How would you do a music-based BBEG?
How would you do a music-based BBEG?
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Nonon Jakuzure
>another dumb BBEG thread
Make him the Prince of fucking Darkness
>Lich bard
>Instruments are carved from resurrected monster, dragon, giant skeletons, etc.
So he sits on like a giant skeleton's head and the top of the giant's skull and back have been carved into his horrible cursed organ that he works his magic from. He's attended by banshees and the zombies of great musicians.
An ambitious Siren who uses song as a form of mind control.
with thematically appropriate music?
An awful lot of Queen would be involved, I can tell you that much.
First post, is as always, best post.
>Lich Bard
I got you bro
Example one is the first of two songs used during the fight, switched when the boss reaches half life and uses her overdrive. I'd recommend looking up a vid, as the tone of the combat changes drastically.
Example two goes with running through the song's first bit, hitting the hype point when the PC does something awesome, then continuing to the next part of the song.
Our last example has the player nullifying by matching the rythem to try and prevent waves of world destruction. Quite literal, here.
The music is loud. Too loud. Soon the noise will wake things that must be left asleep.
To hell with Cadence, Aria best girl.
Noodle is pure, she'd never be a bad guy
None no from whence they came, but they brought with then an unstoppable power. Their drops are so dirty that entire armies kneel down weeping, traumatised by such a terrifyingly display. Their rhythm so sick that whole cities are turned to dust from the vibration. Beams from light pour from them, destroying soilder, wizard, peasant and hater.
Is there none that can stop their nasty flow? Gods help us
I dunno...a 18th level bard, maybe a few levels into wizard.
Do what you want...
There are but two with a pure enough sound to stand up to the fat, undulating tones of these metallic titans. But each is as different as night and day, light and dark, heaven and earth. Where one soars high with notes of fluid grace and clean vocals, the other delves in the earthy places, dredging for the rusting, grinding sounds of machine chopped voices and murky vibrations.
This will be a historic battle, with melodies and chord of such construct that no sane mind could hear them and be left unaltered, perhaps even shattered. It's outcome will be decided by the merge of the the Pure Ones. Their success or failure is the triumph or doom of us all.
>Aria best girl.
She's old enough to be your grandma, user.
Literally just MC Ride.
wow, a campaign where the bbeg wins
>Implying any of those hopeless twats could stand against Daft Punk
implying I wasn't aware of that.
All hail the Daft Lords. May their shining bodies never corrode and their magical gear fill the air until sound itself dies!
One of my players once had a character idea he's never used, that I think would work perfectly for a BBEG, inspired by an Infernal charm from Exalted 2e(pic related)
His basic idea was a guy who wears noise cancelling headphones, or something, and basically keeps himself deafened 99% of the time. When combat kicks up, though, he would start blasting music through his headphones and a set of speakers, and channel sound as a weapon.
>tfw I've been reading Unknown Armies lately, and I just realized this could work as a "Musomancer" or something
>tfw your DM won't let your bard use a melodica
Holy shit! The Third one was awesome.
They added the track to a drum arcade machine, and I think the drumming adds something to it, in some places, at least.
Just wish it didn't have the happy cartoon voice for the combo parts!
Wow.. a deaf character that makes everyone else deaf during combat. That would be a real joy to deal with during playtime.
Have the BBEG sing about his crimes like the mariachis. He could be the head of a large cartel and pay bards to sing about him so he could live forever in song.
Necromancer bard that is doing a ritual summoning of the God of life in order to drain it and become a God himself. He has an Aztec theme, and drums are constantly playing. His somatic components are intricate dances. He keeps people in cages to drain their soul to fuel his magic.
I think you're mixing up to different mexican music genres, let me throw a third one into the mix for extra confussion
The lack of Noise Marines is offensive.
I'd imagine an enemy in OP's setting could come up with a 'song of unmaking,' something the PCs would have to decode and write a solution to. A 'song of the world,' perhaps. The could split their fight between maintaining the music and regular combat, literally bard dueling to the death.
Clown Bard with an accordion.
Make him a demented necromancer
Buffy tvs once more with feeling
well, we got 6 already defaulting to lich/necromancer for all their BBEGs.
Additionally, we got your traditional "deafen everybody with loud screeching" and "music as mind control" schticks. Unimpressive, but at least somewhat related.
pretty disappointed overall.
someone discovered a heward's mystical organ and is unknowingly causing untold destruction by playing it. where the effects are present, it is preceded by a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a once popular melody that the populace has begun to fear.
the organ it has enough of a level of intelligence to knows it enjoys being played and has magically addicted the organist to it, causing the player to produce effects that insulate him from the world to leave him to his music
Now that's what I'm talking about. Good Job, user.
The floor tiles in that video were very pretty
>Mutants & Masterminds
>40k RP
Evocation/Support mage with a musical motiff
Make him black metal as fvck, actively attempting to summon demon lords or archdevils into the world via human sacrifice, while he sends his minions to capture sacrifices and burn temples.
Evil bard using an organ as his musical instrument. Seeking to establish some kind of amplification network to relay his malign tune across the land, and eventually the world.
