The BBEG of the campaign we're playing has a fucking spell that he can cast at will with no cooldown or cost that shows him the "Golden Path" - the precise course of action he needs to take to assure success in whatever goal he has in his mind when he casts it. This has essentially allowed him to carry out his entire plan (poisoning an aspect of humanity's shared subconscious) flawlessly despite every effort we've made to stop him.
We've thus far only figured out two theoretical weaknesses in his spell:
1. It doesn't tell him WHY he needs to do something, only exactly where, when and how to do it. We can't be absolutely certain of this one, but we're fairly sure it's true due to the way he relies on the spell so often.
2. Highly theoretical, but may not actually show the optimal action to take in a specific circumstance if the goal in mind when casting is something other that circumstance - i.e. if the spell is cast with the ultimate goal in mind, but the caster is involved in a fight completely unrelated to that goal. We have no way of testing this, though.
How do we fucking beat him, Veeky Forums? I'm at my wit's end, and you guys are the masters of finding loopholes to seemingly unbeatable problems.
Diplo. If the spell shows the golden path to any goal, change his goals.
Dylan Hall
Befriend him
Eli Howard
It's got to have some sort of limit. What's the source of magic in the setting? You might have to go full 'That Guy Kills Psions' if his destruction of the human psyche keeps up. Outside of that, do you have anything at all that bypasses divination? On a fundamental level, if the spell can't account for you, his path will be altered in a way you can compensate for. I'm assuming this guy is basically the Terminator in regards to his goals- can't be reasoned with, et cetera.
Nathaniel Diaz
Take the first "Napikin"
Chase Cruz
Does the spell adjust to accomodate your plans even if unknown to him? you could try to find out his goals precisely and guess at where it will lead him. you could illusion him to believe he's following the spell but intead following whatever you tell him. you could destroy his assets.
Worm had a similar issue, with a character that had the ability to see the Path to Victory.
She was unbeatable.
This is what I can think of: (1) Finding the connection between him and the spell, and severing it, and keeping him entirely in the dark so he can't use his ability on you.
(2) Metagaming hard and carefully entering randomness into the PC actions to oppose him because while the GM can perfectly craft his world, he cannot tell the future himself, and does not know for certain what a PC would do. Not sure how'd you'd pull this off, though. You could also craft plans in secret amongst the players and not reveal to the GM, so that the GM cannot use this ability against you.
(3) Study him carefully and then secretly poison him or something, if you can get anywhere near him, since confronting him with the knowledge that you are his enemies readily available will never work, since he can just come up with the goal "how do I defeat these enemies" and autowin.
Noah Hall
Blake Martin
The only way is to trick the GM, you have to put him in a situation where the BBEG absolutely cannot survive no matter what he does, and any kind of GM asspull will be obvious and won't be cool with all the player.
No idea but what it would be but it should probably be something that the GM thinks the BBEG is reacting to accordingly, but later activates once he has already put himself in a situation of certain death.
Like, an arrow that hits everything that evades it, or something. The important thing is that the GM should both know and not know the power of the weapon. Outsmart him.
Cameron Ramirez
If his spell allows him to see the path to a goal, change the goal or overwhelm him so that his spell cannot help him and all he can see with it is death or surrender. Buy a shitton of antidivination items. If it's something that can be fucked up by chance, make all your decisions with die rolls. Double trap: Set up a trap for him that is somewhat easily avoidable. While focusing on this one, a second trap comes into play. Ideally, his spell will only help him for the first one, as it's an immediate goal. If you're really good at traps, make it so that avoiding the first one means getting caught in the second one.
Xavier Hall
Join him. But not really. Become subversive elements. Subvert his goal. Make it a perversion of the original. Or as someone pointed out, sever the link.
Easton Turner
Lol counterspell Lol casting it after him to counter said spell
Brody Sanchez
You start working towards the same goal as him.
Yeah, you heard me right. Start working towards the same goal as him, and here's the important part - find a way to do it better than him. That way, each and every one of his castings will require him to keep you alive, and, in fact, unimpeded.
