So I was doing some research on WH40k and I and I noticed that the Sororitas always seem to have flame based weapons... and according to fans of the series fucking insane. Is this true about all of them? Or just the poster Order, Ordaer of our Martyred? I mean is it mostly because that specific order has all of the spot light most of the time or are they all pretty much the same? I assume the only ones that wouldn't be viewed to be as insane would be the non-militant sisters.
Adeptus Sororitas question
They aren't insane per se - it's just all of them are rather zealous, though not to the same degrees. Some are rather normal, others are closer to crazy. The idea of them being insane is more fan humor.
They are all obsessed with flame weapons, however. Some might also enjoy heavy bolters or something, but flame weapons are especially holy to them, alongside the bolter.
They're not all crazy, but holy purification by flame is a centuries-old meme so flamer love applies to all of them.
The holy trinity is the Bolter, the Flamer, the Melta.
Why does every faggot call them Adeptus Sororitas.... Adeptus is male, Adepta is female.
Adeptus Astartes = Space Marines
Adepta Sororitas = Sisters of Battle
It's M41, bigot.
Could you not?
Like, I can't even.
They don't have to, it's just part of their "purge the unclean" fluff that every order has.
oh my mistake... i actually did not know that. thank you for telling me.
The sister we see alot of are those of the Martyred Lady.
Bloody Rose a best
... Wow I actually really dig that beret look.
There are things here and there indicating that if you are banishing chaos things, the good old "kill it with fire" seems to work very well.
Also I guess it's also because us humans, back when we believed in demons and witches also burnt that shit down most of the time.
Bloody Rose is great. I'm partial to Argent Shroud, myself, but that Beret needs to become an official thing so bad.
Yes, I know. That's not Shroud, but Roses need love, too.
When it comes to purging heresy, nothing is better than a good old cleansing flame
Beret sucks on Sororitas, makes them look too much like soldiers instead of nuns.
Sacred Rose has the best-looking armor, and is known for good logical thinking. Blood Rose is too assault focused for me.
Something that bothers me is that while there are a couple minor orders, only one of them has any sort of official colorscheme, and that's for a vehicle, not a sister.
They need more variety...Who am I kidding no one gives a shit bout sisters, let them be "they have more dominator sisters I guess" pseudo chapters.
To be fair, half the factions beyond Space Marines don't get much variety. Eldar are just different colors and use vaguely different tactics, same with Tau, Tyranids, Necrons, and even most Space Marines. The Orks get around this with a lot of kitbashing, and the IG has a bunch of different regiments and uniforms as much as GW doesn't support them, but the only armies that are really made unique from each other are the major Space Marine chapters.
Found my color scheme in a book. Not sure which.
No offense dude, I appreciate the help, but those are just some special characters and unique vehicles. They aren't examples of minor orders or anything.
One of the Shield of Baal books, I want to say Exterminatus.
I like how in one of the Ciaphas Cain books 15 year old sisters act as insane heretic purgers one minute then inbetween the fighting they flirt with the cadet commissars units cains command
Thats the joke with them though. They're totally soldiers even though the church isn't supposed to have any.
Aren't they supposed to only flirt with each other?
That's what i read on /u/
I just want to know why Sisters arne't wearing any armor at all on their abdomens.
I think out of universe it's supposed to look vaguely like a leather corset, to go along with their BDSM shtick. And honestly, I've never seen a version that tries to get the same effect with plates in a way that I think looks good, so I'm willing to pretend they have something as bendy as leather but as strong as metal.
I always thought it was just a bit of leather worn over the actual armor plates
i always assumed it was a sort of advanced technological armor similar to a chainmail type. like nano chainmail or something.
Cain really shouldn't be taken as typical.
Yes, they're a fighting force, but giving them something like a beret kind of clashes with the zealous warrior aesthetic.
Because of the BDSM aesthetic. It was also possibly done so that they were differentiated enough from Space Marines and possibly any other humans shown in power armor.
Given the way 40k sort of handles this stuff, it's possible that whatever they're wearing is flexible, but still as tough as something like carapace armor.
It'd be nice to get a more in depth look at Sister's technology, but that can likely only happen via FW.
That picture is so silly and I never fail to love it.
