Fav miniatures?
Favourite minatures thread
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Always liked this one. Found my old minis when visiting my parents and I found my one. Thought I'd lost it.
I just got done painting this one last night.
Is that a "Dia de los Muertos" Eltrich horror, Necromancer, Boob Wizard?!
She could suck the ordinance out of a basilisk through the cannon.
It's a disciple of the witch #6 from Kingdom Death's line. I'm using it as a witch for a D&D game I'm participating in.
Have to go Mr. Dinosaur, aka Kartikeya
Some shit taste in this thread.
This mother fucker right here. I wish I could get a hold of one. I'd paint THE SHIT out of him.
Didn't the guy who did that get his hand blown off?
Probably. He is now augumented and still sculpt minis with his twin brother.
Exquisite taste,user. 6th edition Chaos had some amazing models. I love how they use this paladin as a template for other minis.
Is there a proper story behind the sculpting process?
See, this mini gets a lot of flack for being fugly, but I think it's just been misnamed. Originally, the concept art page from Codex Witch Hunters (can't find it right now) had a sketch similar to this mini, with augmentic, forced-open eyes and a loudspeaker mouth. The final mini moved things around a bit and eventually ended up being sold (separately) as a Sister Dialogus.
New ogryns are great
I love Nork Dedoggs model
I didn't even realise that its being sold as a special character.
It used to be part of an I lnquisitors retinue bix I'm pretty sure.
Man,Karl Kopinski is a bloody genius.
Pic; I fucking love this model. Since I was a kid I looked at this as the epitome of what a Space Marine is,both the model and the character.
>the epitome of what a space marine is
Would you go as far as to say that model is the spiritual leige of the space marines?
Chaos Undivided Lords are the most stylish minis GW ever put out, be it for Battle or for 40K. Also Crom the Conqueror, but he's pretty much a better Chaos Undivided Lord.
To me,at least. That model is from the era in which I think Space Marines were best depicted; they weren't the armoured space police guys from Rogue Trade and neither the catholic murder übernazis they have been for the last 15 years. They were the good guys,space knights in shiny unobtanium armour. And I love it.
Nah, he just lost his hand some years before that. Got a special mini-holding prosthetic for sculpting, kept working. That's it.
Probably the Flamm-Luther from Dust.
Who doesn't love slayer pirates?
man, the allied walkers looked so dumb in that game. The light strider sorta things look ace though.
I still like the old Warlords more than the new ones.
GW apparently.
They haven't liked anything good since the perry brothers gave em the finger.
One of my favorites.
The Dropnoun Commander guy is completely batshit and it's amazing.
this painting hurts my eyes.
great model, terrible painting(tecnique is good, just...why?)
Anyway, this is my fav.
I always hated the old model and this one blasted my mind.
The lore of it was just awesome, the idea of a corpse slowly getting insane fighting after death is pretty metal.
it was heavy as fuck, and clumsy, but it looked powerful, and angry.
Also, its EU name was, for some reaosn, SARCOFAGUS. i still love it even if it aged pretty badly.
Blew his hand of in a reenactment, reloading a cannon that still had some burning powder inside.
Got a prostetic to hold minis and learned how to sculpt with his left.
Dude's pretty hardcore.
These beauties got me into WHFB.
The new ones aren't bad or anything, but they seem a bit soulless to me I guess?
Maybe it's the CAD...
Same here.
Still kinda hoping for a plastic one though...
>Liking old bestigor models
Thou art mine negro,sir. Yes,the new ones are cool and all that,but these over here have a more "bestial",maybe crude,character.
> That inhumanly tall Inquisitor on the right calmly walking forward unarmed.
Holy fuck that's awesome and intimidating.
This or the 5e Archon
Unarmed is relative; I see on his belt what may well be a meltapistol or poisonous head-explodey dart gun or the like; and those fuckers are basically wreathed in arcane looking jewelery containing hidden force field projectors; so he has a reason to be cocky.
It's a hard choice for me. There's a lot of GW models I really like, from various model lines and factions. But for favorites, in particular order.
>The Swamlord
>Khorne Chaos Lord on Bloodcrusher
>Dark Vengeance Company Master and Chaos Lord
>Chaos Terminator Lord
>The old Archaon model
>The Green Knight of Bretonnia
The Sisters are obviously in melee range of something, and he hasn't even drawn his weapon.
Look at this motherfucker right here.
Look how calm and collected he is. See that fucking swagger? He fucking earned it. Whatever his soldiers are suffering through, he lived through enough shit like that to crawl up the ranks to be where he is.
And you bet your ass he would balk at being the head of a suicide charge if the generals though it was worth it. He'll fucking charge through those flame throwers if that's what it takes to capture that tiny hill.
