Why aren't drow more prominent?
I'm not saying they actually had a chance to dethrone elves as the default waifu race, but it seems they got left behind and are just there.
Why aren't drow more prominent?
I'm not saying they actually had a chance to dethrone elves as the default waifu race, but it seems they got left behind and are just there.
>elves are the default waifu race
>why aren't [dark] elves more prominent
I want to fuck that xenos
Matriarchal society. There was a science test some time ago where women were given the roles to lead and create a society all their own. Long story short, it crashed and burned hard, for several reasons all of which relate to a womans natural instincts and desires.
why the fuck would they be
>Not prominent
If there's one silver lining to this stupid statement, it's that people are finally starting to forget Drizzt and the black tide of lookalikes that followed in his wake.
>Why aren't drow more prominent?
Depends on setting.
Aren't prominent in WHAT world are you talking about?
They're kinda underground...
citation needed
Because they were,but the novelty worn off in a matter of 3 years or so and now they're another fantasy race from the bunch. Now,brown elves seem to be a thing.
What we need are more blue elves.
Probably because the murderknifing spidercucks live underground and fucking hate sunlight, and you know, most campaigns take place on the surface.
Also due to their being more adventurers and humans on the surface and drow are for the most part evil pieces of shit, you can do the math of how that pans out for surface drow.
>tfw you would OP's pic
> s o
> f u c k i n g
> h a r d
Literally everyone and the kitchen sink would Queen Tyr'ahnee
>there will always be one faggot who wouldn't Queen Tyr'ahnee
Was't Porky disgusted by her?
But user, there's no holes.
>when you forget to attach files
But user, Drow are for slavery, not waifuing.
Unless you believe those are not mutually exclusive.
>implying you can't waifu the slave drow once they're sufficiently broken
> Unless you believe those things are not mutually exclusive.
Nothing was implied aside from what you're advocating, user.
There's always Drowtales
Memeing aside, I don't think it's as terrible as anons make it out to be. The main character is a Mary Sue and it does derp out, but it has it's moments.
The art is better than 90% of webcomics, and it updates every day.
The Drow houses are varied and some of them are interesting, like the hedonist mentally-linked police state, or all-female cult of biogolem makers that forcibly transforms any males they capture into females.
I quite like how the anarchist house is portrayed as useless and self-defeating.
Kiel, Naal, and Chrys are/were good characters. I got invested in Syphile's storyline.
Kharla, Ashie, and Waes are unique and powerful.
Snadyha is everything you could ask for in a villain.
It's not Macbeth, but it's not a crime against humanity either.
It's a reminder for anons who cannot fathom such a concept.
It's been awhile but I also think Dodgers was pretty indifferent to her charms. Or at the least didn't have a very long attention span for her.
Which is part of why she was totally enamored with him.
>science test
It was a fucking reality TV show.
Now, I don't disagree with the conclusion, men are clearly superior, but it was hardly rigorous.
>It's not Macbeth, but it's not a crime against humanity either.
except for the drow themselves being super special edgelord sues
>le Drizzt clone meme
next you are going to tell me everyone you knew played Iron Warriors with the 3.5 dex
Wasn't a science test it was Dutch version of Survivor.
Is...is this neo Veeky Forums? I legitimatly remember the horde of dual wielding rangers with a misunderstood attitude literally in every game group or mmo
Fun fact: Vin Diesel used to play DnD and in an interview he described his character in terms that made it, unmistakably, a Drizzt clone. He's also publicly admitted that said character was the basis for his movie character Riddik. This is why Riddik can see in the dark, is a dual wielder, and is good with animals.
Riddik is a Drizzt clone which appears in 3 movies... that's how bad the drizzt plague was. I leaked into normie society.
they got overplayed to the point of exhaustion and with the help of shit like dirzzdt the popularity they did have whiplashed hard and left them nothing but a joke
Of course they're not mutually exclusive.
Panels 8-11 have some great lines about how popular drow used to be before the huge fucking backlash.
Because drow are North Korea.
