Can we have a thread to discuss the various miniature games in comparison to one another?
What do you think about the current state of miniature games? Is infinity the best one?
Can we have a thread to discuss the various miniature games in comparison to one another?
What do you think about the current state of miniature games? Is infinity the best one?
40k hands down has the best models, but infinity is the best actual GAME. Age of Sigmar is basically a mosh pit with little tactics involved, and Warmachine has more in common with a card game that happens to have three dimensional movement tacked on.
>Infinity is the best actual game
Hugely debatable and definitely not even a majority of players who have played multiple wargames would agree with that.
It's up there with the most complex but that doesn't mean best.
Infinity's models look significantly better than most GW stuff. The heroic scale looks wonkey as hell now.
The only advantage GW has is plastic.
Infinity is pretty solid because it has creative rules, price due to low model count, great looking models, large player base. It is a pretty high up there even if its not my favorite.
It probably goes something like:
9th Age
Bolt Action
Infinity's models look like utter dogshit. Their designs are completely unappealing, customization is virtually nonexistent, and in general it just looks like generic sci fi shit.40K is actually unique and the models look fucking fantastic.
I mean out of those 4 user. I'd much rather play some historical systems over Infinity, but out of those 4 choices Infinity is the best.
Depends on how you define "best", OP.
Infinity offers models that are on par with GWs (the exceptions - the 1st generation of sculpts - should rightly be compared to GW sculpts of the mid 90's; the sculptor was learning on the job and those are being cycled out now), though with such a completely different aethetic it's hard to compare them directly. They're not trying to appeal to the same crowd in the first place.
W40K has MUCH more customizability of models; they win the "your dudes" portion of the hobby hands-down.
W40K is a simpler ruleset insofar as the core "move-shoot-take wounds" mechanic is simpler. However, you end up with a lot of poorly-phrased rules scattered across several codexes and errata whenever GW damn well feels like it. Infinity's basic "move-shoot-take wounds" mechanic is necessarily more complicated by their reactionary order system; being able to interrupt your opponent's action will ALWAYS be more complex. However, in practice, it flows about as well as a well-practiced 40K game; it's just that the learning curve is higher. Infinity also has the advantage of a well-organized and weekly-updated wiki for their entire ruleset (which is free). Infinity also makes *actual*, IRL, infantry tactics actually work, whereas W40K fights bear no relation to reality.
Fluff-wise, W40K wins. Partly because they've been developing fluff for 30 years, and partly because it's not being translated from Spanish. Not even a question here.
And, yes, Infinity is usually cheaper if you want to buy about 400pts of models so you can have stuff to swap out for 300pt games (the equivalent of having 2500pts for 2000pt W40K games). In practice, most people'll spend about $150-250 to hit 400pts.
I prefer reading about 40K. In terms of playing a GAME, I prefer playing Infinity; the gameplay feels more rewarding and I happen to like the game's aesthetic more than my misshapen 28mm "heroic" IG. So depends on what you want out of it, YMMV.
>40K is actually unique
That's a hilariously loaded statement given that we're talking about a franchise that's done it's best to ape the shit out of popular sci-fi and fantasy material for decades now.
I'd toss in some wishy-washy concession that Warhammer manages to cobble together some original design aspects now and then, but the same can be said for just about any model range and thus isn't unique to 40K.
This is the only post you should bother reading, OP.
they aren't comparable at all.
SH/GMC just ruin 40k :/
I am being baited.
Damn NEA, is there a game you dont play? Im going to have to pick your brain about boats and spess boats later.
Then name another game company that still exists and produces models that look like this. Warhammer 40k is only non-unique in an artistic sense and that it rips from other works such as Dune or Starship Troopers. When it comes to models it is incredibly unique and there is nothing else like GW's plastic crack on the market.
Holy shit, I think that list gave me cancer.
The reason why I play 40k is purely for the models. There's nothing else like them on the market with that exact gothic eurofantasy sci fi look to them on the market as a full game. While there are third party companies, these are pretty much all just start ups looking to offer 40k players alternative models and conversion pieces. Obviously they can't make anything too similar or else they eat a Cease and Desist.
Kingdom Death for high detail, actual human proportions, and unique visuals insofar as its what Geiger would have made if he did fantasy
DropZone Commander for another sci-fi wargame setting. Different scale game however.
Except neither of those are like 40k. Which is my point, 40k has a very distinct, unique appearance that allows you to point at any model by GW or FW and say "that's 40K". Nothing else comes close to the aesthetic, which is highly marketable. Honestly GW were geniuses with the design of the space marine. Shame the Imperial Guard get no love and have shitty models though. Why the fuck did they make Cadians the generic soldiers and not Vostroyans.
