We really ought to have a pastebin or a copypasta. Any good streams this weekend?
To start shit off
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
>Spicy techs?
We really ought to have a pastebin or a copypasta. Any good streams this weekend?
To start shit off
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
>Spicy techs?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dredge with a backup in Burn, I just want to be the big bad boogeyman at every Legacy tournament. Like Spanish Inquisition.
Nourshing Lich, but it's so bad, so I'm probably gonna just give up. There are infinitely better decks. Typically I'm a Jeskai-ish player but I've found myself drabbling more and more in black recently. I blame Ichorid.
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
I keep forgetting Legacy has tiers. I don't know, some jank combo deck probably.
>Spicy techs?
2 Leyline of Punishment in the sideboard for Burn. Should probably get rid of one of my 3 mainboard Sulfuric Vortexes.
Also, 1 Mindbreak Trap in Burn's sideboard.
Ordered the money cards for my burn deck; feels good.
Lowtier deck project is monoblue Dreadstill I'm putting together. It is, none the less, quite pricey.
Bump, figure out what deck you want to play!
Is delver not on there?
I mean, the flowchart still has Nourishing Lich, Quinn, Sea Stompy, Waterfalls... It's probably a good 4 years old by now, it could use a solid upgrade.
Most accurate pic of formats at your left.
>spicy tech
Well, black in the board has been really fun
does anyone know of a good bant legacy deck that has both burgeoing and show and tell in the deck?
Waterfalls is fun, even though Shardless is still far far better. Oh well, its not like you can't convert from one to the other from time to time.
I know Maverick can be tweaked to add blue in the board, but it's a midrange deck and doesn't rely on something like Emrakul to win the game. You could get a deck like Show and Tell and use Eureka instead of Sneak Attack, and then splash white for either a Stoneforge/Batterskull package or just for Swords to Plowshares.
Or you could just brew, see what you come up with.
It sounds like your asking for a deck that's trying to do too many things at once. I like your style... perhaps a show and tell deck that also runs green to get lands to pay for fatties while also having the option to cheat cards into play occasionally.
>>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
twin exarch
>>Spicy techs?
fact or fiction in twin exarch
Esper Miracles? Post list. Is it like Stoneblade but not?
Well this is stock list except
- 1 EtA
-1 counter spell
+1 snapcaster
+1 predict
The board however is ever changing, I'll post my regular list (it's what I use if I don't know the meta)
1x eitherswron canonist
2x thoughtseize
1x nihil spell bomb
1x leyline of sanctity
3x surgical extraction
1x snapcaster mage
1x entreat the angels
1x flusterstorm
1x disenchant
1x Rest in peace
1x back to basics
1x notion thief
I () am building jeskai now, but esper is my fave 3 color combo by far, so if I saw a good list I would love to biuld esper miracles.
Sometimes I drop a Plains and add an underground sea or swamp or sometimes a scrub lands and stick a sinkhole in the board or 2. I'd like to add black into the main board to some extent but I just don't know how to go about it, not thoughtseize because I don't want any dead cards in burn (or as little as possible) so maybe and IoK? But then what would I drop for that, a council's judgment?
I'm on DnT. Had one of my wastelands vanish recently. Replaced it tonight, so i'm pretty happy.
Trying to figure out the optimal numbers for new stuff
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
Would Aluren be T2?
>Spicy techs?
I guess the mainboard Council's is the closest thing to spicy.
What‘s a better CA engine?
Fact or Fiction or Accumulated Knowledge?
I prefer fact or fiction but it purely depends on the situation/deck
4c Loam, MUD, TES
BR Welder with the new Deretti
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
High Tide
>Spicy Techs
Been running Ensnaring Bridge in the side of MUD to deal with Eldrazi.
Intuition Lands
nothing in legacy
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
>>Spicy techs?
SB primeval titans
Primeval titans? What for? I don't quite understand why you'd have those. I don't really know enchantress all that well to begin with so maybe it's that
they're for lands, not enchantress. I use it against decks that cheat fatties into play, such as hypergenesis and show&tell. it also gives me a shot in situations where another emrakul or an ashen rider would'nt be enough, such as when they get out omniscience to cast their library. titan ETB gets me 2 wastelands or 1 wasteland 1 maze of ith, untaps, attacks, gets me a tabernacle, maybe untaps itself from a blocker with maze of ith, opponent can't keep any creatures.
dredging into it does the same thing after exhume, maybe buying precious turns. lands can ditch a lot of its mainboard after g1 so getting the titan in is very easy, and people lose their shit when they see him.
