WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General

Emperor's Teeth! It's time for a new WIP thread!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>I am the hammer! I am the point of His spear! I am the mail about His fist! I am the bane of His foes!

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Reposting from old thread, here's an Exalted Deathbringer I finished recently. Trying to git gud at painting so please do crit

Has anyone ever seen more of these Tau minis?

What you guys think of my Ghurk? Almost done. Comparatively speaking of course, this thing is fucking huge.

Made the Mk2 a bit fatter going to add some plasticard to feel the strange gaps, and add a layer to the top. (Taking extra care mostly out of respect of the old model)

Trying to figure out what to do about the bum.


Anybody know what kind of gloves are safe to use with goof off? Id rather not get that stuff on my hands.
>asking from last thread

rubber gloves should be fine

My ultra smurf. I had enough bitz lying around to make 5 marines so this is what I got.


>Trying to git gud at painting so please do crit
I think he painting itself it alright, you have a pretty huge problem with composition here though. Specifically focus.
Right now the brightest part of the miniature are the golden/blue guys on the base.
The Deathbringer itself has such a dark skin color and no visual accents to speak of he does not stand out at all in comparison.

Imo what you should do is, add more dirt and grime to the guys on the base to try to take some of the brightness away and tone done the color contrasts there. Cause again the deathbringer only has red and grey to combat the gold and blue.
Once you've taken down the colors on the base a notch I'd go back to the deathbringer itself and sharpen the highlights on the miniature. The skin could benefit from another step in the highlight, it doesn't even have to be big, just enough to give it better visual definition.
If you do that you should think of a way to accentuate the face of the mini. A subtle way to do that could be making the highlights on the face ever so slightly lighter or making the light/dark and color contrast of his eyes pop more. Red eyes on next to red skin doesn't look as interesteing as red and ice blue or yellow for example. That's a contrast between primary colors and would pack a better visual punch. Right now you got a yellow/blue contrast like that on your basing material, with drowns out the rest of you miniature.
Another way to focus the eye on the face could be to use the horns and topknot to frame it somehow. For example subtly working a gradient into the horns towards the face to get lighter and lighter would lead the eye to the face as well.

First and foremost the mini has compositional problems, which should be easy enough to fix if you spent a little time thinking about the colors and values on your piece.

Jesus Christ, please tell me this is a recast?


Pretty fucking outstanding.
I love a nurgle miniature that isn't just smothered in washes and technical paints.
Really lovely work.

>[safe to use with goof off]
>rubber gloves should be fine

Rubber kitchen gloves might last you a few minutes before the fingers start sloughing off. I tried neoprone work gloves, and they lasted a little bit longer. Now I have some very thick leather work gloves I use with it. They're completely ruined, but they protect my fingers better than anything else I've found so far.

Looking good so far. I'd blend the yellow into the red a little bit and do something with the horns and arm teeth.

Yes and no. The repressor from FW had the same problem. Along with other shit casting. So the recasters used shit FW to make recast.

There are very few FW Repressors out there without the problem.

That base is silly, you should have only used one Stormcast and cut him up and converted him into a more natural pose on the ground, maybe sculpt entrails and viscera onto the base.

Thanks man! It's taking me forever.

All the bone will eventually look rotted like the bones coming out of his head. Thanks for the input my friend I'll try to blend that yellow a bit better. Here's another pic for you guys.

Also here's the finished arm teeth.

back parts from a chimera may help, they're spare in some of the alternate forms so someone should have some laying around in a bits box

looks slimy and scary, perfect man

That's incredible detail, dude, give yourself a pat on the back.


This is really awesome! Could we get a pic of the base? I'd like to know what you used for the maggots.

You got it man. They are fucking handmade with a green stuff roller that makes tentacles. I made them out of polymer clay. I'll show you the spares in a sec.

>Rolled hundreds of tiny maggots
>put cork in place to shape the "rivers" but didn't glue it on
>Filled the rivers with maggots. Sealed in place with diluted white glue.
>Remove cork after glue dried. Left with just maggots on base. Prime white. Paint.
>Replace cork, fill maggot rivers with resin mixed with paint.