Most settings can't afford to give HUMANS more than one ethnicity; drow are for those especially large ones where races start to branch out into separate cultures.
They are the default femdom waifu race
>Science test
I know what you're talking about, you'd get laughed at if you called that scientific evidence
>implying you won't be the slave
Welcome to oldfag hell user
>implying that isn't where I'd want to be, having horrid experiments and punishments done unto me daily
Where does this meme keep coming from?
there are holes..
>Vagina Dentata
Don't think of it like that, wonder if there's a tongue down there as well
Those books were more popular than D&D.
Anybody else play in drow campaigns?
My GM is currently running a drow game set in Menzoberranzan. Our characters are younger siblings in a large but fairly minor house. Our matron managed to fuck up during a deal with Illithids and lost Lloth's favor. Our aunt killed her and took over, but the other houses are eyeing us and planning to murder us.
So our characters are all forced to work together for now to keep from getting killed by outsiders. Our other goal is to eventually kill our aunt and her children who "stole" our house from us while, at the same time, not destabilizing our house so badly that we get destroyed by someone else.
Is this a martian queen thread?
That actually sounds pretty neat. Hope your party succeeds in their goal.
thats a martian.
i want to fuck that martian
I really hope it's a troll.
>Seven Vagánias.
Maybe more.
Depending on your specific rule set, they just are particularly flat characters. Evil, psychotic, sadistic monsters that are fit only for CLEAVE AND SMITE EVIL. They are not witty, charming, or affable enemies that beguile adventurers with wit and witticism before ordering their execution. Drow and Dark Elves as a result are generally held up to the same standards as Orcs. Always Evil, All The Time thanks to their early depictions showing them to be completely unsympathetic caricatures in even their most popular format.
Unless they are angsty, broody, twin-scimitar wielding fuckboys whose name rhymes with Fits but isn't spelled remotely close. Then they should be killed on sight for bringing extra heretical levels of suck to the world. Or they're a tsundere waifu in Baldur's Gate 2.
Ain't that because they are horrible fucking creatures with a natural tendency to backstab anything that moves even If its going to bite them later? Even the most "decent" drow are still an uncaring shits.
Its hard to waifu something like that. For the waifuing to work you have to change the most basic characteristic traits of drow, basically turning them into anything but drow.
Just make a desert elf if you like them darker and harsher.
Or make the skin color irrelevant. Fuck drows, man.
Drow are literally /pol/. Why the fuck would anyone want anything to do with them?
It comes from when the comic first started - back when it was actually set in the Forgotten Realms (if memory serves me correctly), and the main character was ACTUALLY a Mary-sue.
The comics completely different now, but the meme remains.
No, this was his character
But they're used whenever the story wants evil elves
Oh god seriously? What system WoD? I want to watch that now
Nalia is a communist whore and Viconia is almost right
>tfw love those stupid fucking sweaters
>tfw gf is almost flat and giving her one would be useless and hurt her feelings
What are they called? My gf is curvy.
>If there's one silver lining to this stupid statement, it's that people are finally starting to forget Drizzt and the black tide of lookalikes that followed in his wake.
As someone who was around for that sort of thing when it was actually popular, the vast majority of that happened before 2e had even ended and 3e had begun.
It's something much of Veeky Forums isn't even old enough to have experienced or remembered.
Keyhole turtlenecks.
Not true at all. Some clans of Bonobo chimpanzees have a matriarchal society in which the females force the males to conform to their needs by giving or withholding sex.
It is by no means a "perfect" society model as males and females still fight for dominance in the group.
It's not a complete loss, does she still have a nice ass?
Thank you based user.
One of the recen big adventures WotC publisher revolved heavily around the Underdark and had drow as recurring elements and antagonists right from the start.
What even the hell are you on about?
Why drow females were so obscenely buxom if drows hate mixing with humans?
Depends on the artist.
"I have no idea what it is you imply, master. I am but a poor drow maid."
Wait, used to? I was under the impression he still does.
Now you will tell me Judy Dench isn't DMing anymore :( .
