Call Religion
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Call Religion
German Empire
We'll start at 6 rollers
I have but one question, have you hosted this map before?
Islam. Sunni if it matters.
Country of Islam
Dark Green.
I know all the shit for this
You're in good hands
That you W?
if so you left at mup 14 of my game last night... it went 35 lol
Are you The macedon player in the 200 BC game? I was Hibernia.
ya m8
I came to see how it ended. Sorry for bailing early.
I'm going to join as
Dark Blue
If it's ok with you guys.
yes i was Philip/OP
fine by me
Thats cool.
Well good to see ya gain.
to answer you question you posed in an another thread.... Ash and I will always end by appearing to be at each other's throats. His in game personality fuels that. But know that its all fun and games for me and nothing should be taken seriously . i knew giving you hibernia would trigger him so i did lol
We need two more rollers.
New rollers will be added and get to roll as they arrive.
roleplaying is good.
Reinforce London
Head for Birmingham and Reinforce, then Southampton
Heresy +2 to fill
take hamburg
Budapest, hungary, grey color
Take Goteborg, spill stockholm
The Islamic world is in chaos. Terrorists attack the western world and enforce harsh regimes over the muslims in the middle east. Almost every islamic country is seen as backwards. And the greatest Muslim since The Prophet Muhammad is dead.
But Muhammad Ali can not die with the Islam world in chaos! He rises from his grave flies to Mecca and declares that he will punch every extremist to death until the Islamic World is seen as equals if not better then the western world. After defeating the saudi king in a boxing match the population of Mecca begin to follow his him. But Saudi Arabia still has suppourters to the Crown and so Muhammad marches out with an army to take Medina and the rest of Saudi Arabia.
forgot the plus 7
Attack Wien in Austria, Bratislava and belgrad
Grey taken, what color would you rather have?
Yellow pls
can you use heresy the first move?
The +2 is just for existing
I don't get an annex this turn.
Muhammad Ali quickly unites the Arabs. The North has many small kingdoms form.
take over hannover and prauge
Nordics, would you be interested in NAP
I'm going to reword the map soon, so it's easier to understand. And minor changes.
Alfred continues uniting the Saxons. His troops fill England, and missionaries convert the city of Leeds to their heretical creed.
Heresy +2
Belgrad , Sarajevo, zagreb plz
Muslims flock to Muhammad Ali. He promises them a safe united Islamic world.
And he Intends to make good on this promise. First my finishing his conquest of Saudi Arabia and then by going into the middle east, into that land where Islam is it's most Barbarous. He will make it the place where Islam is it's most enlightened. Starting with Baghdad.
A NAP is fine for now, but please do not come north of germany.
take stockholm, sail for aland then helsinki, spill to st petersburg
Have no intention to
OP, Allaince?
Also Muhammad declares himself Caliph.
Islam moves in on Spain, and Baghdad is incorporated into the Caliphate. The English claim England,and now look to Cornwall and Wales. This mup will be a little longer, as I will need to get up for awhile.
Expand in Spain and if possible, spill to Portugal. If any of that still spills, expand in Morocco.
Zagreb, lubljana , venezia
advance towards frankfurt and Nuenberg
Defend first if attacked. Take Oslo, the other Finnish city, spill north to the lumber and other Norwegian city
Muhammad continues uniting the Middle east but stops any forays further north into Iraq and instead moves to strike into Syria.
(also do i get +3 from oil and mecca?)
Unitology in Crimea if possible, expand encircling the black sea
check em, spills towards gadnsk
5D PALI!!!!! Odin is with us!!!
So I get +10 from Islam for 1 more turn.
+7 from Mecca.
+1 from Medina
+2 from oil
+1 from al'adaqabar
and +3 from baghdad
Why is risk banned from /pol/?
>No fun allowed
they want people reading their shillary threads
I got banned yesterday for a day for starting a risk thread. Meanwhile there are 3 KEK threads every time.
I dont know. If I had to guess I would say it is closer to board games then politics.
the problem is the risk community is not a unified front. there are three types of gamers
1. memers/politically minded players/current eventers (belong on pol)
2. old school Veeky Forums riskers (belong on tg)
3. newfags that dont know what is going on half the time (belong somewhere but noone knows)
I'm back boys
Alfred orders the Isles filled
Heretics take Dublin
Unitology has been added as Med Paganism.
The Homeland is filled for the West Saxons, and the Isles shall soon be united.
I offer an alliance with you Prussia, that we might both gain the +4?
Why not just make political risk, the only place i like to play risk is on /pol/, there are times when it's banned and times when it's not, the mods are really strange with risk.
Munich and Zurich, spils to strasbourg
Fill Switzerland and then Italy plz
Expand in Spain and if possible, spill to Portugal. If any of that still spills, expand in Morocco.
take riga
Muhammad Ali is pleased with his armies purging of terrorists in Syria unfortunately while marching to bring Order to Syria his troops accidentally took some land that belonged to Jordan so now they must go to war.
