sup Veeky Forums.
We have lots of That Guy and That GM threads. What about a thread where the GM or the players made you really proud or happy with them?
Good Feels Thread
I'll start with my story of my last session with my usual online group.
First, a little bit of backdrop. This was a Jojos inspired game, and it is the penultimate session before they go fight the big bad Pillar People.
They made their way to the monastery order that was a gathering place/origin point for their powers, called the Ripple. For non Jojo's nerds - it's essentially sun powered kung fu, good for punching vampires (or super vampires like the Pillar Men).
Now, I was fully prepared to skim through the Master of the Monastery giving the players doing a basic rundown of some last plot tidbits, introduce the final MacGuffin that was holding back the big bad's plans, followed by a training montage before giving them some XP prior to the final boss fight. One of the details the Master mentioned was that he was afraid for his students - if what the players said was true about the muscle vampires' return, then he felt his students did not stand a chance against the coming threat. I spun it (out of character) in a manner similar to viruses and antibodies. Your body creates antibodies because it's exposed to a virus. However, if you have never been exposed to say, one strain of the flu vs another, you won't have antibodies for that particular strain of flu. In that vein, Ripple Users appear because vampires exist. Without exposure to vampires, the Ripple is waning in power.
I DM'd for my friends, and we had one of our mates who was giving DnD a go for the first time and was a bit skeptical - he totally threw himself into it and did really well and is now a regular member of the playgroup, good feels man.
So with all this in mind, my players do something I don't expect them to - they ask me if they can help train the students. "If their powers are weaker because they're not exposed to supernatural things, then maybe we can help them by exposing them to our Ripple?" Cue the majority of the session (approximately 3 weeks in-game time) with me improvising stuff about the training school, and the players coming up with exercises for the students. I even made up some training sessions personally with the Master to flavor their XP increase.
To grab the MacGuffin, the players were lured away by a minion that the players had a personal grudge against, and then the Big Bads hit the temple, set it on fire, and grabbed the MacGuffin - just as planned. The players even nabbed the dude they had the vendetta against. However, I rewarded the players investing their time in the NPCS. I said that most of them made it out of the attack alive, as opposed to a massacre, as I had initially planned.
Overall, the players were satisfied with what happened, even if bad things happened to the temple.
TLDR: My players spent the majority of a session roleplaying/training with NPCs I wasn't planning on using, and I gave them a story reward for it. Good feels for all.
Our paladin Captain America'd the last boss right in his stupid face.
Go on.....
they survived Venomfang and nobody died
I got over my writer's block today.
>when one of your players send you a message saying they really enjoyed the game and want to play again as soon as possible
That's basically it. The paladin ran up to the evil fire wizard and bashed his face in with his enchanted shield (he'd lost his sword in an earlier scrap).
It didn't kill him, but the mental image was funny enough that we still talk about it.
Another player managed to engage the leader of some bandits in a posing competition, making a perfect distraction as we stole all their food. He got a standing ovation from them, too.
>be GM
>have to leave session at 21.00
>have my phone alarm me on 20.30
>set the part 3 ED theme as alarm
>i always let something interesting happen a minute before the end , for maximum cliffhanger
this fuckers showed up every fucking week without fail since then
Part 3 of what? Jojo?
One of the guys in the group brought his girlfriend for sessions. They keep denying any relationship whatsoever, but the lustful look in their eyes was more than enough for everyone at the table.
Two games later she asked if she can join, just for trial, maybe with some character made just for the current scenario. Everyone was sensing serious trouble ahead, given how stuff like this usually goes.
Best. Roleplayer. I. Ever. Saw.
Now just plays her rogue and it's fucking glorious. It's like we are suddenly sitting not with her, but her character when the game is going, that's how convincing and consistent she is.
So good.
I've been following the checklist, making sure everyone gets spotlight time, ensuring all the special abilities get used. It's always rewarding.
I had a game once where the players missed a critical clue, and failed to shore up a critical component in the rube-goldberg plan they were carrying out, leading to its eventual failure.