The problem is that you obviously need to stop him from actually accomplishing his goal, and his spell - depending on from where it draws its information - will "know" that you don't intend to actually complete the goal, so you need to find some way of hiding it, either by using some sort of spell that erases the knowledge that you're actually trying to stop him from your mind until a certain trigger (his death) or to hide that information from destiny itself (if it's some weird sort of fate- or probability-based spell that doesn't rely on gained information).
Then you need to set up some sort of scenario where the BBEG is actually more of an impediment to his own goal than you are, at which point his spell will then tell him "let them kill you." At that point, he will either graciously lay down and allow you to kill him, or his survival instinct will kick in and he'll stop trusting the information the spell gives him.
Lot of ifs in that plan but it's the best I can come up with at short notice.
Jackson Sanders
1. Slap your GM for pulling that shit. 2. Use Gold Experience Requiem
Ryan Phillips
Use it against him. If he has a goal he wants to meet affect the goal in a way that is detrimental to him. Sure he reaches his goal, but it kills him in the process. However this assumes you can learn his next move and that the goal is tamperable. Like a two stage proximity explosion spell on an important orb. One to take out any precautions his spell made him take, and then another to actually hit him with.
Colton Collins
Fucked up a lich once using this technique. I like to call it The Twisted Tennessee Turnover.
Sebastian Sanchez
Source of the pic ?
Colton Watson
This would probably be your best bet. Someone who relies so heavily on a spell to show him the optimal path to victory probably isn't actually that good at planning things, and he would focus very hard on that one path and ignore everything else.
So create multiple simultaneous plans which work in parallel where you will somehow win regardless of what happens. His power cannot help him if there is no actual path to victory.
Owen Bailey
It sounds as if he must have a very specific goal in mind when he casts the spell. I think you may need to convince him that he must pursue a specific goal of your choosing while you prepare to take him down in a way he doesn't expect and therefore cannot use the spell to counter.
Luis Perez
>Our GM has created an in universe explanation for why the BBEG can never be stopped or beaten So your GM is an asshole who wants to win. Wargames Protocol.
Asher Lewis
Find out how to cast the spell yourself. Find ANYTHING you can that let's you copy spells and craft that shit into a rod or something.
Gabriel White
explain what the Wargames Protocol is?
Jonathan Price
The Only Winning Move Is Not To Play.
Jaxon Gutierrez
oh, THAT Protocol
Daniel Phillips
The BBEG's knowledge and thoughts influence his objective when he casts the spell. He cannot ask how to defeat an attempt on his life if he doesn't know an attempt is going to be made, and he cannot ask how to overcome an obstacle if he doesn't understand what that obstacle actually is.
Bait him with a seeming problem then blindside him with something completely unrelated that he wouldn't have thought to ask for.
Or just overpower him. There isn't always a perfect path to victory no matter how hard you try. You cannot beat a column of tanks with men wielding pointy sticks no matter how wise your planning is.
Alternatively, if there literally is nothing he cannot do, foresee, or overcome, then your GM is an asshole and you shouldn't play with him anymore.
Joshua Clark
If you have an arcane trickster that's high enough in level you can just steal his spell
Carson Martin
Maybe a wish or a miracle spell where the request that he loses that ability?
Gabriel Diaz
Yep. I may be getting the situation wrong, but this sounds looks like GM asspull with an in universe excuse. If a GM wants to win, he has supreme control over tjhe universe to win. If he's gone to some lengths to give an in universe justification for it, it sounds like he not only wants to win, but he wants to win "legit". Quit the game.
Alexander Mitchell
Alternatively, if he's worth his salt as a GM there is a way around it
Xavier Rogers
You need to mislead him, confuse him in his goal - think Jafar in Aladdin, he could just get the power he wanted by wishing, but he didn't think about any context of the power.
