Hey, Veeky Forums. It's been a while since a roll thread for the Imperial Guard showed up here. When better than a Friday night to make one!
Using the Only War rules for regiment creation. First I need a d8 for home world/origin
Hey, Veeky Forums. It's been a while since a roll thread for the Imperial Guard showed up here. When better than a Friday night to make one!
Using the Only War rules for regiment creation. First I need a d8 for home world/origin
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 3 (1d8)
Recruited from the planet's highest classes, the guardsmen and guards women were essentially born to command.
Next, can I get a d9 for CO personality?
Rolled 1 (1d9)
Paranoid, vigilant, and wrothful are the words which best describe this regiment's commanding officer. Suspicion and a keen eye for betrayal/heresy are widely encouraged.
Going to need a d8 for regiment type
Rolled 3 (1d8)
hoping for tanks
Rolled 6 (1d8)
In options, sir.
Drop Troops
Specializing in first wave and airborne assaults, these men and women have been trained to descend into the hell of combat from the skies above their enemies.
I will need a d7 for training doctrine
god dam it i forget how to roll.
lets see if
Rolled 5 (1d7)
Iron Discipline
These guardsmen take orders like only the most loyal soldiers are capable. Obeying without question, acting without remorse. This naturally separates which highborn are all pomp and which were destined to lead men.
This regiment's shaping up. Let's roll another d7 for special equipment doctrine
Rolled 4 (1d7)
Wanton destruction are what these guardsmen are trained for, with plenty of explosives and supplies to cater these needs.
It just getting better and better.
Op here. I fucked up. Only War rules are for crunch, this is pure fluff and should have been 1d4chan Regiment Creation Tables from the beginning.
So there are two options...
A) Keep same regiment, roll missing fields
B) Start over with 1d4chan rules
What do you guys think?
A goddamnit.
Snooty flyboys that blow shit up? I like it. Just go down the 1d4chan list, skipping things we already have
I like it as is.
High class dive-bombers sound good to me.
Going down the list, roll a d100 for these nobles' home world.
Tables we'll be using from now on, for reference
Rolled 32 (1d100)
Feral World (oh Emperor)
The majority of this regiment's world's population remains in a state resembling early man. Hunter-gatherers roam the planet, with the basics of agriculture and Bronze Age societies just taking form. Highborn is a relative term, right?
Give me a second d100 for this feral world's dominate terrain
Rolled 13 (1d100)
Still good.
Rolled 71 (1d100)
They went from killing mammoths to high end explosives and grav-chutes. Marvelous
Yo Arbites! How's your Sanguine Shields army going?
The canopy grown thick, and megafauna are common in the dense jungles and trees that cover this regiment's home world.
Skipping regiment regulations as we have most, roll a d100 for regimental friends
no it makes sense planetary governers are often off worlders, these guys are like rich plantation owners who go to fight because the slaves are too incompetent
Rolled 21 (1d100)
Breeds of mutant men who are just barely considered human but resemble Neadertal work the fields, while the nobility are full-on humans who can actually be recruited to the Guard
spehss mahreens
confederate guard withthose noble southren accents and faux french ways of nobility
Maybe the original colinisation force got a chance to all own slaves and now pretend to be imperial nobility
Adeptus Astartes
This regiment is close friends with a specific chapter the Emperor's own Space Marines. The gigantic super humans will rarely deny a call for aid from this assortment of guardsmen, and in turn the regiment often assists the Marines in vital combat situations.
Roll a d100 for Regiment Enemies
Also speculate as to which chapter this ragtag noble drop troop regiment is buddy-buddy with
Rolled 55 (1d100)
Rolled 97 (1d100)
This. I like this.
well the reason why we are their friends is pretty obvious we blew up a bunch of chaos marine shit
Chaos Space Marines.
Sworn enemies of the heretical Astartes legions, this regiment fights tooth and nail to drive heresy out of whichever battlefield it is sent to.
This really does just get better and better.
Roll one final d10 for nature of recruitment (because I skipped over it)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Standard Conscription
There is no specific way guardsmen and woman are selected. While restricted to the planet's nobility, any member of any family may be brought into the Guard at a moment's notice
That's it for rolling (unless I'm missing something (which I likely am)). Shall we name these brave fighting men?