Nice, I know I wouldn't want to see that lol. Probably spoop me pretty good
Just got 2 force of will from a grab bag what do?
Grab bag results
Sell them for crack
I play Miracles because I enjoy the tightrope walk.
it's on there under canadian threshold, the old name of the deck
What's a grab bag? And how do I get one with 2×FoW in it?
Also, checked.
this chart leads me to turbo depths, which I actually just ordered all the cards for, so that's neat.
DDFT as usual. Been punting like mad the past 10 or so games I've played on MTGO, just can stop for some reason.
Still trying to get Veteran Explorer Doomsday to work
>favorite tier 2 trash
Does DDFT count? I have rack pox too. And belcher.
Cumin is my favorite, but garam masala goes well with pork.
you've got to intuition for AK for maximum value
how many did you order? Also god they really dont mix those well, glad i didnt get any.
Only ordered 2 from deriums
>Playing/Brewing/Favorite tier 2 deck
All aboard the cancer train!
>Spicy tech
Not in Stax, but in general Teferi's Response is hot stuff
>a playset of Expedition Flooded Strand
Someday I, too, will be made of money
I'm loving the inclusion of God's Eye in the deck. I'm loving Bottled Cloister even more. That's a surefire way to avoid a lot of really good metagame cards like Therapy and Gitaxian Probe.
Oh it's just 1 expedition, don't you worry though one day it'll be a playset. The deck is slightly non-uniform and it's starting to piss me off.
god I love teferi's response.
casting it 1 time in a game absolutely ruins normal thinking for your opponent for the rest of the game.
Tell me about it. I have 1 MMA Bridge from Below and 3 FUT Bridge from Below and it's really frustrating because no shop near me has the FUT printing and the MMA isn't moving online.
At least Dredge is picking up in Modern so my deck's value went up a couple dollars.
I have a similar problem, but with Golgari Thug.
2 Dueldeck, 2 Rav. It's the only inconsistancy in the entire 75, and it bothers me constantly.
Manaless Dredge
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
Fuck, what are tiers right now? Manaless is still only in Combo (Established). That.
How much do old bordered foiled basic lands go for? $3-4 a piece?
pretty sure canadian threshold is RUG delver, when Grixis is where it's at these days.
You made me want to check my deck again, so I went back and...
3 Dueldeck Golgari Grave-Troll, 1 Ravnica
1 Graveborn Putrid Imp, 2 Torment
3 Future Sight Bridge from Below, 1 Modern Masters
1 Future Sight Narcomoeba, 3 Modern Masters
2 City of Brass, 2 Mana Confluence
1 foil Time Spiral Dread Return, 1 C14 Dread Return
1 foil Modern Masters Stinkweed Imp, 3 Ravnica Stinkweed Imp
My deck is a holy mess.
Fuck, you just reminded me my Trolls are 2/2 RAV/Dueldeck
I don't notice those, because of the art.
One of each of Thug and Dread Return are also Italian.
Only one of my Amalgams is foil.
Yeah I have 1 Italian FoW 3 reg, 1 Italian divining top 2 reg and 1 foil EM, 1 jap Marsh flats 1 reg, 1 DD Counterspell and 1 Italian one from somewhere, 1 expedition flooded strand 3 reg, 3 FtV terminus 1 reg
Remember, whenever you play an Italian card you need to read it in a ridiculous Italian accent.
Thugga Gol-a-gari?
I try I honestly do try
Here's my list on paper; hope the picture doesn't post sideways. Tfw no LEDs.
Chinamen leds are good
>Not having all your bridges from FS
Commit sudoku pls
See and I may buy Chinaman LEDs soon, or perhaps go creep around the local flea markets in hope of scoring a good find.
I'm tempted to buy chinaman Bloodghasts for Modern, I wouldn't get LEDs, my friendgroup would be immediately suspicious of me being able to drop nearly $1k almost overnight.
>Teferi's response
So if my opponent tries to wasteland me, or targets my manland this is a “counter it, draw 2”?
