Magic: The Gathering Modern General
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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
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I haven't played Magic in like a decade. I'm thinking of coming back, but no to standard. I don't like the fact that my deck gets invalidated over time. That leaves me with 3 formats I like: Pauper (cheap!), Commander (singleton deck is nice for someone starting out, I think), and Modern (I really like the modern card layout, I played before and during the transition in 8th ed and was very happy; in fact, even if I went to Pauper or Commander I might just use modern cards for aesthetic purposes).
How good is modern for a basically new player going back versus Commander? Which format tends to be cheaper?
>t1 swiftspear, probe, bauble, cycle wraith, probe, attack
for my turn i elect to play a not shit format
>I don't like the fact that my deck gets invalidated over time.
might want to stick with commander then.
Reposting from last thread but i was told for RG Tron that Choke is the better option, nice that means i won't have to buy any Boils
sorry, i become immense on response and you are dead
I'm pretty sure you were told boil is better because it's instant
>worrying about blue decks
wtf? why would you sideboard against a good matchup. just get enchantment destruction against UW decks and wails to counter crumble to dust against UR decks.
I told him to use Choke because its the better card against Blue decks. Blue can do a variety of things to defeat Boil if they know its coming, such as holding the islands, swapping to fetchlands, just playing extra land after the boil resolves, etc etc.
Choke, stops them for good with a punishing effect that seals their fate and locks up their manabase forever.
It makes sense when you think about it, ther'es nothing blue can do against enchantments really anyway
Only memers play mono blue. Jeskai has white and Nahiri
That's eating through a lot of cards to deal just 4 damage on one turn. Not exactly efficient, eh?
Nice bait, almost fell for it.
Have a (you).
Well, you could always use boomerang/bounce spells.
Nahiri i give you but what can White do against enchantments? This isnt like Green where they have naturalize and fade to antiquity you know
Gee, I don't know.
I mean, white has historically never been able to deal with enchantments.
>what can white do against enchantments
Fucking nothing senpai
W - Destroy target enchantment
How is this fair in any sense? What's the point of playing enchantments at all if they can be so easily torn apart. I was hoping at least the God enchants would be more durable but white can EXILE enchantments as well, so there's hardly any point in using them.
>W - Exile target creature
>How is this fair in any sense? What's the point of playing creatures at all if they can be so easily torn apart.
( 0 ) - Exile target graveyard
How is this fair in any sense? What's the point of playing dredge at all if they can be so easily torn apart.
There's no such card that exiles a creature for just W, even Declaration in Stone is 1W
HeHe I love getting to post this
Stupid fucker path to exile gives the opponent a land, it might as well cost 1WW in the end because of how it sets your tempo back from that. Its not W at all. There is nothing similar to just vanilla W - destroy target enchantment for creatures.
costs W. It just does. Please end your life
You're trying too hard now, kiddo
>how it sets your tempo back from that
you mean your tempo that would have otherwise been your two turn clock had you not exiled their threat at instant speed for W?
The bait ends here
Look at the modern retard babbies arguing. Legacy thread is whees da real niggaz at. Get out while you can.
>harambe was an inside job
>Harambe memes
>Le Harambe maymay
>t1 play a seachrome coast, suspend a lotus bloom
>implying you wouldnt woo a woo to get woo to do you a woo brew
ad nauseam is good vs aggro, but not against death zoo. they goldfish faster
Good thing we maindeck 8 hate spells for it and on average 3 more in the sideboard. If this is g2/g3 then trying to win turn 2 is a bad idea as ethereal haze means you lose on the spot. Even g1 that play still represents angel's grace.
>T1 I play watery gave, exile simian to loot, discard griselbrand and worldspine worm, exile simian and tap grave playing Goryo's, draw my deck and kill you with a breached borborygmos or wurm.
gg ez
Commander is a casual format best enjoyed in 4-player free-for-all brawls.
Modern is a competitive format with a moderate power level.
Legacy is a competitive format with a high power level.
Legacy has a higher skill cap than Modern, but the decks are also more expensive.
Can't comment on Pauper, as I don't play it, but I've heard it's difficult to find serious Pauper players outside the internet.
Pauper is shit, best colors are blue & black
Someone were discussing Emeria in the previous thread. Posting the deck I ran, which also used Gifts Ungiven. It's a fun card and lets the deck play many answers.
The thing about Emeria is that although it is a late game deck, it is not a control deck. I learned this by losing repeatedly to decks that run a lot of permission. This deck simply durdles until you get to play big creatures that you can recur every turn. It's great against fair decks like Jund, but not so good against real control.