LOVE: Being born better than everyone
HATE: Their slaves
LOVE: Explosions
HATE: Giant jungle monsters
LOVE: True Loyal Space Marines
HATE: Filthy Heretical Space Marines
Maybe they've been fighting with a chapter for so long against the same enemy, members of their regiment can be considered for Astartes trials despite being offworlders
They like exploding things from the heavens. They're nobles from a jungle planet. They hate Heretics and are allied with the Space Marines. Hmm, something like the Boom Angels.
War Dingos?
Based off Colonial Australia where the nobility and ruling class were all British officers and such, while most of the labour were criminal exiles. The deathworld has megafauna and flora that can and will kill humans. Using the height of the trees and DAoT tech jumppacks to hunt these megafauna frm above.
45th Feral Crowns?
2nd Flying Dets?
616th Highdivers?
111th Jungle Drops?
57th Canopies
616th HellDivers?
It's not a death world only a jungle
On that note the whole jetpack bombing thing makes sense they deploy over the jungle and drop bombs beneath themselves to clear out the jungle
An Australian themed Regiment. Holy fuck
1621st Dropperoos
But it wouldn't make sense. They come from a jungle homeworld.
Almost like napalm in Vietnam
Whatever their name is their motto should be "death to those beneath us"
The 81st Royal Drop Regiment. Nickname: "Bears".
Just imagine a Steve Irwin/Crocodile Dundee commissar leading their troops into the jungle canopy
Death To All Beneath
>crikey look at that
>it's some sort of new squig it is
>follow me, men, I'ma stick my finger up its bum!
Phone died. Where's the summary and what has been decided thus far?
Pretty well. I'm getting better at freehanding warpaint and right now I'm saving up for Aleksander himself and a rhino with warboy scouts and assault marines spilling out like a battle wagon
Sees a group of bloodthirsters assaulting an astartes firing line
Hahaha having the men hold down a new strain of carnifex so he can get some shots for the propaganda team
>crikey mates, shes a beaut!
>look at those gorgeus monomolecular tusks!
>and look how her leg is regrowing as we watch! What a sight!
And the dundee officer too
>thats not a choppa, THIS is a choppa!
Ended up being a toss up of two different roll tables
Recruitment Criteria
Home World
>Feral World
Home World Predominant Terrain
Commanding Officer
Regiment Type
>Drop Troops
Training Doctrine
>Iron Discipline
Special Equipment Doctrine
Regimental Friends
>Adeptus Astartes
Regimental Enemies
>Chaos Space Marines
Nature of Recruitment
>Standard Conscription
Trend seems to be making them Australian themed, motto being something like suggested. Most everything else is being decided. Slowly.
>That carnifex was going to eat me alive!
>Wouldn't 'old it against 'em. Same thought crossed my mind once or twice
So would the planet just be a reused name the Imperium?
>New South Barbarus
The jungleworld, while not as deadly as a deathworld, could almost classify as one. The megafaunas are almost impervious to small arms fire, and the terrain does not favor artillery deployment. To clear out the megafaunas, they rely on jumppacks to navigate and to drop enough explosives to drive the megafaunas away.
The highborn are any members of the Imperium which colonized the world, the rest are "native" men and women to the planet who can barely comprehend the technology used. As such only members of the nobility have access to jump packs and high explosives, and only they are part of the recruitment field
Refluff the ruling class as a Praetorian Guard regiment that was gifted this Feral Jungle World for their service. Due to a bureaucratic mix-up, said planet is also one of the recruitment grounds for a Space Marine Chapter.
Maybe the planet was once controlled by Chaos, and with the help of regiments that had lost their own home worlds the Astartes reclaimed the planet for Mankind. The soldiers were given status in the newly freed world so long as they a) continued to serve at the beck and call of said chapter when needed, and b) continually sought to route out remaining traces of Chaos in there local population.
