How would you sell a group used to the typical fantasy setting on swashbuckling pirate adventures?
How would you sell a group used to the typical fantasy setting on swashbuckling pirate adventures?
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It's pirates. If that doesn't do the trick, why are you even gaming with these people?
Busty brown pirate girls with fat juicy asses.
My group has had two pirate campaigns that never got off the ground, and got kinda burnt out on a lot of generic fantasy since that's most of what's been played.
I'd just have to say "yo I got some pirate shit about to start"
>brown lolis
praise Folca
Honestly my 7th sea campaign was able to get off the ground mainly because we oversaturated ourselves on sci-fi and we wanted a change of pace.
Now it's probably my favorite games I've ever run.
You can either tell them you're burnt out on fantasy or go with something like Pirates of Dark Water or 50 Fathoms and to pirate fantasy.
Why are almost all the girls in wakfu barefoot?
Makes it easier to wank whilst looking at their dirty toes.
You damn well know it too.
If they aren't sold at "pirates" you need new friends
Offer pirate waifus as a bait. Har har har!
Hey guys, the next campaign's gonna be pirate themed. If you don't like it, maybe you can try running something.
Alright cool see you next Sunday.
one day I'll get to play a game
I have to talk them out of it every goddamn time. What the hell group of murder hobos doesn't want to just give up all pretense and be pirates?
Generally people who prefer pillaging landlocked areas.
So, you know, bandits
>Pirates of Dark Water
This, this, a thousand times this. That show was my idea of a dream campaign a while back, and my first foray into the realm of, "why don't you run it if you like it so much?'
It fell apart.
Try drastically changing up the aesthetic. Most people are used to medieval settings, where it's all about fighting over land that's basically all been mapped. Try pitching it as a good old fashioned adventure, where they legitimately don't know what they're about to face, and then throwing in some of the more exotic creatures from mythology.
Looking at a world map with a big sign on it that says "here be Orcs" is a completely different experience from giving the PC's a blank bit of paper and then slowly filling it out as they go along, mixed with battling Aztecs, jungle creatures, setting up trade routes and colonies, exploiting resources, worrying about dwindling food stocks, and naval battles against other explorers trying to plunder the same booty you just plundered.
put em on a boat.
Mentioning a port tends to be sufficient.
space pirates are also an option
Elaine a cute.
>reverse image search
>possible match
Well, I'm not saying that's wrong...
Green Ronin's Freeport setting
In this adventure everyone can act like a chaotic evil rogue! And the wizard can have a talking parrot familiar!
I'm 90% sure she's from Wakfu
She was awesome, way better than fat hippie princess.
Why didn't Yugo choose her instead?
Because Yugo is a Hero and as dumb as a box of rocks. No, scratchy hat, he's dumber than a box of rocks, because a box of rocks can actually be useful.
Because the creators really didn't give that much of a shit about her.
Shame, that. She would've been good for Yugo.
>7th sea
mah nigga
>hey, guys, let's play a session of cannons&treasure maps
>scratchy hat
My next pirate crew is called the Scratchy Hats
Ay piss off. Yugo's a top lad, if you want to fling shit at anyone it should be Adamai
Adamai did literally nothing wrong
>Nothing wrong
>Stopping Yugo from saving the world
>Joining the villain
Yugo and Amalia totally did something when they were on that adventure
due to Yugos god genes hes stuck as an eternal 12 year old and amalia just keeps getting older and older
>Doomed to eternal /ss/
That white nigger did literally everything wrong