They acknowledged that they missed a trick. It was very gratifying, in a way. I'm more used to players lashing out in situations like that.
I made a player cry from feels once.
>Mutants and Masterminds
>Big climax of the campaign
>Alien bug-women things from the core of the moon invade Earth, based off of Aztec mythology ("Tzitzimitl" I believe it is spelled)
>Fight is fuck-off massive
>People getting injured, people doing last stands
>It's so massive they even enlist a few villains to help in Earth defense
>Fucking Japan sends a goddamn mech!
>PCs fight Itzapaplotl, who is shredding shit up with claws made of some sort of strengthened obsidian and psychic shrieks, wrecking NPC and PC alike.
>Due to really good roleplaying earlier in the campaign, Itzapapalotl and theNOTCaptainsupes duke it out a little after the players retreat and regroup.
>NOTCaptainsupes dies, but wrecks Itzapaplotl's chitin, making it easier for the PCs to damage her.
>Through teamwork, really good rolls, and a soundtrack that is pure Dragonforce, they defeat and kill her, effective ending the invasion of Earth.
>I turn off Dragonforce
>Put on the "Gettysburg" theme
>One PC drapes NOTCaptainsupes in an American flag
>One player, girlfriend to another, starts to tear up
>Another player makes a speech about shared sacrifice and heroism
>The games ends with me narrating the epilogue with the Gettysburg theme playing
>Crying player needs tissues
It was probably the best campaign I ever ran.
Also a "post credits" scene, where NOTJoker they put down early in the campaign is released from NOTArkham, followed by "Mr. Killjoy" by Lordi. Everyone laughed.
I've spent entire July tinkering with a long-ass campaign. We played it for last two weeks, finished last bit this afternoon.
Players said it was really, really good when we reach the end and actually appriciated the amount of preparation I did.
But most importantly, nobody called it a railroad, which I was afraid the most.
Not him, but there is rule-of-thum list of things to do during game session to get maximum effects and best reactions from players.
It all pretty much boils down to having good scenario tailored for the party and your players and then giving them all proper hooks for their PCs. Common sense also helps
wall of text / 10
Sounds like literally every D&D player ever, I thought it was gay as fuck when I heard of people pretending to be gnomes and halflings. Not at all interesting, 3/10.
> I got over my writer's block today.
Me too. Now I am mentally capable of writing that you're a faggot. 3/10
He's probably gay for you. 5/10.
4/10, good to know your group is functioning at a normal level, instead of a level of casual players who don't appreciate the hobby and prefer to spend their saturday nights "watching the little guy" and cleaning their shitspawn's diapers.
3/10. Pretty sure they didn't actually cry.
> campaign
> two weeks
I cannot stop laughing. 1/10, but 10/10 for making me LMAO at your life.
>Pretty sure they didn't actually cry.
It was one. And it was a girl.
Seriously, what were you expecting?
Also be less obvious, mmkay?
Oh wait
Virt is ban-evading again
> spend their saturday nights "watching the little guy" and cleaning their shitspawn's diapers.
Fuck man, be less obvious
> letting girls play RPGs with you
There's your problem. I hope you fucked her, at least. Otherwise there's no point.
Your virgin is showing
Plz go. This is not your board.
>Me too. Now I am mentally capable of writing that you're a faggot. 3/10
That was mean...
Go the fuck home, virt, you're drunk.
>He doesn't know what campaign is
Does this autist really not have anything better to do? I forget sometimes that every board has these people, but the ones that seem content to just shitpost and sperg in perfectly civil threads that don't derail instantly I'll never understand.
/k/ related comic mostly related
>Does this autist really not have anything better to do?
Well, it's Virt. He's 24, He lives off of booze, mac and cheese, and pines over his ex girlfriend like the beta he is.
Like, I feel better about myself just by comparison
Okay well can we get back on track? Literally just ignore the shitpost and don't let him derail.