That could by why their CO is bilious and paranoid, it's a planet formerly dominated by the forces that literally wish to kill you in every way conceivable (and a few inconceivable)
>Their native planet was once colonized by fugitives, outlaws, and outcasts, many ejected from Praetorian service in the early decades of the current millennium. After a short but bloody war with the primitive natives of the planet the Imperium finally established a foothold in the sector when they claimed the small deathworld.
>Possessing cravice riddled polar caps, wide swathes of desert and radioactive plateau, horrifically deep seas, and thick, savage jungle and brush the planet is nothing short of a deathworld, its only saving grace is stunningly clean water and air, however violent the weather may be.
>The natives and the "natives" of New Barbarus XIX have no lack of pride for their planet, often coming to blows with others from similarly hostile planets, such as Catachan, Fenris, Hua Yuan, or Cadia, over which planet is worse and thus produces the hardiest human specimens.
Perhaps the some of the natives worshiped chaos?
Possible names
>343rd Barbarus Bunyips
>76th Barbarus Sky Dingos
>82nd Barbarus Drop Bears
>The unit is renowned for their scathing and witty banter, but can be condescending to anyone they perceive to be "savage" or "weak". The former because failing to retain proper form even in the most hostile of environments is a signe of weakness, and the later because only those who have found strength through attrition, optimally from originating from a harsh environment, are truly fit for service.
>The Regiment often has whole wings dedicated to collected trophies such as severed carnirex heads, Warboss Claws, Kroot Shaper knives, etc in their Garrison, these trophy halls often the site of their frequent drinking parties and military galas.
>Standard uniform is similar to that of their Praetorian "origins" with the alterations of shorter sleeves and pants to accommodate the heat, the uniform in more practical brush or Savanah colours, and a bush hat, which bears the rank and other adornment on the pinned brim.
>The dress uniform is similar but females wear a short dress and dress jacket, while men wear the standard dress pants and coat, however the Regiment has a few variations on the dress uniform, each according to deployment status, the type of event, weather, family status, distinguishing service, environment, and in some occasions, personal taste.
>The bush hat is the standard headgear for all uniforms with no exceptions.
Most major population centers are situated among the relatively "temperate" jungle regions, cities built around the old tree city ruins that pre-date the Great Crusades.
The desert regions are home to the true natives of Barnabus XIX. Their equipment are usually scavenged and patch together, parts coming from either the old city ruins or from a raided mining convoy.
The Barnabus pattern jumppacks are known for their explosive thrust, 30% faster than a Elysian jumppack, but a corresponding 30% loss in flight time. This results in tactics to quickly gain the high ground and lob explosives at enemy defense points.
The tribes constantly war among each other, raiding each other as well as the Imperial mining outposts in the region. Most tribes believe in Valhalla, and therefore train their young boys into warbands, the "Warboys" of which are encouraged to take on increasingly suicidal odds to fight the enemy. The worthy are then chosen to "ascend" to Valhalla.
Ministorum agents believe this "Valhalla" to be a bastardised version of the Imperial Truth of standing before the Emperor for judgement after death, and being found satisfactory.
Name seems to originate from a Vallhalan regiment involved with the liberation efforts against chaos, though reports differ as to the exact identity.
This explamation is supported by the fact they still, to this day refuse to admit when cold, often forgoing cald weather gear in all but the most hostile conditions, possibly in unknowing imitation of their liberators.
Regardless of the origin of the regiment from Barnabus, attached officers are discouraged from sampling the yeast protein ration.
Although AdMech has declared the substance non-addictive there is substantial anecdotal evidence to suggest otherwise. No other explanation has been forwarded as to why anyone would willingly consume it.
Additionally, when in doubt it is reasonably safe to assume an officers name is "bruce".
No satisfactory explanation for this curious naming convention has been uncovered.
This picture makes me irrationally angry. Fix your fucking beret shitneck, flatten that dickgrabber out and move it to that tumor sitting on top of your neck, not the other way around, maybe if you didn't suck so much dick you'd have the strength left to stand up straight. Jesus fuck wipe that scowl off your fucking face while your at it, you fucking look at me like that again and so help me God I will respond to that treat on my person and beat you until you fucking piss blood. Fuck it, get in the front leaning rest I may not be able to do anything about you being a retard but sure as your family tree doesn't branch I'll make you strong.
