Is prostitution an inherently evil/chaotic act?
Is prostitution an inherently evil/chaotic act?
Alright then. I figured it would be more morally ambiguous.
No, it's dependent on the circumstances of the prostitute and the laws of the land.
Lawful Good prostitution is a thing, especially where good deities have sacred prostitutes that offer their virginity to the gods like in ancient Mesopotamia.
Prostitution? Not necessarily, pimping, yes
Great thread OP.
Why do you think it would be? I can't see why it would be.
I wouldn't say inherently so, but it may correlate with chaotic alignments where societal norms are strongly monogamous, and that's pretty common.
>everyone in the party is a sacred prostitute devoted to a different temple and/or god
They tour the country during the spring fertility festival. Peasants save their coins all year to afford the mind blowing orgasms only a sacred child of god can provide.
> Every adventure is an orgy.
Well, fucking prestigious monsters could be like counting coup. You can even specialize through fetishes: the party tank is a masochist, the crown control is a dom, you can have a wrestler (often doubled as prostitues anyway, a fire dancer, you get the picture.
The goal of the campaign is to dom a prince of hell.
> the party tank is a masochist
I have a feeling I've seen this idea before, somewhere.
>it's an iggwilv episode
Sacred prostitutes DO IT FOR FREE.
In fact, sacred prostitutes would make a donation to the temple before joining and stay as a "worker" for maybe two or three years before leaving to get a spouse.
It's basically college without the pretense of an education.
Depends on the setting.
It can be a lawful act (Nevada bordellos), a chaotic act (self paid streetwalker), a neutral act (survival is survival), and evil act (sex 'em up, knock 'em out, rob 'em blind, maybe kill them), and even a good act (temple prostitutes guiding the sinner to the saints, accepting the burden of love to bring life into the world, etc.).
So it REALLY depends on your setting.
Nah son, they'd offer tiers of services in exchange for certain sums donated to their temples.
>Sacred prostitutes DO IT FOR FREE.
Not always.
The instance, not the setting.
No, the setting matters more than the instance because the instances are based on the setting's laws and rules and situational set ups. .
Just gonna point out that the "evil" part of your example is a bunch of linked actions which could be done without the presence of prostitution and which do not require prostitution to occur. There is no reason to assume that one leads to any of the others, or to infer the moral gravity of one onto its predecessors.
It's inherently immoral, but immorality does not equal evil.
What about a prostitute using her craft to spread a plague, like in VtmB?
It's never a good act. A temple prostitute who offers absolution by preaching her god's faith is doing good through the preaching, not the selling herself like meat.
What if it raises the hearts of the faithful and allows the temple to do good works with the funds earned?
Who said the prostitute was a female? :p
Then they're just sacred sluts
Nope. It's an immoral act with a potentially positive outcome.
The usage of gender neutral pronouns in English is controversial.
>objective morality
>Prostitution for charity
Now there's an idea.
>It's an immoral act
Properly ran without enslavement of the prostitutes, or forcing them into prostitution to supplement their drug habit that the owner gave them, would mean that a brothel could be a great investment and be safe for both clients and whores
>My mom was a prostitute so I know it's bad!
Prostitution is as morally grey as you can get unless someone's getting hurt, and even then they might have literally asked for it
>Ancient Mesopotamia
>Good gods
Even the nicest mesopotamian gods were assholes.
Prostitution gets a bad reputation because, like with anything else, assholes conglomerate in areas where profit is easy.
The negative image of prostitution is directly fed by sociopathic drug dealers and pimps who breed weak-minded women into slaves using a combination of extreme violence and addiction therapy.
But prostitution at its core is just paying for sex. By that definition, the vast majority of people have "prostituted" themselves on first dates or throughout the process of courtship by bribing their to-be lovers with gifts, houses, favors, and so on.
Prostitution is essentially dating with no strings attached.
>It's an immoral act
Says so in my Bible Coloring Book.
The party has obtained: Prostitute x 12
>noble self-sacrificing prostitute who does it to feed the kids in the orphanage
>money grubbing prostitute from an impoverished background who wants to live the life of luxury
You can only buy one.
The treasure's in here.
Marduk, Nanshe, Ninurta, Shamash?
>The negative image of prostitution is directly fed by sociopathic drug dealers and pimps who breed weak-minded women into slaves using a combination of extreme violence and addiction therapy.
You're so incredibly wrong. Even in places where prostitution is 100% legal and the work conditions are regulated it still has a negative connotation. (See the red light district in the Netherlands)
It has EVERYTHING to do with women selling something special that should be reserved for the one that she loves.