Final showdown music:
I'd make him/her really infuential. Everyone loves his music, he's got tons of bards working as spies and assassins for him, loads of money and rock star attitude. He's good at manipulating people, with music and with words.
Generally I find bards really fucking dumb, but some subtle enchantment-type spells in vein of Pied Piper are okay. Either that, or really go over the top. But I think the key thing is swagger.
>implying they can't be stopped by the pinncale of manliness and music- manly men using the power of gachimuchi.
A doppelganger who murdered one member of a famous troupe of bards and assumed his identity.
And I come back 8 hours later to notice I didn't actually post the video link.
I've read something about a guy doing/planning a campaign with Dethklok inspired Noise Marines
speaking of obligatory
>i'm not personally entertained so this is dumb
It's canon she gets double-teamed by Murdoc & 2D and she loves it
to be fair crypt of the necrodancer is already a game.
wat. care to elaborate?
The players enter the final room and are greeted by a marvelous sight. The chamber appears to be a hollowed out spiral shell of incomprehensible size. Light streams down from a singular hole in the roof and ricochets off the sand along the floor and the iridescent walls. In the center stands what appears to be a child, but with blue skin. She turns to face the party as they enter. Her eyes are completely white and she wears a simple white smock. In her hand a small flute with intricate carvings dangles limply. She opens her mouth to speak but her lips do not move. Instead the players hear a voice, old and hungry, that sounds like it comes from inside them.
> "I am Tylokil, the spirit tasked with the protection of these lands. You and so many others have trespassed on my land for far too long. I will not only bring my vengeance to my guarded lands, but the whole realm! I have been biding my time, and now it is finally the hour of my return. This girl's body will provide a fine vessel for my conscious as I reenter the material plane. I will kill you who stand in my way first with nothing more than a child's flute as a display of my power!"
As the voices last words flow through their minds the party readies to attack. In response the child raises the flute to her lips and begins to play a quick tune. The light notes echo off the walls of the giant shell in a reverberation that shakes the players to their core. As the music picks up speed the sand along the ground begins to writhe and form into strange shapes. Suddenly a tentacle of sand snaps up and grabs the warrior's wrist, forcing him to drop his sword. Similar bindings grapple the rest of the party. Behind the girl the sand tentacles begin to meld together in a larger shape. After a few moments a dragon of sand stands behind her, and let's out a piercing roar that seems to oddly accompany the music. The roar does disrupt their bonds long enough for them to dislodge and grab their weapons. Roll for initiative.
Hatsune Miku
Some kind of gigantic pipe organ or calliope in a ruined citadel. Perhaps the boss is the one playing this gigantic instrument, and every tune he plays dictates attacks to his clockwork/steam/holy army. Manic preacher amped up to 11 kinda deal.
Music Meister.
Rip off Lollipop chainsaw shamelessly
Loved Chainsaw's villain design: hated it's boss fight implementation. Seriously, they have a music theme going, but the stage music for each fight fails to mirror the bosses, and the bosses don't engage in any rhythm based attacks. Zed gets close with his screams, but everyone else could use some TEMPO.
i suppose they were trying to tell us that their music was better than any of the individual boss'.
which is quite big headed of them but i can see why they were in that mindset
Tilerapist is that you?
Serial killer bard using a spell from 3.5 dnd called dance of ruin, going around to tavern after tavern and attracting crowds before killing them all. The band is a bunch of tieflings on a vendetta of revenge against a society that scorned them in pretty cruel ways. The BBEG is a violinist
sure she's a massive whore but I don't see her as villain material
Even in death, his riffs are crushing and literally face-melting.
Bonus points for being a happy drunk villian who just wants to have fun, even though his version of fun decimates armies.
More bonus points to have a whole bunch of undead guitarists based on irl, all with their different styles and characteristics.
The Rifflords commeth
>Dimebag, not a useless druggy
>The Fifflord never left
I specifically chose him because of his self destructive personality, I love Dimebag but he was indeed a druggy.
Useless? I don't know about that
obligatory indeed
a harpy named bjork
Sadistic Music Factory.
Wesley Willis.
He will headbutt you and whip Spider Man's ass.
banshee named Yoko Ono
Watch the second movie based on the cartoon that is often likened to a purple dinosaur and might earn you a ban
A new challenger comes up.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
A giant version of those windup monkeys that slam cymbals together
Are we talking like... Godzilla sized?
At the very least
That was a neat little game, Juliet a shit tho
Years and years ago, I came up with a really stupid idea. I wanted to try multiclassing a Barbarian and a Bard with a custom weapon I made up called a War Lute.
The idea was that you could play it like a regular loot, but if you should be so inclined, you'd hold it by the neck and put your fingers in the right place, then you'd smash it against one of the paddles on either side, causing the spring assembly to violently strum a pick (that stuck out from the center hole) across the strings from behind. Repeat that in a rhythm and you'd have a pretty steady series of strums with a loud crashing bass thump from the paddles.
I never went anywhere with it, but I still have the drawing for some god-only-knows reason
Rythmic enthrallment attacks. The BBEG uses a mildly enchanted drum or bass that makes people fall into the rhythm of the song, and then wrecks them by fighting around them.