It's so hard to pick just one. They're like my children, I loves them all.
He also played a dead rohirrim in Return of the King, together with Alessio Cavatore
This is to be expected. He is of Krieg blood, and will die in a sea of it. It is all they know.
Stil undefeated
Probably favourite GW mini ever
The Perry brothers stuff is also excellent, in any brand
Him and Be'lakor are great. The 'customizable' daemon prince looks like garbage.
I'll just leave this here
Shit and gay
Yeah, the Medium Allied mechs in particular look atrocious - at least from the turret down.
I did like the Allied Blackhawk though.
Oh god, it looks like he's on stilts like he's really short and self-conscious about his height.
>Lieutenant, hand me my binoculars. I wish to see now that I can view over the heads of my men.
>Of course sir....sir, it would be best for you to lower your hand so I could hand you your binoculars.
>I think not, Lieutenant, for now I am tall, and to be taller than you to is to have you be the shorter.
>Please, sir, not this again-
>Am I not tall, Lieutant?
>...Yes sir, you are very tall.
>Am I not taller than all who surround me?
>Yes sir, you are taller than any other man around you.
>What about that man?
>The man in the tank cupola? Sir, he's -
>Drag him out of the tank cupola. I wish to be tall.
>...Yes sir.
>Thank you, Lieutenant. I shall let you pass up those binoculars now, little man.
New Crisis Suits
same here. I was planning a cosplay of a Chaos Emperor Titan using a Warlord as the base, but money is low atm
I love this guy.
the new ogrys are straight up improvments on the old ones.
Fucking phone poster
tablet. Wired too because I transfered it to my laptop and adjusted it to be right-side up and saved it. When I open it on my laptop it comes out fine, don't know why it posted like that.
Is it weird I've never found a miniature I liked that wasn't at least somewhat kitbashed? They just tend to look better.
Additional Challenge:
Post favorite blister type
he from kingdom death?
yep, the huge human form of the dragon.
whelp I did look on ebay, and couldn't find a recaster selling it which kinda sucks. maybe contact one of them though. they might just not have it in their store.
For some reason I've always had the urge to buy a mini of Lorgar and paint him in Ultramarine colors and heraldry.
he's seriously like twice as tall as a normal human. dude is pimp and big
1997 3rd edition scouts are highly underrated
My favourite minature is probably the Tau stealth suit
All of the Forge World DKoK stuff is gorgeous. Fantastic modelling, fantastic models. They look grim, but realistic, but still maintaining that sci-fi aesthetic.
>WW1 aesthetic
>SciFi aesthetic
Pic one and only one
Bro epic.. you said motherfucker and fucking in every sentence.. Epic...
High ranking Krieg officers hide in well protected bunkers. They are not expected to actually fight.
Agreed; they're decent bases for conversions, but they can't compare to their predessors, be itt in look or level of detail.
A strong argument that high level of customisation isn't the gold standard of miniatures. You have to do compromizes in looks to achieve that.
>A strong argument that high level of customisation isn't the gold standard of miniatures.
It's A standard though.
Oh, sure. Not going to argue with that.
These guys.
I never had the money to buy them when they were sold by GW back in the day, but i recently picked up a squad of 10 on ebay for 15€. Almost a steal.
Now i only need the 4 different special weapons and the 2nd sergeant mini to have the full set.
They are also dirt cheap if you want to muster a force of metal scouts.
c'mon, nothing can beat a dinoraur riding another fucking dinosaur!
those farseers at the bottom
i once ordered the box but turned out there was none in stock and never reconsidered buying it. shame
Best answer.
Very obviously you can choose two.
Well I have a few. I don't know what it is about the pathfinders But I really like them.
didn't find better image but this Ghark conversion i saw in White Dwarf made me start converting stuff and start an Ogre army.
>Old Warlord Titans
Christ on a bike! How young are you?!
A phenomenal miniature. It was this model that got me into the hobby in the first place.
Then, many years later after a period away from collecting and painting, GW kill off WHFB and visit the travesty that is AoS upon us! Truly there is no justice.
I love the new eversor model, if only. The rules were better, like a buff in strength and make his bio meltdown better
My African-American Compadre
I'm still on my hunt for a metal one of these.
Nothing can compare to the Kreig Deathriders
Such stoic, humanity loving, badass men riding on semi mechanical, steam punk horses across the battle field to plunge an explosive spear into the face of the foul Xenos, mutant and heretic alike.
The grimdarkess is off the charts
Feast your eyes upon this perfection
I want to read a novel featuring the bond between a Deathrider and his Deathhorse.