> what are you playing?
> what are you playing?
Brain in the ice
Summary dismissal'd my opponents west vale abbey yesterday :)
Standard is bad and you should feel bad
Sorry i don't want to play a solved format enjoy not having to think for yourself
Playing Junk Seasons Past.
I feel like I should move more towards a planeswalker or delerium list. But I do well enough that I think I'll wait until Kaladesh to move things around.
Current list:
M a i n D e c k : 60
C r e a t u r e s : 9
4 Sylvan Advocate
4 Tireless Tracker
1 Dragonlord Dromoka
P l a n e s w a l k e r s : 3
1 Ob Nixilus Reignited
2 Sorin, Grim Nemesis
L a n d s : 26
1 Cave of Koilos
1 Plains
3 Canopy Vista
3 Llanowar Wastes
2 Forest
4 Hissing Quagmire
4 Shambling Vents
7 Swamp
E n c h a n t m e n t s : 1
1 Oath of Nissa
I n s t a n t s : 8
2 Ultimate Price
3 Grasp of Darkness
1 Anguished Unmaking
2 Blessed Alliance
S o r c e r i e s : 13
1 Painful Truths
3 Ruinous Path
4 Languish
2 Dark Petition
2 Transgress the Mind
1 Seasons Past
>Playing NWO the format
Enjoy your braindead decks
Wow you're right, idk why you're in here when you could be discussing which of the eight decks that will be played for the rest of time is your totally not brain dead selection.
My format is better i felt compelled to come in to this thread and let you know how much better my format is than yours, god I'm lonely.
No kalitas?
mostly playing casual so take all this with a grain of salt.
Mono White Humans & Human Creature Tokens
Black/Green Infect
White/Green Creatures
Red/Blue Mill deck
Mono White Humans & Artifact/Tradingpost Deck (also my lifegain deck)
Blue Black Zombies/Mill
Red/Green Creatures
also bought a conspiracy booster and ended up drafting a Foil Recruiter of The Guard which is a $80 card ended up trading it to get a from the vault:lore pack which was worth it price.
Ftvl packs run 80?
No that was poorly worded I drafted a recruiter of the guard from the conspiracy 2 booster box I purchased the price for that card is currently averaging 80ish dollars so I ended up trading it for a good amount of singles and a from the vault:lore box valued at about 60ish dollars.
Ah, i wanted to split a box but my friend backed out I'd still like to get a copy of fow.
Do you have a sideboard put together?
well most the cards arnt worth to much however Umeawa's Jittle almost pays for the pack itself however I am keeping that one. The rest have there own spots for legacy & commander and the rest will slowly gain some value over time before I sell but man that Jittle might be one of the most broken things in mtg.
hey does anyone know if when i'm declaring attackers do my attackers tap when i declare them or after the combat step has finished
They tap during the declare attackers step.
Yeah I've never been one for equipment but jitte is pretty sweet
My opponent activates abbey sacs five creatures i interupt with summary dismissal and she calls a judge who spends the rest of the game looking it up on his phone looking it up we never finished game one.
Nothing currently, though I'm brewing R/W Agro Humans w/ Auras + Equipment right now. I'll probably be gutting the bulk of this list and just turning it into a generic R/W Agro deck.
True suffering. What the fuck level judge was it?
Idk i took the draw i only had five points but i mean fuck that was the high light playing mono blue against endless aggro..
summary dismissal from the description is just a board wipe. regardless of when it was activated it would have either exiled the sac materials or chernobog itself. there isn't a way of getting around it. Unless she was trying to keep her abbey and bullshit her way around it.
Unless I am wrong about the way this card works.
Ever since i watched a pro stifle a fetch I've been waiting to make that play too true disappointment.
Ii was under the impression the sac occurs and everything involved is exiled
I like to think of it as standard fetch
>what are you playing
Meme wolves, does surprisingly well. Smoldering werewolf was the only good wolf to come out of emn
I like the wide swing the writhing township is dope!
Arlin seems surprisingly underwhelming considering its a bolt on a stick.
>no kessig, uvenwald captive or Ulrich.
Smoldering is decent but not as good as those three, really lost its value when I learned I couldn't stack the initial two damage on one creature.
Well bolt isn't exactly prevalent in standard right now and arlinn does work as a distraction
>no kessig, ulvenwald captive, or ulrich
Check your eyes, kessig is a playset in it. Captive is very meh and also why would I want to use Ulrich?
Ulrich is better than the Planeswalker and I was talking about kessig prowler.
