Magical Realm Thread

Post stories of the times you've had to deal with your GM/Player's fetish. Catan Players also welcome.

> Be GM for one-shot 5e group.
> That Perv constantly shoving his Elf fetish on us.
> We tell him to stop. Repeatedly. He doesn't.
> Fuck it, I'm giving him what he wants.
> Let him seduce the Elf NPC.
> Wants to bed her. Let him.
> Don't fade to black.
> Ask him describe what he does.
> "Well... I nibble at her ears, I guess..."
> Have him Roll percentage for the action. 23.
> "Ooh, well, you accidentally bit her ear a little to hard. It's bleeding slightly now, and the mood is totally killed"
> basically make him roll for every action. Every. Action.
> MFW he manages to roll under 50 for every action.
> Basically describe him having the most mediocre foreplay of his life.
> He's embarrassed as hell, and everyone else is howling with how bad this guy is at sex.
> Eventually he just quits. We move on, and he basically keeps quiet for the rest of the session.
> Doesn't show up the next session.
> Success.jpg


I think I recognize that shitty art. Isn't that those horribly written incest commics? Jabarchives or something?

I wish we could have /wst/ back instead of having 5 magical realm threads a day

You were doing the God's work, user.

This thread is awful.


Butthurt magical realmer detected.

NO! Smut is lewd and NOT Veeky Forums!

I wish we had ERP General back to reduce the number of magical realm threads. Containment starts at home.

It has /soc/ . It can remain there.

No, that's the ERP General. WST has been stuck in /d/ where it always gets flooded with shitty dickgirl images.

It's better to just ban the people who routinely make these pseudo-generals.

They're off-topic within two or three posts, since they only things these guys want is to discuss their fetishes.



You are a dumbass.

If a dude keeps doing something you tell him not to do, then remove him from the group. The end. If that dissolves the group, then so be it; no gaming is better than bad gaming.

Hey man, if it's stupid but it works, it's not stupid.

Passive-aggressively giving an attention whore what he wants doesn't "work," if the goal is to get him to stop injecting fetish for attention.

>implying he's an attention whore

That's not in evidence, man.

>gets attention
>proceeds to leave the game
>"he's an attention whore"


You're replying under the interpretation that these guys actually ever play with anyone.

Protip: Magical Realmers lie about ever playing, because they've been kicked out of every group they've tried to join.

It's not in evidence that you're a neckbeared games nerd either, and yet.

>implying that's an insult
>on Veeky Forums of all places

Do you use "man" as an insult too?


As a rookie GM, I live in mortal fear of magical realm bullshit. thank you for showing that it is possible to turn something awful into something good.

they had it coming after ignoring the groups pleas, but damn... I feel sorry for him.

Don't worry so much about it. 9/10ths of the "magical realm" stories you read on Veeky Forums are total horseshit. I've been playing for 35 years and only occasionally have I even heard stories about this stuff, like "I know a guy who went to a game one time and..." You know the kind of thing, halfway to urban legends, and it's always something that happened to somebody else who's not around.

Except for the stuff about Ed Greenwood, he's pretty well documented to be a perv who actually does shove his fetishes into everything.

Listening to Veeky Forums you'd think there were ravening hordes of Whizzards out there clamoring to get into your group and make everything creepy, like it was Night of the Living Dead or something. It's just bored nerds with nothing to do making shit up.

Told it before but

>DM has an impreg/preg fetish
>Over the summer group whittles down to just two people
>She takes the chance and springs it with the other player, who in turn convinces me to throw DM a bone
>Over the next several months, DM has us on a campaign where we break into prison and knock up female prisoners of serious crimes to get them a reduced or dropped sentence, and we get money from it

Very uncomfortable to go through but she loved it. The other player, also female, laughed her ass off because she got to stand guard during the act, and got to have fun and cool prison adventures with guards and other defenses.

>Implying that ERP General and /wst/ actually worked as containment.

>no gaming is better than bad gaming
wise gudgeon pls go

It worked fine for all the polite people. The rude ones will post whatever wherever, but you can't do much about that.
I always kept it to the weekend threads when they were around. Now that they're not? Fuck it, it's pervy time whenever, and you can suck it.
Suck it now!