Unban when?
How do you deal with your threats getting exiled?
Next month
R/G Tron takes the least skill out of all modern decks to pilot correctly, even fucking burn is more difficult than Tron.
Fuck that deck, there is 0 skill involved in playing it. Tron is the single reason I have picked up Infect.
Is it okay to talk about budget/casual decks here or will someone sperg out and start throwing feces?
people like you is the whole reason i play tron
>is it okay to talk about useless things that don't matter
You can, I suppose.
No take that shit to the baby general
>tfw troll is getting banned again because Jews hate nazis
R/G Tron is quite hard to play actually, its only easy if you lose to it and have never piloted it yourself. You don't always know exactly when to drop down your threats, and also you have to be very careful with your sparse and thin removale spells.
Think about how smart you must've been back 1000 years ago when Tron wasn't a thing yet, when people were playing with Mesa Pegasi and Lightning Bolts, when the very first Tron players had conceived the idea to combine all 3 of the Urza Saga lands into the powerful mana engine that we know today.
So this is the no-fun allowed thread?
Dredge isn't over represented or breaking the turn four rule. Besides, if they were going to ban anything from the deck, it would most likely be Bloodghast. Banning Troll would accomplish very little overall, since Thug as a replacement would barely slow you down.
Dude, the same can be said of any Modern deck.
>Burn? Lol count to 20
>Infect? Lol, count to 10
>Jund? Literally goodstuff.dec, no skill
>Dredge? Loot, troll, win
I could go on.
Except MtG is inherently a game of Skill. Give a seasoned player and a new player the exact same deck, and the seasoned player will win every time. Now why do you think that is?
How does death and Taxes do in modern?
>and the seasoned player will win every time.
Manascrews are still possible. So I woudn't say "every time" here.
t. a guy who lost one game to a newbie today, after mulling to 4 and not seeing more than one land the whole game.
How does a bear shit in the woods?
An appreciable majority of the time given a sizable sample?
One time I let a friend of mine play Affinity.
He had a Steel Overseer, which did not have summoning sickness, and used it to chump block (without activating it) while he also had an untapped Memnite. He wasn't even low on life or anything, there was really no need to block at all.
It was legitimately appalling.
I play more threats.
I literally take pleasure in destroying buttmad control whiners or even aggro babbies with Tron. I love slamming turn 3 Karn because there is a chance that I will hear that whimpy sigh or some "witty" complaint about how "oh, that's a thing," or "some games you just can't win."
In fact my favorite part about playing tron is that if we're mid to late sometimes I get into topdeck mode with a lot of mana. I'll draw a star, then pop it for a sphere or maybe a stirrings, then another, and then drop ulamog. You can't comprehend how mad people get when I rip three cards off the top and then beat them. I intentionally act like a worse player than I am just to piss them off more too. Nothing makes people angrier. It feels so good
That's dark, user
Although I agree that Burn is not a very hard deck to play, the other decks certainly have a higher degree of skill required to play them correctly.
Jund is as good as it is because topdecking gives it so many options.
Midgame Jund has multiple options on lily, activate Ravine, which card to pick with IoK / TS according to the current board state or the one you're working towards, sac a zombie to Kalitas, etc.
R/G Tron is a strong deck, but it pretty much pilots itself.
Half of the deck is just cards to find a select few cards, then slam down something big and after that you just have a board that the opponent can hardly overcome.
Nothing wrong with R/G Tron but it's as braindead as modern decks get.
>want to get in to modern
>need minimum of $1000-$2000 to make a deck that wont get instantly BTFO
Play Dredge!
>Decide to play some Infect
>Some Russian mongoloid joins my ranked game
>It's le ebin Abzan
>Lose G1 to Double Inquisition Double Lingering Souls
>Clutch win G2 because that idiot attacks with his Rhino + 3 souls tokens for lethal.
>I block with Hierarch, he pumps with township, I become immense and stay at 1 life, then combo him out the next turn
>G3 We're both out of resources, he's at 3 poison
>I have Inkmoth and a difficult decision to make
>Either I take the odds to draw a land, or I take the odds to draw a pumpspell. Right decision wins the game next turn
>Take last route, since I'm more likely to draw a pumpspell than a land
>Draw runner runner lands, he draws runner runner linering souls
>type gg, point out his mistakes
I'm off MTG for a couple of days, see you nerds around.
dont worry user, wotc will for sure drop those prices with the next modern masters!
