrong thread
A lot of nerds like to link industry and technology to enlightenment and righteousness.
Having orcs be dirty little cannon fodder shits despite their superior tech is sort of depressing.
Because the average person involved in early industry basically was.
Meanwhile, Saruman sips brandy and plays with his monocle while debating funding the fine arts or acquiring another monopoly just to say he's richer than Sauron.
This art is from a setting where the Orcs have iron growths on their bodies and are ape-like but I can't remember the name of the setting. Can you help me?
Hence why they gave them dreadlocs--they considered black shorthand for sub-human.
>it's Veeky Forums is /pol/ in disguise episode
DnD's the earliest example I can think of where Orcs are portrayed as barbaric and bestial, but I'm sure Gygax got the idea from somewhere.
>Uruk hai warrior class of commandos, motor cavaliers, and fighter pilots
>Uruk grunts in the trenches and firing the artillery
>Olog hai and trolls in heavy armor, kept drunk and swoll to lead charges
>goblin support staff and tinkerers making the whole thing go, stretching from the cracks in the mountains
I guess you can't remember because the setting is just a fa/tg/uy posting stuff on deviant art, who commissioned drawings.
Got it from:
The setting looks like to be called ATMA, google gives nothing else. At least the drawings look coll. There's an alien(?), a huge fire snake, the orc and this sneke-fish.
Industry and modernism became goods instead of bads.
Orks are always bad.
>Uruk hai fighter pilots
Wouldn't it make sense to use something smaller and lighter?
Why not them both being the same? The orcs are normally industrious, evil dwarfs, but when they get BTFO'd, non-orc races make a point of keeping them out of lands where they can find good building materials and orcs just resort to stone-age tools.
Then, eventually orcs either rally enough to cleverly BTFO a richer nation and take their land or find a new one that's resource rich, and boom back to human-levels of tech.
So they are being industrious, just with the materials they can manage, adding elements of scavenger.
Orcs have great singing voices desu
who else here can count on one hand the number of archer pics they've seen where the arrow is on the correct side of the bow?
>implying orcs are evil
how can anyone serving something THIS CUTE be evil?
You know, given that Orks were supposed to represent heavy industry and modernization it's kind of weird that you never see Orks depicted as a really advanced but imperialistic society instead of a bunch of noble savages like their popular modern depiction.
Orcs can be both industrious and savage. It comes down to cultural priorities and biology. Maybe Orc brains have more of that reptilian aspect where they prioritize above all, efficiency and power. They see a chance for conquest they take it. They dont create art and have human relationships like humans do. This is the best way I've found to portray a race with inherent anachronistic qualities, don't try to link them with human cultures just make them different from humans entirely.
Fire Nation Orcs.
Forgive the Avatar:tLA reference
It was D&D.
Despite the name, D&D orcs are inspired by the savage, ape-like subhumans that often appeared in stories by Robert E. Howard, not Tolkien. Tolkien's orcs are the inspiration for D&D goblins and hobgoblins.
>t. moron
You see - this is why we can't have nice things, folks: stupid people doing stupid things stupidly forever. Deliberately. Because they think ignorance and stupidity are funny.
Personally, I play my Orcs like Norsemen. Poets, tradesmen, outsiders, savages. The Orc the average man sees is not the average Orc.