/cyoag/ CYOA General
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can someone post the super soldier cyoa pls?
also, how can i get photoshop for free so i can make CYOAs? or what photo editing software can/should I use?
*slowly raises paw*
Uhm. What would you guys like to see in a furry cyoa? Bullying not allowed!
It not existing.
Different stages of cancer you get for how furry your character becomes.
It seems we need SDA here.
An option to not become a furry in the new furry world order but if you don't then everyone will treat you like a hairless, deformed freak. You get to feel superior about your flabby humanity though.
When will the cuck cyoa be finished?
As a matter of rules lawyering, would a furry CYOA be allowed as long as there were no pictures?
I for one would like to see people not responding to the same tired as fuck troll yet again.
Seeing as how we've had plenty of lolicon cyoas, I don't see why not.
A choose your own death camp adventure where you can full role play as your personalized fursona as a prisoner in a ww2 german death camp.
The lack of impulse control is depressing.
You can get an old version of Photoshop (CS2) for free, google it.
I can't be arsed to post a multi page CYOA, but it's in the drive.
Come on user, we both know you don't need one.
I already finished it. I've been playing it for a few weeks.
You sissies can't have it though. Your dicks aren't big enough to satisfy it.
This was due 2mnths 6dys ago. I became sick and I apologize for the delay.
Pokemon Personified (36 Parts):
-2 New Stats + Character Building Sections Added
-Total of 87 New Companions Added
-New Items Added
-New Lore Added / Altered Character Movesets/Information
-New Events Added
-Official Move List / Ability List Added (+Detailing effects of moves and abilities)
Just have fun with the final version of this cyoa. Got any questions about the cyoa just ask.
Cyoas you'll most likely see next/Whichever I finish first:
0rder, a final fantasy-like companion cyoa.
Spire//Alter, a occult-modernish cyoa set in the same world as Dusk City.
Armored Core: Lost War (Remake), w/ focus on building an AC Mech from scratch.
Add-on Expansions to either: Picking-A-Goddess or Girls Military.
I need my daily dose of (you)s and today was a very bad day so I needed the extra large dose.
You know how you can get even more of them? More than could possibly fit in this thread?
Pheromones is an obvious choice as all other are more trouble then use in real world as you pretty much become a freak.
Usually you have to die before they do a biography on your life. So, as soon as you die, the author can start working.
>it's a "the second most furry board on Veeky Forums pretends it's not furry" episode
This lack of self awareness.
Jesus christ, you absolute madman.
I'll have to go over this when I get off work.
>implying cyoa containment thread has anything to do with the rest of this board
when everyone is a freak, no one is a freak. Meanwhile, everyone knows you're a rapist.
Your autism is terrifying.
The sad thing is that almost no one will play this until it is presented in a more readily accessible format.
Reposting since it's the start of the thread
we have the best autistic lesbian Canadians in this thread. The best.
Just because an infestation is larger, does not mean it is more acceptable.
I try to learn from the best cyoa makers.
Anyone have the cyoa where you were a demon/monster and you had to protect some group of people, I think you were specifically a rape demon/monster and them giving you women to fuck was your payment for protecting them, this may not exist and is just something that makes my dick hard but I think it exists
I know it exists, but I think it never got past the pastebin stage.
it's in one of the collections in the pastebin, but it's text-only. I think it's called "submissive demon" or something.
>Gender: boy
>Age: 12
>father: Jack
>mother: Leon
>Lilly (challenge)
>Alex (challenge)
>non-blood related Spark
I want to protect Lilly's smile, help Alex get a bf, and marry Spark!
This sounds decent
anyone have the Dark God cyoa?
Anyone have ANY decent cyoa that isn't complete fetish cancer?
Can I have a version where I castrate white man in a german ww2 death camp in a cyoa?
You have no idea.
I'll make another build later tonight.
Here, have one based on a video game.
I knew you'd be back, good work friend.
Now I have to download all of these pages, though.
>So many great CYOAs exist and never get posted
>This is the shit that constantly gets posted
this is why people keep saying /cyoag/ is dead
thank you
So why aren't you posting those great CYOAs that exist and never get posted?
Does this one count as a great cyoa?
Hemomancy is still best.
Is this supposed to be a mystery box? I can't seem to remember.
>Does this one count as a great cyoa?
Not if you ask me (I'd rate it as "meh"), but not sure about the one what complained in the first place.
isn't this the one where everyone concluded fire users would just kill everyone else
Life Geomancer is clearly the best option.
It's the speshul snoeflaak option.
>Expansion to Picking-A-Godess
Are you going to post the second page?
>Not choosing water
>Literally the chillest
>Make waves on sandy beaches
>Become friend to surfers
>And best lifeguard
>Everyone loves you as tan up and practice
>Stride out to drowning people and help them up with a moses-style parting of water
Who needs power? I got comfy.
As far as I'm aware, is pretty new.
That's retarded and you'll have to explain why you think it's even a possibility.
The options are all so cool that I can't make up my mind.
Wait 'til you see the second page (which I'm posting since either can't be arsed or didn't save it or whatever)!
Is it fine to assume unless otherwise noted like Dragon that a type isn't very effective against it's own type?
sorry, got distracted.
I think I'm gonna go Invader.
Are you planning on modifying the points given for Events? Cause +25 points in exchange for having to fight The End is kinda a shitty deal.
Oh, well I'll try and find a great one, then.
How about this?
>Not choosing hemomancy
>Dying of old age.
I think I found the main fault of the cyoa.
Since you're still asking me, I say "meh".
Are you saying meh because I am asking you, or because the cyoa's quality is "meh"?
im gonna need some more points
Leon is said right there to be against homosexuality...
What do you like?
I'm saying that I'm not the person who was bemoaning that great CYOAs that exist go unposted.
And that I think the CYOA in question was "meh" (as is the one you posted along with the question I'm answering).
Stuff that gets me one or more of the trifecta of shapeshifting, immortality, and comfort. Lewd stuff is nice, too.
>the longer you wield the power
What power? Summoning fairies? Whatever.
Shamefully requesting someone post some escapist waifu cyoas
new laptop so i can't post any myself, sorry, i genuinely would if i could
>the trifecta of shapeshifting, immortality, and comfort.
Here. 1/7
Holy fucking shit
I was like 70% sure you might be actually dead
You da real MVP
Noticed an error you listed Ice as being strong against dragon but dragon isn't listed as being weak against ice.
The "evil" aspects don't really mesh with "comfort", which is why I'll pass on that one.
>All that CYOA to read through
Okay, well here is a different one.
God damn you, I have things to do!
Are you guys certain that the cyoa is okay as it is?
You have shit taste in response images.
That one's worse.
>Last few parts of Pasille's profile
Wew lad. Somebody is unfuckinghinged.
But it has comfort. And potential immortality.
Alright, how about this one?
>But it has comfort.
It has less comfort than the one before it.
>Alright, how about this one?
These are all pretty mediocre, but keep posting!
Alright, let's try again.
i remember that one, there's no shapeshifting of any real worth
Will this do?