Are there any creative uses for mimics?

I feel like most uses are unforeseeable and just punish the player with a mimic out of nowhere. I know Veeky Forums can be creative, and at the very least could come up with a mimic trap that isn't all too dickish.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ring Mimic.
Put it on, teeth sink in.
Let it live like a parasite on your finger, it's happy.
Try and take it off, lose the finger.

>and at the very least could come up with a mimic trap that isn't all too dickish.

It's a mimic that tricks you into thinking it's the perfect wife.

You date her, fall in love, get married... And then she divorces you, a devious trick she planned from Day 1, stealing half your past, present and future income to shove into her widening gullet with a chortle before waddling off to commit the same trick on someone else.

Clever mimic.

Dildo mimic

Strap-on mimic

Fleshlight mimic

I like that. Its a minor cursed item that does 1d1 damage once a day and eats up a magic item slot. And when you try and pull it off it growls at you like a chihuahua

>not too dickish

It wouldn't be a dick at all with the last one.

The party hears a rumor about a truly fearsome Mimic in the next dungeon they are going to go to. It is easily powerful enough to kill and eat them all if they don't prepare the area around it beforehand and fight with everything they have.

Secret: There is no mimic. It was just a rumor, after all.

What do YOU do with fleshlights?

Put funny hats on them?

Put a dildo mimic into a fleshlight mimic.


searching an elaborate castle to find the legendary mimic, but the entire castle is shown to be a massive mimic once they explore deep enough

GreenTeaNeko comics tend to have a lot of typos, I think they're translated from japanese, but I'm not sure.

>the party is in the middle of their inter-town commute and come across an old one-story inn
>mostly vacant save the owner, a sliching tired looking man who never leaves from behind the closed in counter
>requests the party clear out some rats in the basement, promising free room and board for the night if they do
>attempts to talk with the owner are fruitless, he simply repeats his previous "clear rat, get room" statements, as if he can talk, but is unable to have a conversation
>the party makes their way to the basement, where some rats sit in one spot, occasionally making squeaking noises. Close listeners will realize the squeaking isn't actually coming from any of the rats, simply coming from "nearby."
>the rats make no attempt to flee or fight back when the party cuts them down. Close inspection reveals the rat's tails are fused to the floor
>upon returning the the owner, he simply points to the room, which contains sparse, but adequate furnishings, enough for a small group to sleep for the night
>attempts to converse with the innkeeper causes him to start parroting the earlier rat slaying request
>peeking over the counter reveals the man's lower half is simply a wood-patterned fleshy growth fused to the floor, similarly to the rats
>the party attempts to leave the in
>the inn shudders and a row of razor-sharp teeth pop out to block the exit
>the building shudders once more, and the furnishings and floor itself start twisting and collapsing
>the party realizes in horror that the entire building is a mimic
>roll initiative

Soooooo... 1, then?

Mimic sword

Looks like a real sword, can secrete different oils to make itself seem better and stronger than other swords.

When picked up the hilt unhinges and bites the hand. And won't let go. Like a bear trap.
>And as the fighter screams, the blade segments into 6 long metallic legs, and drags the fighter into a dark crevasse, with what appears to be 10 tiny daggers nested on the remains of a paladins tabard.

Mimic lock
If the rogue tries to open the lock it will, but locks itself immediately after, and tries to eat the tools.
>If angered it makes a loud noise while it spits acid.

Mimic mimic

A mimic treasure chest, but it's actually a mimic disguised as a mimic treasure chest, and it actually has real treasure in it. and doesn't move, and it's made of metal or wood.
>Last campaign a guy opened a mimic mimic, as he grabbed the gold he stood up too fast, slammed his head in the mimics mouth and died from blood loss.

First of all...if the party went that long without thinking something was wrong they don't even get an initiative check. Their already at -20 initiative.

Really good idea though.

You don't?