You're guy wants to poison humanity's subconscious? See if you can turn it back on him - he connects to all of humanity and all the emotions of the world melt his brain or something
Aiden Taylor
We'd need OP to confirm what kind of DM he is. But honestly, I've known so many bad ones in my time that this kind of scenario doesn't scream "solve this challenge" as much as it does "plot magic, enjoy the railroad"
Jaxon Allen
Yeah, but I have hope
Mason Hernandez
That's what I'd assume. Maybe there's a wizard library or something in the world where the party can quest and find out how to disrupt its power, or where this divination comes from? Perhaps there's another spell that can block it. Alternatively, trap him in an antimagic zone. It doesn't let him see the future, it just lays out the steps to his goal. Maybe there's even a way you guys can spy on him when he casts it and find out what those steps are, and plan from there?
Bentley Gonzalez
>Golden Path
Brody Moore
If you are OP, please give as much detail as yoiu can about times the GM has used the Golden Path spell in game.
Has he LITERALLY gone "doesn't work, cause Golden Path." For example?
Justin Cox
No, just an user hoping there is a puzzle to solve as opposed to an infiority complex
Jordan Murphy
Give us as many details as you can, especially when its been used in game by the DM.
Ryder Stewart
Chuck fireballs (or other evocation spells) and hit with weapons till he dies.
Chase Myers
with dubs
Carter Foster
Not play wargames?
Blake Anderson
Honestly, I'd agree if not for... >He can do it an unlimited amount of times >I'm at my wits end This just screams GM fiat and obvious railroad.
Dominic Thompson
Why does he want to poison the hivemind?
Christopher Reed
Watch more movies user.
Kayden Hill
Try using everyone's minds against them- if Mr. BBEG thinks everyone's trying to stop him, use that knowledge.
Have each person make traps and schemes without each one knowing, then spring them all. The GM will think you're all working together (and so will the villain, hopefully) male to much for him even to think for.
If he uses it to find the perfect way to escape from one guy, have a second guy set a trap without his knowledge. It'll be fun and cool if GM isn't an asshole
Oliver Butler
>Guy one pulls a trap >Golden Path at will, escape >Guy two pulls a trap >Golden Path at will, escape Even if he's not an asshole, this doesn't beat his power. But honestly, I'm convinced the DM is being an asshole.
Chase Cruz
There are two broad strategies you can use. The first one is extremely unsavory but has a better chance of success, depending on his actual goals. The second is a lot weaker but less ugly (though still ugly).
1. You make his goal unattainable by inflicting tremendous self-damage. His goal is to poison an aspect of humanity's shared subconscious? Sever that aspect completely. This assumes that his plans are so grand that they must be stopped even if it means irreversible damage to humanity. Note that this relies on him personally not being a grand strategist.
2. Trick him into the wrong goal. Have a party member challenge him to a dual. Rig the entire dual scene (planet, mountain, whatever) to explode. The really important bit is that the villain must think his goal is to defeat the character in combat, not merely kill him, thus confounding the spell. Do this by attaching a lot of importance to yourself in winning a physical battle. e.g. gamble a shitload of money on the dual's result, such that it's important to you personally that the fight take place, but realizing you're purposely screwing yourselves over.
TL;DR: be willing to accept a cost to victory that he couldn't conceive of, and use that to get him to a situation where he can't ask the right question.
Dominic Perry
You get good at spinning
Julian Flores
So, the GM ripped off Contessa?
Well, if you're playing DnD, you just need to find a source of Mind Blank effects.
>The subject is protected from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This spell protects against all mind-affecting spells and effects as well as information gathering by divination spells or effects. Mind blank even foils limited wish, miracle, and wish spells when they are used in such a way as to affect the subject’s mind or to gain information about it. In the case of scrying that scans an area the creature is in, such as arcane eye, the spell works but the creature simply isn’t detected. Scrying attempts that are targeted specifically at the subject do not work at all.
Which, even on a pessimistic ruling, will completely no-sell his spell. On an optimistic ruling, it'll completely fuck up his Path to Victory.
Gavin Ortiz
Only surefire way: quit this bullshit campaign, thus preventing the villain's plan from unfolding.
