>"Hello user," squeaks Dave in his comedy voice, "I want to hear your ideas for what I could do with each faction's dreadnoughts. I don't want to just make them bigger with more hullpoints and more shots from their weapons, I want each to be different somehow."
>"Oh, and tell that plonker to stop writing porn about my games. Gaw blimey, what a carry-on." he adds.
So, what would you do to make a dreadnought for each faction which is more interesting than just being a big shitkicker of a ship with All The Guns?
Here's what I'd do:
Burn-through lasers on turrets. Because a dreadnought might actually be big enough to have turrets (yes, plural, one above and one below) the length of a BTL. Special rule: if you cripple or destroy a ship with a BTL turret, you can slew it onto another target within 6", rolling as many dice as were still hitting the last target.
Two words: Stealth. Battleship. On the basis that the difference between a scourge cruiser and heavy cruiser is stealth (and a few more guns), so the difference between a scourge battleship and "heavy battleship" can also be stealth. So, stealth motherfucking battleship.
Burn-through laser broadsides. A bit close to the UCM one, admittedly. But it works - as the UCM's thing is turrets, the PHR's thing is broadsides. And again, the ship may actually be broad enough to fit them in (needs to be at least as wide as the BTL frigate they have).
This is tricky, most of their ships are about directing firepower forwards, so it's hard not to just do a bigger Diamond battleship with even more particle lances. So, just to be silly, let's say that the shaltari's grasp of antigrav tech is so amazing, they're the only faction that can put a battleship-sized vessel into atmosphere. Their dreadnought is purpose-built to do this with xbawkshueg versions of the antigrav fins their DZC units use. Fairly ridiculous I know, but like I say, I struggled with this one.
What ideas do y'all have?