Holy shit guys...I finally have a reason to say this...for this picture

>Picture related

A tamed miniature mimic that can use it's natural shapeshifting to replicate a wide variety of smallish items and tools. All it requires in exchange is to be fed regularly with raw meat scraps or small animals. Be warned, if severely neglected a mini-mimic WILL try to take off fingers. So might lost or otherwise feral ones.

I accidentally a fleshlight once

Motherfucker. Where do you find this shit?

1d1 with the Brutal 1 property.
Reroll 1's!

>just keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'...

The rumor itself was the mimic.

This is actually really good. Not actually dangerous, so long as you don't try to remove it, yet it does affect the player by eating up a valuable magic ring slot.

Also works as a nice in game way of warning your players that dangerous, hard to detect traps like mimics or curses will be a part of your game, without permanently gimping the unlucky character.


I had an idea a while back as a gag encounter.
The party comes across a treasure chest only to find it's a huge mouth. The mimic only then wakes up, and embarrassed about the whole situation, scuttles off.

>a mimic offers itself to the party as a mobile, theft-resistant chest in exchange for food and protection

The party shows up to kill a dracula.
>"He's got to be sleeping in one of these coffins."
There are thousands of coffins.
One of the coffins contains poisonous gas.
One of the coffins contains a giant centipede.
One of the coffins is a mimic.

>None of the coffins contains a Robert Pattinson.

Sounds like a good time to start a fire.

Like... A WHOLE fleshlight?

That does seem uncomfortable, compared to its intended usage.


Alternatively, glove mimic. Stretches a little longer up the arm each day, so it can take the biggest possible bite when the adventurer figures out something's amiss.

>Mimic made to look like a Deck of Many Things
> It's actually just the Deck of Many Things

>you still wind up with an actual mimic somehow

>Draw from Deck
>Pull Skull
>Must fight Lich
>Lich's arm grows mouth
>Lich is a mimic
>draw my sword
>sword bites me
>sword is a mimic
>reach for Deck of Many Things
>Deck is a mimic
>Call for help from my party
>Party are now mimics
>Look down
>I am now mimic
>look at mimic friends
>top kek
>transform into massive treasure hoard and await our next prey
> The prey turn out to be doppelgangers


...I think I should stop internetting for a while.

>Mimic is a treasure chest
>mimic transforms into a girl upon successful unlocking
>depending on the strength of the role, the girl "has a good time" and agrees to join the party as a companion
>the party can now banter with her, and have her be set up as a trap for creative uses


Does she demand regular attention from the rogue and his lockpicking tools or was the one time somehow sufficient?

XS already wrote this story.

Memetic mimic? A self-propagating idea that pretends to be another idea at first?

You thought it was an idea but IT WAS ME DA MIMIC?


Well? You gonna share?

Flower pot on a stand middle of room.

Paintings are fun. Especially an abstract painting in a room full of portraits, or a duplicated portrait since mimic have no sense of art per se. Gives the players a chance to notice something wrong and get into trouble by trying to figure out the meaning of it.

House hunters are large relatives of mimics. They have lost some of the latter’s camouflage versatility, but they have gained the ability to live above ground.
House hunters form hard shells that look like stone, wood, or thatch, lending the appearance of a building. Young house hunters look like smaller structures such as outhouses and sheds, adults are the size of cottages and small houses, while ancient creatures are larger still, with elaborate shells that can resemble inns, temples, or ruined towers. All three sizes of this monster can produce dim, flickering light (bioluminescence), resembling candle or lantern light, at any body opening, and they can imitate domestic noises (muffled voices, clucking hens, the tolling of a temple bell, etc.)

>glove mimic


>adventurer reaches to open chest
>at lightning fast speeds, two muscular arms and legs stick out of the chest, and the adventurer gets sucker-punched, losing his weapon in surprise
>brawler mimic raises arms like pic related, and proceeds to beat the shit out of a now disarmed PC

>no john! you are the mimics!

A tavern owner has an agreement with a group of mimics disguised as beds. They get to eat tired adventurers, he keeps the loot.