That would fit right into Landstill.
>hat would fit right into Landstill.
You do realize that if you play this in a response to Wasteland while under Standstill, the Standstill goes off for the opponent, right?
It makes your opponent hesitate to Wasteland you if you have 1U mana up. Then what?
Depends on the edition. Newer (old-framed) foils can be had for under 1 burger. I think. Unless basic lands from the US cost that much more than Europe.
I just read my Italian cards terribly ADR'd.
I'm currently playing on a budget so I have a bunch of cards in random languages for no reason. 2 Japanese Thalia, GOT, 1 Russian THC, 1 Spanish Mirran Crusader, 1 Russian Flickerwisp and 1 Russian Phyrexian Revoker. Beautiful.
Yes but you don't always have a standstill down or are in a boardstate to put it down.
I'd rather play Teferi's Response in EDH than in Legacy. If I'm cranking out mana with Cabal Coffers or Nykthos I sure as hell don't want my lands getting screwed by Strip Mine or targeted land destruction. But for Legacy, if I really care about my lands getting 86'd by D&T or Stax, why not use Stifle?
Aaaaaand now is when I realize that Response gets rid of Wasteland whereas Stifle keeps it on the board. I think.
Either way have a bump, thread. Plus more format memes.
stifle doesn't keep it on board. teferi's response is only better when you want the slot only to keep your lands alive, so basically just in infect.
response gets rid of rishasan port where stifle doesn't though.
>Aaaaaand now is when I realize that Response gets rid of Wasteland whereas Stifle keeps it on the board. I think.
Wasteland saccs itself as part of the cost. It does destroy Rishadan Port though.
Can I have some advice on my UB Tezz deck? Should I be running more of the cards in the thopter swords combo, maybe replacing a Wurmcoil? (I'd like to keep one in, it's not difficult to cast.) I'm not sure about my sideboard either, and I'm thinking about going Grixis and buying some Mox Diamonds but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth making the manabase worse. I like the deck I saw last thread with the new Daretti and welders, maybe I'll try and take some ideas from there.
So 2 prelates in death and taxes? That sounds right to me.
2 Prelates and 3 Recruiters seems to be the consensus.
Not a big fan of the recruiters really. We'll see how it turns out though.
Why the 4 Tops?
>it's a $3800 deck
Mother of God that's a metric fuckton of money, mate. But first thing's first, that list looks like so much fun. I would play it blind in any tournament.
I would try to pick one specific strategy and gear it towards that. I'm not sure what Ratchet Bomb is in there for, but that would be the first piece I'd cut/move to the sideboard. Same thing with Trinisphere. What's your usual wincon with this deck? Is this more of a toolbox build, or is it more of a Stax list?
Yeah the ratchet's probably better in the sideboard or just not there at all, I just didn't know what to replace it with. The Trinisphere's there because I'll usually have more mana than my opponents and it goes well with the Chalice, but it used to be in the sideboard for fighting storm type decks. It's more along the lines of a toolbox deck with walkers, thopters, chalice and the Wurmcoils all as wincons, although the most wins I have are due to the Chalice shutting down their deck (Usually delver).
The recruiter build is more for a grindy meta, if your meta is more combo and shit, the recruiters probably slow you down too much, so just stick to a normal list with Prelates in it.
Which ones are tier 1 and which are tier 2? Anyone have a list?
Looks pretty good, I like a single Nihil Spellbomb maindeck even though it gets hit by Chalice, sometimes vs decks like dredge it outright wins the game for you and others it generates value off stopping DRS activations.
I would swap it for an EE if you have one, I found a singleton one is great for hitting DRS and Delvers.
After brewing and playing the Welder version, it feels kinda janky. The real problem is the mana base, since I want Caverns to push my welders through Chalice and to be able to have 2UB and 1RB on turn 2 ideally. However the Welders do a lot of really powerful things, Strix become draw engines, Wurmcoils make enough tokens to stall out almost any aggro strat, and reseting Tangle Wire while ticking up a Tezz to keep them locked down.