>moves the goalposts instantly
>also, it's only non-unique in that it's not unique and in fact is taking from other IPs
>le moving goalposts
>I actually can't present pictures of any other pictures of models that look like 40k's.
X-wing is the best one overall. Minis are good, company support is good, rules are easy enough to pick up. It's not best at anything, but it doesn't have glaring issues of other systems.
google scibor miniatures or any other bunch of NOT-Spess muhreens miniature companies.
God, that Chaplain is so fucking ugly. cloth doesn't fucking work like that.
>want something unique
>its not enough like 40K
The fuck are you on about then? Neither are like 40K because they are actually well thought out and haven't been around for longer than most of the current playerbases' age to mutate into some kind of cancerous mockery.
I too can post pictures of people who know how to paint things to satisfy your immense GW cocksucking lust...for whatever bizarre reason.
So you mean all those companies that exist purely to make third party models for 40k, and don't even have their own games?
I'm gonna go with Warhammer based solely on the fact that it's what gets played most down here where I live and I've already bought too much for me to not use them in something. Model-wise I love Warmachine, something about those jacks just makes me want to paint them. Haven't played anything beyond those simply because the only other wargame played nearby is Frostgrave but the place is an hour and thirty minutes away from where I live whereas the other place I play more frequently has people playing Warhammer 90% of the time and it's only ten minutes away from my school which is twenty minutes away from where I live.
From what I see, since it's all so niche and convincing people to switch is hard, what you've got going on around you most is your best bet imo
>I've already bought too much for me to not use them in something.
Textbook example of Sunken cost fallacy. Not saying it's inherently wrong, just be sure that you don't waste your money on product you don't actually want just because you're done so in past.
Infininity has the best models in the whole industry. GW is kind of catching up with AoS, but 40k looks like shit nowadays.
I get what you're saying man, but I still love the Warhammer models and all that stuff but the rules and codexes are what puts me off of it. I just don't like the way some of the models in other wargames look and that's what makes up a good percentage of what makes me want to use a set of rules for the little plastic men. I do sincerely appreciate that you put what you said that way though
Are you being a faggot and trying to move the goal post again? Now demanding that
> GW is kind of catching up with AoS
I like 40Ks looks best. While i can acknowledge that infinidy models are good quality, the whole style doesn't appeal to me. Age of sigmar looks like a visual clusterfuck to me, it's somehow too much of everything. I like most details about the miniatures, but cannot find them appealing as a whole.
AoS models, while technically impressive, are nothing but indiscriminate detail vomit.
Speaking as one of Poots' biggest fans, KDM doesn't really belong here in this discussion, since it's a co-op boardgame with HD pieces, and not a competitive wargame.
Call me when they have anything that looks actually iconic like space marines and dreadnoughts instead of generic sci fi stuff. Infinity is lackluster because all of their designs look just, average and unremarkable like if I just browsed at random on Arstation or ReactorCC. Whereas looking at a Dreadnought is like seeing Super Mario or a can of Pepsi.
How do you evaluate best by aesthetics?
You're saying their bad because of subjective reasons, instead of showing why they're objectively inferior to 40k models.
>Call me when they have anything that looks actually iconic like space marines and dreadnoughts instead of generic sci fi stuff.
Since when does "iconic" equals best? No shit dreadnought is iconic, all cool kids in my school played DoW. It still doesn't mean that it's design isn't plain and boring and the model looks horribly outdated.
That was not what OP asked for however. He asked for concurrent companies and unique designs.
I was actually going to address this. Maybe because of how much advertisement GW puts out and every store is saturated with their products so your exposure to other things is comparatively limited.
Its babbys first wargame before you get fed up with the community and the half assed rules, the constant codex and edition power creep designed to push more plastic.
No prob. Liking a particular aesthetic over other isn't a sin. If you have a decent game community, perhaps you could try to proxy them in some other system?
How many people have actually played enough of all of those games to judge them?
>Infinity's models look significantly better than most GW stuff.
I don't even play 40k anymore because the ruleset is so garbage, but this is flat out fucking wrong. Infinity models look like anime furry shit with no unique character. The models and setting alone ensure that I will never play it, regardless of how good the rules might be. I'm currently getting into the Drop Commander universe, so we'll see how that goes.
See, that is just, like, your opinion. A valid one, but not some objective truth.
Nomads a furry contaiment faction, though. Fuck those guys.
I am exposed to many other wargames, I've never seen anything like 40k. 40k's the best in every department save the game itself (ironic ain't it?) because
>Best, most varied, and most iconic units, armies, and factions.
