Magic: The Gathering Modern General
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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
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Despite everyone crying about how powerful SB cards are in Modern, I've really enjoyed this GP so far. The meta's wide-open, the closest thing we have to a "best deck" is either Jund or Bant Eldrazi, and the games by and large were interesting to watch.
>the games by and large were interesting to watch
Sure if you ignore all of the games that were won the instant a sideboard card hit the field.
>>are competitive
>>are cheaper than most modern decks
sure user ;^)
im very excited to play that amazing legacy burn deck
You mean like that Dredge player mulling to 4 and still making a run at it vs Anafenza? The Eldrazi player winning through a T3 blood moon with just an hierarch on his field?
Legacyfags are delusional at times
>select "Legacy"
>type "parfait"
>get one result from T4 at "Krems Leagcy League #1"
Does anyone else feel like Eldrazi Temple is more powerful than Eye of Ugin in the Eldrazi deck? Eye of Ugin was often an awkward card in that it didn't provide both the discount and the required to cast eldrazi.
T1 Land, Hierarch T2 Temple -> Thought-Knot
T1 Temple T2 Temple -> Thought-Knot
Are both relatively common starts, whereas it's almost impossible to get a T2 Thought-Knot off of Eye. Temple's insane with Displacer, Eye's not. With Eye you need Eye + colorless lands, with Temple you don't.
Almost the only advantage with Eye is that you can Mimic rush or Thought-Knot + Smash on T6 if you have + Eye, but I'm more worried about them each coming down early than them both coming down on T6.
Tl;dr - Is Temple more powerful than Eye in Eldrazi decks?
Remember all those times that Eldrazi killed on T2-T3 with multiple Mimics into TKS and Reality Smasher? That was why Eye was the one to go.
The ability to play the long game and fix colorless is a net positive for the deck, but nothing compared to the "vomit your hand and kill you like Affinity on steroids" that Eldrazi Spring had.
You can't play TKS or Smasher on T2-T3 without Temple. The earliest you can play TKS is T3, the earliest you can play Smasher is T4. The fact that Eye doesn't help you pay colorless mana is huge, especially when many of your lands and your dorks don't produce .
Eye is actually worse in the early game and better in the long game; in the long game it gets to tutor threats. You may be able to vomit a bunch of early Mimics, but they're very vulnerable to sweepers when you can't play a big eldrazi on T2.
Git rekt cunt
since professional up ticking liliana plays is over for today, let's post some modern waifus
Waifufags are disgusting.
XMage retard from yesterday here
I was finally able to get something to happen by specifying the location of the file in cmd when trying to open it, but all that I got was this
Anyone have any idea what's going on here?
Husbandofags even more so
W-what if my waifu isn't modern legal?
You watch your mouth around best walker
>best walker
>some delusional dingus who can't let go of the dead
Good taste here
here's some more shit if helps
I have no idea what I'm looking at
>current year
>being a lore fag
>liking a walker purely out of design
I know you only like Koth for his design since he's a shit card.
t-that's ok too
It could be nostalgia. Koth was good on and off during Standard when he was legal.
Nostalgiafags are the worst fags of them all
I think we can all agree that Gideon Jura is the best designed planeswalker card.
80% of the GP promos look like shit compared to the original artworks.
The SFM one is alright, but I still like the original more.
Atleast it's not this abomination
Holy shit why? When was this printed?
>Wizards of the Coast GP 2013b
Beats me.
New Lili is 10/10.
I mean, just look at that god damn pose.
Thats one of the best promo arts though.
doesnt look good but i dont see whats so bad either
I'm okay with some of them. The GP Chrome Mox not being a Volkan Baga is shit though.
Nielsen's Lotus Cobra is an absolute masterpiece.
>no tummy
>no tiddy
Does this see play?
Nobody cares about TKS or Smasher on T2-T3, we care about playing TKS or Smasher onto a board with 2-3 Mimics on it.
Not even in one deck.
slugbox is love, slugbox is life
at least when he's not busy drawing horsefuckery
I'm sure quite a bit in EDH
You're getting file system permission errors. Don't install XMage directly under your C:\ drive root. Windows doesn't like non-SYSTEM processes writing there. Make a directory under c:\users\ and put the files there.
Let's play a game of Side-by-Side.
Share your opinions.
The original is better for every one except Cobra, Pulse, and MAYBE Jitte.
only gp's i like more than he original are batterskull, pulse, guide, herd and spiritmonger
thanks dood, appreciate it
All Is Dust: (Normal version) way better overal picture, better quality and detail, etc.
Batterskull: (tie) the Promo shows movement (destroying it's path) which I enjoy, but I prefer the normal Batterskull's design.
Call of the Herd: (Promo) I really enjoy cards that show movement, more impactful.
Chrome Mox: (Normal) The mirrodin artstyle is simply very pleasant to look, also the Promo looks like a common card.
Goblin Guide: (Promo, but just a little) both pictures are very pleasant, and both show the "guide" part.
Griselbrand: (tie) they are both very brutal and show the card's power.
Lotus Cobra: (Normal) the promo is nice, but I dislike the "frame" around the picture. The Worldwake version is simply masterful.
