1200 AD Risk Pick a: >Name (be somewhat realistic) >Faction
Read the map. Note: we will not be using the fleets. Sea travel is the same as in most risk games (that is, 1 sea tile is the same as 1 land tile in your roll) Questions, just ask.
RP is encouraged
Cameron Mitchell
ill play as denmark
Lincoln Clark
Can I be the saami?
James James
not available bro
Landon Barnes
Joshua Miller
cool, noted
Nathaniel Jenkins
Fuck... the kamen then?
Xavier Stewart
I'll be Slavs.
Joshua Hernandez
Luke Cox
The Moors
Tyler Reyes
Kanem it is
which ones bro?
Zachary Parker
Fuck I meant kanem
Jason Walker
Jeremiah Rivera
Ethan Williams
confirm which slavic faction you want and we begin
Jason Cruz
Justin Roberts
John Plantagenet Kingdom of England/Angevin Empire [Give me time!]
Bentley White
Kingdom of France France
Mason Nelson
Owen Gonzalez
Mohammad Abbasid The Moors
Jeremiah Sanders
10 factions, more are welcome Let the game begin
Also guys please adopt a tripcode so people dont steal your shit
Ethan Wood
Jaxson Russell
Ryan Bennett
Re-Unifies of Balkayns, and Draft constitutions
Cooper Flores
Also rollan to attack bashkir.
Brayden Johnson
His Highness King Louis IX of france wishes to remove the english pigs from his kingdom! attack england!
Blake Wright
I'll claim Norway
Dominic Baker
We declare war on the leaderless Swedes and march north.
Dylan Collins
Attack Portugal, Spill Tunisia
Hunter Cox
Defend against the French, then strike back at them. Take their coast first.
Landon White
I'll move west and south towards the ivory coast
Mason Kelly
Attack the Prussians
Cooper Ross
Feh, Prince Louis at best. Accept English primacy and join with us into the Angevin Empire.
Lucas Baker
Venice attacks Sicily
Jack Bennett
I fucked up
Nolan Long
Spill towards the land of Brandenburg
Sebastian Powell
can i roll?
sail for iceland
Juan Gonzalez
I hope glorious scotland joins and attacks you in en la nord
Eli Garcia
please link me on rolls bro counted
Angel Turner
same for you, reply to the mupdate with all rolls
Ethan Ward
Attack Portugul, Spill Tunisia
Charles Young
The territory we hold is ours by right, it's only your twisting of the proper succession laws that this is even an issue. The Scots will join with us soon enough.
Clicked wrong post, my bad.
Henry Butler
Wait, so if you choose a country with a crown next to it, you're a king? And you get the +1 King bonus, right?
Juan Butler
Attack Portugal, Spill North Tunisia
Brandon Watson
we are the sacred land your petty lands that the duke of normandy owned no longer existed
Brody Carter
counted first roll this time but yeah it makes it easier on me to link me
Mup2 Also, guys if you havent played this map make sure to read it.
yes lets elect a pope
Christopher Ramirez
If our lands don't exist, how do we have them?
Eli James
We continue our campaign against the Swedes. counter if attacked though
Connor Long
Attack Portugal, Spill Northern Tunisia
Parker Bell
His Majesty Louis IX wishes to continue his glorious campaign into rightful french lands
Connor Moore
Rolling to finish Bashkir and then move onto Persia.
The Great Khan is pleased with the success of his hordes in bashkir and now aims for a much larger target.
Owen Carter
Continue taking Sicily.
Jack Cox
Defend if France Attacks, Attack France, coast first.
>Vote England for Pope.
I need two more, folks. Back me up, I'll back you up.
Zachary Roberts
Take over the Saxons. They will know the might boot of Polska!
James Foster
Fucking north. Give me that sahara
Levi Smith
vote for Denmark as Pope
Chase Bennett
Continyus of squat into Balkans of Byzantine. Pleaz of votes for King Ivanovich
Levi Ross
OP give me part of India, I came late af from the other thread
Justin Clark
I did it again.
Colton Ross
you may roll Also i vote me denmark as pope
Brody Cox
Finish the puny Icelandic island, and spill into swedish controlled finland
Liam Rivera
do you attack the danes who already occupy said land?
Daniel Jenkins
No I do not, I wish to take only unnocupied and unprotected swedish land
Dominic Peterson
ok, those two spills went swedish russia then
Jacob Cook
What other thread?
Adam Powell
we are waiting on your vote
Alexander Hall
see here
which faction in india bro
Liam Barnes
It was a failed Risk thread on pol
Also can i go ahead and roll for claiming muh india
Hudson Myers
we need your vote for pope lad
Benjamin Williams
please pick a faction and please roll there are multiple indian factions
Henry Roberts
oh the Chola
Henry Wood
you have two minutes to roll for this turn
Jacob Hall
I vote Poland
Jason Lewis
I need help. What can I do?
Sebastian Sanchez
we need your vote venice lad
Lucas Ramirez
>it's been 3 fuck roll for more muh india
Carter Bailey
What do the stars give?
Juan Barnes
just in time Pope votes are 1 england 1 poland 2 denmark
no pope is elected
Nolan Garcia
>Bolesław dies and is replaced by a monarch 200 years recent Changed name in favor of more historically accurate, Boleslaw was 11th century
Nolan Collins
continue the french campaign taking proper french land for King Louis may he be sucessful on the battle field in normandy
Kayden Baker
English Pope is still go. Defend/Attack France, coast first.
Josiah Scott
Kick Hungary and Bohemia out of Poland, keep taking Brandenburg
Samuel Robinson
those are for the fleet rules, but we are ignoring those for this game
counter if attacked>finish swedes>attack estonia
vote for cardinal Cnut of Denmark as Pope
Jackson Anderson
Advance into Leon, Spill Tunisia
Lincoln Williams
push up the indian coastline. I shall rule the East
Ethan Edwards
Take the northern coastline of Europe
Justin Ortiz
I attack the Ghurid Sultanate. Hooves stampede.
Luke Thomas
Jackson Ross
Offer Alliance to fellow muslim Brother.
Liam Nelson
Takes of laynd from Beezantones
Robert Lee
Also im attacking the west side
Eli Sanchez
so... modern netherlands?
Lucas Gutierrez
Where is that? Also, alliance of the East, friend?
Alexander Fisher
I mean Russian coastline
Xavier Long
Hmm I would like the india + persai bonus what can you give me?
Robert King
I vote Denmark for Pope, against better judgement. A scandi for Pope, Henry laughs.
Henry Price
Well, two rollers are better than one, I get rest of Persia you don't already own, you get all the northern lands, and we overthrow the Papacy fags together
Leo Taylor
Im off, need to leave, do what you want with the moorlands
Jordan Reyes
is venice still here?
Votes for Pope here England votes for the English Cardinal Denmark votes for the Danish Cardinal
Leo Clark
We dont now but we will sooner or later need a pope!