Xavier Evans
The GM could easily rule that Golden Path doesn't target any of the players, just the BBEG. 1, That was my plan all along.
2, The Golden Path revealed he shouldn't come to this trap, so he sent a clone.
Jose Cook
>1, That was my plan all along. If the spell is so powerful it can essentially control (by predicting flawlessly) player actions, than you've already lost (and also your DM isn't actually giving you a fair chance, and is a cunt).
>2, The Golden Path revealed he shouldn't come to this trap, so he sent a clone. Except it won't, because the goal was "winning the dual," and a clone obviously doesn't count (since he's not fighting).
Carter Hall
>The GM could easily rule that Golden Path doesn't target any of the players, just the BBEG.
Still doesn't work - the "Golden Path" cannot gather or update any kind of information about the players.
Elijah Wood
1, Bingo. It sounds like that is EXACTLY what the spell does.
2, The Golden Path revealed your goal was a trap. If you asked it the best way to jump into a Volcano, it'd probably point out that's a bad idea.
Xavier Foster
He could rule it gathers information about how their actions influence the world, even if it can't see their actions directly.
Josiah Harris
>2, The Golden Path revealed your goal was a trap. If you asked it the best way to jump into a Volcano, it'd probably point out that's a bad idea.
Lolwut Why would the spell make judgments not asked of it? There's no reason for you to make it even more OP than it already is. You can't assume a spell intended to help you achieve your goals perfectly would tell you not to achieve those goals.
Bentley Long
You assume that the BBEG isn't always asking in terms of his overall goal. If jumping into a volcano nts him from achieving his overall goal, he would be told to avoid it.
Its not, "How do I leap into the caldera?" Its " How will leaping into the caldera aid me toward my goal of ultimate conquest?"
Same with the duel. "By winning the duel, will it aid my final goal?"
Caleb Campbell
>the precise course of action he needs to take to assure success
what if u simply put him before something he cant do? There must be a situation that has only one way of escape which would be impossible for him to deal with.
Gabriel Stewart
Getting trapped isn't success, the golden path leads him away from that outcome.
Angel Fisher
Eventually he will come to a point where to achieve his goal, he must die. All you need to do is wait for that to happen.
Asher Mitchell
What are his other abilities?
Landon Flores
First thing that comes to mind is putting him in a situation where there is absolutely no way out. Setting something up like that would be tough as hell, not to mention you'd have to do it without him seeing that ahead of time and using his Golden Path to avoid it.
Other thing to try is see if you can get that ability as well and use it against him.
Luis Ramirez
Im not talking about getting trapped
just hire an army big enough so he cant run, encircle him and wave your pointy end untill he fails to dodge
untill path of victory can teach him how to do teleport magic and break anti magic spells if it is the case, just repeat the process untill he is so tired he can no longer teleport himself away
Asher Myers
That way it's just DM fiat, so he's not actually beatable unless there is a way prebuilt into the campaign, like obtaining a counterspell.
To be beatable, that spell must have limits, otherwise you have ridicolous situations where the Villain poison your wizard meal the night before he learn Mind Blank.
But if the spell works for example by saying that in order to reach your ultimate objective you must steal the holy relic, but you must cast it again with that goal in order to learn how, then he's beatable by setting up a situation in which he completed his intermediate objective while making impossible for him to complete his ultimate one.
Like for example, if his current goal is to steal the holy relic, by putting the relic in a place that after he complete the objective of stealing it then there is no path for him to escape alive.
But as other people already said, it relies on the DM being actually good and not just using this spell as a way to make the villain unbeatable.
Logan Gutierrez
The spell isn't a general-purpose omniscient advisor. It "only" does one thing, and that is get you to a SPECIFIC goal you have in mind. You're way overextrapolating - there's no indication you can ask it yes/no or theoretical questions.
OP hasn't responded a single time. I'm pretty sure this is a bait thread but we're having fun anyway so it doesn't matter. Just don't expect further info.
