Best Girl edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Best Girl edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Uther was a pretty useless guy.
Tyrael is a far better ur-Paladin.
UH DK, Frost DK, Survival hunter, or fury warrior for legion?
Who's that new dranaei paladin?
What's the plot of the hunter class hall campaign?
survival is a meme spec
unholy is good but dumb because of the stupid 15 year old abom model
frost lets you summon Sindragosa as a damage cooldown, but is the second worst DPS spec in the game after arms
Abom isn't a DPS upgrade, right? if not and even if it probably is i'll just use the Geist model like I did through WoD
not only is abom a DPS gain, the other two talents in the tier are completely useless outside of PvP, where you would take Asphyxiate
Uther is kept around because everyone loves his voice.
It is a DPS upgrade, and the rest of the tier is pretty useless. Just like Clawing Shadows being miles better than the rest of its tier until they slapped down the AP%. Ranged DK best DK.
fuck that noise
I wouldn't mind an upgraded abom model but the same one we've had since vanilla? fuck you blizz.
Since a lot of people have been bitching since late beta and the prepatch, it sounds like Blizz actually will update the Abom model a bit. God knows when though.
Because Malf is a bitch-boi faggot druid overstepping his bounds in a fucking matriarchal theocracy?
Because whenever he's in the same expansion as Tyrande, she gets kidnapped or jobs?
Because the only tone his character has struck over the past always has been shitty default True Neutral Druid without ever doing anything, least of all stop the Horde from raping trees?
Because he's a bigger pile of wasted interactions and character development than Thrall, and the only development he's ever going to get is when he either apologizes to Illidan or dies horribly?
The line reads so much like "Hush now, honey. The MEN are talking" like he's a caricature of 1960's TV dads, it's just another cool thing about Night Elves thrown onto the pyre.
Oh well. I don't care if it's a DPS loss. I'll stick with my Geist buddy. At least he has a model that doesn't look like ass. It can't be that big a DPS loss. It probably is.
>in before they make the retarded ICC boss model you get with Dark Transformation the baseline model
Yrel? Maraad?
Real talk: When would be a good place to run a warcraft D&D type game?
During WC3? Maybe one of the expansions?
>It probably is.
honestly, no matter how bad the model is, it's still a reason to not use Asphyxiate, which is good because fuck that spell. It's completely fucking useless outside of PvP
Yrel; I think. there was some hubbub about her in WoD but I stopped playing shortly after that expansion.
Man, I'd actually come back if they put out content like FFXIV did.
She'll never be seen again outside of a token cameo here and there since she's from an alternate timeline.
>There is a perfectly viable universe for the draenei and orcs to fuck off to
>They never will
It's maybe 5% tops. The main bonus is that the Abom has true AOE with a 10 yard range, in addition to its other attacks.
From the sound of it, they may try and get the HotS model for Stitches as baseline, with some tweaks. If so, I want the ability to have Bikini Stitches for maximum retching.
He said "hush Tyrande" right before the Sundering. Night Elf empire was a monarchy, not a theocracy. And whether or not the night elf monarchy was a matriarchal is undetermined. There were many male night elf noblemen, and the highborne seemed pretty gender neutral. The idea of women running night elf society while their males navel gazed wasn't a thing until after the Sundering.
The premices of the last Silithid invasion. A scientist send you to one of the hives in Feralas to investigate, but of course nothing go as planned.
And when you return with what he asked for, scouts inform you that several hives have been spotted in other areas (barrens, thousand needles...)
It could be some sort of investigation-exploration adventure where the adventurers will slowly figure that they have to go to Silithus, and when they finally get to the cenarian stronghold, everything goes to hell.
We've actually run a few
One was a low-level adventure in the barrens kinda thing, set right before wow classic.
Another was an alliance party of explorers, set just after wc3 -- scouting what would later be towns or dungeons in wow.
the last was a high-level cross faction group that represented an initial scouting party beyond the dark portal set right before TBC.
None of the campaigns lasted too long, but I attribute that mostly to our groups D&D fatigue at the time, the last campaign had the most legs to it, until our dark iron warrior got mind controlled and killed half the party in one round. Again, D&D fatigue got us uninspired to even retcon the situation -- instead we went to exalted 2e: armies fought, banquets were held, demons were ninja-kicked through portals, and baby clothes were urinated on.
5% isn't terrible. But I guess i'll need to suck it up. I just don't like the thought of having a nice looking artifact weapon/armor covering my character but getting an awful sized 10+ year old model next to my character sitting up the mood.
Colonization of Durotar and the Barrens. Plenty of cool shit going on and if you're an Orc/Troll/Tauren, you get to do a whole manifest destiny deal.
Play a campaign about the people who set-up the Crossroads as a settlement in the middle of nowhere, the nearest port is fledgling and Goblin-controlled--which means that the prices will gouge you to hell and back. Overland travel to Orgrimmar and Mulgore take a week--and that's with roads which you haven't had built yet.