>Greatest customization of models of probably any wargame.
>Around 30 fucking years of background lore behind the setting with fuck-knows how many books and magazines.
>Pretty fun "everybody stops fighting and watches the HQ punch each other out" moments.
>Did I mention the models? Space Marines and Eldar are like if you turned cocaine into a visual medium.
The only thing I would probably jump ship that I know of is High Medieval Historical Wargming, but there's none of that in any large numbers in my area. It's all WWII and Civil War autists who will bitch you out for painting your boots wrong.
Come to think of it actually, the best thing ever would be convincing everybody to abandon 40k's rules and instead somehow convert them over to Lord of the Rings Skirmish or Infinity with HQ slugfests added. 40k's main weakness is just the rules and balance are utter shit, along with people shoving units from Epic into my skirmish game. Lords of War need to fuckoff and die.
> implying there could be anything like an "objective truth" in a discussion about which companies' plastic miniatures look "best".
>implying there is such a thing like "objective truth" at all.
You funny
>looks best or even good
tip top kek
Plastic is masterrace obv. Metal fags get out.
Metal has objectively sharper detail. There's no way to dispute this fact.
The value of your collection is directly related to its weight. Plastic is babbys first minimaterial and worthless in the long run.
Plastic monopose is just plain better than plastic.
There is a reason HQ choices are metal and thats because the detail is better.
>HQ choices are metal
I don't even...
Oh you
>were metal
fixed that. Then GW decided they couldn't afford quality anymore.
Oh I haven't done GW shit for about 7 years so I didn't realise they ditched metal.
It's for the better. Most GW metal models were awful, at least when they were multi-part. Metal is only good when the miniature is a single piece.
>Metal is only good when the miniature is a single piece
#this so fucking much. can anyone remember glueing this fucker together. i can. the horror...
sadly, single piece metal models lack customizeability so overall, plastic > single piece metal > finecast > multi piece metal
It is called pinning.
Tell that to abaddon the armless
i finally did it by soldering
I honestly never thought I would meet people who were to retarded to use superglue until I started posting on Veeky Forums
I mean seriously, people sperg out about how hard metal is to glue constantly on here. It's weird as fuck.
>using superglue
>calling other people retards
tip top kek
>he says, using his plastic glue on everything, including metal, cardboard and sand
>implying I didn't try superglue
confirmed for never 'superglueing' the wraith lord.
keep in mind that many 40k models are multipart kits that allow for a high degree of customisation, even between kits.
Infinity has nothing like that
>can anyone remember glueing this fucker together. i can. the horror...
Play x if/when you want y:
Complex sci-fi skirmishes with great minis
Objective-focussed victorian setting skirmishes with great minis
Combo-focussed steam fantasy setting skirmish/wargame hybrid with minis ranging from great to crap
Suck cock
>#this so fucking much. can anyone remember glueing this fucker together. i can. the horror...
I know your pain, brother
Yeah, no. Sound slike someone has never put on of these together.
If you tried plastic glue on these large multipart kits then you'd never get them to hold together at all. Even with superglue extensive pinning is often an absolute necessity or they'll fall apart under a stern glance. DSmall contact areas with a so-so fit and large amounts of strain or torque on them...
Two part glues (araldite, epoxy) are quite useful, preferably in combination with pinning, but they usually force you to sit there holding thing very still for fifteen minutes or so.
>Infinity's models look like utter dogshit.
So this is bait
>Best, most varied, and most iconic units, armies, and factions.
Nah. That probably goes to Malifaux.
>Greatest customization of models of probably any wargame.
Yup. Pretty nice.
>Around 30 fucking years of background lore behind the setting with fuck-knows how many books and magazines.
30 years of terrible writers shitting up a setting with their horrible writing and more inconsistencies than a fucking superhero comic is not a plus.
>Pretty fun "everybody stops fighting and watches the HQ punch each other out" moments.
Now if only there was actually interesting gameplay to depict that.
>Did I mention the models? Space Marines and Eldar are like if you turned cocaine into a visual medium.
There are some nice models especially in the Eldar and Necron lines, but most of it is pretty overrated. Expecially their newer Chaos stuff looks fucking horrible.
aaaaah. take my wallet and go away pls.
I like 40k the setting yet hate the table top game
Infinity is pretty fun but the fucking spainards make it so finding the lore is hard as shit
U.Sadriana a best
>for fifteen minutes
i have a vivid memory of myself trying to find a method of fixation that would work and spare me the time.
I found none.
next thing I remember trying to fixate the parts together with my right hand while playing some heroes of might and magic with the other hand just to prevent me from dying of boredom.