Deathwatch vets.
Minotaurs, raptors, Sons of Medusa, White Scars, Blood Angels. The Blood angel is my favorite, I love the wrist mounted bolter.
I'm actually a bit disappointed in the kits. I don't like the raised gorgets, and the slimmed helmets look dumb. The shotguns are great though

Hey /wip/, I ended up losing my hard drive on my laptop, and have been reacquiring a bunch of the painting guides that I lost. However, one of the guides I don't see in the OP is one regarding recasting, and I know there was an user who threw one together for those who want to recast at home and don't want to deal with chinaman recasts. Does anyone happen to have it, and if so, would you mind uploading it to the thread?

Jesus fuck, dude, that looks so fucking realistic I think I'm gonna be sick.


Leaving pewter figures overnight in that stuff wont damage them right?

>However, one of the guides I don't see in the OP is one regarding recasting

Is it this one?

>Leaving pewter figures overnight in that stuff wont damage them right?

No, it won't. It's really hard to ruin pewter models with the kind of chemicals you can buy at Walmart.

>You got it man. They are fucking handmade with a green stuff roller that makes tentacles. I made them out of polymer clay. I'll show you the spares in a sec.

These (especially as they are so short) would be very easy to make by rolling over an appropriately sized hair comb.


Now that I've done it though I've cursed myself to do this to the entirety of my army.

Are there any guides on how to sculpt your own miniatures?

Here you go.

seriously though check out the link brother-vinni.com/articles/sculpt-archer/sculpt-archer.htm

Thing is there are no shortcuts. You gotta learn how to use your tools and how to woek your medium. If you intent to build your own line of miniatures production casts of recurring pieces like armor or weapons come in handy.

Progress! legs all done and boy did they take a while to pose correctly. all the joints now have 1/8" brass rods running through for support as well

Thanks dudes, you're not wrong at all. I was worried about all of those things but just decided to move past it. Next time I'm definitely not picking such a dark skin tone,or such a contrasting base. Either way, appreciate the honesty.

Kinda wish he had a video of him doing his craft. He doesn't exactly go into depth on how to properly use the tools, but none the less, at least I have an idea of how to start. Wouldn't happen to know any other guides?

A weapon...to surpass metal gear

Not to sound mean or anything, but if you google or just head over to youtube there are shittons of talented sculptors sharing their process.
Not focused on the narrow niche that is miniature wargaming, but that doesn't even matter.
Look for marquettes or production models and stuff like that. Might be a bit old fashioned of me, but you can also just pick up any old book about sculpting in general, you now the stuff you'd find in an art school and read up on techniques.

Though to be honest the best place to start are the basics. How good is your anatomy? Visited any life drawing classes lately? That kind of stuff has to be a rocksteady foundation for anything else you do.

I just won a small painting contest at my FLGS with this Dakkajet. I somehow won out over a Mortriarch, it was going by popular vote though, so not much on actual skilled voting.

>How good is your anatomy?

A very loose idea. Sounds like I thought I'd just jump into the deep end of the pool without learning how to swim first. I'll see what I can find of anatomy studies. Maybe some guides on how fabric lays on the body as well. Probably some studies on expressive figure drawing too.

Honestly, thanks for the wake up call.

Extremely gross, awesome job user! Nurgle would be proud.

blessed be, brother

Thanks user. I've painted a lot of models but this one was my favorite. I was so psyched when AoS dropped and I had an excuse to paint it.

Wellspring! Praise be to Grandfather!

You've made your bed.
Now vomit in it.

may all share in the blessings of our father, he who art rotten and divine

Woke up to sunlight so went back and redone the axe heads and got a better pic. Now I'm completly done with them.

how does Veeky Forums feel about the application of shades over white primer to simulate flesh layering

the end result is all that matters dude
if it works, do it.

1. learn to rotate and resize your pictures.
2. mouldlines
3. thin your paints
4. get better brush control
5. put some matte varnish over it so it's not a glossy piece of shit.
6. use a spongebrush for weathering effects to make them more belivable
7. git gud

Will do some highlights to the inquisition thing on top of the banner eventually, but here's an update to my paladin squad.