Daniel Jones
>I'm not talking about being trapped, I'm talking about trapping him with an army
Being in the place where the army is isn't success, the Golden Path leads him elsewhere before the army arrives.
It sounds like the GM can easily just declare the Golden Path retroactively kept the BBEG safe.
Adam Russell
Looks like Mark Smylie's work. Could be his "Pagan Joan of Arc" series Artesia.
Liam Rivera
Based omn the fact OP is... >at my wits end ...I'm guessing its total GM fiat.
How's that theoretical? His goal is his ultimate end goal. You can't just claim the spell isn't going to consider the steps you have in mind.
Henry Collins
>His goal is his ultimate end goal.
It's like you didn't even read the OP before offering your opinion to everyone.
> shows him the "Golden Path" - the precise course of action he needs to take to assure success in whatever goal he has in his mind WHEN HE CASTS IT.
In principle, all you have to do to get around that spell is make sure he asks the wrong questions.
Jace Taylor
>This has essentially allowed him to carry out his entire plan (poisoning an aspect of humanity's shared subconscious) flawlessly despite every effort we've made to stop him.
Make an antidote lol. He has an end goal of poisoning the human subconscious? Let him, then immediately kill him.
Fix the damage afterwards.
Noah Morris
Let's say that every day the BBEG just casts it with a single question "How do I achieve my ultimate goal?"
If the players have set a trap, achieving the ultimate goal involves avoiding that trap. If they try to coax him onto an exploding planet, he will avoid that planet. If they want to encircle him with an army, he won't be where the army can catch him.
Because if any of those things happen, his final goal won't succeed. And the spell ensures his goal succeeds.
Daniel Barnes
Like I explain here All that means is he has to be single minded.
Zachary Flores
So where does this spell come from OP? What's the basis for it?
I mean, is the 'spell' just a mechanical way of representing Muad'Dib/Leto II, or is it an actual spell, with In-Universe origins?
If so, looking into those origins might just provide a way to beat it, or who created the spell. I mean, if a wizard came up with that kind of spell why is he/she not ruling a perfect utopia as an unageing god?
Angel Roberts
>>If they want to encircle him with an army, he won't be where the army can catch him.
One word: DISTANCE
1. get mercecenaries/zombies/whatever in radius of tens or even hundreds kilometers around the BBEG 2. give them some sort of tracking method so they wont be fooled by cheap disguises (soul scent or whatever) 3. make them encircle the BBEG 4. give them orders to basically kill and raze everything on their path
if BBEG uses his path of victory at any point he will notice he needs to get out of there ASAP but he cant because he isnt moving fast enough to avoid being encircled. We just need to have an army attacking from such a distance he cant outspace them with a horse. If path of victory gives teaches him teleportation - then teleportation has limits too, repeat the tactic untill he is out ouf mana. If path of victory leads him to some old witch whom can give him magic boots of gotta go fast - go to the same witch, get the same boots and catch him.
Connor Thompson
Because the creators original goal wasn't to do that maybe? Maybe all he wanted was to make a great sandwich? Maybe he was blind and used it as a seeing eye spell? "how do I buy milk without tripping over...?"
Leo Myers
Does the BBEG have leisure time? Is he likely to ask "will this disrupt my end goal?" if there is no disruption would he do it? He wouldn't need to be using his spell afterwards because he already knows the activity is fine to do. In this case kill him as he's doing the thing he enjoys. He has already committed to that decision so it has to be him. Why send a clone to play golf when you want to be playing? After a non-detection spell on yourself, just in case, and then go there and kill him. prepare an anti magic circle or something in case he can teleport.
to sum up 1. investigate to find his usual hang outs 2. prepare all necessary spells one way or another 3. go to hang out with him in it. 4. explain in detail to the DM your plan, and why you are doing it that way as you do it.
If the DM is reasonable it should work.
Jackson Diaz
You aren't getting how powerful this spell is. If there is a way, any way to bet out, the spell finds it.
>If this do that, if that do this You're pretty much saying the only way to counter him is to have the same ability and stalemate him
Blake Gomez
>If there is a way, any way to bet out, the spell finds it. how many ways to get out of the encirclement tactic you can come up with? Its about creating a situation with no way out.