Mine is short and nothing special but i thought having 6 people with extremely busy schedules all make time twice a week to just play is awesome.
Also, I DMed a premade campaign last week and got two of my friends who were completely averse to role playing to actually role play and get really into it. Made me feel good.
>two of my friends who were completely averse to role playing to actually role play and get really into it. Made me feel good.
yeahahahahah mah boi!
Good job son. That is a truly herculean feat
Bump, because single idiot almost killed this thread with single post
>Be player in group.
>Playing Dragonquest, a low fantasy, very Northern European folklore inspired system.
>New guy joins up.
>Play a session or two, and then he complains about the system.
>Specifically, how it's "stupid" that magic is so terrible at combat.
>Starts making arguments that I had previously only seen before as jokes, about how martial hand to hand combat is limited by real life restrictions on what people can do, but magic is "unlimited"
>The net end of this is that his character, an Escorcelments and enchantments adept, should be more powerful.
>GM lets him rant for maybe 5-10 minutes, and when he pauses to catch his breath, simply says "Out."
>"Get out of my game. I'm not tolerating anyone who throws a fit like that."
>Stares our new idiot down until he leaves, and then we go on continuing our game.
Not the original poster, but I might as well throw my thoughts in.
I don't so much use a "checklist" for each session so much as I have a general mindfulness towards my players. Have I given each of them (relatively) even amounts of attention during roleplaying? Are they all able to put their two cents in when they're discussing plans/tactics/what to do next?
That sort of stuff. You kinda start picking up on that sort of mindset and what sort of criteria works for the players after you have been with a group for a while.
>haven't run a game in like two years
>almost quit tabletop entirely because I burned out on Pathfinder (what a trash system that is)
>send texts and emails to my old group members about how I want to run a new D&D 5e game for them
>get replies fucking IMMEDIATELY
>everyone excited about a new campaign run by me
>compliments about how good my last campaign was and how much fun they had
>feel my cold dead heart begin to beat again
These fuckin' guys.
What makes you think it's Virt? He got banned dude.
hold up I picked the wrong picture to express how this makes me feel, this one is better
He ban evades on occasion, it is said.
That aside, lets stop dwelling
It's a great feeling, no?
I felt like I was bumbling my way through a clumsy story that wasn't well-told and full of crappy NPCs and that the players weren't invested and were only showing up out of obligation, habit, and boredom.
Turns out they loved it.
I felt that way about my VtM game, son.
Granted, when it comes to WoD (New or Old), I try to sandbox it as much as possible. Maybe that's what they liked
Same as Did you do similar, maybe?
Nah, that's just Virt. He's a Misogynistic fuck that's basically the reason why Veeky Forums is actually pretty decent for a board. I've done the math, without this guy here, Veeky Forums would be roughly 20% better.
Show me your calculations, faggot!
jk, I believe you. I've been around here before and after him, and with the exception of a few dense individuals, this is a board that is pretty damned civil. Quite an achievement, considering how Veeky Forums is considers by many the unwashed, crusty arsehole of the internet.
This is Virt. I'm not trying to scare anyone but when it turns our I'm right you will remember my name.
Actually, the main reason I remember your name is because your girlfriend cucked you for one of your players, and we all laughed about it.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP
Virt got cucked. Everyone remember this, and especially remind Virt of this whenever you recognize this shitlord. Virt git cucked, and Veeky Forums will always remember that.
So who is this Virt guy and why is Veeky Forums obsessed with him?
He was an incredibly edgy tripfag who did nothing but annoy everybody around him
If memory serves, he's a depressed loser whose only passtime is hanging around on Veeky Forums, trolling people.
Personally I wish Virt would come back, I miss him to be quite honest.
>Good Feels Thread
>All about VirtualOptim
Good on ya Veeky Forums
user, let's take a look on this, shall we?
Dragonquest magic - assuming that we are speaking about the same game - is fucking retarded and aged awfully. It's pretty much THAC0 tier of retardation.
Then comes the fact how the system is on par with 3.x when it comes to "quadratic wizard, linear warrior".
