So who's ready for some Savage Rifting?
>PDF Books:
So who's ready for some Savage Rifting?
>PDF Books:
>Book could have been cool.
>Instead the entire continent is wasted on a metaplot no one gives a shit about.
So is there a digital copy of Heroes of Humanity or is it Physical Only at the moment?
What was the metaplot? Cause so far that picture is cool enough for any metaplot
It had something to do with the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse I think? I still need to go through the old world books once a conversion guide of some sort gets released in order to yank all the cool setting and gear from them.
The scenario was fine, it just had bugger-all to do with anything remotely "African".
Then again seeing the embarrassing job KS did with almost every other culture in the world, having him simply not talk about any specific african culture might be for the best.
Just got a copy from HPB for the hell of it. $6 why not?
>Rifts was intro to RPG life
>Found D&D
>Crushed that Rifts had shit system
>System revamp?
>Spirit lifted
A prophecy revealed that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had manifested in Africa, and were trying to meet up in order to combine into a single mega-powerful being of utter destruction. So all the major heroes of Rifts Earth plus a bunch of actual fucking gods got together to try and stop them, while the pharaoh of the Phoenix Empire was sending villains out to fight them because he was a nutso bastard who worshipped the Horseman of Death.
Updated the Savage Rifts armor chart with the new stuff from the Coalition Field Manual.
It's also part of a larger vision/prophecy of doom that was experienced by psychics throughout the world, warning of "seven demons and four dangers" that would befall earth. Other likely candidates for the demons/dangers include the Mechanoids (the prophecy was first described in their sourcebook), Xiticix, Mrrlyn, and the Minion War.
Are you me? The D&D 3.0 rules seemed incredibility elegant and well balanced when I first saw them, because Rifts and other Palladium games were my only point of reference.
This was the newest book out last time I played Rifts. Now I'm planning a game using Savage Rifts.
They still managed to fit in some offensive stuff. Like how Africa is the only continent where all the humans have reverted to living as primitive tribal peoples. The only civilization is an evil empire ruled by monsters.
>Coalition Field Manual.
The What Now?
Rifts Africa is basically just the sourcebook for Good and Evil gods, necromancy, shamans and some undead.
But really, most of it was "inspired by Kevin Long's drawings", as Kevin Siembieda admits in the text.
And those are pretty badass.
Africa is a lot like that now
>"inspired by Kevin Long's drawings"
Who has not been inspired by his art?
It is amazing and my all time favorite, I wish he had more work out there.
How is that offensive?
What did he do after he had that falling out with Palladium?
I don't remember him doing anything for any other RPG company? Did he do commercial illustrations?
Is that in the updated list of books? I haven't seen it.
Ironically it almost makes a better "Demons invading earth" storyline than the actual Demons invading earth storyline.
Now if they would do a Rifts: Africa that 1. Actually gave some detail on AFRICA, and 2. Didn't go full-racist and actually had some technological cultures of surviving african human beings, that might make a decent sourcebook.
Small PDF that came out today with CS armor, weapon, power armor and robot stats.
Oh, neat. Is that a KS backer reward or something?
Anyone care to upload it?
>this thread shall LIVE
>map for the map gods
Would love if someone uploaded this book. Plan on using the Coalition in force against my player characters to show that the Coalition isn't some third rate power to push over.