I have Cadian Shock Troops box. What box or boxes i should get that i can make them into more Slaanesh like traitor guards.

Which model is this? Where did you buy it?

that's a warlord titan m8

ive never been a fan of the multi-base basing method, but i do like how it's stomping a church.

>but i do like how it's stomping a church
don't tip your fedora too soon. That isn't a church

It's crazy how good these look

>That isn't a church
well it should be

oh snap

Gorgeous. Makes me wanna eldar

Chaos barbarians might work well.

More Progress. God I'm tired.
Both arm weapons are now held by brass rods as well so they can be interchanged. Will magnetize the head aas the next step but hype can only fuel me for so long
Those are more for support/height balance. It'll be going onto a larger base once finished. Also that's a pretty fresh meme, glad I was there for that meltdown.

Decent picture time. I've 'finished' these 3, but just thinking about the composition. Do any colours detract from the others or make the model too visually busy?

church and thin your paints are like the only memes we've got

not true exactly, we also have mold lines, which there are some blatant ones on this bad boy I have not gotten around to. Also don't forget the classic "pro painted" miniature business on ebay.

Just out of curiousity how much money did that behemoth of plastic cost you?


It's actually nearly 20% less in USD now than when it launched thanks to exchange rates changing

900 euro
does anyone else ever look at this shit and go
for that much i could buy a motorcycle

really neat. really clean.

Okay guys, I'm trying to come up with a good paint scheme for my Tau. I know a little bit of colour theory (hardly gonna claim to be an expert, I'm just aware of it) and know I want contrasting but not clashing colours, and to not make my pallete too busy... Which just kinda leads to me overthinking it in practice.

I like Vior'la's fluff, but don't like their default white primary, black secondary, red tertiary scheme much. Large areas of white on a wargaming mini almost always look kinda ass, it's hard to actually do right.

I guess my question therefore is, keeping red as the sept colour (small highlights, stripes and such), what are good primary and secondary colours to go with those? I ideally want something fairly distinctive that pops, I guess.

And that's just the body!

The contrast on their Mohawks is high, but nothing seems to be clashing. That is quite a phenomenal paintjob.

That's just the body, mate. Full Warlord is around €1500.

And I bought mine with part of a random bonus I got at work.

just turn the white to a grey like pic. Add blue as a minor color/highlight if you want more contrast

I'd class that as not bad, but not eye catching either, especially since the primary colour is a neutral gray, and the secondary colour is metal aka neutral gray only shiny.

for the whole thing its like you can buy cheap car already

okay Veeky Forums whats your hobby damage so far
i estimate:
$500 AUD in paints and tools
%3000AUD in models
over the course of 2 years.

I wish i could paint good enough to make such a purchase worthwhile.

i have no idea, i'm buying stuff for more than 15 years now.

This year: Maybe 250-300€

I don't even want to think about it, but it's a LOT.
Several thousand $ easily.

I agree with the other user, excellent job. The only thing I'd add is shading on the helmets into a gray zone.

Without additional stuff like glue, magnets, brass rods, and a ton of paint.

What do you mean by grey zone? On the bone or green sections of the helmet?

Just some shading, not too dark. Both sections, they look a bit monotone compared with the excellent job on the bikes.
Or maybe add some runes or symbols on there.

Considering I have been in the hobby for 15 years, I can estimate roughly around 10000 euro, but some of that I got back by selling old stuff.

I'm eagerly waiting to graduate and land a nice job to be able to claim my 500-1000$ damage report yearly

Cheers, I've added more shading and a more extreme highlight to both sections.
Thanks again!

Does it look better?
No problem, I didn't go as much by experience than by intuition.

Have read here about kitbushing SoBs using dark eldar and skitarii models. I know you have pictures user.

Makes each colour easier to distinguish which is good (colourblind), Ive been telling them apart by how dark they are up to this point

Would never tell that from the paintjob you did, you're way better than me.



Finished these.



Anarchy Games Creature Feature spots template or hand-work user?

These look really nice, good work.



Hand work.