And then, completely ignoring the game itself, is how fucking rude your GM was. It's not the way to handle things. That's just That GM in full glory - an asshole that tells you to fuck off from his game, because you have different standpoint on game elements.
Also we all know it never happend, but still grab your (you)
>spend a year and a half writing a homebrew class
>tweak and switch and change and alter and retool and revise and revise and revise the class endlessly
>completely scrap no less than three different versions of it before its current incarnation
>tentatively show it to a group member who also likes homebrew stuff and actually knows a thing or two about game balance and design
>"Wow, this looks great! Can I playtest it in your next game?"
>be me
>fresh from my game, in a great mood because my players didn't act like complete murderhobos
>Wanted to make thread about players or DMs that made sessions great
>create thread to tell the story about my good guy players/DMs
>a wild troll appears, spamming 0/10 rhetoric of dumb, banned, neckbeard
>Thread derails to talk about neckbeard
I picked up my group from a local game store. They were already playing but the GM at the time was pretty trash and so I took over for him. When we started, they were the most god-awful players I've ever had. Like, lolrandom, no coherent plan, characters built around a stupid gimmick every time.
They have since become the best players I've ever had. They generally make pretty interesting characters, and they're always taking enough of an interest in the world I make to properly interact with it and try and chase their own goals. And to top it all off, one of them started GMing a game over a year ago, which has proven to be the best game I've ever played in.
tl;dr Got a bunch of shit players and they've now turned into the best players.
It's always nice when a bunch of idiots magically transform into good players.
The problem isn't that he had a different standpoint on game elements. It's not even that he went on an autistic rant to tell the GM to redesign the system for his character's benefit. The problem is that he felt it was apparently okay to air that grievence in the middle of gameplay and rant about how a "realistic" system makes magic>mundane.
I don't particularly care if you believe it or not, but please, try to work on that reading comprehension a bit.
Oh, and
>Then comes the fact how the system is on par with 3.x when it comes to "quadratic wizard, linear warrior".
leads me to suspect that you have not played the game in question. If you want to take a direct combat spell, say, Bolt of Fire, from the fire magic college, you'd need to sink 9,200 XP into it to make it as effective as a guy with a longbow. Not better, as good. You'll never catch up to the martials in combat utility, no matter how XP rich the game is, becuase don't forget you have the fatigue costs to try to cast, and every spell takes two actions to cast, and you can't equip decent stuff and cast at the same time.
Old. Sure. Blocky? Very probably. But it doesn't have the quadratic wizard issue. Nor was that the thrust of the story, you autist.
Yeah, confirmed it was just a bait
It's the little things, really. Like when the characters have been travelling through rough conditions for some time and I've made sure to describe the cold and damp and monster noises in the night, and the players begin dreamily talking about warm beds, baths, and food on plates.
Or when I try to act out a comic relief character and they genuinely laugh.
>talking with player from campaign I ran 4 years ago
>we've moved to different states, our lives have diverged, haven't talked to him in years
>He says "Yeah, I've been playing Shadowrun lately. It's different, but a whole lot better than the D&D 3e we used to play."
>"Still, I can't compare to your GMing. How'd you do it? Those were the best games I've ever played in."
I'd be speechless if someone said that to me.
Since my dad, who had previously started me out playing 4E, had gotten hooked on Destiny, I decided to shoot the darkness and put up an ad for a Fallout campaign at the FLGS. I had it up for about a week, one person signed up. Browsing Veeky Forums had taught me to expect the worst.
It wasn't until session one that I find out he plays 1E D&D, so he naturally did all the stuff that I thought I'd have to explain was different about playing Fallout from 4E (questioning npcs, avoiding combat, using resources creatively). Other than his actual character being kinda bland, it was always a hoot seeing him formulate some way around the challenges I set up. I think I really hit the jackpot for my first time GMing a game that lasted more than one session.
