Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Friendly reminder to tell us what 3pp your game allows if you need character building help.

Bloodforge: Infusions playtest is here! Why aren't you playing an alafia snakegirl? Or a coreid googirl? Or a small little hummingbird or kakapo tengu birdgirl? Which new monstergirl/boy race would you waifu/husbando?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Please search for the unerrata'd content here:

Horror Adventures:

Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warriors playtest:

Bloodforge: Infusions playtest:

Old thread:

Fuck you OP

Fuck you OP

Fuck you OP

I'd fuck that OP.

Fuck you OP

Fuck you OP

Kitsune unchained in Bloodforge: Infusions when?

Regular kitsune unchained, Small fennec kitsune, arctic kitsune...

Fey ARTs maybe?

Fuck you, OP

Fuck you, OP

Fuckest thou, OP.

It's nice to see a thread get off to a productive start for once.

Thematically i love medium so much, but its kind of... not so great. Is there any third party stuff or archetypes not on d20pfsrd that help it out?

Seriously though, fuck you OP.

Fuck you, OP

Watching a thread on Veeky Forums actually unify behind something gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Also curious. The setup is quite interesting.

Fuck you OP

Real New Thread here

>Watching a thread on Veeky Forums actually unify behind something gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Could just be a proxy/IP switching to be fair.

Then it's at least two people. Hello, internet buddy.

What is that maid creature?

It's a furret, you goomba.

Fuck you OP

Hey /pfg/, what should I play in a level 10 gestalt DSP only game?