The only "magical realm" thing I've had happen in any of my games is a player off-handedly joking if he can roll to rape another PC, to which I said "sure, whatever."

He rolled a 20 so I told him he succeeded. The next session the assaulted player and another player tied him down(I think he was a minotaur)and cut his dick off.

I don't think any of them were doing it for fetish reasons or anything, though. Just stupid first time player shit, and a dude who felt slighted getting his revenge.

I'm really not sure if I should've humored it, but I don't think any harm was done, and it's not like it was a very serious game to begin with.

>It worked fine for all the polite people

So, one person?

The rest of you were a fucking nightmare.
Hell, I don't even believe for a second you kept that shit contained, especially if you had an iota of "politeness", you would know how to use the other boards and not try to make Veeky Forums into your personal "this is the only board I need, fuck the rules, tee hee."

There IS no other board for what the wst did. I can't even stand the shit on /d/. There's a line between lewd and obscene, and /d/ sprints across it, and runs straight to "fucking gross."
I'd like to have the wst back the way it was, and I really don't give a fuck about your board purity butthurt.

>I can't even stand the shit on /d/.

Weird, because that's the kind of stuff you were trying to bring here, and you are weirded out that people are telling you to keep that stuff in /d/.

And if there is a line between lewd and obscene, the /erp/ and /wst/ threads crossed it often and deliberately.

You've actually put yourself in a bit of a tough spot, because either you say people are being too puritanical here and be a hypocrite for being too puritanical towards /d/, or you accept that the line you tried to draw was far to blurred to be of any use.

Veeky Forums should feel free to have some occasional lewdness, but dedicated generals are well past the point where a romantic comedy turns into hardcore porn, complete with gnoll pseudo-penises and raped children.

>that's the kind of stuff you were trying to bring here



That's the stuff you WERE bringing here. Perhaps not you personally, and this is just the plural "you", but that's hardly the point.

>There's a line between lewd and obscene, and /d/ sprints across it, and runs straight to "fucking gross."
/d/ is tame

I think you're being a little specious here. The wst kept its weirder stuff offsite and politely hidden behind tags. If you didn't want to read a story with gnoll penises you just didn't click the link that said "gnolls, futa".
On /d/, people flood the thread with godawful futa pics all the time. You can't skim the thread without being forcibly given an eyeful of giant vinyl-skinned girl penis fetish crap.

That's the visual representation of your words. You can hardly act disgusted by it when it's what you can't stop thinking and talking about.

Now you're just being stupid.
Point is I didn't have to see gnoll chicks with dicks when I was scanning the old Veeky Forums threads for 40k stuff. Now that it's on /d/ the /d/eviants don't give me any say in the matter, it's in pictures taht are plastered all over the thread.

>/wst/ threads crossed it often and deliberately.
No, they didn't.

They tagged it and kept it offsite. The people who got /wst/ banned didn't do a single thing to make Veeky Forums better, and it definitely got worse since in the place of creative people who contributed (and they contributed to more than just /wst/ despite your claims) we got a flood of /pol/lacks who can't keep their opinionated shit out of any thread that so much as mentions the words 'female', 'religion', or 'government'.

Once again, that's weird, because you're perfectly fine with discussing gnoll dicks for hundreds of posts, but you don't like the idea of people posting a few pictures of them.

Though, I think I can sort of understand. It's kind of like trying to have a discussion about dragons and their roles alongside governments, and a bunch of guys jumping in and starting to post barely-and-not-so-barely worksafe image of scaly-style dragons and people having fetishistic activities with them, ranging from being "sensuously" devoured to being farted on, all while talking about how much they want to be fucked by dragons that reminds them of their mothers.

Didn't say I was "perfectly fine with discussing gnoll dicks for hundreds of posts", that's just you >implying again. That's a really bad habit, you should work on that.

Plural you for the former, then, singular you for the latter.

Really, doesn't matter much, because regardless of what you (singular) want the /wst/ to be, it turns into something completely different, on account of "lewd general" effectively just acts as a portal for fetish discussion.

And your mistake is believing /wst/ writers pulled that kind of shit. The writers never did - they kept it to /wst/. The people who did that sort of shit STILL do that sort of shit. The only people that got punished were the writers, and the people who benefited from their talents and makers of non-smut fluff and worldbuilding skills.