Jesus christ.
Are you even in the service, Drill Sergeant?
Love that the bush hat acts as an symbol of rank and is MANDATORY
>This is our Sargent Bruce, our Commissar Bruce, and our Commanding Officer Bruce
Trophy platoons are badads
I feel we still need to hammer down a good name for these fellas. New Barbarous XIX is a fine home world name, being both colonial and redundant, but the regiment itself still needs a title. Anything that's been said so far stand out?
Jesus I need to learn how to spell
Badass. I meant badass
I'm rather Partial to Barbarusian Drop Bears
>pic related
>The Barnabus pattern jumppacks are known for their explosive thrust, 30% faster than a Elysian jumppack, but a corresponding 30% loss in flight time. This results in tactics to quickly gain the high ground and lob explosives at enemy defense points.
Okay, so do our troopers have Grav Chutes or Jumppacks?
My vote is for Grav Chutes so we can be proper airborne troopers.
>The tribes constantly war among each other, raiding each other as well as the Imperial mining outposts in the region. Most tribes believe in Valhalla, and therefore train their young boys into warbands, the "Warboys" of which are encouraged to take on increasingly suicidal odds to fight the enemy. The worthy are then chosen to "ascend" to Valhalla.
This is a little on the nose. We all saw how autistic that became with the Sanguine Shields.
We can tone it down by introducing Australian subcultures, like sharpies, bogans, and bikies and aboriginal cultures to flesh out the planet a little more. Having literal Le Ebin Warboys is a bit much, as much as I love Fury Road.
This is neat but I think it would be more suitable for some regiment that isn't supposed to be composed of what flies for "nobility" here
Maybe Bruce is more of an informal title?
So we need to decide Grav Chutes or Jump Packs, its going to majorly effect how we operate
can we just make the natives abbos for simplicities sake?
also what do you think of weaponized boomerangs?
>Fix that scowl
What kind of "hard as fuck" troop such as yourself looks down on someone who actually has enough aggression driving himself to look like that at a superior?
officers are given krakarangs, a deadly explosive throwing weapon.
In the hands of nobility or offielcers of high merit, these are replaced woth Powerangs, whoch not only slice through most armour in the galaxy, scythe outwards and then return to the thrower.
It is considered an honour to fight alongside someone utilising these who does not have at least one bionic hand.
Having an entire planet be full of Abbos is a little...dumb. Considering that the history seems to be that the planet was a penal colony and crusade to kick chaos worshipers in the ass. Via extermination.
But the Imperium being the Imperium, not having a culturally homogeneous planet means that they only need to genocide only half the planet. Am I making any sense?
The boomerang thing is a little silly, might be a little more apt for a native based unit or something, not really for "posh" airborne demomen. Grenade launchers though...Guard has those, right?
Leave him alone, he's a /k/ommando roleplaying as 1SG
down undah bump
>1621st Drop Bears.
What about Commissar Riggs?
Sorry, I meant Riggs-Wallace.
>Commissar Riggs-Wallace
>Formerly of the Penal Legions
>Lies, cheats, and steals anything that isn't bolted down. And then steal the bolted ones too. With their bolts.
>Only redeeming quality is that when it counts, he can lead the regiment through hell and survive, barring as few losses as possible.
>The 442nd Royal Barbarus Regiment, "Flying Taipans", consists of the psych-eval rejects and repeat offenders of the Barbarus Regiments.
>Specialized in rapid assault with heavy ordinance.
>Most of the troopers are fairly disciplined in combat as compared to other Imperial Guard regiments, but their off-duty petty criminal infringements, such as public intoxication, vandalism, and harrasment are far more ludicrous. More strict commissars who attempt to maintain off-duty discipline often died later during combat actions. Only Commissar Riggs-Wallace had any success in reigning in the Flying Taipans.
Oh yes
Look I get it, Australians are known for being hooligans and criminals, but keep in mind that these guys are supposed to be one percenters with grenade launchers and parachutes.
Placeholder name is is 82nd Barbarusian Drop Bears