Why does Veeky Forums hate modern Yugioh?
Why does Veeky Forums hate modern Yugioh?
I personally love the game, but hate the ridiculous amount of power creep that Konami keeps adding into the game. I watched a friend play his Pendelum deck after being away from the game for a bit, and was kind of blown away seeing him fill his entire board with monsters from the extra deck on turn 1.
Because it barely resembles what it used to be. The game has evolved and gone through so much power creep that watching the modern game and the oldschool is almost like watching two different games.
In fact, the appearance of certain decks in the meta within the last year or so such as Monarchs and Blue-Eyes actually proves that upgrading old concepts that used to be commonplace in the game can totally hose modern decks just on the merit that they don't know how to answer those problems anymore.
You watch a modern game and there's going to be a lot of rapid special summoning from the extra deck, negating, and destroying stuff. It's actually fairly amusing to watch what happens to those decks if you can consistently play big monsters from the Main Deck or turn off their Extra Deck access.
I just don't like how the interaction takes place. I never played old YGO competitively, so I guess I'll never know how it really played but back when the first few sets came out, YGO excelled at creature combat. The identities of monsters didn't get completely obliterated by dozens of other things with sentences for names and essays for texts.
Now, everything has power creeped so hard that every creature you summon does the same few things. You just either massively out-value the opponent or straight up win.
I never liked comparing it to Magic but if you were, you could see a clear difference in terms of effects elegance.
i have topped 4 YCS's and when pendulums came out me and my buddies all stopped, it killed the game, the game is cancer now. the ability to summon 5 monsters every turn with no draw back. there is also multiple unkilable monsters now, literally have texts like "this card is completely unaffected by all your opponents card effects and cannot be destroyed by battle" they are also piss easy to summon too. its so bad, i really miss the days of glad beasts, dark worlds, heros, gravekeepers, agents, blackwings, six sams, lightsworn. the days of fun arch types that were all on level, they all had their "one powerful card" that could end the game when drawn. it was fun, id rather play magic now.
Because they're bad at it, also because Veeky Forums has a total of 2 users, 1 plays magic and the other plays warhammer.
There are no "this card cannot be destroyed by battle and is unaffected by card effects" monsters in the entire game, why you lyin?
There's one.
Great, you spent ALL of your resources on a card I can kill by setting a monster every turn and waiting. 'Gratz, proud of you.
Can I say, I don't understand how the new Pendulum Summon works at all? Either I'm retarded, or I simply don't get it.
>not copying its effect with Barian Hope
Go -2 and summon 3 or less monsters. That's how you pendulum summon.
He'd have to activate his effect each turn, and eventually I'm gonna have a solemn strike set to stop that.
I'd win before you get your Solemn Strike.
Or effect veiler, Or breakthrough skill, or majespecter tempest, or even a compulse/book of moon. And how are you gonna win with only 1 monster on the field? And don't be all "I'll summon more" because it's gonna take every card you've got to get out this combo.
>And how are you gonna win with only 1 monster on the field?
This is how far we've come. YGO is just shit.
1 monster has never been enough to secure victory, it's not a matter of powercreep or new game mechanics. If you have only 1 monster on the field all I have to do is put monsters in defence mode until I have an out. It's been like that since the beginning.
You know who hates it more than Veeky Forums? /v/
There are some cards which can do this. Chaos MAX, Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem and Gren Maju Da Eiza come to mind. Chaos Max has 4000 with double piercing, UAGG has 4400 with piercing and can be summoned by Power Bond and Gren Maju can easily boost to 10.000+ ATK.
Yeah, but you know what all of those cards have in common? They're all affected by card effects.
/v/ LOVES yugioh, it's just the mods that hate it.
But we have DDDs, Metalfoes, Blue-Eyes, Monarchs, Performapals, ABCs, Burning Abyss, and Mermails now. In the OCG at the very least.
They're all fun archetypes.
This is no where near the meta.
Nor near pet decks or whatever either. The decks that can summon Rhongo in any meaningful fashion are really far and few between.
I specifically hate the power creep introduced by this specific set above all else, even more than Tachyon Galaxy. In this set, Shaddolls and Burning Abyss both entered the competitive scene, setting the precedent for entire archetypes that float so reliably, that anything that wasn't non-destructive removal became completely useless.
You can sort of break yugioh down into strata based on specific sets that radically changed the way the game was played (Invasion of Chaos, Cybernetic Revolution, Phantom Darkness/Duelist Genesis, Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy, Duelist Alliance), and more than anything else I would love official, supported formats that allowed decks from a particular time to play against other decks from that time period, but with limited access to new cards, kind of how Smogon tiers new pokemon into tiers to separate them by power, not just age. Supporting multiple formats is something I genuinely love about MTG, shame about the secondary market though.
The use of rapidly-increasing power creeps combined with the lack of a rotating "Standard" format to drive product sales has effectively killed the game.
Because of their eternal-only system, they have to introduce new mechanics to phase out old cards and keep selling the product. In essence it works the same way; sure you can use your old deck, but it sucks and will never win.
And because the eternal format is the main and only format, there's no actual supported format to go back and enjoy past archetypes like you can do in Magic (albeit for a premium).
They started getting some things right by introducing new support cards (Hello BEWD being a tier deck) but it's not enough.
Eh, it was never great at creature combat either really. From the get go it wasn't really worth going to the effort of summoning one of your big dudes when they could just get killed by a fissure. They had to power creep the creatures, just to get big stuff to be worthwhile.
I personally quit playing around the Cybernetic Revolution set, because I felt that every set since Invasion of Chaos had just been really lackluster, and didn't have any powerful cards you might actually want to use in decks.