Centaurs are building up a war band. Ogres are causing shit. Remnants of Kul Tiras are a problem and competing for resources. The Grimtotem are making deals with the Kul Tiras for guns. Quillboar are well-stocked in the Razorfens and more than willing to snuff you out. The Wailing Caverns is belching forth reptillian horrors.
And the Horde is so young, there are internal issues out the wazoo. The Orcs still want to Mak'gora and bloodlust shit; as well as reap Ashenvale. The Trolls still want to eat the dead and worship all the loa (even the bad ones). The Tauren know the land and it is very easy to kill one of their animals and offend a tribe of them. To say nothing of warlocks, Scourge and Legion remnants wandering the desert, and the general issues of making a life in the wastes.
Post Rexxar Adventures but pre-WoW Vanilla.
what is this new meme with the little loli with the red eyes?
its cute
Some good ones have already been mentioned.
I'm also partial to the tail end of WotLK, but set in the Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor. There's plenty of stuff to explore then, and you can use the Cataclysm itself as an event in-game
Another I like is Steamwheedle employed explorers set just before WoW.
Plenty of as-of-yet unexplored places to go. Plenty of race possibilities for your players. Steamwheedle employs all sorts. And there's all sorts of combat situations you can throw at them.
Lady Lidadrin is actually Uther the Lightbringer using an orb of the Sindorei to cover up his death
what happens next
>no one ever figured out why her expression turned so sour when she heard the words "glad you could make it"
>Liadrin says I am still your superior as a paladin
So what ever happened with Ozumat and the elemental lord of water?
They still fuckin'?
Survival Hunter. Pretty fun; I can't speak on Frost Death Knight, though.
>survival is a meme spec
Nice meme, bro.
He just shows up free in Legion as part of the shaman class quest.
Personally, I would've preferred another Ghoul or two instead of an Abomination. If nothing else because the Abomination looks silly in pocket-sized form.
Ah yes, Orb of the Sindorei. Best toy ever.
I did mine as a non-canon mix of the beginning of Core and Cataclysm.
The only difference was that it was the Scourge, not the Forsaken, who invaded Gilneas.
Hijacking this question ask, which edition of D&D would work best for a Warcraft game?
>inb4 4e because "WoW Edition"
Although I actually do like 4e a lot and it certainly gets the power level down.
spank the night elf
I'm starting mine during the Argent Tournament. It lets them experience how much the world has changed since TFT (Since the new players haven't played wow at all, and Wrath is a semi direct sequel to its events), and allows me to slowly acclimate them to the changes to Azeroth without having to explain Ulduar to them.
I might have to go fire mage first
Tried downloading it as a .PDF, but it's not working for some reason.
Which one? They're all pretty fine.
I'd spank a Tyrande, Shandris, and Naisha.
and get spanked by Maiev.
I'd spank any nelf. It's why they exist
I think they have a long-term plan to update the old models. They did give us new models for whelplings, squirrels, rabbits and other critters.
I know this is something of a can of worms but what do you guys think about all the legendaries in Legion?
Have they had any effect on deciding what spec you'll be playing?
>what do you guys think about all the legendaries in Legion?
I don't like that they're handing them out like candy, and so I probably won't buy Legion, the first WoW expansion I won't buy on release.
I think the lore behind them is pretty neat, and I don't mind everyone is getting them since it's easy for me to ignore that.
I also like that they're very customizable, although there are some specs where all options are absolutely atrocious; particularly Unholy Death Knight.
All I can say is destruct will probably give me more than demo would dare.
Not the artifacts. The legendaries, orange text.
Theres a whole lot of them in Legion. Some have generic effects and some are spec specific.
If you want to see the ones available to you in-game just open the dungeon journal and click the loot tab. You can also see the first Legion tier sets.
The legendaries or the artefacts? The artifacts are rather cool, but the legendaries don't deserve the name.
Oh, I didn't even know about these being relevant in Legion.
Honestly, my feelings are indifferent.
the fire mage head piece looks fun
I haven't looked at them all but I think this is my favourite so far.
>The remaining cooldown on Eye Beam is reduced by 0.3 sec each time it deals a critical hit.
The Fury Warrior are kinda lame. I'm no master of balance so I'm sure they're technically equal but totally lacking in zazz.
People are stupidly upset about it, they should've just made a new tier of item and no one would be whining but muh sacred cow orange
Why did Liadrin's eyes turn gold but other belf pallies' didn't?
Because she was right in front of the purification?
Silvermoon ain't free, the sunwell gotta be watered with the blood of traitors who bow to foreigners and aliens
KING Lor'themar Theron is not my regent lord, he is usuper and traitor to the crown
The last true ruler of Quel'Thalas is Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider (praise be)
Quel'thalas, not cucks4windchimes
I will fight you
So is Liadrin the canon bearer of Quel'delar?
It's probably one guy posting Touhou pics as a poor man's triptag.
Who's Liadrin?
Impossible, I am.
>tfw when I like Quel'delar over Ashbringer
Why didn't the Draenei return to colonise Outland after TBC?
Her model's eyes aren't gold. She might just be channeling divine power in that image causing her eyes to glow gold.
Cause it's a shit hole floating out in the middle of the Twisting Nether?
they wanted to as of cataclysm.