Grayson Price
There are problems in this universe for which there are no answers. Nothing. Nothing can be done.
Oliver Morales
See If going to golf today ends without success, he can't do it. >He wouldn't need to be using his spell afterwards That is a collosal assumption. Why the hell wouldn't he use it all the damn time? He has no restrictions on its use.
Hudson Sullivan
>A situation with no way out No such thing, especially if the BBEG has a spell he could use constantly to find a way out.
Bentley Long
They need to build a no-chamber, immune to prescience. That's the only way. In other words, find ways to reach non detection out the wazoo. If epic levels are a thing, reach them or find an epic level caster to cast something on you. Or start a breeding program, become the bene gesserit. Basically, out Dune the Dune fan.
Owen Ward
BBEG has no such spell
its the gm that holds this power. Just outsmart him.
Robert Phillips
You assume your soldiers are infallible machines who draw a perfect impenetrable wall. If there is one weak link, the spell finds it. If there is one guy who can be bought, the spell finds him. If there is one chance to escape when a guy is distracted by a noise elsewhere, the spell shows you where this will happen.
Kevin Richardson
The GM controls the universe and can just say the Golden Path retroactively thwarted the players trick. Just because the GM didn't know, doesn't mean the spell didn't.
Jaxon Gonzalez
so use constructs under mind controll spell of level the BBEG cant break
Adam Murphy
Does the spell make him immune to getting stabbed in the fucking face
Ryder Diaz
>"Ignore these people or kill them to ensure you reach your goal"
Jeremiah Butler
From all the places on Veeky Forums only two anons noticed that reference? Shit scary and sad.
>Golden Path >shows precise course of action >poisoning an aspect of humanity's shared subconscious
So because OP is fag...
Just, Git gut and listen...
Breed people with traits that makes them invisible/resistant to that spell, make them an official right hand and advise BBEG and them wham! Drown that worm motherfu... i mean kill him or something.
Asher Howard
If there is a chance the golem army won't spot him, the spell shows you how to evade capture.
Even if there is only a one in a quintillion chance of getting away, the spell shows you how. That's the point.
Luis Collins
Then the BBEG interferes with the making of said constructs, by destroying the materials or w/e
Dylan Johnson
In every system that uses magic it takes a toll on its user. So, even if it's at-will with no cool down. It has to have some effect on him. Otherwise the DM would have just given him some bullshit magic eyes. So there has to be some time were he isn't using the spell.
Lucas Thomas
k tham makes three.
Still shit weird. I mess old Dune shitposting threads now.
Hudson Perez
does your setting have gods or any other very powerfull beings?
>contact a god who has to do something with fate, wisdom or chaos >ayy dude this wiseass right here is doin this path spell >it kinda sucks for you because he is crossing into your domain homie >maybe you can curse the spell so he cant use it anymore? if this works, then the golden path gives him: this is the last time you can use this spell, TRY TO REMEMBER ALL YOU HAD TO DO and he is a normal mortal. Untill GM pulls something like: he pleased the gods way before you could attend them.
Then go to a chaos god because they like to change their minds :V
Matthew Morales
You're all sitting around a table for a fancy dinner party. You, your party, you gm, your BBEG. To your left and right are a pair of napkins. There are enough napkins there for each of you to have one. Who decides whether you take the left of right napkin?
If you said yourself, you're wrong. The choice lays with the first person to reach forward and chose their napkin. If the BBEG reaches over and selects the napkin on the right everyone at the table must follow suit. He has been allowed to set the pace. Do not allow him to set the pace because with his ability you will never catch up. You can not win by reacting to him.
Take the first napkin.
Landon Parker
No, but it will ensure he's not in a position to get stabbed.
Connor Wright
or we just didn't acknowledge the reference
Ian Howard
The OP specifically stated this spell is at will with no cool down.
Christopher Cooper
Roll a psion and mess shut down his mind long enough to kill him