Jordan will be taken and then any his armies will go back to Syria.
The german goverment request you dont attack rome
Well Odin has spoken to our elders.
>Release the Heathen Army
4*7=28 horde
+4 permenant
>Attack the Prussians by sea (shortest path) and attempt to leave no alive (cities first).
Alfred's forces fill the Isles (+3)
They then send Heretics to Belgium, and fill from Brussels Heresy +5
Spills to Amsterdam
Germany withdraws allaince offers to prussia
we didnt notice
what is all this maths?
are we dead?
Harthacnut wishes to discuss the Baltics with the German Catholics. We want the Balts... you may have Poland... is this pleasing to you...
Also sorry about the other christians but well as pagans we need the bonus
Mediterranean Paganism
North Africa, Tunis City.
Germany accepts the offer, with the clarification Konningsberg (kalingrad) will be handed over
Can you use another color?
I really hate using that color of white.
read the rules for my religion (norse pagan)
Konigsburg is Prussian and Prussian is german... let us see what the map looks like but this should work nicely, so yes. I think i killed most of them so having place to stage my next attack shouldnt be a problem. if this is ok i will either cede if allowed or let you take it without defending in the future (just let me know so i dont give out a defend all command)
Hearing of the growing nations in Europe. The unifier of Islam sends a message to the nations.
"Peace be upon the prophet and upon you all. Since Allah resurrected me I have made it my undead life's work to bring peace and stability to the muslim world. However while I am sure you fine nations have the same intentions of peace I would like to keep those countries islamic while bringing peace. So if y'all could not conquer any Muslim lands that would be great. I would repay the favor and stay clear of any non-muslim lands you want for yourselves. If you take any muslim lands and do not give them back to muslims I will beat yo ass in the ring 9 times over"
To Al-Anadalus he instead sends a different messege
"My Islamic brother. I have nothing but the best intentions for the Muslim people. Seeing as how you are also Muslim I think it best we enter an alliance."
I'll take orange.
oh i see now. well that was fun
if im dead can i start somewhere again, maybe out in eastern russia? please man
nice trips
the german goverment sends its best regards
-Count Otto von Junker, foregin ministry
You should be Rome.
Unitology is MIA, if they return, I'll give them a boost.
Carthage quickly rises from the ashes.
Prussia falls. German refugees establish Rome (lol)
واليكم سلام مرحبا Muhammad
﷽, we have read your message and we have to say we're quite excited to start an alliance with you and your people to bring Islam to the world. إنشالله !
الحمد الله - Sultan of Al-Andalus.
b-but so many muslims, and i just got paganized man.
That does sound fun though. so yes.
if i died can i start as Papal States in Rome?
I'l lmove you wherever you want. I want as many rollers as possible. You held on last turn thanks to Homeland.
Fill Netherlands at full Heresy +16
Heretics take Lux
Spills for France.
Done Bro
Nice palis also
What color you want?
take starbourg, breslau spilss towards filling border gaps
-Carthage moves South from alger to the southern border.
-capture oil.
-spill westwards from oil.
finish the Prussians, spills defend if attacked (except Prussia proper in Koenigsberg). spill further for more Baltic and lumber in sweden, then norway cities too i guess.
Good to hear homie.
Muhammad Ali decides to ahev his forces finish Jordan off then return to Syria.
He hopes that by the year's end the Syrian refugees can return home.
He also gets Shaq to come to Mecca hoping he can make a basketball team to rival America. Since the Country of Islam has the best boxer in the world.
bonues fix
Fill Italy in direction to Rome and then south
Hey German, NAP?
Spread in Morocco. Inshallah!
unless i have to roll as prussia....
fill italy, cities are priority
is my bonus good?
yes, but i would prefer if you handed over either western switzerland or austria
-Count Otto von Junker, foregin ministry
with the religion diff, does Germany have to take Koenigsberg? if not please cede Prussia proper to him
The greatest Boxer ever hears of a country taking land in Africa right in between The Country of Islam and his ally. SO he sends a message
'peace be upon the prophet and upon you. I hear you been maiking moves in africa thats nice and all but ya see I kinda got designs fro Africa to and I said I want muslim lands to be ruled by muslims. Now imma let it slide this time and let you keep conquering algeria and tunis. But after that if you could focus on Italy or sumthin because I want Libya. That would be great, thanks a bunch homie" - The greatest boxer, the bee who floats like a butterfly, Allah's favorite guy, The Unifier of Islam, The Caliph of the Country of Islam, Muhammad Ali.
for wich germany means it is a prerequisite
The king of carthage, ruler of Africa, bane of Rome sends his greetings. While there is no desire to fight your nation, we wish for peace and prosperity. However libya must be ours for we are claiming the forsaken carthage cities. We would be interested in an alliance with you, however.
How's about a compromise? You can get Tripoli and anything west of it, I get the rest of Libya?
in ligth of your new acension our majesty, we propoe an allaince for the purpose of defending the catholic faith
-Count Otto von Junker, foregin ministry