Kalitas is great against say humans, but feels terrible against a reflector mage or spell queller. I'd rather run the tracker as I normally play him on 4 to get the clue as immediate value.
S i d e b o a r d : 15
A r t i f a c t s : 1
1 Orbs of Warding
E n c h a n t m e n t s : 2
1 Virulent Plague
1 Oath of Liliana
C r e a t u r e s : 3
2 Den Protector
1 Linvala the Preserver
I n s t a n t s : 2
1 Hallowed Moonlight
1 Anguished Unmaking
S o r c e r i e s : 7
3 Duress
2 Transgress the Mind
1 Infinite Obliteration
1 Seasons Past
Ah I didn't know you meant prowler. Ulrich still aint that great and like I said, can serve a distraction, walkers will almost always draw attention to them than anything else on the board
Illusive tormentor might be something to consider
>> what are you playing?
Spirits. Sideboard is a mess and I have no idea what my matchups are like, since I haven't played since gameday
just play bant coco until it rotates.
I think the effect lands should be trimmed as you can't have many tapped lands as an aggressive deck. I feel like there also ought to be some better creatures and equipment you can run. How do you feel about Captain's Claws over cathar's shield and town gossipmonger/expedition envoy over standard bearer and stern constable?
You might see this as heresy but how would you feel about going only werewolves and including collected company as a way to try and force making wolves flip? Also you have to go to 4 recruiter, cmon man.
I don't see it as heresy but I'm not going to invest into coco when its rotating in pretty much a month.
>Also you need to run 4 recruiters
3 works just fine, I just might have to take out the pacifists due to not being reliable attackers and make room for the prowler like the other guy suggested.
Surprised you're not paying brisela lol
Any thoughts the deck feels pretty complete as it stands
If this deck makes it to turn 7, it's not going to win. Gisela's just good on her own.
Playing Dragons and my man Sarkhan before he rotates.
Honestly it's mostly casual-tier but I do alright with it.
>> what are you playing?
You must have nothing but control in your area with that build. Holy shit.
Also I was hardcore into spirits but they just aren't worth playing till rotation if your trying to be competitive. Just play CoCo.
>tfw need 2 copies of Nissa, Vastwood Seer
>tfw don't wana spend $30 on cards that are gonna rotate in less than a month
I still have Declaration sided out from the final round against BW control. Shit was awful.
>Just play coco
I do have a playset of Company for modern, I just don't want to put down for the Jaces and Nissas this close to rotation.
welcome to the new magic set rotation
>> what are you playing?
A variant UR visions list (basically the pro tour list but without Jaces and a WIP sideboard)
Originally the Stormchasers were Things in the Ice, but the guy I was borrowing them from didn't show up - then I discovered Stormchasers work wonders in the current FLGS meta and so they're staying in. The amount of damage the deck is capable of delivering is incredible and I've had so many T4 and T5 kills it feels like I'm playing Burn in modern.
Noose Constrictors and Olivia's Dragoons are soft counters to the Visions plan, but they're not really maindeckable and people haven't started sideboarding with Visions in mind yet. Getting flooded isn't that much of a problem with the deck because with Visions, Collective Defiance and Tormenting Voice you've got more than enough ways to toss the lands away and replace them with gas.
I hope that Kaladesh brings a playable R instant that deals damage to the table (Galvanic Bombardment is okay I guess but Fiery Impulse is so much better it's not even funny) and a decent enemy land cycle.
Jace isn't even good in CoCo and you can kind of replace nissa with thalia. Nissa is more important for non creature match ups but man thalia wrecks the mirror/spirits/ other creature garbage
I play noose in my bant sideboard. Shits hilarious.
Yeah, loosey noosey is a headache. Completely shuts down the Stormchaser plan - still, if I have a Visions out, it restricts my enemy to playing with four cards in hand during their main phase (since, before the Visions trigger, they have to discard to two if they want to avoid taking damage). That's a maximum of six toughness on the noose and I can burn that down sometimes.
Yeah it's not like it kills your deck but as far as one card is concerned it's pretty powerful. Sometimes you just have to go full burn in that situation. Thermos and spells can get you there for sure.
Have you tried the grixis vision list? I think it's just better honestly. I just can't work in my 4th copy of defiance and it's frustrating.
A friend of mine plays Grixis Visions but I don't think the deck is an improvement over pure Izzet visions.
The Grixis deck uses blue only as a splash color for Fumaroles and Visions and I disagree with that plan - I think that Stormchaser Mages are a stronger card than the black splash cards and that some amount of maindeck counterspells in form of Unsubstantiate (which is another answer to the Noose Constrictor) and Dispel are absolutely necessary if you don't want to get destroyed by CoCo.