Here is one definition of the term "Whore"
>Whore: debase oneself by doing something for unworthy motives, typically to make money.
People look down upon whores because they are disgusting people who have no principles or self respect.
Where is this from?
Forgot to mention I'm asking because reverse-image search is giving me Cartoon Network and refuses to even consider it's from a partially lewd source.
Why is Google shitting the bed with their image search engine?
>You're so incredibly wrong.
I'm not, but thanks for sharing anyway.
>Even in places where prostitution is 100% legal and the work conditions are regulated it still has a negative connotation
By definition it doesn't, since it's regulated and legal. But again thanks for sharing.
>It has EVERYTHING to do with women selling something special that should be reserved for the one that she loves.
That's cool.
>Whore: debase oneself by doing something for unworthy motives, typically to make money.
So where do you draw the line at what constitutes debasement?
No. It can be Chaotic if it's illegal.
>It has EVERYTHING to do with women selling something special that should be reserved for the one that she loves.
Oh boy, here we go.
So we're going with "often Chaotic because it contradicts the mores of many societies?"
Gate manga
Portal opens in Japan a new world (like Roman Empire with a mix of Middle ages technology) try to invade. Japan counter attack with tanks and soldiers.
MC is a former special forces officer and Otaku that is reassigned to a exploration and diplomatic squad with a loli demi god, a dark elf, a elf with PTSD and a loli sorcerer.
>working man (woman) are fine
>employer / manager is the evil
What are you, communist?
IRL? Depends, but most of the time it's the pimp the one forcing the prostitute (some girls like it though because it's easy money)
in fiction? however the fuck you want. You can make a religious order of sacred prostitute that are worshiped as saints. Having sex with one of them is like doing a good for your soul and your body. Do whatever you want
>It has EVERYTHING to do with women selling something special that should be reserved for the one that she loves.
Are you going to break out any particular verse and scripture, or would that be spoon-feeding?
>It has EVERYTHING to do with women selling something special that should be reserved for the one that she loves.
Like her special cookies?
Again, not necessarily. A guy who runs a business where he takes care of things like health care expenses, overhead, taxation and licensing, marketing, bulk contracts, and facilities freeing his employees up to focus on their "jobs*" with a fair split of the proceeds is LN at worst, and may even be LG if his actual motivation is to protect them from exploitation. No one says it has to be abusive or exploitative.
What's the story?
>mfw it's from GATE
>mfw that means it's nothing but ecchi harem bullshit
>mfw won't see those prostitutes getting it on with anyone
Thanks for the answer user, even if it wasn't the kind of source I was hoping for.
>>It's an immoral act
Capitalism is bad, man.
[citation needed]
She's one of the iconic wizard/sorcerers of D&D, the ones spells are named after (her spell is Tasha's Hideous Laughter).
Born Natasha, she was raised a witch by Baba Yaga and ended up accompanying Zagyg, another of D&D's famous wizards and a character of Gary Gygax, posing as an apprentice and in a scandalous relationship with him. She used Zagyg to gain knowledge of demons and stole his spellbooks. Later, she summons Graz'zt the Demon Prince of Lust and binds him for what are essentially booty call purposes, then makes war on the earth.
RIP in pomodori
>That's cool
These aren't my opinions. We are talking about why society as a whole looks down upon prostitution. You're getting pissy when I point out that it has everything to do with a societal perception of what's right and wrong.
You may disagree with it because at the end of the day, morality is subjective.
>By definition it doesn't, since it's regulated and legal. But again thanks for sharing
Yeah, just like abortion is legal, alcohol is legal, and hunting is legal. None of these things are controversial at all. Retard.
>So where do you draw the line at what constitutes debasement
That is irrelevant. As for the common perception of good and evil, look at the culture of a society.
Ah-ha! I knew I that this would be useful one day.
Basically, hire those with high libidos. Get protection for the workers, focus on being the crème de la crème. You want reputable clientele, not leper John and sleazy joe harming your working girls and boys. Regulate that shit. Cater to specific fetishes, without any of the highly immoral ones, like pedophilia. Got a rich client that likes em young? Have petite but legal elves to do ageplay instead. Work together with wineries to get deals on good wine at cheap prices, and cut their workers a discount rate in the brothel. Run it like a proper business, and you don't have to worry about it being "inherently evil".
Gotta still watch for the crazy zealot from time to time, but that's nothing new
>Later, she summons Graz'zt the Demon Prince of Lust and binds him for what are essentially booty call purposes, then makes war on the earth.
