>it depends on the setting
Veeky Forums could you stop parroting this non-answer everywhere?
>it depends on the setting
Veeky Forums could you stop parroting this non-answer everywhere?
It depends on the thread.
Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
It depends on the question.
Context is usually vital, its idiotic to pretend otherwise.
Why are you acting like an idiot OP?
If you consider that a "nonanswer", then the question must be a nonquestion.
It is an answer, and what it means is that the question isn't detailed enough or specific enough to garner a more specific or detailed question than this. It also is typically a pointed comment against the person asking the question, who typically implies that all settings are fundamentally just like FR, LOTR shit, etc.
That depends.
>ask Veeky Forums: can dragons talk?
>durr it depends meme response hurr
How about you tell me what you think about talking dragons if you're going to bother responding Veeky Forums?
But it does.
>what you think about talking dragons
>>can dragons talk?
These are two different questions.
This isn't the Cambridge debate society. Who cares about the semantics of introducing a point of discussion?
Other than shitposting autists, that is.
>Veeky Forums replies with "Dragons don't exist user."
Whoops. Maybe you could've asked that differently.
Oh hey, you're back
It's been a while since you posted this literal exact thread. I'm sure the guy that logs all them will be here soon
If you want to ask about how Veeky Forums feels about talking dragons, then ask "how do you feel about talking dragons?"
Asking "Can Dragons talk?" Isn't the same thing at all.
Most people. Being able to properly frame your questions is a very, very basic communication skill.
We'll stop saying it when you start phrasing your questions such that it isn't the only correct answer.
Are you so fucking stupid you can not see what the problem is here?
You are an idiot.
That needs no debate.
It's also idiotic to ignore obvious implications to the question posed. See 90% of the time the question is clearly an open ended invitation to share how it works in your setting or a setting you like.
Where is that statistic from? Just because something is clear to you doesn't mean it's clear to anyone else.
When I see somebody ask a question like that, I assume they're implying that I should answer it in the context of some particular setting they have not specified. I have no reason to think that asking a question like that means something other than asking a question like that.
>Obvious implication
>obviously open ended
But your example isn't open ended and has no other implication.
So what board are you from, OP?
No, most of the time it comes across as him asking a specific question that cannot be answered.
Why would you not actually phrase it as an invitation to share/debate if that is what it is?
>Where is that statistic from?
Dunno but it checks out with the Cambridge debate society.
You first, pumpkin.
>90% of the time the question is clearly an open ended invitation to share how it works in your setting or a setting you like.
>how it works in your setting or a setting you like.
So what you're saying is that it depends on the setting, got it.
Obvious bait getting this many (you)s tg are you even trying
Stop beating around the bush Veeky Forums.
Tell me: can dragons talk?
And how would a talking dragon fare in a 1v1 fight with Darth Vader, as opposed to a non-talking one?
I was gonna go over my rant again but, well,
tl;dr Raistlin, Gandalf, Merlin and Elminster are all archetypical 'wizards' that one might reference or think of when answering vague questions about wizards. None of them have anything in common other than mostly wearing robes and being cerebral.
>Difficulty understanding other's perspectives during communication
>Difficulty in delivering specificity
>Repetitive language
He's quite literally autistic. And I don't mean like, buzzword autistic. I mean autistic.
Depends on the system.
Dragon's don't exist user.
who in the fuck is Raistlin
Depends on the particular species of dragon we're talking about, obviously.
No seriously, who posts these kinds of questions. It's got to be people from other boards, right?
>can dragons talk?
Yes and no.
>And how would a talking dragon fare in a 1v1 fight with Darth Vader, as opposed to a non-talking one?
Better, worse and equally well.
'Depends on the setting' is a pretty useful response.
Since it means your question was way too vague and you should probably be more specific.
Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
If you want smarter answers, ask smarter questions, instead of bitching like a little faggot.
Veeky Forums isn't going to start sperging about "crossies" like /jp/ does is it?
Can we say for certain that a non-talking dragon would do better than a talking dragon in a fight against Vader? Like isn't vader's entire fighting style based off some sort of psychological combat? You would think that a dragon that can talk has a higher chance of giving him some sort of tell or hint as to it's mental structure.
Just genuinely curious. In this hobby we've had random outsiders trying to ask us stupid questions since well before the invention of Veeky Forums.
Dragons also like to psychologically torment their victims. Like Fafnir, or Tolkien's Fafnir, Glaurung. Or Smaug.
Wouldn't a dragon's greater age and wisdom give it the edge in mind games?
Only when they are out of fucking control shitposting
How can we say that the dragon is an older one? Who says dragons even are sentient?
What even is a dragon?
Depends on the setting
>Like isn't vader's entire fighting style based off some sort of psychological combat?
No, that's just the writer trying to inject some meaning, emotion and drama into the fight, so that that the outcome of it actually matters.
>How was the game tonight? Did you win?
Just because someone's old doesn't mean they're wise.
It could just mean they've been stupid for a very long time.
>So do you guys dress up?
Only for the ERP sessions.
>ask any question, and some extremely passive aggressive tool will find a fault with it
>give the answer you deserve, bitch boi can't handle his sandy cunt
True, but not relevant in OPs example.
Precisely. When someone says 'depends on the setting,' what they're saying is 'explain the context of your question better so we can give an actually useful answer'
I mean, the other option is to just have people not respond at all because they don't know what exactly you're asking.
Oh look, it's this thread again.
Couldn't even bother with a different picture than the first four times huh?
>ask a lazy question, get a lazy answer
>get salty as fuck about people putting in the same effort as you do in your posts
you don't deserve real answers
Sources. Cite them.