That's why your "anti-smut-shaming' logic always will fail. You can't get rid of the hundreds of anonymus posters who post smut on Veeky Forums, and you never could, any more than you can get rid of the /pol/lacks and their shitty non-Veeky Forums discussions.

The only thing getting rid of /wst/ accomplished was alienating the people who did good fluff and worldbuilding. You deserve the Veeky Forums you got.

>share magical realm with one player
>she's into mind control
>rolled a character with a low WP score in Dark Heresy
>have the players fight a renegade psyker
>he singles her Scum out for a mind control power
>she botches the roll to resist
>shoots the Arbitrator in the back
>Party Guardsman disarms her while the rest of the party focuses on killing the psyker
>party wins, she returns to normal
>no one suspects a thing

>and your mistake is believing /wst/ writers pulled that kind of shit. The writers never did - they kept it to /wst/.

You can't really prove that. I'm amazed you even bothered to say that.

And, the writers didn't get "punished", because the /wst/ was just moved to a board which was more appropriate for their discussion and also enabled them to post pictures directly on the board without having to link them. If anything, they were rewarded, because while you might not like gnoll dick, most of them seem to love it.

And, no one wants to get rid of anonymous posters. It's just that if they want to post fantasy smut, they're better off taking a quick trip to /d/ instead of just dropping it wherever they're standing. And, while there's still these lewd not-generals that slowly get bumped up for days at a time because they can't actually reach the bump limit before three or more days, that's better than it was before, and in general the random lewd dumps really only seem to happen when something happens to the threads in /d/ and /soc/.

No one wants Veeky Forums to be lewd free, but it certainly leads to better discussions when people are not just coming here to post about their fetishes in a fetish general and then finding other threads to post about their fetish.

Never posted any of my stories in /wst/, still post greentext fapfics in any Veeky Forums thread that inspires me

>but it certainly leads to better discussions
/pol/ is not better discussions user, unless you think /pol/'s delusions=fantasy=Veeky Forums

>/wst/ was just moved to a board
It was just banned from Veeky Forums. It never moved.

I can claim that because the actual writers are pretty distinctive in their posting style, and if you read their stories you can pick them out of a crowd of anons with ease.

>No one wants Veeky Forums to be lewd free, but it certainly leads to better discussions when people are not just coming here to post about their fetishes in a fetish general and then finding other threads to post about their fetish.
Except they're still coming to post about their fetishes in random threads. All banning /wst did was alienate more creative writing from Veeky Forums. And replacing fetish crap with /pol/ crap isn't really helping Veeky Forums, /pol/ discussions are not Veeky Forums.

>And your mistake is believing /wst/ writers pulled that kind of shit.
Some of them certainly did and were extremely dedicated at that. Amazing how much lewd posting dropped down since 2014. You couldn't post any character art related thread or concept without some lewdposter waltzing in and dropping his folders to the cheering of horny newfriends.

>Except they're still coming to post about their fetishes in random threads.
But as said these posters are still here and you can still notice their destinctive lewdposting style when they do it again. Some of the old posters are still there and still trying to enforce their tradition.

Who said anything about insults?

The point was that just because something that can be safely assumed is not in evidence in this story on an Internet message board does not mean it was not likely the case.

So, basically, what you're saying is that lewdposting only lowered a little while creative content went away almost entirely.

Wonder what sort of correlation that might be related to.

>while creative content went away almost entirely
I didn't say that. Lewdposting apologists consider their threads, waifu circle jerks, OC waifu threads and smut worth mentioning as creative content. If you ignore this crap, creative output hasn't changed much.

Any halfway decent writer can change their style with ease.
Not saying that the /wst/ even had any halfway decent writers, but even a moron tends to write differently under different circumstances.

you dont believe me but it very easy to write one way for stupid story but shitpost in another and you still only begging to believe you and it make more sense just to say "wow these idiots post the same fetishes and the same kind of posts as what in the smut thread CAN THEIR BE CONNECTION?!"

>you dont believe me but it very easy to write one way for stupid story but shitpost in another and you still only begging to believe you and it make more sense just to say "wow these idiots post the same fetishes and the same kind of posts as what in the smut thread CAN THEIR BE CONNECTION?!"

That's barely even English, much less logic. You're not making your argument look very good.