Tier 1 is probably
Grixis Delver
Eldrazi Stompy
Death and Taxes
Shardless BUG
Show and Tell
UR Delver
I do have an EE in the sideboard, I'm not sure why I have it in the SB over the bomb when it hits things a lot faster, I just played against a Jund deck and lost with RB getting decayed on the tick up to two whilst they had bob, two goyfs and Sylvan Library on the field that an EE would've been amazing against. I hear you about the Welders though, that mana base did look very clunky and I occasionally have problems even in this deck with casting all the double blue cards.
-1 Ratchet Bomb
+1 Sword of the Meek
For Trinisphere, I think you should definitely just move that to the sideboard. I was going to suggest mainboarding Tangle Wire, but I'm not sure if that hurts you as much as it would slow your opponent. Have you tried MUD staples, e.g., Sphere of Resistance, Thorn of Amethyst, etc.?
I've got a Sphere lying around, I could see throwing that in but I feel like the deck's too mild on the stax department to make good use out of it. I like the +1SotM -1RB suggestion though.
I can't imagine not running 4 and I haven't seen a deck do extremely well recently that doesn't run 4 tops, in fact most people agree you should run 4 tops. I do however run 4 counterbalance and a lot of people like to run 3 instead
The modern general has a good OP post with the meta game breakdown for the follow up
isn't lands tier 1?
A few threads ago, the last time I made one I tried making a OP from a mashup of EDH and Modern general but with relevant Legacy websites, but it didn't take off.
Let's try to cook one up then.
TIER 1 DECKS (Established Legacy)
>Delver variants
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Sneak and Show
>Death and Taxes
>LED Dredge
>Eldrazi Stompy
TIER 2 (Developing Legacy)
>High Tide
Contentions? Additions?
No reanimator in tier 2?
>dredge tier 1
>no mention of shardless or infect
I hardly play against BUG or Infect so it didn't come to mind. I'll add it.
TIER 1 DECKS (Established Legacy)
>Delver variants
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Sneak and Show
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG
TIER 2 (Developing Legacy)
>High Tide
Enchantress is a solid T2
BUG Pod Nic Fit
BUG Pod Nic Fit
>Favorite Tier 2 and lower deck
>Spicy techs?
Does OG Venser count?
>BUG Pod Nic Fit
It's really difficult to play. That said it has some insane power turns like all Nic Fit lists.
I was also playing a Jund Nic Fit with 2 prime time, 1 inferno titan, 1 gravy train. Was fun
>gravy train
grave titan
can't remember what the nickname for Inferno/Sun titan
More format memes. I've got nothing else to do so I'll keep making these.
make more
Yeah I'm the same guy who suggested it the first time. We need an actual picture (cause pics don't lie) of the meta game even if it online only.
A thread or so ago some anons were discussing non-Miracles control decks and somebody brought up The Baron, a BUG control deck from a few years back.
I decided to try something similar with Esper based on my experience with Esper control in Modern and came up with this:
Creatures: 3
3 Snapcaster Mage
Instants: 30
4 Brainstorm
4 Swords to Plowshares
4 Spell Snare
4 Counterspell
4 Accumulated Knowledge
3 Cunning Wish
3 Fact or Fiction
4 Force of Will
Other Spells: 3
3 Supreme Verdict
Lands: 24
4 Flooded Strand
4 Polluted Delta
3 Tundra
2 Underground Sea
1 Scrubland
3 Island
2 Plains
1 Swamp
4 Mishra's Factory
Sideboard: 15
3 Thoughtseize
3 Innocent Blood
1 Supreme Verdict
1 Slaughter Pact
1 Surgical Extraction
1 Extirpate
1 Flusterstorm
1 Anguished Unmaking
1 Consume the Meek
1 Secure the Wastes
1 Sphinx's Revelation
I played a few rounds with it on XMage and it ran smoothly. I won all my matches, beating ANT, Reanimator, and Leylines pretty handily. Against combo decks like this it's pretty easy to extract an important piece or just counter all their stuff and kill them with Factory and Snapcaster beats. I'm worried about creature decks like Elves and Death and Taxes, though.
I feel like the mainboard is pretty much set, but I'm going back and forth on Esper Charm and Fact or Fiction. FoF is easier to cast and provides better CA, but it's more expensive and doesn't provide the same utility that Charm does.
The hardest part of building this deck is working out what cards need to be in the wishboard, and keeping that number as low as possible while so I have more space for real sideboard cards.