Thanks for the laugh
>What is Xmage/cockatrice
>What are proxies
It does ok. It's more of a midrange deck than a prison deck in Modern though.
I'm fond of this list:
4 Leonin Arbiter
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Selfless Spirit
4 Flickerwisp
4 Blade Splicer
3 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
2 Aven Mindcensor
4 Restoration Angel
4 Aether Vial
4 Path to Exile
4 Ghost Quarter
3 Tectonic Edge
1 Mutavault
1 Eiganjo Castle
1 Flagstones of Trokair
1 Horizon Canopy
12 Plains
2 Sunlance
2 Gut Shot
3 Jotun Grunt
2 Stony Silence
2 Mirran Crusader
2 Dismember
2 Odric, Lunarch Marshal
Of Tier 1/2 decks, you can build:
About $500
>Eldrazi and Taxes
>Ad Nauseum
>Living End
About $600
About $700
>RG Tron (Less without Burnwillows)
About $800
>Gruul Zoo
About $900
Tron literally can't beat Scapeshift without drawing the nuts since the only relevant cards in the MU are Karn and Ulamog, the latter of which can't be tutored with Eye for a guaranteed t5 trigger and Karn just eats a Mana Leka/Remand into Cryptic. Same goes for Taking Turns and similar fringe strategies (no permanents besides lands, all counters).
>You don't always know exactly when to drop down your threats
Hmmmmm should I drop Karn turn 3 or turn 4......
I'm gonna stick with 3 senpai.
I wouldn't say it pilots itself. There must be some degree of skill involved.
I say this because there's been a weird influx of Tron players at my lgs. I played two of them last week and they just floundered and did nothing. They couldn't even sequence their spells correctly. One of them cracked a Sphere, named R, then tried to cast Stirrings.
I can not believe that there's a deck that requires 0% skill.
>What is Xmage/cockatrice
Waste of fucking time for everyone involved, not competitive in the least.
>What are proxies
Not allowed in sanctioned events.
>the only relevant cards in the MU are Karn and Ulamog
>or land
Okay sure, so you have what total of 6-8 live cards vs their entire counter arsenal/t4-5 goldfish?
I never noticed before. Hallowed Fountain is being destroyed in the background.
>Not allowed in sanctioned events
There are many used in sanctioned events.
They look pretty damn good.
Oh I have no interest in Legacy. I'm mostly playing at home with my friends/family. I'm starting the game again with my brother but dunno if to go Modern or Commander and where to start.
So what does Scapeshift do if you gain life?
Talking about the ones without titans
Yeah, I've seen Tron players with no idea how to sequence shit just durdle around and die. It's not a completely braindead deck, but strategically it's very simple. You're going to try and assemble Tron and cast fatties every game. There are decisions about what to DO with those fatties after you cast them, but usually you've just won at that point so it doesn't matter.
Ramps into 8 lands for 36 damage or goes to the sideboard.
I also hadn't noticed that. That's a nice catch.
God I fucking hate these expedition lands, they all look the same from across the table.
This wasn't the case back when Twin was around though and when I still owned the deck, it was almost comparable to a rapier duel with all the claims, volleys, Emrakul exarch taps, Oblivion Stones, cryptics and bolt snaps flying around.
It's pretty fitting seeing as cast triggers fuck control.
The only one I use is a Godless Shrine for EDH.
Countermagic won't completely stop WB or Ulamog, and if they counter WB you can get him back.
World Breaker can stay on the board for all anyone cares, it's basically a Stone Rain. Ulamog realistically nowadays is either too slow (can't tutor on turn 4 for guaranteed turn 5, you have to have it in your opener or top 4-5 cards with Tron+tower) or manageable (sakura-tribe+tomorrow, keep going, tap with cryptic at beginning of combat, go off).
Really fun deck. Nowhere near tournament level but I enjoy playing with those cards and sometimes if my draws are good I even win against top decks. For our competitive kitchen table it's good enough.
agreed, most suck. a couple are good though, like arid mesa and mistyrain forrest
The only thing is, it seems pretty stupid to me to pimp out fetchlands.
Its cool to pimp your lands. Expeditions just aren't pimp unless you're a magpie.
I just mean specifically fetchlands. The lands least likely to spend any meaningful amount of time on the battlefield.
Hi I want to get into magic and was wondering if these deck is good enough
Also would anyone do some modification to it for a 100$ budget?
Good enough for what? Fucking around with your friends, sure, but good luck going x-1 or better at FNM with this.
Ah so I won't be able to compete with the guy at the magic store?