>Call of Cthulhu
>The two PCs (one male one female) get invitations from old rich man to manor deep in the woods
>Old man says they are related and wants to meet them before writing his will
>Arriving at the manor, there are a lot of other people there, also invited
>Dinner is served by servants, they say the old man will talk to everyone the next day
>After dinner, the PCs (and the other guests) get suddenly horny
>Female PC bangs her husband that she brought along in their room
>Male PC has sex with a random girl in the shower

>Next day
>Old man talks to everyone individually
>He says he's their father
>He's the father of everyone that got invitations
>(none of the invitees knew who their father was)
>Male PC is disgusted, having slept with his half sister
>Old man locks himself into his room
>At dinner, the female PC suspects there is something in the food, she and her husband don't eat any
>Male PC breaks into basement to investigate
>Finds paintings of the old man's ancestor meeting a black goat in the woods
>Finds a room with a weird stone altar
>Suddenly, everyone except the servants, the female PC and her husband are overwhelmed by even stronger sexual urges than before
>Massive incestuous orgy breaks out across the manor
>A woman wanders into the basement, the male PC fucks her (another half sister) on the stone altar


>party rewarded with wenches
>DM makes us roll for "performance"
>everybody goes Take 10
>Barbarian Takes 20

I was illustrating a point, friend.
And the base logic does make sense.

If you're finding fetish shitposting, it having some connection to essentially a fetish shitposting general makes sense.


>Female PC and her husband flee into the woods
>They get grabbed by black tentacle-like roots
>Dragged through the forest to glade with stone altar
>The glade is surrounded by tangled black roots
>One of the servants come to the glade
>Cuts two small pieces from the black roots
>Tells the PC and her husband that they will be free to go if they eat the root pieces
>They do
>Instantly go crazy, tear each other's clothes off, bang on the altar
>Then run back to the manor, get in their car, and gtfo

>At the manor the orgy has died down
>The bellies of all women are swelling up, as if pregnant
>Unnaturally fast
>In the middle of the night, they start giving birth to small black things with tentacles
>Panic breaks out
>The things run into the woods
>Male PC chases after them, tries to kill as many as he can
>Suddenly grabbed by black roots
>Torn to bits

>Meanwhile female PC and husband reached nearest town, called the cops, checked into a hotel
>Wake up in the morning to find her pregnant
>Rush to a hospital
>She gives birth to a black tentacle thing
>Husband kills it
>The end

I was the GM

These weren't even my fetishes

The players liked the adventure

Does that mean Old Man Henderson is a myth too?

None of the stories told on Veeky Forums actually happened. You should realize that by now.
Okay, maybe one. Nurse-kun, I want to believe!

Of course it's a myth.

Do you really believe that making a crazy, off the wall character like that as a rebellion against a hypercontrolling GM from hell would actually work? Hell, I like to think of myself as pretty reasonable, but I'd never allow a character like Henderson in a game of mine, nor would I allow there mere fact that you've mentioned doing something in your backstory to give you an ability if you don't have mechanical points into it (I've not actually played ToC, so I don't know the exact workings, but I'm sure they've got something along those lines)

Henderson isn't even one of the more plausible stories.

Just because your lives and stories are boring and uneventful doesn't mean everyone else's are too.
Reality is stranger than fiction, after all.

If anything, it's a autobiographical tale of That Guy wrecking a newbie GM's campaign rather than talking to him and helping him git gud, but this guy's got a point: Why would the GM just sit there idly and let him do all that shit, especially if he really was the kind of GM the narrator claimed he was?

>And the base logic does make sense.

>this thing shares similarities to that thing, so therefore this thing caused that thing


If anything, it's entirely bullshit. A masurbatory "this is what I wish would happen" written by a that guy.

This is just personal experience, but a lot of overcontrolling GMs have the ability to look at themselves from the outside. The player so obviously disobeyed him might have insulted him, and he decided to tackle it on the player's terms - after all, if he could show him to be a bad player who ruined the game for the others, he could throw him out of the group and have the others be with him. If he had to resort to RFED to get him out, he'd just make it clear that he was an asshole and likely lose players (and self-esteem) on it.
If some spergoid claimed that you were railroading him or trying to intentionally, unfairly kill his character in specific, you wouldn't do those things because that would make him right. If the Henderson story is true, the GM was probably trying to let the player shoot himself in the foot without having to risk looking bad.