Kekd ad saved
Yeah, as a player I can confirm that my love of my GM's game outstrips the positive feedback I actually give him. Mainly because I feel that metaphorically sucking his dick 24/7 would be kinda weird. I thank him for running the game, say it was a great game (as it is), and give him a hug. It's like, you know I love the game because I show up every weekend without fail, clear my schedule to make it happen, and am always excited for it.
>It wasn't until session one that I find out he plays 1E D&D, so he naturally did all the stuff that I thought I'd have to explain was different about playing Fallout from 4E (questioning npcs, avoiding combat, using resources creatively).
This. I gamed with some older players who had cut their teeth on AD&D 2e. The kind of clever scheming, weighing of options, thoughtful and calculated playing they do on a routine basis, it's second nature to them. It put my group's self-destructive tactics to absolute shame.
Seeing such brilliance in action went a long way toward convincing me that modern DnD (3rd edition and onward) is baby-mode, and if I want an actual challenge or to enhance my gaming skill (beyond ripping busted builds and rules exploits off the internet) I need to play old school.
Seriously, thread like this shouldn't require bumping
The problem is, storytelling runs on conflict. Good feel stories have little to none, which is why it's much harder to keep this going than another That Guy thread.
>storytelling runs on conflict
Can Americans finally STOP pushing this shit on their kids in schools? I know your education sucks, but fucking please stop this bullshit already.
Also, if anything, people playing tabletops are usually antisocial fuck-ups, which creates a lot of friction. It has nothing to do with your pop-theory for storytelling.
>First time STing VtM
>One player is playing a Toreador Gangsta
>He's also getting his XP docked because he's disrupting the game and being an asshole.
>Had to separate him and another player because they would feed off of each other.
>Whines about XP being docked.
>Players goes to hunt in the Ghetto
>Decide that he will get jumped
> Fight ensues, he gets punch a few times
>Roll to frenzy
>Fade to black
> Character wakes up to corpses, blood, bodies, one corpse has it's head smushed
>Player then proceeds to really, really get into the personal horror of it, describing what he's thinking in his haven as he washes the blood from himself and looks in the mirror
>Whole table is silent, the player is really into it and has expressed his enjoyment of it, not knowing that roleplaying outside of hack and slash could be this enjoyablele
>Give him back his docked XP. He earns a few points more for really getting into character
Felt guud, biys.
He actually really came along as a player. I['m sad he moved away, but we've kept in touch.
Bump? Been so much negativity about lately, I'd love to hear more.
>present a problem to the players
>they come up with a solution I didn't even think of that's way better than any of the possibilities I wrote down
>hadn't even considered it
>tfw completely outsmarted she getting pump?
Zankuro is the artist name
So it felt like you got a good hard dickin'?
nice. Am jelly
Being outsmarted by my players felt better than being cummed inside.
>tfw completely outsmarted
Not gonna lie, it's a pretty great feel as a GM.
>why not both.jpg
Feel as good as getting one of your holes filled up?
Everytime a player outsmarts you, you let them just fucking ream you
Ah. The lack of activity here shows how negative Veeky Forums is.
I forgot. Regardless of how much sugar you put in piss, it is still piss
The thread also got astoundingly lewd.
Had an admitted furry roll a Catfolk, and keep her magical realm out of the game.
Well, I mean
"Good feels"
Show me a story that doesn't have any conflict and I will show you a fucking bore
>post homebrew material
>get feedback that isn't "looks great" or "it sucks, fuck off"
>get for-real constructive criticism
Everything you people do dissapoints me.
you must like piss
Can we get a look at this class?
I feel like every person who is smart enough that I enjoy their company is dumb enough to actually play RPG's.
DESU you do have to be kind of retarded to play RPG's
I remember when that happened to me for the first time...
oh wait, no i don't.
I just posted it on /r/UnearthedArcana, it's the Final Fantasy dark knight class. Hoping for some feedback there because I have done ZERO playtesting with it, and while it looks okay to me on paper, I have no idea if it's brokenly strong or brokenly weak.