>Why drow females were so obscenely buxom
Eugenics program
You know they'd do it
The actual point of that scene in the novels is to show that the drow literally couldn't conceive of another drow operating so successfully and openly outside their society and showing them up again and again without Lolth's direct blessings.
When they ask a demon servant of Lolth it gets offended and kills one of them for even daring to think it, but because the drow are so messed up they don't really seem to understand why the demon got angry.
That one drow who brings up the theory even "curses her own cleverness" for figuring out Lolth's plan and thus provoking her wrath before later to get wasted by getting manipulated into a trap set by a fucking orc of all things, so I think the message she had an absurdly high opinion of herself.
The drow are a LOT less clever and unpredictable then they think they are. They're rather idiosyncratic actually.
>The drow are a LOT less clever and unpredictable then they think they are.
How so?
Simple; think of literally the first moment where you are vulnerable and they might betray you, and that's when they'll betray you.
If they don't have a reason to, they'll find one.
If they can't find one they'll just go "lol, for Lolth" and do it anyway.
now I want to play a campaign that's exclusively in character political debating. Maybe they players are trying to get elected or something and have to come up with convincing arguments to why their flavor of liberal neo-anacrofemenism is the obvious choice
>Not being glad that somebody finally called Nalia out on her bullshit
>actually having Nalia in the party at all
>not agreeing with best waifu
First of all you need to understand that Drow are setting specific, although they've been an incredibly strong inspiration for Dark Elves and Anti-Elves of any sort. So if you're looking at the whole range of fantasy, it's clear you'll barely or rarely find "Drow".
Anti-elves however are fairly widespread, but they're a villain race in the vast majority of works. As such, they're only ever mentioned when the adventurers actually have to engage them (i.e. Kill, rape, burn, plunder) and are disregarded in every other situation. Because of this, the idea of colour swapped elves is just not relevant enough for normalfag mainstream fantasy, so they're overlooked most of the time.
Tyr'ahnee has spawned my fantasy of forcing a strong leading woman into a position of sexual and social submission through political plotting with her being visibly angered during intercourse in spite of her enjoying the cock.
You need her to fight the trolls.
Also, booting her after she has lost absolutely everything is a thing.
Same with Jaheira.
No, you don't need her. You can just get the quest from her, and then leave her behind. I think you can claim it's "to dangerous" or something.
[\Spoiler] Why are there no less than three thieves/mages in this game?
No, that's another of his characters. He's had more than on character in his life. They guy still plays D&D.
Because Imoen wasn't supposed to be as popular as she was and they later wanted to kill her off, so they had replacements ready.
Honestly, the Baldur's Gate series had so many cuts and last minute reworkings that it's a miracle it turned out as good as it is
One day we will get a real, proper remake with all the options that should have been there from the start...
pls no
There was a scene where a group of Dwarven insurgents attacked the elite guard of one of the Drow expeditionary units, led by the sister of the house Matriarch. They lost pretty convincingly.
Ariel also went to the surface, and survived a raid against a human fort when reducing a captive. The human soldiers that were there at the time didn't have much answer for the magic the Drow were using.
Veeky Forums was on a pro Dorf anti elf thing at the time, and a lot of people sperged out about it.
>wants drow thread
>posts martian queen instead
Because drows are pretty much the exclusive use of dnd derived franchises and those have been outshined by outers as of late. In general there's been a tendency towards having fewer nonhuman races as a move towards some kind of perceived "muh realism"
Not to mention that a single race = single culture is pretty overplayed
He still does but he's now busy with certain movie and vidya projects. Here's hoping it's another Riddick game.
Not until Beamdog go bust.
Though given they're still selling special editions of a game released nearly 6 months ago, that can't be far away
Why not? Do you have best girls?
In agony, we're unified.
IWD2 and Planescape Torment Enhanced Editions never.
>Judy Dench isn't DMing
>wonder if there's a tongue down there as well
he's one of those people in love with one character and rerolls them every chance he gets
>wonder if there's a tongue down there as well
Damn, diamond dong
>Blowjob while you fuck
And when she comes, she tightens and SNAP!
Because everyone plays them as shitty Drizzt clones.