Maelstrom Pulse: (tie) If you enjoy reds/oranges, get the promo, if you enjoy blues/greens, get the normal. They are both destructive.
Primeval Titan: (Normal) I simply can't enjoy it's Promo artstule, the normal version is literally stomping trees in It's passage, the Promo is just standing there, posing for a picture, Warhammer 40k style.
Spiritmonger: (promo) I'm not the most found of the older designs, also the Promo looks menancing.
Stoneforge Mystic: (Normal) I love the Zendikar's version, the main advantage is the fact it is FORGING in the picture. Not to say the Promo is bad, in the contrair, it's very pretty, specially the background, but it looks a simple Kor creature, and not the "Ban Worth" mythic.
Umezawa's Jitte: (Normal) has a moon, like where the game's table will reach when the oponent tries to flip it. the Promo just likes like a normal equipment.
This is just my opinion.
>All is Dust
Original. Part of it might be that the frame on the promo one looks more opaque, probably for readability, but it robs it of some of the sense of scale the original has.
There's something weirdly CG looking about the promo one, but otherwise I prefer it.
>Call of the Herd
Promo. The original isn't very dynamic.
>Chrome Mox
Original. The promo isn't even a Baga.
>Goblin Guide
No strong preference.
No strong preference.
>Lotus Cobra
Promo, easily.
>Maelstrom Pulse
No strong preference.
>Primeval Titan
Original. The promo having a bunch of gear makes it feel less "primeval" and feral.
Promo, I guess, but I can't say I care too much about Spiritmonger.
>Stoneforge Mystic
Original, mainly because nothing about the promo art ties into her profession, and it's neat that the original is the basis for Nahiri's later appearances.
>Umezawa's Jitte
I can see the arguments for either. Original focuses more on the actual piece of equipment, while the promo looks more like it's depicting an action. However, the promo does more to highlight that it is specifically Umezawa's by featuring him and better conveys that it's legendary because of that, whereas the original easily looks like it could be a generic weapon.
only better one is the cobra.
and maybe the spiritmonger.
No problem. If you're still getting errors post them and I'll see if I can help.
I went 3-1 with goyfshift at fnm yesterday.
>round one
>round 2
nahiri control. surrak dragonclaw was a beast game 2. Game one I was able to beat him down with goyf+omen.
>round 3
RG tron! game one I was able to beat down with goyf and got 3 damage in with omen. the winning blow was with sukura tribe elder after cryptic tapping down his ulamog. game 3 I hit chalice on karn and was able to topdeck a timely land for game.
>round 4
got rolled by zoo. I had almost 0% chance game one because of some weird changes I made. game two I didnt see any of my sideboard cards.
all in all 2-1 is good. I got 2nd and got some packs that I traded in for store credit. my current list is playing 0 red spells in the main and I am really liking the consistency its giving me. I think if I sideboard more heavily for the linear matchups it will perform better.
Ajani saw play in tokens before Sorin and intangible virtue were printed, now he is edged out from the competition.
All Is Dust: Original
Batterskull: Promo
Call of the Heard: Promo
Chrome Mox: Original
Goblin Guide: Original
Griselbrand: Original
Lotus Cobra: Promo
Maelstrom Pulse: Promo
Primeval Titan: Original
Spiritmonger: Promo
Stoneforge Mystic: Original
Umezawa's Jitte: Original
>scars of mirrodin
you cant nostalgia for something that isnt old
i run him in my makeshift soul sisters. not exactly a necessity, but always a fun time if he hits the field
Just saw Bant Company place 2nd in a Modern PPTQ.
These are the better versions
>Promo All is Dust
>Regular Batterskull
>Promo Call of the Herd
>Regular Chrome Mox
>Regular Goblin Guide
>Regular Griselbrand
>Regular Lotus Cobra
>Promo Maelstrom Pulse
>Regular Primeval Titan
>Promo Spiritmonger
>Regular Stoneforge Mystic
>Regular Umezawa's Jitte
>a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
Scars standard is a period of the past. Yes, you can be nostalgic for something that isn't "old", though old is a subjective term there.
>Regular All Is Dust
>Regular Batterskull
>Promo Call of the Herd
>Regular Chrome Mox
>Regular Goblin Guide
>Regular Griselbrand
>Regular Lotus Cobra
>Promo Maelstrom Pulse
>Regular Primeval Titan
>Promo Spiritmonger
>Regular Stoneforge Mystic
>Regular Umezawa's Jitte
Tough choices, as some cards have multiple great artworks like Pulse.
>say Eldritch Evolution is pretty decent and has a place in modern
>get 200 replies saying "NOT BIRTHING POD SO UNPLAYABLEEEE!!!!!"
>it gets played
I get the feeling Veeky Forums is bad at magic
I get the feeling that you're exaggerating.
I want either Carrion Feeder reprinted or Stoneforge Mystic unbanned so I can finally play a deck I actually want to play in this over(accidentally)tailored format.
GP Stonewaifu > WWK Stoneforge just because GP one doesn't look exactly like that whore Nahiri.