How do you even get those legendaries anyways?
Dungeon bosses, raid bosses, PvP Strongboxes, Mythic+ Weekly Caches and World Quest Caches (rewarded after completing 4 world quests)
I will ship this until Blizzard makes it happen.
Hmm. So is it gonna be a barrier for entry for people? "Sorry, but you gotta have atleast 2 pieces of legendary gear on for this group. Sorry!"
If Aggra dies in Legion, it still could.
Top rank Blood Knight, aka blood elf paladin. And the only blood elf worthy of the class.
Warrior ones suck
>tfw no Shalamalayne, Gorehowl, Ashkandi, Quel'Delar, Quel'Serrar, or any of the other lore-rich old weapons
>tfw no comfy warrior class hall at Fray Island or down-to-earth bunker near a battlefield
>tfw no Nazgrel follower
Just how strong do you people think Shadow Priests are, lore wise?
Are they ostracized like Warlocks?
As of right now you can only have one equipped at a time anyway.
And I've heard Blizzard is putting in some bad luck protection too, the longer you go without getting one increases the drop chance.
I do find the choice of order hall location curious. I mean, I guess its at the Broken Isles, but is there any warrior figures from WoW even there?
You're limited to equipping a single Legion legendary, at least at the start of the expansion.
So there might be a cap of 'must have one legendary to get in', but most of the effects are only equivalent to a talent. They're nice, but nothing to gush over or demand.
posting superior ship
Those feels when I want to play demonology because its fun, but destro locks literally get the staff that Ner'zhul used to rip draenor apart.
I'm tired of these "literally who" tier artifacts.
You mean the dead ship? Nah. It had it's chance, and now one of them's dead.
Yeah, the previous owner of the shadow priest artifact was ostracized for that very reason. The Void, while necessary for the Light to exist, is bad shit.
>Lich Queen next expansion after Jaina overthrows Bolvar.
>Finally has a way to strike back at the Horde and the Alliance who betrayed her beliefs.
calling it now.
I'm really excited for the Prot shield though. One of my favourites artifacts and definitely considering changing primary spec for it.
Nope. Lothar and Doomhammer were in originally, but were removed because they somehow didn't make sense as being in Valhalla. Instead, it's all Ymirjar.
Would you prefer a "literally who" legendary like the Sunwell bow?
Lore on a weapon has to start somewhere. At least you're supposed to be able to learn more about the artifacts through the Order Hall missions, so they get fleshed out with time.
Aye, the Prot shield is fine. Was considering going Prot as well for Legion, but both main tanks are staying, so I'll be having my Warrior kept levelled and geared as a sub tank, and main instead an UH death knight. Nice weapon and the spec plays well (Not a fan of post-MoP Fury or Arms, played Gladiator in WoD)
What's more of "literally who" legendary? Thori'dal, or Val'anyr? I think I'm gonna make a tier list of legendaries based on their lore significance.
I always hated Aggra's character. The moment she's introduced in Prelude to Cataclysm, The. Very. Moment. Thrall becomes a whiny irresponsible bitch and never recovers. I want her to die and I want thrall to harden the fuck up again.
Honestly, I never shipped Jaina and Thrall, but seeing what has happened to both characters since Cata it would've probably been better than what we got, desu.
I remember that one Blizzcon where Metzen was like
>Thralls gotta settle down with a nice brown orc Girl
Meanwhile Jaina gets SCALED two expansions later by the resident dragon with an ongoing human fetish.
All of them are literally who except for Twinglaives, Atiesh, Sulfuras and Shadowmorne(which was crafted from Arthas' Paladin Mace). Everything else was made up on the spot.
Atiesh, the staff from Vanilla Naxx would probably be on top, lore-wise since it was Medivh's.
Then the Warglaives of Azzinoth because Illidindu Nuffin
Then Sulfuras and Thunderfury.
From there it's all "literally who" tier.
>death meaning anything in warcraft.
>watch the Alliance Broken Shore cinematic
>Varian wrecking shit, Mekkatorque blowing shit up with his mech, Genn Greymane going full beastmode
>they only have to retreat because the Horde fucked it all up
>watch the Horde Broken Shore cinematic
>Thrall on the ground, Vol'jin gets shanked within like ten seconds
>Horde can't even do a simple job like holding the flank
Feels good not being the Official Jobber Faction
I hated how Aggra basically turned Thrall's ability as a shaman down to apparent shit-tier.
>I'm the most gifted shaman in Azeroth, and probably Outland in ages, even Drek'thar a renowned shaman was impressed with how quickly I learned
>Hurr durr, you know nothing about the elements! I, an orc who is young enough to be Drek'thar's grand daughter knows more about teaching you the way of the elements than him. Also your slave name is disgusting, I don't care if you use it to show your mastery over a childhood you overcame.
Fuck Aggra. The more irrelevant she becomes the better.
I'm annoyed the Arms warrior artifact isn't Broxigar's Axe of Cenarius because they thought the "nature" theme of it wouldn't fit the Titan theme they seem to be going with for warriors.
Did someone say...