Not to mention that you're adding a third color to a deck with two playsets of RR cards and a playset of RU cards (two, if you run a playset of fumaroles). I don't like playing three-color manabases in a glorified burn deck without the mana fixing fetchlands provide.
Only 30 days left to ride the fun train
So lads, time to start rating this year's FNM promo repertoire
>Which one was great
>Which one was shit
>What artists should Wizards fire
>What's the last one going to be
Both are fine
Both are fine
Both are shit
Both are fine, bonus points for the FNM art evoking the old Magic art style
>Sylvan Scrying
Promo is better
Both are shit
Original is better
>Flaying Tendrils
Both are shit
>Rise from the tides
Jesus christ the promo is fucking ugly
scrying was nice and contortion/vestige were strict improvements. the worst has to be temper or warchief.
last one's gotta be white. I'm hoping for Gisela.
Oh you're a faggot.
>Sylvan Scrying
Undeniable proof of faggotry.
>Flaying Tendrils
>Rise from the tides
FNM promos are commons and uncommons m8.
I disagree that Vestige was an improvement. The original art shows a speck of color in a sea of gray eldraziness, which is in line with what the card does. The new one is worse
>make a promo card
>keep the flavor text the same as on the old card
For what purpose
Warchief was best. Not a very good rotation of promos/art.
cant wait for origins to rotate out
Holy shit I fought that deck and beat it, fucker just used that fucking sphinx garbage and discarded like half my deck every time .
Only creature he got out was Reveler so it might not have been a 100% copy of this. He was hyping up the chandra tutelage combo though.
Are there even mythic rare alternate arts ever?
LIke the Thalia buy a box was awesome but she was only a rare. The only mythic that I know that has alternate stuff are sdcc promos and that one elesh norn with all the yugioh writing on it.
There are, but only as part of some really special shit.
There was the alternate art Ugin in Ugin's Fate promos for the Fate Reforged prerelease, and the foil version of Kaya, Ghost Assassin has different art than the non-foil version.
In general, though, rares are the highest rarity that regularly gets alternate art promos in form of release, game day and intro pack promos.
>2-headed giant
>one opponent and my ally are running nearly mirror decks of something very similar to that
>one after the other puts out those 0/4 walls with tap counters out for early defense, then just control until they can get the tutelage going
>ally gets some odd creature out that lets him discard his hand then discard that many cards
>suddenly his own 2 tutelages make the guy drop like 20+ cards a round every round
>opponent is trying to get the same thing going with own tutelages
>ally nahiri just zaps the fuck out of their tutelages and he just sits there and mills him hard
it was fucking insane, one opponent was milled out completely by like turn 9, I can't wait for tutelage to rotate out
quick, someone build me a standard tribal spider deck, GO!
There are literally two playable spiders in the entire fucking format
Im playing Atarka's Command since it was printed. And will continue to do so in modern when it rotates from std.
chandra is the most expensive way to do what defiance and creation do as well. if he was hyping chandra you should kick him in the balls.
that creature is Forgotten Creation and he's teferi's puzzlebox on a stick it's awesome.
When tutelage rotates out one of two things will hopefully happen. We get a lateral replacement still in mill or raw dmg off draw triggers.
It dies day in and day out to g/w.
pic related for playing modern like a faggot
I dunno if this is the correct thread to ask in but how do I try to trade as a new player with basically one card to offer, I'm a new player and socially not good. I've been to my LGS and drafted three times but I am tight on money and would really like to trade off this foil for some cards or accesories I can actually use, any tips?
Also they have a facebook group but I think posting for trades there might be bad ettiquite?
the spider with flash
honorable mentions goes to giant mantis
Made a shitbrew with vampire-deck.
Went to gameday with it and got to third place.
Any tips for some good BR sideboard against UR burn? Got absolutely destroyed by it.
Thinking pic related could be clever.
What card
Foil Nahiri the Harbinger
That's worth trading. If you know what deck you're looking for I'd post in the group something like "Hey, looking to trade a foil nahiri for standard cards, new to the game and building a deck. PM me for details".
That's as long as it's a group. If it's just the shop's page you might try just trading it in for value and rifling through the dollar rares for stuff to build on.
I really really tried. And then it came out like this.
netcaster and flash spider are shit bruh, i tried to work them in because they hit that sweet spot for evolving into Ishkana but it just doesn't work
there's 20 3drops better than them. it's just not a thing.