That doesn't make any sense, because there were a hundred opportunities to just let Henderson die. Even a lenient DM who liked Henderson's player had every right to say "No, that's retarded," instead of "Gee, let me pull out all the stops to make you succeed."

The GM actually reworked the Cthulu Mythos and introduced new rules just for Henderson, and made Henderson a central character who was some sort of cosmic rival who could kill an elder god with mundane explosives.

There's no chance any of the story is true, because it doesn't even maintain the basic suspension of disbelief needed for pure fiction, let alone one based on a true story.

There are autists in the world who'll go very far to show that they're right, even in defiance of all logic.
While it is a very far-out story and it's at the very best based on a shorter and less elaborate one, there is one scenario in which it could have been true (though this isn't very likely).
That is: The GM was a super-autist who took offense to Henderson's player earlier on, and decided to be sarcastically forgiving to give him the chance to finally ruin everything for the party. Killing him on his own would make him appear better than the GM wanted him to look, so the GM pulled out all the stops bit by bit just so Henderson's player would shoot himself in the foot, getting ridiculously autismal because he wanted anyone who dared disagree with him to face karmic justice. For the story to be true, the GM must have been a power-sperg who was obsessed with teenage revenge fantasies and movie ideas of "karmic payback", being completely sure that Henderson would fail because his ego was too bloated to imagine that he was being played like a fiddle.
It's still pretty implausible, but I know that I've met multiple people who I wouldn't put above doing that if they got buttmad enough.

>old man Henderson is a myth
This is not the Veeky Forums I grew with

>took offense to Henderson's player earlier on,

That's very plausible.

>and decided to be sarcastically forgiving to give him the chance to finally ruin everything for the party

That doesn't make any sense.

Assuming this GM is a super-autist, who somehow still wound up getting a group, and ended up as it's GM, and was just setting him up for ultimate failure despite having multiple opportunities to say "that's far enough, this stupidity needs to end", there's really nothing that really gave Henderson's player power over him, and he could have easily failed him at the end just for shits and giggles by throwing a challenge at him, or simply not accepting Henderson's bullshit and allowing him to fail naturally.

It's an awkwardly written story that fails because it started off with the writer putting himself into a corner ("how do I beat an antagonistic GM?"), but without either the game knowledge or basic understanding of human beings to provide a reasonable conclusion other than "Everyone loved my stupid character and let me get away with stuff no real GM would ever let me get away with."

It's quippy and random, so some people like it, but there's a solid 0% chance any of it ever happened, aside from potentially a player getting really, really upset that his GM wouldn't let him do random antics, so he decided to write a passive-aggressive story.

I've noticed a direct correlation between people who vocally disbelieve stuff like Old Man Henderson and people who admit to never playing traditional games (as well as other shitty behavior on Veeky Forums)
And while I have never seen anything on the level of Old Man Henderson, I've seen PCs get into enough stupid shit and passive aggressive DM's simmering in impotent rage unwilling to directly say "no" (particularly if the player turns the DM's own ruling/logic against them) until they rage quit and pull a rocks fall, everyone dies that I find stories like Old Man Henderson entirely believable.

It just seems at some point we had an influx of people who have never played any Veeky Forums games much less how stupid/awesome shit can go while roleplaying especially when something starts getting on a roll. And I've always wondered, if they don't play Veeky Forums games nor seem to have any desire to, why are they here?

>the nobody here plays games meme

I've been playing since the 80s, and Old Man Henderson still smells fishy to me.

Let me clarify: I'm not saying it necessarily didn't happen, but if it did happen, then it's more a story of That Guy running roughshod over an inexperienced GM's campaign. The fact that the GM let him really suggests to me that he was not the type of GM that the narrator wants to paint him as.

Weird, because the corellation I've seen is like Henderson and being a dumb faggot.

It's been true all the way since the story was first posted, and your retarded post right here just helps confirm it further.

Veeky Forums has had good stories. Henderson is not one of them.

I will admit the only fishy thing to me about it is the That DM aspect, the way the story unfolds makes me think it's less a That DM/That Guy question and more there was some conflict between the two coloring how he viewed their interactions and once things took of the DM just rolled with it