>the power sword is randomly spewing smoke
>she's putting her leg on a skull just to show off her leg
>skull bewbs
>all the fat religious looking guys behind her with crazy hair
>all the surprisingly serious looking sisters in the background
Well yeah, they're obviously posing for an artist to capture. It's not like a bunch of perfectly positioned inscribed skulls just turn up on battlefields, unless they're fighting some very careless chaos cultists in which case I guess she's trying to purify the sight by squirting her crotch musk to mark this territory in the name of the glorious Emprah?
or maybe the Cultists have found a way to speed up the process by making a gun that melting the flesh and leaving the bones then inscribes them. speeds things up.
Huh, I never noticed the smoke coming out of the power sword. Still, not out of the ordinary for 40k. Could be incense too.
Yeah but it's like giving a Space Marine a bush hat or something. A warrior monk/murder nun really shouldn't look too much like a professional soldier (leave that to the Guard) and should look more like the religious zealots they are.
Well think about what some actual religious troops wear. You don't necessarily have to not look like a professional soldier.
Dude doesn't even have titty skulls! I most certainly would not LARP with that loser.
Argent Shroud or GTFO
Fucking Swiss Guard.
Don't fuck with someone whose standard issue includes a halberd and an MP5.
They can fuck you up any which way.
pretty safe to say, "do not fuck with religious militants"
Since this thread is here, I might as well ask. Anyone know of any good not-Sisters minis? Not really into GW's old ass ones.
I'm not good with minis and think the old sisters are fine, but I can understand not wanting to work with metal ones.
This might be helpful to you if you're good with kitbashing.
Raging Heroes had 2 kickstarters for female model minis that not too subtly tried to imitate GW ones. Fanservice aside, I think they had some decent-looking models. The "sisters of eternal mercy" are their SoB knockoffs, although they may be a bit too medieval. I have not actually handled them, however, so I do not know how good the sculpts are and if they are compatible with GW bolters, flamers or meltas.
>ywn operate with a morion and a MP-40
And where is photo of his work?
I cant wait the day they will get torn apart by italian mangustas.
Urgh. I made a Sister costume and decided on martyered lady over Bloody Rose.
Are there any Sisters who wear veils? (like pic related) Given Warhamer aesthetics take after Catholic inspirations at some point, it´d make sense. But i did find fanart of a Sister wearing a 16th century-ish coif, though, here :
I don't know if that comparison makes a lot of sense though. A Swiss guard is just a professional soldier with a different oath and a funny dress uniform. They have more in common with any other modern army than they do with actual warrior monks like the Templars or Teutons, which is the inspiration for Space Marines, and/or the Inquisition which is obviously the basis for the Sisters.
Thanks you two. You gave me some stuff to think about.
Are there any examples of SoB colour schemes that go beyond the Red/Black/White/Silver palette staples?
I remember when I first got into 40K, I was massively into Space Wolves, still am, DESU. But after a while, I got into the ol' Bolter Bitches. When I finally started making them, I found that I could either:
A) Afford the Models
B) Afford the paint for the models
So, naturally, I got the models and painted them in Space Wolves livery, headcanoning a order of sisters that operated out of the Fenris sector.
Naturally, I called the "Order of the Wolf King" but now, I kinda want to go back to them and repaint them as "Order of the Wolfmother" with the Superior's green-stuffed to be wearing pic related.
Did Blanche ever mention on which specific Rembrandt painting it was based on ? I can´t think of any that fit. Also, I found another piece of 40k fanart inspired by historical art.
I think the medics do
Sister Hospitaler art is really difficult to find,but what I was able to google seems to be proving you right.
The church isn't supposed to have any men under arms, and they aren't men under arms now are they citizen?
>not enough poses to even showcase 6 color schemes
>I'll make a parody of Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks, but in 40k and with guardsmen
>shall I go with Valhallans, Attilans, Vostroyans
>nah, Cadians
The daemonette behind the witchhunter as a nice touch though
and that one Catachan who amazingly didnt shoot the commissar
And another one, courtesy of 1d4chan.
Now a pic of a Famulous sister, incidentally the piece of fanart I linked in my first post.
Seems to me that the medieval religious orders have more in common with the Sisters than the Marines. The Marines are dedicated warriors, but not necessarily soldiers; the Sisters show a much greater propensity towards conformity and ceremony - thus, the beret.
But this is 40k, so I think if it looks good, a Marine should be allowed to stick a feather in his helmet if he wants.
Wait, no I switched the pictures around, The picture I linked orginally is this one,not the one I´m quoting.