Veeky Forums, if you were are crew member on a spaceship, what occupation would you like to have aboard it? Talking huge size ships for exportation and gathering goods.
Me personally, I would like to be a pilot.
Veeky Forums, if you were are crew member on a spaceship, what occupation would you like to have aboard it? Talking huge size ships for exportation and gathering goods.
Me personally, I would like to be a pilot.
>I would like to be a pilot.
You mean helmsman?
Android plant.
assistant maintenance technician
Comms or Nav
An android sleeper plant?
OP here.
Sure. I just wanna fly/steer/control the thing. Willing to even fly the recon/scout ships, combat vessels, freighter ships.
Chief engineer/mechanic
Or medic
I'm told that that guy is generally called the driver, though not usually to his face.
security guard, 4th class
Comms. Nothing more soothing then listening to both meaningful comm traffic and the natural background music of the spheres.
Alternatively, load-master so I actually have a chance to interact with and see the different worlds we visit. Hopefully get to operate cool exo-suits as well.
Master Builder
Telephone sanitizer.
Some kind of ship psychologist type would be interesting. I imagine on a larger ship not too many problems come up so it's mostly just having mandatory conversations with the people in your "district" every now and then and writing a report on it.
Depending how far future, then if AI are involved there's probably some kind of specialization to do the psychology thing with an AI and research the way their personality changes based on interactions with crew and events that occur on long journey's.
Crew creator. Clearly we need lots of hands to operate a ship.
This guy gets it, loadmaster seems the job where you can have the most new experiences and interesting interactions.
You can gain fresh experiences from your crewmates if you pick a job that has less interaction with the outside world. But those would probably turn sour real quick as you get stuck with them more and more on long isolated journeys.
Cargomaster/Cargomaster's mate, or requisitions officer. ...Alternately, Xeno-Archeologist/Geologist.
I wanna deal with the stuff we bring in or pick up.
Official Role Tracker.
Either Quartermaster/cargo-tech, astrogator, or some generic jack
Cargo Tech is pretty comfy, but I'm going to have to go with Medbay.
It's a death sentence, but at least I'll die next to the Cloning.
This is Admiral user speaking.
USS Veeky Forums takes off in 10 posts. Please secure your seatbelts and turn off any mobile devices or laptops. Thank you.
being a pilot would be cool, but I dont want my ass in a chair for an entire shift
the question is kinda pointless, because technology would do all these jobs for us in real life (if we even travel through space as biological organisms at all), but, in keeping with the spirit of the question:
Some kind of maintenance/inspector type of role, where i have the authority/clearance to go anywhere in the ship and make sure it's not falling apart, and where I'm generally not needed so I can sit in my own room or office (or wander about the ship) and do what I like most of the time. I'd have a combination of sensors that alert me to problems and periodical inspections. Double as security, so I have a weapon and will respond to danger. I'd have the most detailed map of the ship and the most knowledge of the ship as a whole other than maybe the engineers or architect.
Aye sir. IT technician reporting in. Ship's AI core shows all green and both recreational and ship's internet have been established with proper clearances for all authorized devices.
Awaiting the go from Engineering to confirm remote connection between the bridge and ship's systems and the Auxiliary controls.
Security. Protect the crew from any threat, inside or out.
>wanting to be the space equivalent of a mall cop
I don't really have a lot of skills, so probably just janitor
You're gonna need a cook.
drone technician. repair/maintenance, combat, recon, whatever it is.
I'll be the dude playing Galaga on a TAC screen.
Planetary Ecologist
scout/fighter pilot
Have to security on you so you don't go native like the last guy.
I have no skills or much interest in the stuff that's required to keep a spaceship running.
Guess I'll be a technician. Just assign me to a sub deck so I can get some peace and quiet, and I'll be happy.
I mean I love robots and cool space stuff. But actually making that shit work is complicated and dull. But someone has to refill the vending machines and swap around nonvital components as they get worn.
Assuming you don't have robots to do that by then.
Wait, I forgot. I kind of like cooking. So I'll volunteer to do that, assuming it isn't just reheated Astronaut Chow™ packets. I do good rice, the trick is a splash of soy sauce.
Assuming you don't have robots to do that by then.
Passive observer.
It's my job to, like, take a step back from everything and, like, be an objective middleman observer type.
Like, for example i can, umm, mediate between people and, like, give them my opinion on things, and stuff, and, like, tell help them come to a compromise. Y'know, like, put out fires before they start, and stuff.
You can find me in the Observation Room, y'know, doing...stuff, observing mostly, probably out the window.
Therapy sessions too. Just chilling out, listening to good music, lounging on the couch, cool guys can smoke with me i'll provide the product if they'll like, y'know, "legit".
I'll probably, like, require a minibar for, y'know, "optimal efficiency" and stuff. The rest i can pick up on shore leave, cause i, like, "know a guy." And stuff.
Probably need, like, 20 times the allotment of rations, and stuff, cause, like, people will have the munchies, and stuff.
I'm, like, the "pressure release valve" for the ship. Real important type stuff, y'know?
Also i only take cash for, like, your reference. Just so y'know.
Nah, man. It's cool. I can, like, cook grub while i, like, "Observe" and stuff. Real "Ace of all trades" type, y'know.
>soy sauce in rice is a "trick"
Get the everloving fuck out of my kitchen before I serve you your own ass with a side salad and a delicious pan sauce.
You're like a hobo Counsler Troi
xeno-archaeologist or something of that ilk. Just to take the job away from the kind of archaeologists who seem to constantly be unleashing ancient evils by mucking about with some artefact or whatever. No interacting with anything I'm studying, although I'd try to avoid studying anything in person if I could possibly help it
Boarding Officer
Thanks, man! I, like, couche surfed for my, like, thesis and gradschool and stuff. Real eye opening, stuff. You should, like, drop by and read it. I can, like, put the viewport filter on, like, randomized and stuff, while we just, like, gnosh out, and stuff.
I do other shit, you cunt. It's just the single most impactful addition.
Your most impactful addition can be replaced with a fucking rice cooker. One kitchen appliance can replace you. I wouldn't trust you to flip burgers. Get the fuck out of here with your rice, you wanker.
i'm, like, "zoned out" 32/8, fuck these standardized days, and stuff, y'know, and even i, like, know thats bunk, dude. And i thought, we like, talked about this "anger issue" and stuff man. It's, like, a real downer for the crew and stuff. Negative vibes beget, like, more negative vibes man. I recommend a one hour sesh in, like, the aft viewport during, like, hyperspace. We can listen to Tarkio, and stuff, and hash this out while we, like, zone out. Maybe chat about your dad, and stuff, y'know?
Chief Political Officer.
Cabin boy
ASS - Alien Sex Specialist