What a fucking hero.
GATE never fails to disappoint.
She's still around in Greyhawk, I think, but was kind of supplanted by her and Graz'zt's son Iuz as a villain.
>Even the nicest mesopotamian gods were assholes.
Marduk was the classic Fratboy/opportunist, but he at very least didn't fold when it came to making good on his promise.
They still collectively murdered their mum and built their universe with her desecrated corpse.
You made a switcheroo there when in your original post you never once said "society thinks"; any reasonable reader would think that, since you plainly made your assertions without qualification, that it is your opinion that prostitutes are "whores" with "no principles or self-respect".
>inb4 "I never said prostitutes were whores"
,what's the context of this image?
>Draw a hyper-voluptuous angel with dick sucking lips and fat cow nipples offering herself to their rescuers
>Let's focus on excusing Comfort Women from our history and a generic harem situation with the boring (literally, in-universe, boring) protagonist and a flat-chested loli
It's like finding your class valedictorian working at Starbucks at 33.
>You never once said "society thinks"
>"People look down upon whores because they are disgusting people who have no principles or self respect"
It's okay to be wrong, but please do not lie.
>not once in your example given do you even imply society
>you instead make a blanket statment that looks to be solely your opinon
It's okay to be wrong, but please do not lie
It's easy to read that as saying "whores objectively have no principles or self respect, therefore people look down on them" rather than "people think whores have no principles or self respect, and so they look down on them." At least, that's how I read it, and I'm only slightly mentally ill.
Japs am I right?
Iggwilv lives in Hades now.
>offering herself to their rescuers
Everything else you said is on-point, but I think the character in that image is Mizari, who isn't actually looking to get rescued.
She's a prostitute from the red-light district that gets medical attention and condoms from the JSDF camp so her and the other working girls don't have to deal with disease or unwanted pregnancy. In typical manga fashion none of the Japanese soldiers succumb to their charms and get their dicks wet because they're hotbeds of STDs (some possibly more magical than others.)
In other words, all the ground-work is there for something lewd (whether official or doujin) but the author is too full of himself trying to portray the Japanese soldiers as hardened professionals to do so.
And this is how you know he's never been in any military in any role.
At this point you are trolling me. Only a retard would read the word "people" and think I was referring to a single person.
Prostitution is just a means of making money. Might be desperation, might just be an easy way to earn coin. It's the world's oldest profession.
Forcing others into it, or deliberately spreading disease, is indeed an evil act.
So do you share the opinion of the "people" or what?
TY user, I'm not up to date on it.
The world's oldest profession is CROPS.
It's true neutral, provided it's a fair businesses transaction in which no parties are harmed.
I'm pretty sure the world's oldest profession is killing things and taking their shit. This might include their body parts.
>not harmful
I just pulled it off her Wikipedia page.
I know right? Even if the nips were replaced by an american unit, I give it six hour TOPS before some guy goes looking for poon from any branch. 'Cept navy, they supply their own ass.
at least use a german or british unit.
They might last a day before trying to get their dick wet, unlike those rowdy jarheads.
depends on the setting
Don't forget these girls are absurdly attractive by prostitute standards and probably have diseases easily cured by some penicillin.
The average unit would be humping these girls before the end of their first patrol.
They probably got a friendly "if we catch you with your dick in any of the locals you're getting an automatic section 8, fagtron" note from the higher-ups.
Look, if I found an angel-lady with a body like that willingly offering themselves, the risk is worth it.
Don't ask don't tell.
Trips compel me to ask: does anyone here besides me actually frequent prostitutes/escorts?
It's legal where I'm at.
Oh no, the brass is telling us not to fuck the foreign hotties with figures we've only seen on porn stars or a skinny Christina Hendricks.
In another dimension with zero surveillance equipment.
The amoxicillin is requisitioned for the locals, yup.
According to medieval clergymen, the act of paying for sex is not in itself sinful, but then again all sexual acts outside the sanctity of marriage are sinful so it might as well be...
Ghidorah is a Mesopotamian god?
You could argue that it's at least Lawful Neutral.
Two of my players in real life are escorts.
I used to be a client (still are) of one of them, got interested into the hobby during a post coital conversation so offered her to try it. At first tried with World of Darkness but she demonstrated to be more interested into sword and sorcery.
"Society as a whole" does not think that women should be virgins until marriage. There is a (often religious) subsection of society that believes this; there is also a subset of society that believes men should also, which at least cuts out some of the sexist bullcrap.