Yes, but you have to roll for it.

>chest filled with gold coins
>players take the gold coins
>the gold coins are actually baby mimics
>the chest was a mimic egg sac

See pic related, not really a mimic, but Same idea

Aren't mimics bound to stay underground?

"Mimics live underground, where they can avoid sunlight. They are solitary creatures; this is to ensure that each mimic has a large grazing area."

-AD&D 2E

That was pretty fun. Thanks user.

Anyone have the screencap of "everything is a mimic, everything" mimic island story? I remember seeing it forever ago.

That's pretty terrifying.

Who the fuck would do this?


Brendan, pls go.

>thread mimic
This whole thread is a mimimc. Planned from the beginning to post this hat on a fleshlight pic.
Anons run for your life and posts.

The warrior who was never disarmed. The mimic takes the form of a mechanical facscimile and then disguises itself as a warforged, using its adhesive to prevent enemies from ever relieving it of its weapons. Should they succeed on it (and it encourages tales of its prowess as a fencer) it simply latches on and grapples foes with the same adhesive and natural weapons of its kind.

Secretly, unbeknown to the warrior mimic, it has a secret admirer in the form of the armor mimic it is wearing which is very embarassed about the whole situation and unsure how to broach the subject, but has been content to snack on the bloodsplatter.

Three mimics in a greatcoat.

Rogal Dorn.


How about a mimic finger trap?

That just sounds like they prefer to stay underground to avoid sunburn, but aren't forced to do so.

Imperial Fists

>quest reward is a mimic
>questgiver explains that it was bred in captivity and is completely tame

How about a campaign where a Mimic faction and a Changeling faction are at war? Basically, you can't trust anyone or anything

Sometimes my friends want to do little roleplay things but without fooling with stats. Extremely short simple games where roleplay and being creative are the main goals. Roll a d20 for everything, high is good and low is bad kind of simple. Anyway playing such a game with a friend my character woke up in a dark room with no memories. He found a mimic egg (I was hoping it would hatch regardless if it turn out good or bad) and just kept on going. After a ton of stupid (in the good funny way) bullshit my character end up eating parts of goblins hoping that my friend will treat it as a healing item. Turn out my character was able to absorb them and even get a name change each time I did it. I went all out absorbing everything I could at that point and the game went full on stupid fun. It was getting late so we kinda just stop. It was only later I asked the guy was my character a mimic as that would actually make sense with all of the stupid, hell at one point I just quit bleeding from a deadly wound just because my friend didn't want my character to die just yet. It turn out he wasn't, all of that was just part of the stupid. It would had made an interesting story though in my mind if he was a mimic thinking he was an adventurer and by proxy have a ton of neat powers.




Well... That was a wild ride, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

That guy makes some pretty cute 4 panel comics.

user, you're either one sick puppy or really innocent and missing some implications there.

Yes, very cute

/d/, please fuck off. In some cultures eating meat means having sex.

That's a pretty standard response to reading XS stories.

What is so sick about it?


I don't get it. Is Rice her name or something?

So... a memic?

>A nagging, obsessive thought that slowly but surely starts to overtake the victim's though process
>At some point, the idea itself starts to twist into something...different. Morbidly so.
>The idea is complex enough to only affect intelligent people and forces the mind to degrade, feeding on wasted intellectual potential
>At its final stage, the victim's entire existence is to spread the idea as fast and far as possible before it neglects him or herself and wastes away

How would one combat such a thing? What would such creature's weakness be apart from accidentally infecting retards

Isn't there a similar SCP?

Heavy doses of hallucinogenic drugs and and overstimulating environment to overwhelm the memic and starve it to death by activating as much mental faculty as possible.

I recognize that pink-haired maid!

>yfw the entire internet is a mimic

jesus christ how horrifing


So... Depression?

She asked him if he was hungry. Hungry is implicative of eating. She's the main course. She wants him to "eat" her.