>A strange creature has come to the planet with a big scary drill, taking away all of it's natural ores and resources for unknown reasons.
How do you make this a good bbeg? Assuming it's based off of your typical Terraria/Starbound playermindset of turning the continent upside down looking for ores.
A strange creature has come to the planet with a big scary drill...
Might work in Dark Sun but with water.
You could go independence day style. Creatures from another plane/planet show up in giant floating crafts and starts sucking up resources. Not out of evil but for the same reasons we cut trees down (destroying all the life that depended on that tree to make a nice table, we need the wood so we take it).
These craft could be manned by drones/golems, having a single artificer who made them to carry out his planet munching needs. He/she/it could be obsessed with logistics, more concerned about meeting quotas even when confronted by a party, confused and slightly annoyed that these lesser creatures are putting him/her/it behind schedule
You could go the easy/Avatar route and say "look at this evil industrialist who is taking over nature, stop the civilization!" which is kind of cliched and preachy as well as overdone,
You could do something else- make the character actually evil instead of just taking things from the ground. He's planning on destroying the planet for its resources- literally collecting enough material to build a doomsday weapon, than cracking the planet Dead Space style and murdering everything on it just to get at some nice, shiny metal at the core to craft another sword out of. Something so ravenously greedy it will kill indiscriminately for what it wants, up to and including the destruction of an entire species. If you really want to go with the "we don't know why", you could always have them steal something REALLY vital, like air or water, knowing full well that they're killing things, and either not caring or actively desiring the organisms to die so they can harvest ores better.
factorio urge rising
>craft another sword out of.
Let me guess, he gets a shitty modifier?
Shit thats a way better example than mine. That would be cool, one artificer comes from another plane with a bunch of golems and just starts turning the whole place into a factory. We have magic so maybe a factory that builds itself? Spreads like a taint? Sucking up what it needs out of the earth to keep expanding to ferry it to its center where the artificer can build what ever it is they have come to build.
And then proceeds to destroy ANOTHER planet to forge one that doesn't suck.
Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to get the goblin to Reroll the modifier? I only played up till the wall of flesh boss.
Yes, it would be cheaper but you have to find the goblin first.
An idea: the entity doing this is protecting the planet, by using the bulk of those resources to build and install protections in the planet's orbit to defend it against some alien menace that will infect and devour the planet without those protections.
I've come for your crystals you human clods
The last planet he was on had the goblin, which sucks because that planet is now an asteroid belt devoid of all life. He would have been able to find the goblin, had he not been so preoccupied with blowing up the world like a piniata.
so is he just too impatient to wait for respawn or something? Or just doesn't want to play treasure hunt with the goblin?
That or he went in blind.
Like what I did when I started up hard mode to early.
Dragon Kings, the serial numbers filed off version made by the same people, has they as a main threat.
>That and a nurse. I blew up the last one by accident.
OP, I know you're coming at this as using the PC from terraria/minecraft presumably because you like the low tech "IMMA DIG ALL THIS SHIT UP" angle.
But have you ever seen StarMade?
I made a ship like a giant space bulldozer. Basically less of a ship, and more of a giant dish of mining lasers, driven by a VERY rudimentary cabin and engines, with the whole back bulk being mostly storage containers. The idea was to get resources so that I could continue to build the bridge of our 6 man capital ship project. The bridge was my part and it was gonna be good, god damnit. So I roll up on this planet. Red grass, local wildlife, very picturesque. I get my dish monster ship into a great orbit. So that as I spin around this planet, I pass over every last square meter of it at some point...
Then I fire up the secondary generators.
1 hour and forty five minutes, I just let it orbit and mine, orbit and mine. Just sitting at my monitor, chain smoking and watching x-files. And that lush little planet was a molten ball. I had stripped it and sorted it into my containers. Every plant and animal was now sorted into component chemicals and compounds for later use.
I traded a lot of it and used what I could. That planet became a very lovely front window, chairs, and some very pleasant soft blue lighting. The animals helped build one of the sensor antennae.
Tell me I wasn't one hell of a BBEG that game.
Well, to be a proper BBEG the protagonists need to be able to oppose you in some way, right? Otherwise you're just a natural disaster or something, narratively speaking.
That's a good point I suppose.
Someone probably could have shot the ship down pretty easily, considering it had no shields and minimal hull. But
>giant ship menaces planet
>heroes fire a single rpg at it
>it crashes in chunks into the planet
Is a pretty weak story. I guess you really need a villain you can take a poke at.
I think that would be more of an allegory than a story.
Factorio and that Minecraft/Terraria mentality remind me of a game I've always wanted to run, but couldn't ever find a fucking plot for.
Just a big fucking factory that is either in the process of, or already has, swallowed the world. It's a sort of eldritch thing in that it's very alive and has a goal of expansion.
PC-equivalents from any of the three games I noted above would be like regular people from the planet in question, mind-broken and controlled by the Factory (Machine? Facility? Compound?) into doing what PCs from those games do--help keep the Factory alive. Players would be avoiding becoming these drones. More advanced drones with better kit and prowess might wind up being like the Angels from the God Machine Chronicles.
The thing is, I could never really divine a good purpose for the Factory. Maybe expansion for its own sake? That might be a bit dull, though. Some greater eldritch goal? Feels kind of like a cop-out without amazing writing and, conveniently, amazing roleplaying from an unreliable party.
bitch I will take your gem and place it in my axe if you don't fuck off!
Throw in a bit of Paranoia maybe? The Factory is your friend, all hail the Factory
Factorio is just one human (or human 2.0) crashinh on a planet and building an enormous industrial hellscape to support the infrastructure to make an interstellar communication system / transport system to contact Earth and complete the original colony building mission.
You don't even need to make it eldritch. Its just space age humans doing what humans have done since forever.
that'd be a real neat game to play, but as the humans doing the invading
just genocide the fuck out of ayys for the glory of industry
It produces big guns and big gun accessories for the creatures dwelling in other dimension
Look I am trying to kill diablo here!