Actually, it's Nahiri that looks like Stoneforge Mystic.
>All is Dust
Spaghuetti vs apocalypse monster blowing shit up. Original wins.
Iron penis vs ram rod. YMMV.
>Call of the Herd
African elephant vs asian elephants. GP wins.
>Chrome Mox
Shitty amulet vs chromed ball. Original wins.
>Goblin Guide
Thoughtfull vs akward. GP wins.
Massive vs menacing. YMMV.
>Lotus Cobra
Wish it was painted on my wall vs cute snek. GP wins.
>Maelstrom Pulse
Lightning vs sonic booms. GP wins.
>Primeval Titan
Whatever this is vs forest hobo. Original wins.
Walker vs Angus. YMMV
>Stoneforge Mystic
Qt 3.14 vs Nahiri. GP wins.
>Umezawa's Jitte
Umezawa vs the jitte. YMMV.
5 GP wins, 3 originals, 4 ties.
I have this one, it's the most horrible looking card ever printed
Here's a smaller, WMCQ edition
>tfw stopped updating
Steve fucking Argyle
>Game 3 I hit chalice on Karn
>mfw I yesterday played Howling Mine into 3x Temporal Mastery on Miracle into combo
Hardly rekt. Dredge already breaks the rules of Magic, and the Eldrazi player won because he just happened to have the right combination of cards already. There was no outplaying, there was no strategy. That's what really annoys me about Magic these days; there isn't any real strategy or thinking to the game in 99% of matches.
What would you say constitutes real strategy and thinking in Magic?
Knowing what cards to put back with Brainstorm, or whether to shuffle off a Ponder. Modern has a dire lack of cards that force you to choose between options, and it makes the format very dull and solved feeling.
Serum Visions makes you Scry 2, but I guess that's about it.
I'm getting into legacy and one of the bigger differences I notice is how Legacy demands that you think significantly through the order in which you play your lands, which directly impacts your line of play. The existence of Wasteland makes this decision making significantly more complex than in Modern, where the mana base practically fixes itself.
Are you ready?
Ready for you to be dissapointed, maybe
>Stoneforge Mystic promo
Is this confirmation that it will be unbanned soon?
Not him, but every deck that you need to think when to cast an important spell or when to leave manas untapped to protect yourself while attacking.
Most of Modern strong decks can completely ignore your opponent gameplan without too much thinking.
Interesting decks imo are stressful and unstable, but i've won more with linear and boring decks such as Burn.
no, the card sees huge play in eternal formats.
>Dark Depths reprint
>Jitte reprint
Woa, I wonder if that means unban?
I'm making a dumb, creature-heavy deck that runs WBRG for Siege Rhino and Woolly Thoctar. What other creatures can I cram in it? I'm considering Brutal Hordechief and Phyrexian Obliterator.
not even there lad
>Dumb SJW Gaby calling Darkslick Shores "Dakmore Salvage"
>Provides dumpster tier commentary across the board
But atleast she has a vagina!
why not go full retard and play the 5c Ziggurat deck
It sounds like you value blue above all else.
how would you guys build an infect sideboard that only has to deal with the following decks
eldrazi tron
kiki chord
grixis delver
Tie, they both look sweet.
>St. Traft
Original looks better. Traft looks less solid and the candles are nice.
I really don't like the close-up view, so original easily.
>Abrupt Decay
I can go either way on this one. The promo has a nice sense of anguish to it though.
>Jund, Grixis
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, Wild Defiance
>Kiki Chord
Dismember, Twisted Image
>Eldrazi Tron
Not sure, haven't played against that deck.
Propably same as Kiki Chord though.
Shouldn't you be faster than elves?
>Being this obsessed with revealing clothing
Go play yugioh faggot, Liliana is fucking sexy
>Shouldn't you be faster than elves?
Not the same guy but they're not always faster than Elves but the play/draw is really important but when playing Elves unless Infect has an Apostle's Blessing or a Distortion Strike to swing past then I will throw a bunch of Elves to block in front of their dudes all day long because I have a bajillion of them to hit him with afterwards.
>eldrazi tron
Nature's Claim, viridian corrupter
Wild Defiance, spell pierce, dispel, dryad arbor, spellskite
>kiki chord
Wild Defiance, spell pierce, dispel, spellskite, dismember
>grixis delver
Wild Defiance, spell pierce, dispel, spellskite
Dismember, spellskite
Any thought on replacing 1-2 Become Immenses and/or Distortion strikes with Rancors? In a meta full of Affinity, Tokens and Death and Taxes.
>Simian Spirit Guides blocking Geists
>Psionic Blasts to win the game
What the FUG.
>mono blue delver
>psionic blast
anime literally saving modern
Original everything except Griselbrand.
he lost like a bitch
When i talked about attacking and protecting I was talking about a Boros Ally Equipment that I built for Standard. It's a deck that can win turn 3 without interaction or 4 with heavy interaction with a good hand. It's also very unstable, sometimes it's slow and there are too many elements for the strategy take off. You have to be very careful with creatures while dealing a big amount of damage in a short time. It's completely different from Combo or Burn.