"Modern" YGO? Veeky Forums hates it in general. This is the first time I've seen a thread for YGO that wasn't saged into oblivion.
GX had horrible sets. GX in general was shit.
Cyber Dragons happened. Your argument is invalid.
I got driven out of YGO back in the Xyz era when Xyz based decks basically obsoleted the Synchro-centric decks I played.
The breaking point was when I managed to live the Synchro dream and go turn 1 triple Shooting Quasar Dragon for the first time ever, and then my opponent managed to through all 3 Quasar negations STILL combo off and bounce all 3 of them away.
With fucking Madolche. I stuck around for a bit longer before burning out completely (although Dragon Rulers was a blast to play and kept me going a bit longer) and these days there's no way in hell I could ever go back.
Xyz era was broken as shit but the power level wasn't so out of whack that you could still theoretically win with "outdated" decks; I remember the 100th YCS being taken home by Dark Worlds in the face of unending Xyz bullshit and everyone cheering for a deck they normally despised.
The Pendulum Era powercreep is so bad that the only archetypes not introduced in the Pendulum Era even remotely viable these days are those that got super massive buffs during the Pendulum Era; look at how busted Monarchs became from their new structure deck for one key example, and that was an archetype revolving around fucking Tribute Summoning.
Fuck, isn't CED at 3 in Japan these days?
>Compulsory Evacuation Device
God why would you do that
Power creep, lack of any kind of format, secondary market price fluctuations, and the anime-driven card design all lead to a toxic environment.
It's a game where you have to shell out $500+ every three months just to stay competitive and hope to god your deck doesn't have something important banned (it will) and then bemoan the fact that your tier one deck only sells for $30 tops when you're done with it.
And how to I know this? I went through that vicious cycle for nearly 4 years before I finally fucking quit. Now I just play my old Lightsworn Deck in casual.
The very last GX set was Light of Destruction and you can go fuck yourself if you don't think Lightsworns were just the fucking best.
>the ability to summon 5 monsters every turn with no draw back
Wrong one, I was referring to Chaos Emperor Dragon.
No, I have no idea why they decided that needed unbanning, but then again it's a monster with summoning restrictions that actually might matter and probably just gets ignored by how many floaters exist these days.
I have fun with the game, but fuck ever physically playing it.
I think it's funny how YGO technically is an eternal format but manages to rotate by sheer power creep anyway.
>Chaos Emperor Dragon
>at 3
Fuck this garbage game. Can you even still sack your way to victory with Lightsworn or is powercreep so bad that Judgment Dragon isn't enough anymore?
It got errata that say you can't use other effect that turn if you want to activate it.
Now it's shit.
Judgement Dragon is pretty good and Lightsworns got an Xyz and Synchro that help the deck make it even easier. They're still only rogue though.
What are Monarchs and reprints?
>every three months
last ban list was about 5 months ago.
>hope to god your deck doesn't have something important banned (it will)
Dante is still at 3 after 2 years of BA being meta.
Chaos Emperor Dragon errata
>Dante is still at 3 after 2 years of BA being meta.
I have no fucking idea how he wasn't hit this list, that's just fucking baffling. Like, they hit Beatrice, but left Dante as is, I don't get it.
I blame Kevin.
It probably is his fault. I wonder if Dante will ever get hit, or if we just need to wait until literally every other BA card inevitably gets dropped to 1 or 0 for the deck to die.
Isn't this the game that banned a card that let you draw two more cards? How the hell does it have that bad of a power creep now?
Note I have never played Yu-gi-oh and I only know a little bit from the Anime.
Draw cards are absurdly fucking good because of how combo-focused YGO can be.
It's at the point where a pretty damn common card is one that banishes 10 cards from your deck to draw 2 cards, because they can be that important, Pot of Greed was just ridiculous for the game.
>Get 2 pendulum monsters into your hand
>set them in the pendulum zone
>you can now special summon as many monsters as you want from your hand, so long as their levels are in between the set pendulum scale
Honestly, I had a lot of fun during the Xys era until Tachyon, and I'd consider pre-Tachyion March 2013 my favorite format ever. I get the feeling that the Xyz dominance until that point was more konami banning good Synchrocentric strategies rather than overpowering Xyz options (Any format where Maestroke the Symphony Djinn is a good card is fine by me). Madolche didn't get the ability to reliably Tiaramisu spam until Anjelly got released... in Tachyon.
The recent monarch format is kind of funny though because Monarchs have been Meta multiple times during the course of the game. There was CCC feat. Zaborg, Perfect Circle, Frog Monarchs, Fishborg Monarchs, and now Neo Monarchs. It's almost king of fitting really.
Blue-Eyes were never meta until now (and in no way resemble their previous incarnation), and Monarchs are only doing well because they got busted support.
Forgot pic
When are Worms (Reptile) getting new support?
Blue-Eyes were favored in Dragon decks way back, because they were BIG DRAGONS and were good for beatdown tactics. I can't tell you how many times I kept running into Blue-Eyes/Red-Eyes in the same deck during the era when Shining and Darkness Dragons existed.
The Monarchs are now different, but they exemplified single-tribute beatdown back in the day and continue that trend. You can't even say with a straight face that Monarch cards weren't being splashed into a lot of decks for their effects during a point in the game's history.
Now, Blue-Eyes is more meta, but the name of the game is still big dragons. Monarchs gained cohesive support and a lock style, but they are still a beatdown deck. If anything, Monarchs are the perfect example of what I'm talking about, because they're an oldschool style deck that even hoses modern decks by virtue of stopping or pushing their special summons. If you set up all of the support cards, a lot of opponents tend to run out of answers because their Main Decks don't have what it takes anymore.
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