I failed at all three.
There's basically never been a better time to get into tabletop miniature games than right now as long as you're not a GW fanboy. There's a such a huge variety of stuff to play.
100% this. Just make sure you either have other players as dedicated starting with you as you are or an active group to join.
I like Warmachine and Hordes. The look of the monsters and robots is pretty appealing to me.
I've played warhams since second edition.
Your retarded sausage fingers are not a universal physical factor.
Yea, superglue works on metal figures.
Amazing shit right.
Aren't the Slavs/Americans/frenchies/Scottish frenchies?
Well the nomads are like that episode from batman beyond where people want to become animal human hybrids
The Adrianaians sorta fucked with and alien dog race
Glueing that fucker was a million times worse than the Wraithlord. Glueing 3rd ed. half plastic half metal SM Devastators was a pure pisstake as well, especially the Plasma and Lascannon.
>implying you know pain if you haven't built an exorcist
>posts about how 40k has the best models
>uses a dork angel termi as an example
DAfags are the worst
I played all 3 system so :
Infinity wins. Warmachine models are not to the level while 40k model make people laugh.
When you look at 40k model you go full WTF? who think was a good idea put a throne on an airplane ?
>Game play.
Warmachine wins. Even with MKIII problem Warmachine rules simply work best and offer the best balance.
40k never had balance. Infinity rules are too chaotic, yeah you can do a lot of things, but at the end you always do the same things because are the better one while the army difference all around aren't so defined, great part of the rules are shared between army. The real difference are 2/3 model that are faction defining, like Ninja/Oniwaban for example.
Yeah 40k wins nothing, simply because the game suck hard. Every person on the planet with a minimum brain should tell you to stay away from GW and everything related to them.
Just see the sale report from the last 6-7 years. GW pratically had the market control and lost it for how much they suck,
>customization is virtually nonexistent
>posts a snap-fit, mono-pose terminator
>40k minis are the best
So you post an utterly retarded looking terminator with ridiculous proportions and an overly fat stormbolter with weird wide barrel and redundant scope because he has one built into his helmet.
They are better sculpts for a higher price available.
This line of reasoning is correct (while I don't agree with 40k).
Gameplaywise it is apple and oranges.
It is similar to comparing Battlefield to Civ, or even Rainbow six to Overwatch.
While the overall engine looks similar it is different.
Now comparning sculpts is entirely possible but hard due to the different styles.
> higher price available
When will this meme die? A tournament-size infinity army is literally 100$. Yes, the individual models are more expensive than 40k, obviously, but you don't need a lot of them.
AoS has been a massive step backwards across the board when it comes to models. Hell 8th edition fantasy was a step back in many areas.
>Hell 8th edition fantasy was a step back in many areas.
See: new Dark Elves, which were all garbage except the Witch Elves and with the retarded price they cost you'd expect them come to life and suck your dick.
depends, sun tze from yu jing is 12,5€
Deathwatch Watch Master is 20 €
the standalone miniatures in GW are so fucking expensive I can't understand
>Dark Elves, which were all garbage except the Witch Elves
Dark Riders were improvement too. But both them and Witches were replacing 15 years old sculpts, so that wasn't a high bar to pass.
Executions / Black Guard, Chariots, Altar, all trash, yes
Sorry mate, meant better sculpts are on the market but cost 15-20 dollar per sculpt.
Granted they also require less
Hey guys
in a way due to stealing from everything under the sun the end result is something fairly unique
>WTF? who think was a good idea put a throne on an airplane ?
the magos that holds the hereditary STC to the airplane that clearly states that without the throne the machine spirits will be angry and sad, for the Omnissiah must be praised at all times, even when you're flying in enemy territory.
I mean, you can sure complain about the gothic exaggerated mess that is the Imperium tech from a practical or aesthetical standpoint, but you should be aware that in the Lore that is not a thing people who make planes know or care about
I think it's the kind of design that can work (in art at least), but because 99% of the time the vehicles GW makes look like stubby, misshapen fisher price toys, it doesn't actually work when GW makes it.
And that goes back to the point that GW models aren't great, especially in recent years.
I'm gonna have to agree here -- as a IG player the best looking miniatures (in my opinion, at least) available are either some of the older tanks (the Hellhound looks pretty amazing) and the latest metal stuff that came out, like the Kasrkin and the Vostroyan First Born.
The newest stuff, like the Militarum Tempestus and the Taurox I find very unappealing
>I found none.
I'm quite certain that none exist.
>I've played warhams since second edition.
Your comments prove otherwise.
All aboard the party wagon!